
  1. deanrd

    Kavanaughā€˜s hearing has taught us a lot about the Republican Party

    Republicans put the good of corporations over the American people. Republicans will do nothing to help Americans get healthcare. Republicans will rush to ram their agenda through because theyā€™re afraid of America finds out whatā€™s behind that agenda they wonā€™t vote Republican. Republicans...
  2. deanrd

    OMG! Trump FAILED while he practiced telling the truth.

    The Wildest Things About Trump From Bob Woodward's New Book, 'Fear' John Dowd, Trumpā€™s lead attorney with the Russia probe, led a practice session for Trumpā€™s potential testimony with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating possible Russian interference in the 2016 election...
  3. deanrd

    Has this country lost it's "sense of decency"?

    Thousands of parents stripped of their children. Hundreds still not reunited. Dozens under the age of 5. Some would consider this not only indecent, but pure evil. Forget they committed a misdemeanor. Children have effectively become orphans in a strange country not even speaking the...
  4. deanrd

    Is McCain being over eulogized as a dig at Trump

    One has to wonder if McCain is being over eulogized as a slap at Trump. You know how thin skinned Trump is. He must be freaking out and seeing McCain being called a hero and receiving all of these accolades when the majority of Americans find Trump disgusting. Every time somebody gives...
  5. deanrd

    FACT: There will be a RECKONING......... or not

    FACT: 32 people have been charged with over 100 felonies. The one thing they have in common is that they are all in the Trump orbit. FACT: There have been 16 felony convictions. FACT: There have been dozens of documented Russian meetings between trump affiliates and the Russian government...
  6. deanrd

    Trump threatens the country with violence if Republicans don't win the midterms

    'These are violent people': Trump reportedly told Christian leaders there will be 'violence' if the GOP loses in midterms Trump says that the Democrats will impeach him if Republicans lose control of the House of Representatives Republicans are starting to worry that voters will punish them...
  7. deanrd

    If never Trump Republicans can call for impeachment, why can't Democrats?

    This is exactly why Democrats need new leadership. Sick and tired of "They go low, we go high". You don't fight back up in the clouds. You do it down in the trenches. I was watching some Republican never Trumper, forget his name, arguing with former Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer about...
  8. deanrd

    Donald Trump: The "A nasty person is who I am" defense.

    Trumpā€™s rationalization for calling women ā€˜dogsā€™ helped define his campaign Trump hilariously jokes that women are fat pigs and dogs. So cute, so clever, so Trump. Just what we want in a president. In the mean time, a new Quinnipiac Poll is out. QU Poll Release Detail Only 31 percent of...
  9. deanrd

    Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates.

    Are rich people more likely to lie, cheat, steal? Science explains the world of Manafort and Gates. Next, they had a researcher play a pedestrian trying to cross at a crosswalk and tracked which cars stopped as the law requires and which blew right past him. The results were even more stark...
  10. deanrd

    Trump was always going to hate the FBI and the DOJ

    Look at trump university and trump foundation. Criminal organizations and scams. Look at the people Trump has surrounded himself with. Grifters scam artists and thieves. And thatā€™s just his family. Coming into office it was clear from the beginning that Trump was going to have problems with...
  11. deanrd

    Unite the Right 2, leaders don't show up, many wearing masks. This is no way to attract followers.

    What Sundayā€™s Unite the Right 2 rally tells us about the state of the alt-right in America In a movement that is largely disintegrating, many of the biggest names in the alt-right and white supremacist far-right are staying far away from Unite the Right 2. Thatā€™s both because of the aftermath...
  12. deanrd

    Trump administration: ACLU, not government, should find deported parents

    Trump administration: ACLU, not government, should find deported parents The Trump administration on Thursday reportedly told a federal judge they shouldnā€™t be responsible for finding migrant parents who were deported after being separated from their children under President Trumpā€™s...
  13. deanrd

    Christian family tried to destroy gay son's future and failed. Good!

    After fundraiser goes viral, Georgetown awards gay valedictorian full scholarship Seth Owen, 18, thought his dreams of attending Georgetown University were in jeopardy earlier this year after receiving his financial aid package from the prestigious school. The package had been determined based...
  14. BookShaka

    Up for a challenge?

    Name one thing you believe that those who share your worldview are wrong about. Name one thing the ā€œother sideā€ has done that you agree with/are willing to praise.
  15. deanrd

    Russia is still more dangerous than Republicans

    The difference between Republicans and Russia is that Russia wants this country destroyed. Republicans believe this is a white country they feel they owned and they want it back, whatever that means. Both are dangerous. Russia wants America destroyed because they are an authoritarian...
  16. deanrd

    People like Van Jones and Michelle Obama are wrong when they talk about bringing everyone together.

