hillary clinton

  1. Lewdog

    So Beyonce and Jay-Z, Known Illuminati Had Hillary at Their Concert Last Night

    What does that say to you? Beyonce and Jay-Z known Illuminati members had Hillary at their concert in Ohio last night, announced they supported her, and brought her on stage. So, what does this say? Are they just supporting her because they are entertainers and a part of Hollywood and are...
  2. MindWars

    NBC caught preparing Hillary victory results before election

    Pre-election "results" conditioning public to accept rigged Hillary "victory" A NBC station was caught posting election results showing a Hillary Clinton victory days before the election, fueling concerns that the mainstream media is conditioning the public to accept a rigged election favoring...
  3. MindWars

    The Hillary Clinton takeover of the United States

    Hillary and Bill Clinton are attempting a takeover of the United States and will stop at nothing. A coup d'état of this magnitude has never been affected in such a subtly calculated way. No matter whose side you are on, please, please before blurting out snide comments I beg esp. Hillary...
  4. P@triot

    The name that everyone should know is Andrew McCabe

    Of course the left wants to blame everyone other than their own leaders when things go sideways. But James Comey is not to blame for the the latest scandal. The blame is squarely on the shoulders of Hillary Clinton and her deep commitment to corruption. The Wall Street Journal reported last...
  5. MindWars

    Hillary Clinton learned how to manipulate the law by defending a child rapist

    HILLARY CLINTON LEARNED HOW TO MANIPULATE THE LAW BY DEFENDING A CHILD RAPIST Hillary blames a little girl for her own rape The FBI’s new investigation (or reopened investigation, depending on which version of the Washington Post you happened to see first) turns the floodlights on Hillary...
  6. MindWars

    New Wikileaks: Donna Brazile gives Hillary another debate question in adavance

    According to debate commission rules, no candidate is supposed to be given any questions in advance of a debate. -------------------- The trendy's aren't liking their little natzi being caught at all turns. The down fall are the suckers who sit behind her with these hypnotic looking stares at...
  7. MindWars

    Yahoo Holds Key To FBI Probe Of Hillary-Huma Emails

    Yahoo.com holds the key to determining just how severely Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton may have violated national-security laws with emails that Huma forwarded to herself [email protected], which ended up on a laptop owned by her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner. Yahoo holds...
  8. P@triot

    Democrats should ask Clinton to step aside

    But that would take integrity...something we've never seen from a progressives. Has America become so numb by the decades of lies and cynicism oozing from Clinton Inc. that it could elect Hillary Clinton as president, even after Friday's FBI announcement that it had reopened an investigation of...
  9. MindWars

    Report: Congress considering emergency hearing on repopened FBI investigatigation into Clinton Email

    Cameron Joseph, the Washington Bureau Chief for the New York Daily News,has claimed he has heard reports that the House Oversight Committee is considering an emergency hearing with FBI director James Comey next Friday, following the FBI’s decision to reopen the case into Hillary Clinton’s...
  10. cnelsen

    Hillary indicted, DNC swaps in Michelle Obama, 12 days of Rev Wright, Trump wins

    What are the odds the above scenario is Trump's path to victory?
  11. cnelsen

    Enjoy living in an advanced civilization or vote for corruption. You can't have both.

    A country cannot simultaneously enjoy the advanced civilization offered by the rule of law and elect as its chief executive of that law the chief corrupter of that law. Can't be done. End of story.
  12. MindWars

    Wikileaks: Hillary Plans To Implode US Economy

    Completing the destabilization of the west, the globalists pawn Hillary Clinton will detonate the economic bubble set up by Obama and usher in the New Liberal World Order. Alex Breaks it all down. Help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we're reaching millions help us reach...
  13. MindWars

    James O’Keefe Files FEC Suit Against Hillary Clinton

    James O’Keefe Files FEC Suit Against Hillary Clinton James O’Keefe and Project Veritas are filing a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission against Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee. James O'Keefe Files FEC Suit Against Hillary Clinton - Breitbart...
  14. MindWars

    Hillary Clinton tops Islamic money list

    The Middle East Forum’s “Islamist Money in Politics” (IMIP) project is releasing the names of the top-ten recipients of 2015-16 campaign contributions from individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS, its most recent press release announced...
  15. MindWars

    CAUGHT IN THE ACT! Massive voter fraud for Hillary

    Hillary Clinton accused the Russians of espionage and said Putin is hacking American websites to swing the vote in favor of Donald Trump. Meanwhile, WikiLeaks documents and hidden camera footage from Project Veritas reveal that it’s the Clinton Campaign that is plotting massive voter fraud in...
  16. MindWars

    FBI Files: Hillary Clinton stole furniture from the state dept.

