hillary clinton

  1. O

    The Truth About Hillary Clinton

    Here are some articles for those of you who may be a little in the dark about Hillary's corruption over the years, providing you a window to begin your own research. articles on the podesta Email scandal and Clinton media bias; Clinton Email Scandal: Hillary's Hypocrisy And Media's Bias...
  2. N

    Why the sudden disgust for Trump?

    As a young citizen of the United States I cannot seem to fathom or comprehend the support for the Republican nominee Donald Trump. America will basically have to choose between the lesser of two evils, but I would think if one was a somewhat decent human being the obvious choice would be Hillary...
  3. MindWars

    TRUMP: “Hillary meets in secret with international banks to plot destruction of US sovereignty"”

    As the Wikileaks email dump continues apace, GOP nominee Donald Trump delivered a key note speech slamming the mainstream media for being in bed with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and highlighting that Hillary has been abusing her position to court special globalist interests for years. Trump...
  4. Mousterian


    We've got our pet name for Hillary, we should have something similar for her opponent. Creepy Donald seems appropriate, and I think it would help to defuse the vitriol on this board, if everyone, from both sides of the fence, referred to the candidates as Crooked Hillary and Creepy Donald. This...
  5. P@triot

    The ONLY adult in the political room right now

    Through out all of this madness - here is the one person who has stood up with an exceptional, well thought out response. Arianne Zucker - I salute you. You are a tremendous role model to young ladies everywhere. You've show more maturity and intelligence in two minutes than Donald Trump and...
  6. P@triot

    Well Hillary supporters....will you finally admit that you were wrong?

    She's a pathological liar and she has set out to destroy women who were victims of sexual assault (in most cases at the hands of her husband)...
  7. Peony

    Miss Piggy Doesn’t Care Either

    In 1996, Alicia Machado, aka Miss Venezuela won the Miss Universe pageant. During her reign as Miss Universe she gained weight. Some say it was as much as 60 pounds, she says it was 15. Whichever it was, the Miss Universe folks wanted her fired. Donald Trump, who owned the Miss Universe at...
  8. P@triot

    2016 Election

    This right here is one of the two reasons that I cannot get onboard with the libertarians (the other being their astoundingly stupid approach to defense). Gary Johnson's brain is completley and totally fried from decades of marijuana. Last week he was sticking out his tongue to an interviewer...
  9. P@triot

    No one is REALLY voting "for" Hillary...

    Seriously folks, without the usual silly bantering, no one is really voting FOR Hitlery.....her "popularity" boils down to those who hate Trump (a hatred that is largely justified as the guy is a complete and total dirt-bag) and will show up to vote this November to cast a ballot AGAINST him...
  10. L

    George H.W. Bush Votes for Hillary Clinton: cherry on top of the cake

    Sep 20 2016, just before the BIG BANG: George H.W. Bush to Vote for Hillary Clinton - the cherry on top of the cake The 92-year-old Republican 41st president and member of a conservative political dynasty that spans several generations will vote against his party, or so says the scion of...
  11. woz75

    ISIS Claims Responsibility for Sinking Titanic

    Hit an ISISberg? SINONE, Iraq – The Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) has claimed responsibility for the catastrophic 1912 sinking of the RMS Titanic. Long believed to be a tragic accident, today’s announcement raises new questions about a possible government cover-up and asks what role...
  12. Peony

    Hillary’s Basket of Lying Squirrel Nuts

    It’s difficult not to notice a pattern of information chicanery going on during this election. Whenever something happens to Hillary, we’re told, look! Squirrel! Reponses to questions about Hillary change with the wind, and sometimes as often as with every breath. Bill says Hillary has had...
  13. P@triot

    Hillary Clinton Is A Sick Woman Addicted To Power, And It’s Pitiful To Watch

    I've been saying this for years. I've never seen a woman so obsessed with power as Hitlery Clinton. It's frightening actually. It very much mirrors people like Saddam Hussein and Kim Jong Il. There have been rumors flying around for months surrounding her declining health, and every coughing...
  14. phoenyx

    CDZ Would Hillary Clinton make a good President?

