
  1. Y

    Seth Meyers takes A Closer Look !!

    So, I am barely off one week since my 5th surgery, and I have stitches all over my abdomen, and I have doctor's order not to lift anything heavier than my cat (12 lbs), and I cannot jog, cannot lift weights, cannot box, cannot kick-box -- I'm supposed to take it easy ... So I relax on the couch...
  2. R

    US judge rejects Green Party's Pennsylvania recount case

    US judge rejects Green Party's Pennsylvania recount case A federal judge on Monday issued a stinging rejection of a Green Party-backed request to recount paper ballots in Pennsylvania's presidential election, won by Republican Donald Trump, and scan some counties' election systems for signs of...
  3. Denechek

    "New" Conservative Convert

    Well, maybe not "new" exactly. I really thought I was a progressive, or at least a "conservative democrat" since I am not on board with America's fascination with the genocide of the unborn and also my refusal to drink the mandated ACA Kool-Aid. I thought Jill Stein was saying everything I...
  4. R

    The real reason for New York City's traffic nightmare

    http://nypost.com/2016/12/02/new-york-citys-traffic-is-intentionally-horrible/ Time for some traffic problems in Manhattan! City officials have intentionally ground Midtown to a halt with the hidden purpose of making drivers so miserable that they leave their cars at home and turn to mass...
  5. C

    Trump 48 Hours w/ Donald Trump

    The last 48 hours with President-elect Donald Trump has been interesting to say the least! I have trolled his Twitter page since Friday and am now ready to dish out what has happened and what I think about it! Visit my webpage and read my article to find out. Chacehowland20.wordpress.com
  6. C

    48 Hours with Donald Trump!

    The last 48 hours with President-elect Donald Trump have been interesting to say the least! I have trolled his twitter since Friday night and am ready to dish out what has happened and what I think about it! Chacehowland20.wordpress.com
  7. keepitreal

    Anyone Else Irked When They Voted Today?

    So, a couple things irked me when I cast my vote today. I already had my state Id in hand, as I walked in to cast my vote. As I went to hand it to the girl, she told me... "oh, you don't need an Id", and handed me a sheet of paper, I had to print my full name and address, then sign it. So, I...
  8. K

    Obama Is Accused of Implying Illegal Aliens Can Vote

    To my mind, that's really outraging. Dirty politicians will do everything to deprive us of building our destiny. President Obama is under fire after allegedly alluding that illegal aliens can vote in the general election. Just days prior to Election Day, Obama gave an interview to millennial...
  9. Lewdog

    So Beyonce and Jay-Z, Known Illuminati Had Hillary at Their Concert Last Night

    What does that say to you? Beyonce and Jay-Z known Illuminati members had Hillary at their concert in Ohio last night, announced they supported her, and brought her on stage. So, what does this say? Are they just supporting her because they are entertainers and a part of Hollywood and are...
  10. S

    Straight Outta Options--Political Satire

    https://goo.gl/SKzwRc This is the best video!! Watch and Comment!!
  11. MindWars

    Early Voting In Florida Shows Trump Winning Election By Landslide

    Democratic stronghold Florida looks set to overwhelmingly vote in Donald Trump, with early ballot counts showing a Republican landslide win in the State. Early Voting In Florida Shows Trump Winning Election By Landslide – InvestmentWatch One side says he is winning, the other side says he's...
  12. MindWars

    Hillary Clinton tops Islamic money list

    The Middle East Forum’s “Islamist Money in Politics” (IMIP) project is releasing the names of the top-ten recipients of 2015-16 campaign contributions from individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden, and ISIS, its most recent press release announced...
  13. N

    Why the sudden disgust for Trump?

    As a young citizen of the United States I cannot seem to fathom or comprehend the support for the Republican nominee Donald Trump. America will basically have to choose between the lesser of two evils, but I would think if one was a somewhat decent human being the obvious choice would be Hillary...
  14. MindWars

    The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton

    The Most Important WikiLeaks Revelation Isn’t About Hillary Clinton The most important revelation in the WikiLeaks dump of John Podesta’s emails has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. The messages go all the way back to 2008, when Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s...
  15. fredericIV

    New Podcast: ROWDY RADIO

    ROWDY RADIO (<---- HYPERLINK!) Whats up guys! My name is Ric and im a student at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. This is my brand new podcast about basically life! Each episode has its own topic so take a listen and i hope you laugh along the way. Please comment links to yalls...
  16. L

    The John F Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy | Who Killed JFK ? Truth Is Out !

