
  1. MindWars

    Does the military purge foreshadow the final false flag

    Danger Level Goes Up 10 Notches In America With 'Clintonistas' Backs To The Wall - Does This Recent US Military 'Purge' Foreshadow The 'Final False Flag'? While the bombshell news story of the week that came on Friday telling us the FBI had reopened the investigation into Hillary Clinton after...
  2. rodpreacher

    Trump Nice song feat. Donald Trump about Vladimir Putin

  3. rodpreacher

    Silly & hilarious tune & video about Putin feat. Donald Trump

  4. MindWars

    Putins' greatest warning to the west yet: Russia unveils 1st image of Satan 2 super nuke

    Putin's greatest warning to the West yet: Russia unveils first image of its Satan 2 super-nuke capable of wiping out England and Wales Russia has unveiled chilling pictures of its largest ever nuclear missile, capable of destroying an area the size of France. The RS-28 Sarmat missile, dubbed...
  5. MindWars

    By cooperating with Washington on Syria Russia walked into a trap.

    A month ago I wrote a column , ā€œHe Who Hesitates Is Lostā€”And Russia Hesitated.ā€He Who Hesitates Is Lost And Russia Hesitated -- Paul Craig Roberts - The consequences of this hesitation are now apparent: By Cooperating With Washington On Syria Russia Walked Into A Trap --...
  6. MindWars

    Pentagon Stunned As Thousands Of Chinese Troops Enter ISIS War

    The Kremlin have announced that China are to send 5,000 of its most elite military forces into the Levant War Zone to help Russia in the fight against ISIS, which has left the Obama administration and the Pentagon ā€œhorrifiedā€. Pentagon Stunned As Thousands Of Chinese Troops Enter ISIS War...
  7. cnelsen

    Here is Soros pushing for war. Again.

  8. MindWars

    The Three False Flag Cyber Attacks Came From Obama, Not Russia-

    The hacking of American corporate websites (e.g. Netflix, Amazon, et al), is being sold to the American public as the work of Russian hackers working with the knowledge, support and permission of Putin. Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. I began to acquire the REAL story about...
  9. MindWars

    URGENT DEVELOPMENT ā€” China Joins Russia In Syria Air Raidsā€¦ (Buckle Up Folksā€¦)

    URGENT DEVELOPMENT ā€” China Joins Russia In Syria Air Raidsā€¦ (Buckle Up Folksā€¦) China has told Moscow that they will join in the bombing in Syria from their Aircraft Carrier. This has HUGE implications folks. HUGE...
  10. MindWars

    Vladimir Putin tells the US ā€˜If you want a war, you will get one ā€“ EVERYWHEREā€™

    Vladimir Putin will not back down as the war drums beat between Moscow and Washington, according to Russian military experts.The Kremlin and the White House are sitting in a tense standoff as the US accuse Russia of ā€œwar crimesā€ over atrocities in Syria. Relations have plunged to Cold War...
  11. D

    Trump Brilliant debate performance...victory is in sight...we are stoked!

    Our group watched the debates together...Donald totally smashed Clinton...we know that most Americans hate Obama and Clinton and will vote for Trump! We are already planning ahead to Donald's takeover of the government so we can save this country! He is going to bring back manufacturing jobs...
  12. MindWars

    CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia

    The Obama administration is contemplating an unprecedented cyber covert action against Russia in retaliation for alleged Russian interference in the American presidential election, U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News. The CIA is prepping a possible cyber strike against Russia Oh the...
  13. MindWars

    US on edge over new powder keg in the South China Sea

    China and the Philippines could begin exploiting long-untapped energy reserves in the South China Sea, according to reports coming out of this week's meeting between Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte and high-ranking Chinese officials ā€” including a Thursday sit-down with ChinesePresident Xi...
  14. cnelsen

    For those claiming the Wikileaks dump is no big deal, this will change your mind

    This is almost painful to watch. Donna Brazile sliding into the pit of ignominy when confronted with evidence from Wikileaks and nothing--NOTHING--to grab onto. It's straight up damning. Also, anyone who actually starts reading these emails will quickly know they are authentic. They don't need...
  15. MindWars

    BREITBART: Stone: WikiLeaks, Mike Morell, Russia & Me

    BREITBART: Stone: Wikileaks, Mike Morell, Russia, and Me As someone involved in politics for more than 40 years I can attest to the fact that you ruffle some feathers and, dare I say, make some enemies along the way. So what? If the bed-wetters and pearl-clutchers arenā€™t upset with you, you...
  16. MindWars

    Russian nuclear warships entering UK waters in 'a show of force'

