
  1. Blavity

    Burundi Schoolgirls Released After Being Jailed For Silly Prank

    Their arrest birthed the online movement #FreeOurGirls. They faced persecution for defacing an image of Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza in their workbooks. According to CNN, the three girls arrested for their actions have all been released. Human Rights Watch reports seven children...
  2. deanrd

    Forget the politics: What are the pros and cons of building a wall? The facts only, please!

    No politics. Just defend why we need a wall. And Why is building a wall a mistake? Try to keep the facts. No politics. Is this possible?
  3. midcan5

    'Americaā€™s New Religions'

    This is interesting and while I disagree in part, it is still worth a read. Political cults are filling the space left by the decline of organized faiths. "And so weā€™re mistaken if we believe that the collapse of Christianity in America has led to a decline in religion. It has merely led to...
  4. S


    Tariffs: A nationā€™s government levies tariffs for one or more of these purposes: (1) To defend jobs or enterprises of the tariff imposing nation. (2) to increase the governmentā€™s tax revenues. (3) To reduce the trade deficits between one or more foreign nationā€™s with regard to...
  5. chops_

    Judge Kavanaugh on the Fourth Amendment

    Judge Kavanaugh on the Fourth Amendment - SCOTUSblog Mod addition of the source link.. 1. The balancing cases: Askew and Vilsack The first two cases to consider involve balancing of government and privacy interests. In both cases, the majority held that the government practice violated the...
  6. ArmenianTraveler

    Iranian Charity Accepting Bitcoin

    I can't see Netenyahu being pleased with this development. Iranian Donation Facilitator - About - OpenBazaar
  7. chops_

    Mitch McConnell: The Democrats Will Always Have A Reason To Move The Goalposts

    This isn't the first time the Democrats have "moved the goalpost" on any issues. They seem to make it a culpable habit of doing so. Whether it's on Illegal Immigration or/and the Gun issue. So, it's really no surprise that Mitch McConnell would simply state: "The Democrats will always have a...
  8. Dan Stubbs

    Progressive don't beleive Abuse charge.

    The woman who accused Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison of domestic abuse said on Monday that Democrats donā€™t believe her story and threatened to isolate her over the allegations. Karen Monahan, a former girlfriend, came forward last month alleging that Ellison sent her threatening text...
  9. BookShaka

    Up for a challenge?

    Name one thing you believe that those who share your worldview are wrong about. Name one thing the ā€œother sideā€ has done that you agree with/are willing to praise.
  10. E

    MoD: US Violates INF Treaty by Deploying MK-41 Launchers for Tomahawks in Europe

    In an interview with Il Giornale newspaper, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu commented on the issues of US strategy in Iraq and Libya, the US violating the INF Treaty, Russia-US relations, the Ukrainian crisis and war in Syria. The United States is violating the Intermediate-Range...
  11. D

    Why is so much of the Press concerned with Trump' Private Life

    It's really none of their business. Nor should they be covering peoples private like they're some moral police who have to control peoples private matters. It's kind of like the secret police in Iran American style.
  12. K

    Left Losing Their Minds After What Trump Just Did For The NRA

    Kirsters Baish| The left is trying to walk all over the Second Amendment, but President Donald Trump isnā€™t about to allow that to happen. Following the tragic school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida earlier this month, leftists and the mainstream media have...
  13. S

    "What 'government' does best" by Larken Rose

    A little while ago, Larken Rose wrote an article titled "What 'government' does best" that starts off in the following manner: Here is the full article: https://steemit.com/anarchy/@larkenrose/what-government-does-best Voluntaryists, like Larken and myself, believe all human interaction should...
  14. ArmenianTraveler

    Call For Papers

    Following the nomination of Quds as the capital city of Israel by the US president, Turkey which is known for its political and international exploitation of affairs immediately held the leadersā€™ summit. To pursue the goal of political exploitation and as requested by KSA, Foreign Ministers of...
  15. H

    K-pop meets ā€œNK-Popā€? How music brought the two Koreas closer

    K-pop meets ā€œNK-Popā€? How music brought the two Koreas closer Will possible future cultural exchanges help improve inter-Korean relations? So far, the responses have been largely positive, but it is unclear if such events will continue beyond the Games.
  16. M