    What up people. How you guys doing ? GOOD good Alright lets hit it Who Really killed JFK ? Was Lee Harvey Oswald innocent ? Is there a conspiracy behind JFK's Assassination Stay Tuned !!! Check out my video on it:
  17. Slade3200

    Levine not so tough

    I like to flip to Levin every once in a while to get a good laugh and today he was talking about how Don Lemon invited him for an interview on his show tonight. Levin said he would rather eat a steak with ketchup and continued to talk about all the other shows and networks that have invited him...
  18. Slade3200

    Only way for Trump to Win is to Quit?

    Like him or not John Oliver made a very interesting point in his last episode of this season. Claiming that the only way for Trump to win is to drop out. Lets look at the facts: - Trump has exposed many levels of corruption in the government, media and campaign system - Unlike Sanders and most...
  19. AaronR.Lema

    The Two Issues Mucking Up Our Economy

    Two issues are mucking up our economy. What two issues? People may be either emotional or rational about economic issues. Unfortunately, those people who are primarily emotional about economic issues view the people who are primarily rational about economic issues as narrow minded and uncaring...
  20. Y

    What my dear old mom calls the two POTUS candidates ...

    My dear old mom lives in Washington D.C. with my youngest sister there. My mom is 88 years old and dealing with Alzheimer's. My sisters and I joke with each other that someday we will probably each end up with Alzheimer's ourselves. From the time my mom wakes up in the morning, every day is a...
  21. Y

    Flattest speech of the Dem Nat Convention week so far

    Nancy Pelosi gave the flattest speech of the Democratic National Convention for the week. She was just reading it. She had not practiced it. She stumbled across many of her own words. I'm surprised that she was not more excited. She apparently gives better press conferences and interviews...
  22. Y

    Guns, Gays, and God

    Nancy Pelosi, the U.S. House Minority Leader, was interviewed by The PBS News Hour this evening in Philadelphia, and she gave an interesting response regarding the motivation of Trump's base -- the non-college-educated angry white males. She observed that there are 3 reasons that these voters...
  23. Y

    The next pep rally ...

    The next pep rally that we will all be treated to will convene on Monday July 25 in the city which gave birth to American liberty -- Philadelphia. It will be a much more civil affair than the other pep rally that just ended in Cleveland. The main reason is because nobody was thrown under the...
  24. C

    Hillary's reply to a question

    I don't like Donald Trump but I absolutely loathe Hillary Clinton. She should be made to pay for her crimes but she's getting off scott free because she's rich and powerful. The justice system sucks. Also, when Hillary was asked why she would be a good President, she replied "Because I'm a...
  25. C

    Two Face Bernie

    Bernie Sanders is a two faced jerk. A few weeks ago he said that Hillary Clinton is unfit and now he's telling us to support her. He has proven himself to be a lousy politician. He let his country down and I regret voting for him. This turn of events also makes me regret that I'm registered to vote.
  26. C

    Even Jimmy Carter dislikes Hillary Clinton

    Even former President Jimmy Carter dislikes Hillary Clinton. These were his exact words. "The novelty of electing the first woman President of America should not outweigh our duty of electing an honest and ethical President".
  27. B

    Oil patch woes are bleak news for NM

    By Kevin Robinson-Avila / ABQ Journal Staff Writer The full article is here-> Oil patch woes are bleak news for NM " The massive bleeding in New Mexico’s oil and gas industry has subsided, thanks to modest recovery in prices, but producers don’t expect a major comeback anytime soon...
  28. DonaldFG

    Average Americans voting against themselves.

    Why would any American citizen vote Republican when their Party leaders want to: Privatize Social Security and give the money to Wall Street like they did workers pensions (401k), Repeal the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) to remove limits on private insurance profit (they tried 62 times...
  29. Slade3200

    Trumps African American

    Does anybody else find it extremely hilarious that THIS is the guy Trump decides to call "his African American?"
  30. E

    The Power of Being Racially United


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