
  1. deanrd

    Jeff Sessions jokes about separated families in speech

    Jeff Sessions jokes about separated families in speech Attorney General Jeff Sessions cracked a joke about the administration’s immigration chaos, and was greeted with laughs at the idea of separated families. -------------------------------------------- Of course he laughed and joked. This...
  2. deanrd

    Have Democrats finally grown some balls? They through with the You go low and We go high nonsense?

    The latest sign of political divide: shaming and shunning public officials David Axelrod, a key architect of Barack Obama's presidential campaigns, tweeted that he disagreed with those cheering the restaurant's eviction of Sanders. "I am kind of amazed and appalled by the number of folks on...
  3. deanrd

    Have Republicans stopped believing in Jesus?

    Tax cuts for Billionaires. Hatred for little children. Lies. Have Republicans turned there backs on Jesus?
  4. deanrd

    It looks like Republicans are recruiting for MS13 far into the future.

    By damaging these vulnerable children, Republicans are preparing them for a life with MS13. MS13 started here. This is an American home grown gang. And now, Trump and the GOP is making sure they will have a wave a new recruits. Republicans have had a lot of experience. Look how well they...
  5. deanrd

    Dave Chappelle says Trump is fighting for me ----- and he's right!

    "Man, Donald Trump is going to Washington and he's going to fight for us." Dave speaking for poor whites. What he says next is not only right on the money, but also hilarious. Whatever you think of Trump, on the right or on the left, you have to admit, Dave is spot on.
  6. TheProgressivePatriot

    Hurricanes Will Be Created To Suppress Pro-Trump Voter Turnout

    Mark Taylor: Hurricanes Will Be Created To Suppress Pro-Trump Voter Turnout They are on to us! They know that we liberals and commies will do anything to stop Trump and the Republicans and they're right! Batten down the hatches mates! Its going to be a rough ride this fall.
  7. deanrd

    Did you know the "International Republican Institute" was started to promote Democracy world wide?

    Homepage | IRI What they do: Effective democratic leaders focus on what people need to be free, secure, and involved. IRI shares its expertise in democratic governance development—born of more than 30 years of advancing democracy worldwide—to make sure good governance exists and thrives. Each...
  8. deanrd

    The 50 best college majors for finding the highest-paying jobs after graduation

    The 50 best college majors for finding the highest-paying jobs after graduation Highest Paying Bachelors Degrees | PayScale Make sure you click on "See Full List" These numbers only reflect students who graduated with a bachelor's degree in each field. Associate's, master's, and other degrees...
  9. deanrd

    Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says

    Only 13% of business' tax cuts are going to workers, survey says Tax cut scoreboard: Workers $6 billion; Shareholders $171 billion Wow, this is one of the most expensive tax cuts in history. And at a time when corporations are doing really, really well. Why not share with the workers...
  10. P@triot

    The Republican Congress finally does something

    It has been effective in Texas. Let’s hope that it will be effective for federal prisons as well. These are the types of issues that we should be focusing on. Bi-partisan issues that can reduce costs. Focus on what can get done, accept what cannot (like firearm legislation). House-Passed...
  11. IceNine

    Rich Republicans don't work at Walmart

    Why would someone who is unsuccessfully trying to scrape by on two minimum wage jobs want to support these posers? Rich Republicans have far more in common with leftist elites than they have with regular workers.
  12. deanrd

    MTP -- Pennsylvania: Story of Red and Blue Counties only 70 miles apart.

    So I was watching Meet the Press and they were showing the differences in two counties only 70 miles apart in Pennsylvania: Change in earnings 2005 to 2016 Chester........................Schuylkill $7,722..........................$4,140 Full Time job...
  13. TheProgressivePatriot

    Democrats Are No Longer the Racist Party – If They Ever Really Were

    Few things annoy me more than when people who want to stick a thumb in the eye of Democrats resort to tactics such as pointing out they founded the Ku Klux Klan or pushed through Jim Crow laws following the Civil War. The intent seems to be to draw attention away from the party that harbors the...
  14. deanrd

    Three Kansas militiamen who plotted to bomb Muslims are found guilty on terrorism charges

    Three Kansas militiamen who plotted to bomb Muslims are found guilty on terrorism charges I don't remember hearing about this on the news. The men — at least two of whom had posted pro-Trump messages on social media, according to reports — at times invoked anti-Islam rhetoric expressed by...
  15. M

    Youth Involvement and the Modern Political Landscape

    Why aren't more of our youngest generation (RE: Millennials) involved in politics? Why does it often seem as though they have simply given up? A great many are willing to ascribe a great many titles and denunciations to them, but few take the time to ponder what could be the driving force of...
  16. TheProgressivePatriot

    DeVos: The Atrocious Secretary of Education -Thanks Again Donald!