    FBI FILES: HILLARY CLINTON STOLE FURNITURE FROM STATE DEPT. Document comes from the FBI’s 100 page release of their investigation into Clinton and State Dept. mishandling of classified information on private servers. FBI Files: Hillary Clinton Stole Furniture From State Dept. Well we can be...
  17. MindWars

    WikiLeaks Emails prove Obama lied when he said he didn't know Hillary was using unsec.email server

    WIKILEAKS EMAILS PROVE OBAMA LIED WHEN HE SAID HE DIDN’T KNOW HILLARY WAS USING UNSECURE EMAIL SERVER "They know POTUS and HRC emailed" A new email released today as part of the Wikileaks dump strongly suggests that Obama knew Hillary was using a private, unsecure, non-government server and...
  18. MindWars

    Michael Moore makes STUNNING claim about Hillary’s role in Vince Foster’s death…

    Michael Moore makes STUNNING claim about Hillary’s role in Vince Foster’s death… What a strange election it’s been. We’ve never seen an election where voters are simultaneously so polarized against one candidate and apathetic in support of the other. With Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton...
  19. MindWars

    Madonna: If you vote for Hillary Clinton, I will give you a blow j*b.

    Madonna: ‘If You Vote for Hillary Clinton, I Will Give You a Blowj*b’ Pop star Madonna got raunchy while introducing comedian Amy Schumer at a performance in New York City Tuesday night, promising the crowd sexual favors in exchange for their support of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary...
  20. MindWars

    Wikileaks just dumped everything historic activity by wiki

    WikiLeaks Just DUMPED EVERYTHING – This is HUGE – Historic Activity by Wikileaks – Read and Share before it is taken down! NOTICE: This is a developing story, it is being actively updated as information comes available. Please check back for updates. Last Updated 4:23AM GMT (12:54 PM Eastern...
  21. MindWars

    Former secret service: Hillary completely incompetent

    FORMER SECRET SERVICE: HILLARY COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT Former Secret Service agent Gary Byrne testified that Hillary Clinton is “completely incompetent” and behaves like an unstable dictator. “Watching her with her dictator-like attitude walking around the West Wing of the White House berating...
  22. MindWars

    FBI Docs: Hillary was so unpleasant security agents didn't want to protect her

    FBI Docs: Hillary Was So Unpleasant Security Agents Didn’t Want To Protect Her Department of State security officers found then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton so unpleasant they refused to work on her security detail, a former agent claims in newly-released FBI documents. FBI Docs: Hillary...
  23. MindWars

    Famous Journalist who exposed Hillary Clinton's crimes found dead.

    Famous Journalist Who Exposed Hillary Clinton’s Crimes Found Dead At 54 From… A journalist from the American free press Victor Thorn has been found dead. Police reports indicate that he died from a self inflicted gun shot wound and has ruled his death as a suicide. He has been a critic of the...
  24. MindWars

    Drudge report promises Hillary Sex bombshell

    DRUDGE REPORT PROMISES HILLARY SEX BOMBSHELL Drudge previously credited with taking down Bill Clinton White House A bombshell is about to drop regarding US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s sex life, highly influential media figure Matt Drudge promised Saturday. Drudge Report Promises...
  25. MindWars

    Take the money: Clinton campaign welcomed foreign donations

    TAKE THE MONEY: CLINTON CAMPAIGN WELCOMED FOREIGN DONATIONS “Take the money!!” said Clinton campaign staffers who were debating whether to take foreign government donations from lobbyists. Emails released by Wikileaks show a clear and indisputable intent by the campaign to engage in unethical...
  26. MindWars


    TAKE THE MONEY: CLINTON CAMPAIGN WELCOMED FOREIGN DONATIONS Foreign governments funding Clinton through lobbyists Federal law bars foreign money in U.S. elections, but one way foreign governments get around that is by making donations through their foreign registered agents who have little to...
  27. MindWars

    Matt Drudge fires a bombshell warning shot at Hillary, She's about to get hers

    Matt Drudge Fires a BOMBSHELL WARNING SHOT at Hillary, She’s About to “GET HERS” Matt Drudge sent a warning shot out today to Hillary Clinton. It’s a bit cryptic in nature but has something to do with a “sex.” Perhaps Hillary has her “hidden tape” out there? Something on her accused rapist...
  28. MindWars

    From President to prison : Wikileaks data dump might send Hillary to jail?

    FROM PRESIDENT TO PRISON: WIKILEAKS DATA DUMP MIGHT SEND HILLARY TO JAIL Arms dealer ties Hillary to weapon sales to ISIS while illegal campaign contributions are laundered through The Clinton Foundation. Now we know why Hillary Clinton proposed killing Julian Assange with a drone strike...
  29. MindWars

    Hillary's False Flag uncovered..................Us elections in peril

    Alex uncovers the possibility that the globalists will use Russia as a scapegoat to throw the US into chaos, allowing Hillary to steal the election. Hillary answers to foreign, multinational groups who want to permanently wound America and merge it into their global power structure which only...
  30. MindWars

    Clinton foundation hacked emails reveal an ethical breach.

    Whoever supports this power tripping cyka needs their head checked. When people know their sources they won't use the poor excuse that source isn't credible. There are those that are and there are those that are not. It is easy to tell when you become knowledgeable enough to know the...

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