
  1. Slade3200

    Follow the leader

    As expected we are now seeing the NeverTrump and AntiTrump Republicans come around and start to support their frontrunner. A few are dragging their heels but they will come around. The justification is "Trump is our elected leader, he got the most votes from Republicans around this country, we...
  2. Slade3200

    Stewart on Republicans

    Love this guy
  3. Slade3200

    Does Cruz have mental issues?

    The fall of Ted Cruz was an amazing thing to watch. I've never met the guy so I won't label him, however, he acted in a way similar to many people that I personally know when they hit crisis. In my personal experience, I know people, a few are very close friends of mine, that are great people...
  4. American_Jihad

    Israel’s Anti-Israel Elites and Their Hatred of Israelis

    I don't know, if the left don't like the thread it will be moved... Israel’s Anti-Israel Elites and Their Hatred of Israelis The truly sick society is that of the left. May 10, 2016 Daniel Greenfield ... But that’s not the sort of rhetoric that Israel’s elites are worried about. Instead...
  5. Slade3200

    Cruz doesn't have the backbone to be prez

    So Trump makes a joke about a National Enquirer story claiming that Ted Cruz's dad was friends with JFK's assassin... Ted Cruz responds by go on a 10 minute rant clearly frustrated and shaken and proceeds to call Trump every name in the book. This is the man claiming to be the one to unite the...
  6. S

    Interesting Article...

    Ran across this article published in The Odyssey. I'm curious as to what y'alls thoughts are on it. http://theodysseyonline.com/harding-university/the-republican-party-is-cannibalizing-itself
  7. Compost

    Trump Got Cult?

    It has been suggested that Obama supporters exhibit cult-like behavior. Could it be, Trump supporters do too? Rick Ross, executive director of the Ross Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements, discusses three primary characteristics, which are the most...
  8. washamericom

    Poll: Is Anyone having second thoughts about global warming/climate change ?

    just checking the pulse of the politics usmb'ers. i keep hearing consensus, and the discussion/debate is over. that certainly raises my interest. no reason to discuss, imagine that. i am personally disqualified because i always considered it a hoax cause my Dad did, but i'm voting anyway...
  9. Slade3200

    Socialist takes on Cavuto

    Interesting interview, I thought she was quite impressive... Thoughts?
  10. Slade3200

    Does Cruz have a foot in his mouth?

    After all the talk and calls for Kasich to drop out because he has no mathematical chance of winning the majority of delegates, how does Cruz move forward without being a total hypocrite now that he can't win a majority either?
  11. washamericom

    Eric Trump: My Dad Is Going to Go After Hillary in a Way That No One Has Ever Gone After Her Before

    Monday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Eric Trump, son of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, weighed in on Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s decision to attack Donald Trump in New York State, which will hold its primary on Tuesday. The younger Trump...
  12. L

    The TRUTH behind why Donald Trump rallies are violent

    It's time for some truth kiddos. It's the Bernie fans that bring the violence.
  13. L

    The Bernie Sanders "Fairness State"

    Freedom is better then artificial/forced equality! Like,Subscribe,Comment, YouTube Channel: LogicFTW
  14. Lakhota

    Trump Unhinged: 'Punishment' For Women Who Abort

    APPLETON, Wis. — Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said Wednesday that there “has to be some form of punishment” for abortion if it were banned in the U.S. — as he says it should be — and that punishment should fall on the woman. Trump, who is currently struggling with women...
  15. Slade3200

    Ryan admits to being Wrong about "Makers" and "Takers"

    Some on the Right should take notes from their boy. Kudo's to Ryan for showing growth and humility. I don't even mean this to be a partisan post... Politicians and people on both sides can learn from this.
  16. washamericom

    Trump versus the political world

    right now they the media are riding as high as i've seen since he declared. there is a lot going on, and he made some gaffs in the last few days. i heard him say yesterday he wasn't treated fairly by the GOP, i agree, the press other than fox, haven't either. the very definitions and parameters...
  17. Slade3200

    Bully campaign under fire... Will it slow the Trump Train?