    Yes, there have been other threads about Betsy DeVos. However, the most recent has been dormant since February of this year, while DeVos continues here rampage intent on destroying the concept of a free public education. Worse, her policies are resulting in the teaching of theology based hate to...
  17. TheProgressivePatriot

    Anti LGBTQ Politicians Who Are Closeted Gays

    I have long suspected that the most ardent and vocal anti LGBT people are themselves struggling with their own issues concerning sexuality and gender identity. They spew their hateful rhetoric as a smoke screen to convince others how "straight" they are, or perhaps to convince themselves...
  18. rsexaminer

    Fox News host debunks 'Uranium One' conspiracy, viewers melt down on Twitter

    Watch as a Fox News host just turned on the network and debunked the phony "Uranium One" conspiracy in less than 30 seconds, resulting in viewers of the network losing it on social media, with many going on hate-filled rants in the process. It looks like at least one person on Fox News has some...
  19. B

    Watch energy expert Dr. Daniel Fine examines Trump plan for U.S. energy ‘dominance’

    Dr. Daniel Fine, associate director of the New Mexico Center for Energy Policy and senior policy analyst for the New Mexico State Department of Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources, discusses the Trump administration's energy policy. Fine offered these comments during a July 24, 2017, speech...
  20. AsianTrumpSupporter

    New survey shows Republicans are the best tippers

    Republicans, men, credit card users are the best tippers Who are the best tippers? According to a new survey by, the most generous tippers are men, Republicans, Northeasterners and credit and debit card users. (Probably not among this group: Oklahoma City Thunder guard Andre...
  21. Markle

    Obama knew of Russian election hacking back in August. Did NOTHING!

    NOW we learn that petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama knew about Russia hacking way back in August and he said and did nothing. More proof the Trump campaign knew nothing about the hacking and certainly there was no collusion. Report: Obama didn't act strongly against Russian...
  22. Peony

    Healthcare Memo

    To: Mr. Trump, Mr. Ryan, and certain republicans From: your employer, the American people Re: health insurance bill You’ve postponed the vote on your new bill because it probably won’t pass. This is because it shouldn’t pass. The conservatives are right. There are too many things...
  23. Cellblock2429

    Repubs kick crybaby Dems to the curb on Nominees

    Senate Republicans pushed through a pair of President Trump’s Cabinet nominees Wednesday, upending standard committee rules to circumvent a Democratic boycott.
  24. MindWars

    O'keefe: Dem judges posed as republicans on election day

    O’Keefe: Dem Judges Posed as Republicans on Election Day More illegal corruption exposed, despite mainstream media narrative Project Veritas has exposed even more corruption by Dems, this time by catching Democrat judges from Chicago on undercover video violating election regulations by...
  25. B

    Dr. Daniel Fine: Trump and the price of oil and gas

    The complete story is here-> " The most decisive presidential transition since Ronald Reagan 36 years ago is underway. And the energy future of the country under Donald Trump is expected to...
  26. ding

    The History of How the Democratic Party Expanded Slavery

    Very few people today know that in 1808 Congress abolished the slave trade. That's because by the 1820's, most of the Founding Fathers were dead and Thomas Jefferson's party, the Democratic Party, which was founded in 1792, had become the majority party in Congress. With this new party a...
  27. P@triot

    Terribly Disappointing

    It's a sad day when Republican's begin acting like progressives and Donald Trump. There is absolutely no reason for this type of talk right now (short of Dumbocrats rigging the election). If Hitlery wins a clean election there is absolutely no excuse for a "revolution". If after being elected...
  28. midcan5

    Veterans for Trump

    Why do veterans support Trump? Do they really think he will change the republican party's policies? Trump like so many republicans was a draft dodger. Lots of men were, I've only met one in my life who was honest and admitted getting a exemption. And while the lower classes served, the upper...
  29. midcan5

    Welfare recipients for Trump

    We could add opioid users for Trump too, but that would include much of the republican establishment today. The great evil is now acceptable proving once and forever the shallow emptiness of the republican party. "Trump is just another drug, people round here are addicted to escapism." Daniel...
  30. Slade3200

    Stewart on Republicans

    Love this guy

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