    Youth Involvement and the Modern Political Landscape

    Why aren't more of our youngest generation (RE: Millennials) involved in politics? Why does it often seem as though they have simply given up? A great many are willing to ascribe a great many titles and denunciations to them, but few take the time to ponder what could be the driving force of...
  17. S

    Donald Trump stylishly signs TAX BILL

  18. TheProgressivePatriot

    The Coming Trumpocalypse: End Times in America and How to Stop It

    Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my supreme honor to award the Deranged Crackpot of the Week award to Paul McGuire and Troy Anderson.. Who are Paul and Troy?? First a little background: ā€˜End Timesā€™ prophets beg Trump to give Americans a last chance to repent before unleashing ā€˜Trumpocalypseā€™...
  19. S

    Individual mandate repeal/ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

    Individual mandate repeal/ Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Refer to: Senate Republicans will try to repeal a core piece of Obamacare in their massive tax bill Senate Republicans are seriously considering modification of their ā€œTax Cuts and Jobs Actā€ draft to repeal the individual healthcare mandate...
  20. J

    Why are "progressives" calling immigration reform "racist"?

    I haven't really had time to do much reading on this, but isn't the premise basically that you should speak English and have something to offer? Yet I heard Jim Acosta fighting Steven Miller (who is a real creep, but that's beside the point), implying that the effort is not to improve America's...
  21. C

    New sanctions for the Russia and N.Korea from the USA and E.U? This means they are gone from the map

    President Donald Trump intends to sign a bill passed by Congress this week that would impose new sanctions on Russia, the White House said Friday. The bill was passed overwhelmingly in the Senate and House by veto-proof margins. It passed in the Senate on Thursday 98-2 and in the House on...
  22. J

    What are you most passionate about politically?

    What are some positions you have that fall outside the norm for your chosen (or chosen for you) affiliation?
  23. J

    Seriously, why does anyone like Trump?

    I've tried, but I can't find anything good to say about him, except that he's amazing at fucking up and then getting someone else to pay for it. He does that better than anyone. Not sure that's a good quality to have in a president, though. Otherwise, what is actually good about him? Oh, and...
  24. A

    US election survey!

    Hi, this is a brief political survey (13 questions long) about the recent US presidential election, for those interested. I want to learn a little more about those who voted (that is, Americans who were eligible): US Political Survey This survey is strictly voluntary, you may choose to...
  25. P@triot

    Which begs the obvious question: why WOULDN'T you?

    Scott Walker Points to Wisconsin Model for Why Republicans Should Follow Through on Promises Ok....let's break this down logically. You campaigned on a platform. That platform laid out what your views where, what you support, etc. If you won the electron - that means the majority of the people...
  26. stewartdean98

    Current political situation stressing out Americans: study

    More than half of Americans, including both Democrats and Republicans, feel the current political climate is a significant source of stress, according to a new survey. Two-thirds of Americans said they are stressed about the future of US, according to the new report by American Psychological...
  27. midcan5

    Darkest Superbowl?

    While this piece could be in the politics section it speaks to an area that rarely gets coverage, the intersection of sports and politics. A man in church with his daughter thinking wtf is going on today in America. Sports is the new religion in America, the enormous flag and the bowing of...
  28. emmahirschy

    Political Science Survey: How has the image of America been affected from the election of Trump?

    Hey guys I am currently working on a survey for my final project in my political science class. If you could, please help me out by answering these questions, that would be great. 1. What is your political affiliation? 2. How do you think the image of America has been affected after...
  29. stewartdean98

    Donald Trump accuses CNN of using his 'worst' photo

    US President-elect Donald Trump complained on Tuesday that TV channel CNN has used his 'worst' picture ever as the cover art for a new book about the 2016 Presidential election. His tweet said: "CNN just released a book called 'Unprecedented' which explore the 2016 race and victory, Hope it...
  30. R

    Is The Deep State At War... With Itself?

    Is The Deep State At War... With Itself? | Zero Hedge This is a blatantly politicized "report" that is not supported by any evidence, nor is it supported by the other 16 intelligence agencies. The recent pronouncement by the C.I.A. that Russian hackers intervened in the U.S. presidential...

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