    A new video surfaced showing Trump campaign chief Corey Lewandowski grabbing reporter Michelle Fields causing bruising on her arm. Lewandowski has turned himself in to the police and is facing charges of simple battery. The interesting part of this story isn't the grab, it is how the Trump...
  18. DonaldFG

    CDZ Third Way Democrats and their Republican Friends

    In one of the worst strategic political mistakes ever made, elite leaders in the Democratic Party came up with something called the Third Way of politics. (The Democrats' 'Third Way' Quarrel Could Change Your Future) The idea was that they believed they had to merge their policies with the...
  19. Slade3200

    Twitter Wars

    How are the Republicans feeling about the twitter wars of your two front runners as they go after each others wives? Do these guys make you proud to be an Elephant? The Dems are running out of popcorn. Donald Trump threatens to 'spill the beans' on Ted Cruz's wife Heidi - CNNPolitics.com
  20. Never3ndr

    Who Do You Side With?

    I know that a lot of people on this forum are pretty set in their political beliefs, however, I found this fun little website that may put things in a more explicit fashion. I got 84% with Bernie (far higher than I expected) and even was with Donald on 44% of the issues. www.isidewith.com
  21. Slade3200

    What's wrong with the GOP? Vote on Supreme Court Justice

    I have yet to hear a non-political non-BS reason for the GOP's hold out from meeting and voting on a Supreme Court Nominee. If there was a president Trump and the same situation presented itself in 4 years is there any doubt that they would flip a 180 and support a vote for the nominee?? If the...
  22. Slade3200

    Immigration... Whats wrong with the GOP?

    The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to...
  23. Never3ndr

    Accurate German Representation of Trump ... lol

    Well, in case Trump supporters actually were questioning whether or not Trump would be beneficial for increasing world opinion or American influence globally...think again. Here is a float created by the German people of Trump...seems pretty accurate. Original source: Bildschön: Der...
  24. Slade3200

    Hats off to the GOP - A Great Debate!

    I've done my fair share of Elephant bashing in this forum. Thus far, the petty attacks and rhetoric from the GOP candidates has been embarrassing and pretty pathetic. I must say, they really stepped it up tonight and put on a great substantive debate. I wish they would have done this sooner and...
  25. Slade3200

    Voice of the idiots... I mean "people"

    Politicians like Ted Cruz, pride themselves on being uncompromising advocates for their people. But people are uninformed idiots! If a company was run on the policy viewpoints of the mailroom staff, it wouldn't be very prosperous. Though I think it very important that the voice of the people...
  26. Slade3200

    RNC Sues for Clintons Emails

    This headline gave me a chuckle. What does the RNC really think they are going to get out of this? The RNC is a mess and is obviously trying to flip the script from their self implosion/internal squabbles and direct it back towards the opposition. In the mean time how much money have they...
  27. Slade3200

    Contested Convention

    Question to all the Trumpeters... If there is a contested convention that ends with a different nominee than Trump, how do you see him responding? Hostilely or Graciously? I have very little doubt that there will be a very hostile reaction, talks of a lawsuit, and a high probability that he...
  28. Slade3200

    Liberal and Conservative, we need them both!

    I'd like to throw a few points out there for you to chew on and get your feedback. Please keep the shallow one liner partisan comments off this thread: It is essential for our government to implement policies from both the left and the right. Both sides should work together to present ideas...
  29. Slade3200

    Trumpmania explained in comics letter

    Louis CK sent a letter to his fans (see below) and nails an analysis of Trumpmania. I expect all the Trumptards out there to respond with "Who gives a shit what Louis CK says" but you can keep those comments to yourself. It doesn't matter whether you respect the man or not, what matters is the...
  30. Never3ndr

    Why Clinton?

    This is a serious question to any supporters of Clinton on this forum (I honestly haven't seen any so I kinda expect this topic to die). The question is simple: Why do you support Hillary Clinton? This isn't asking why you are a Democrat, nor why you hate Conservatives...it is why you support...

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