    I started a thread here discussing Donald Trump, and while I'm happy with it, I can't help but feel that having a thread discussing Donald Trump without having another thread discussing Hillary Clinton is like planning a debate but only inviting one of the debating teams to the actual debate. I...
  15. AveryJarhman

    “Tupac Shakur does not have the integrity and represent the decency of other Black people who’s....

    “Tupac Shakur does not have the integrity and represent the decency of other Black people who’s legacies I’d teach my son to aspire towards.” https://www.facebook.com/blacklivesmatter1/photos/a.1524921241150801.1073741828.1522618991381026/1563450077297917/ Member of the Black Lives Matter FB...
  16. OldLady

    Where is Clinton?

    There are some miserably stupid people on here today who continue to complain the President didn't visit LA yet, even though the Governor, with good reason, asked him not to. Who are asking if Hillary is strong enough to unload cartons from an 18 wheeler like Trump did (they seriously seem to...
  17. P@triot

    Trump delivers knockout blow to Clinton/Obama

    While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real...
  18. P@triot


    What a bizarre narrative that liberals first attempted to create and now are attempting to undo. When Obama took office, he was convinced that - like all foolish and ideological liberals - he would win over the world with his "charm" alone. He and Hitlery Clinton presented Russia with a "reset"...
  19. Anyssa Roy

    The scale of a country-wide spiritual disease is frightening me

    A friend of mine from Illinois has recently wrote me... Our mutual acquaintance committed suicide a couple of years ago that day. And the reason was her lesbianism. No, there was no public criticism, humiliation or misunderstanding in her family, and she didn't have to keep her habits in...
  20. JD Case

    Clinton Thoughts on the election?

    I'm conducting a survey on the Presidential election and am looking for more Hillary Clinton supporters' opinions. If you have 5 minutes available, please follow the link below. You can also request to have the results emailed to you, if you'd like. Thanks! Here's the link to my survey.
  21. P@triot

    What is Hitlery hiding? Where are her medical records?

    2009 - Hitlery falls at the White House and breaks her elbow: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/19/us/politics/19clinton.html 2011 - Hitlery falls boarding a plane 2012 - Hitlery falls at home and suffers a severe brain hemorrhage (putting her on blood thinners for life)...
  22. P@triot

    The Hillary Lies

    Hitlery Clinton is a pathological liar. Anyone who supports her or attempts to defend her lying is an unethical and evil person.
  23. J

    Hillary gives 1st press conference in eight months . . . lies to minority reporters

    . See: Hillary Clinton holds rare press conference at minority journalist convention August 05, 2016 Fox News Latino ”At a press conference at a convention for Latino and African-American journalists, Clinton said: "Director Comey has said that my answers in my FBI interview were truthful...
  24. A

    Hillary got a little too excited?

    Found this funny meme on youtube, and I thought you guys might like it as well
  25. P@triot

    The U.S. is in serious trouble

    This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating...
  26. P@triot

    #NeverTrump. #NeverHillary. How about #NeverAGAIN?

    The right vehemently opposes their own nominee Donald Trump - even going so far as to start a #NeverTrump campaign. The left vehemently opposes their own nominee Hitlery Clinton - even going so far as to start a #NeverHillary campaign. We could have had Ted Cruz vs. Bernie Sanders. It would...
  27. P@triot

    Uh-oh....looks like *somebody* can't even unite her OWN party

    How in the hell is Hitlery going to unite the country? She can't even unite her own party... :eusa_whistle: Wasserman Schultz booed off stage in Philadelphia
  28. Jackson

    Latest Clinton Cartoons

  29. P@triot

    Every Democrat must be branded as a complicit liar

    A great op-ed by Allen West. One of the best and brightest the U.S. military has ever produced. Here is a quick synopsis for our friends on the left (who have proven time and time again that they are too lazy to read a simple article)... So we have four Americans who were abandoned to die and...
  30. Compost

    Hillary is So Methodist

    In the immortal words of Hedley Lemarr, "I want rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train...

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