    Russian nuclear warships entering UK waters in 'a show of force' A fleet of Russian nuclear-powered warships and fighter jets has reached the North Sea and is scheduled to enter UK territorial waters early Friday, amid rising tensions between Moscow and the Western military alliance of NATO...
  17. MindWars

    Russian forces head for Dover as Moscow moves ships from the Med to square up to Royal Navy vesseles

    Russian Forces Head For Dover As Moscow Moves Ships From The Med To Square Up To Royal Navy Vessels In ā€˜Operation Sea Fistā€™ The Russian aircraft carrier fleet has abandoned its flight training mission and moved into the North Sea, the Ministry of Defence has confirmed. The eight-strong...
  18. MindWars

    Russia Plans to Turn Cell Phone Towers Into Cruise Missile Jammers

    Russia Plans to Turn Cell Phone Towers Into Cruise Missile Jammers Hereā€™s a nightmare scenario that keeps Russian generals up at night: American submarines and aircraft launching precision-guided cruise missiles by the hundreds. Within minutes, they slam into bases, communications nodes and the...
  19. MindWars

    Russian Tv: Us could stage fake " Provocation" to launch war

    RUSSIAN TV: U.S. COULD STAGE FAKE ā€œPROVOCATIONā€ TO LAUNCH WAR Putin-appointed Russian TV host Dmitry Kisiliov asserts that the United States could stage a fake provocation to go to war with Russia and Syria. Noting that the United States had now moved on to ā€œPlan Bā€ in Syria ā€“ directly...
  20. MindWars

    CIA working on ā€˜clandestineā€™ cyberattack against Russia ā€“ report

    CIA working on ā€˜clandestineā€™ cyberattack against Russia ā€“ report The CIA is reportedly planning a ā€œclandestineā€ cyberattack on Russia, in retaliation for its alleged efforts to influence the US elections against Hillary Clinton. The ā€œwide-ranging operationā€ is meant to ā€œembarrassā€ Russiaā€™s...
  21. MindWars

    Wars and Rumors of wars abound.

    Wars and Rumors of Wars Abound As tensions between the US and Russia have reached their highest since the Cold War, Russia denounced American duplicity last week and asked its own citizens whether they are ready for a nuclear attack. The Russian government cautioned people to know where their...
  22. MindWars

    Hillary's False Flag uncovered..................Us elections in peril

    Alex uncovers the possibility that the globalists will use Russia as a scapegoat to throw the US into chaos, allowing Hillary to steal the election. Hillary answers to foreign, multinational groups who want to permanently wound America and merge it into their global power structure which only...
  23. MindWars

    Russian Official Warns 'There Will Be Hiroshimas And Nagasakis Everywhere'

    Obama has done a fine job ticking off Russia. He thinks we have so many allies when in reality just about every country out there hates America. We are like little panizies wearing little pink ballerina dresses and we are all geared up for war with our tutu's on...
  24. MindWars

    Russian Insider Warns Fate Of All Humanity At Stake With US Election As Mike Pence Talks Revolution

    In the 2nd video below featuring a Russian friend of Vladimir Putin, we're warned direly that the current US presidential election has left the fate of all humanity at stake. Telling us that Hillary Clinton shouldn't even be managing a bath house much less running for presidential election...
  25. Eloy

    US Suspends Syria talks with Russia

    "The United States broke off talks with Russia on Monday on implementing a ceasefire agreement in Syria and accused Moscow of not living up to its commitments under the Sept. 9 deal to halt fighting and ensure aid reached besieged communities." U.S. suspends Syria ceasefire talks with Russia...
  26. P@triot


    What a bizarre narrative that liberals first attempted to create and now are attempting to undo. When Obama took office, he was convinced that - like all foolish and ideological liberals - he would win over the world with his "charm" alone. He and Hitlery Clinton presented Russia with a "reset"...
  27. LibertyThunder

    NEWS ALERT: Ukraine Forces Placed on High Alert

    NATO is "deeply concerned" as tensions rise at high level between Russia & Ukraine over area near Crimea!
  28. C

    Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the Anti-Christ!

    Check gematria values! King James Bible Used! Six Hundred Threescore And Six = Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin **************************************** Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is the anti christ = And Unto The End Of The War Desolations Are Determined...
  29. Coyote

    Trump and Russia

    Let's review... Trump wants to build in Moscow. Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union and take back the Baltic nations. Trump wants to get out of NATO. Trump's campaign manager worked for the pro Russia Ukranian president before he was ousted and has close ties with Russian oligarchs...
  30. Fiero425

    Trump Press Conference Surreal

    Did anyone try watching? It looks more like something satirically created for background noise in the back of a bad movie? He's railing against Hillary & Bill, his polls, and ranting about emails! This is what Republicans want to elect to the most powerful office on the planet! He throws out a...

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