    Just watched Van Jones on the View talking about winning over Trump voters. And remember when they go low we go high? I've heard other Democrats talk like that. That we should try for their votes and "winning them over". It's nonsense. You can't appeal to the better part of right wingers...
  17. deanrd

    The employees of the richest man in the world need food stamps. Pitiful, just pitiful.

    A Staggering Number of Amazon's Employees Still Need Food Stamps Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world, with a net worth of $127 billion. Meanwhile, a staggering number of Amazonā€™s warehouse employees depend on food stamps to stay alive. Amazon Gets Tax Breaks While Its...
  18. deanrd

    70 babies under 1 year of age forced to appear in court without legal representation. WTF?

    Dozens Of Babies Forced To Appear In Immigration Court The Trump administration has reportedly ordered at least 70 children under the age of 1 to appear before immigration judges since last October, with some appearing without any legal representation. However, the officials, who were not...
  19. deanrd

    Trump cancelled exercises with South Korea because it costs the same as a military parade .

    Trump's military parade will cost nearly as much as canceled Korean military exercise The parade, which is now scheduled to take place on November 10, is currently estimated to cost approximately $12 million, the officials said. One official called the number "a planning figure," saying cost...
  20. deanrd

    What do you think of the sexy, hot as hell Russian Spy who has been targeting Republicans?

    This from Fox news: Accused Russian spy Maria Butina offered sex in exchange for US job, prosecutors say And that's not all. According to new court filings, Maria Butina allegedly ā€œgained accessā€ to "an extensive network of U.S. persons in positions to influence political activities in the...
  21. Nosmo King

    Why does Trump deny Russian meddling?

    Given the indictments handed down last Friday detailing who, when and where the Russians actively interfered with the 2016 elections, why does Donald Trump still deny the Russians did what they clearly did? Is it because Special Counsel Mueller handed down the indictment? Is it because, in...
  22. deanrd

    Why are Republicans attacking the FBI? They did their job. The FBI got Trump elected!

    Harry Reid's Letter to James Comey August 29, 2016: First Reid Letter: FBI Must Investigate Russian Election Interference Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia Harry Reid sent sensitive Trump collusion letter over CIA objections Even the CIA protected Trump. The...
  23. deanrd

    Compromise, both sides have to agree on something. What if you can't even agree with what's evil?

    Democrats feel that people fleeing danger and asking for asylum should be helped. Republicans don't. Even if it's lawful. Democrats feel stripping parents of their children, even breastfeeding babies is evil. Republicans see it as good policy. Democrats believe in helping those with pre...
  24. Ecocertifmrl

    The republican obsession to critisizing

    Why is it that they never speak out loud any constructive ideas, positive images, progressive thoughts? Isn't it time to get over the fact that Obama was a president and he had a wife? Or that America is in debt, has been in debt and will be in debt? That the economy is a live thing - not dead...
  25. mhansen2

    Trump's July trip to England?

    'Trump Baby' balloon gets green light from London mayor - CNN Look! Up in the sky. It's a bird. It's a plane. It's DONALD TRUMP. :21:
  26. deanrd

    Democrats versus Republicans in four charts

    Republicans on the USMB go on endlessly that Democrats are all on welfare and Republicans and Red States pay for everything. It all comes down to dollars and cents. Look at a map of the states, it's easy to see why the difference. Education if very important. It's true that you can...
  27. deanrd

    Gas station manager fired after telling mom, whose son is on life support, to work or be fired

    Gas station manager fired after telling mom, whose son is on life support, to work or be fired There is no reason you canā€™t work and I will not tolerate drama. End of conversation. If you arenā€™t there to work your shift tomorrow then I take that as youā€™ve quit.ā€ Fisher then said that she would...
  28. deanrd

    If the GOP is so good at ending poverty, then explain Appalachia. Or even Red States.

    Republicans, even at the USMB, constantly attack Democrats over poverty. But look at where the bulk of the poor in the United States live. In Appalachia. The largest depressed area in the United States covering 13 Red States. Study: Infant mortality up, life expectancy down in Appalachia...
  29. deanrd

    I'm curious. USMB Republicans are expecting who to vote for Trump in 2020?

    Looking at what he's doing to the country, it's not clear to me who will vote for him. The American Nazi Party White Nationalists The elderly in Red States White people who may have graduated from High School The Aryan Nation The KKK A couple of blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans and a...
  30. deanrd

    Saturday, June 30, Meeting at Daly Plaza in Chicago 11 AM. Stop the Attacks on Children March

    Families Belong Together ā€“ Chicago March | IATSE Local 769 Chicago What some parents say: We have two sons. Sebastian is 3, Francisco just 5 months old. I cannot imagine the emotional trauma my boys would experience if they were to be separated from Vanessa and me. But thatā€™s what's happening...

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