
  1. P@triot

    ISIS is alive, Solyndra is dead

    Astounding audio taking you through the very short yet brutally effective history of ISIS. As you will hear in the audio, ISIS funds their terrorism to the tune of over $2 billion per year from oil wells that they have taken control of. When asked why Obama didn't direct U.S. military forces to...
  2. American_Jihad

    Contemplating War in Europe

    Wonder what the obongo would do... Contemplating War in Europe Are the Europeans any match for a Russian assault? May 5, 2016 Dr. Craig Luther During one of my recent research trips to Germany, among a small discussion group, a colonel in the German Bundeswehr raised a few eyebrows with...
  3. R

    "Crooked Hillary" exposed for supporting neocon war/globalism/division agenda

  4. P@triot

    Failed Obama ‘Reset’ Has Encouraged Russian Aggression

    Nothing invites aggression like weakness. And Obama was all to happy to show the entire globe what a limp-wristed little coward he was. No we have a middle east in complete and total turmoil, Iran developing nuclear power and weapons, ISIS running rampant (and far worse than Al Qaeda ever was)...
  5. L

    World War III: original script released 1943 was remake of original WW2 script.

    World War III: original script released 1943 was remake of original WW2 script. All exposed worldwide first by Last Prophet. Script for Word Wars written before the first bullet of End Times was shot The day that the illuminazi murdered Archiduke Franz Ferdinand at Sarajevo, June 28 1914, the...
  6. Maggdy

    Putin said: Hungary is an “old and faithful partner.”

    “I have made it clear [to Putin] that Hungary needs Russia,” Orban told reporters last year. In 2014, he also said Europe “shot itself in the foot” as the sanctions policy pursued by the West “causes more harm to us than to Russia.” "Solution to refugee crisis lies in ‘destroying terrorism’ –...
  7. G

    What are Trump's positions on Russia (their current sanctions) and China (the current island...)?

    What are Trump's positions on Russia (their current sanctions) and China (the current island dispute)?
  8. G

    Will Trump end the sanctions against Russia?

    Will Trump end the sanctions against Russia?
  9. L

    Stalingrad v Syria: Role of oil in the KEY military battles of World War 2 and WW3

    28 Feb 2016 - five months after Russia (or the Soviet Union for that matter) joined the United States in Syria bombing together in the same skies for the first time ever: time to compare Stalingrad, the KEY military battle of World War II with Syria, the KEY military battle of World War III...
  10. Maggdy

    EU & Russia win-win?

    "The Russian embargo has caused some 4.5 billion US Dollars in damage to the Hungarian economy; this is the estimated value of lost exports. The EU wishes to solve the crisis in Eastern Ukraine via political instruments and sanctions against Russia were introduced as the most important element...
  11. wrathbone

    Russia Bombs Hospital and School from Caspian Sea

    Obama made very bad calculations thinking that by not getting more involved in the Syrian civil war, issues would work themselves out. Sadly, it did not. During that huge sucking noise, the exit vacuum, Russia swooped in advancing toward Syrian rebels devastating thousands of civilians caught...
  12. Maggdy

    Wind is from east. Will be flood is again?

    Russian youth are such like the Hungarian far-right youth.
  13. G

    Corruption of Power newsletter - first issue

    Against the background of the UK court's edict about Putin's authorisation of Litvinenko's murder, download the first issue of the Corruption of Power newsletter (which, inter alia, has an article about state-sponsored terrorism in Russia) by opening the attached pdf file.
  14. Anonymous1977

    So why was America militarily aiding Muslim Afghanistan against the Soviet Union if Muslims do...

    Title: So why was America militarily aiding Muslim Afghanistan against the Soviet Union if Muslims do what they do?... Soviet–Afghan War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia -
  15. Anonymous1977

    Pres. Putin points out that America has not been attacking I.S. oil convoys. Why have we not?

    BREAKING: Putin Reveals ISIS Funded by 40 Countries, Including G20 Members -
  16. Anonymous1977

    "Russia bombing CIVILIANS in Ghouta, Syria;" will Putin be treated like Gaddafi?

    Here is a news story and video about Russia bombing civilians in Ghouta, will the U.S. and it's allies treat Pres. Putin like "Col." Gaddafi was treated for his killing?... Russia drone footage shows devastated Damascus suburb (Video title: "'Russia bombing CIVILIANS in Ghouta...
  17. W

    Lifestyles of the Russian Powerful & Corrupt

    Imposters or an expose of Russian Corruption... Fathers And Children: The Internet Reacts To Putin's Alleged Billionaire Daughter November 11, 2015 - Kremlin supporters and opponents are bickering online following Reuters' publication of an extensive investigation into the lives and fortunes...
  18. W

    Russian Olympic Doping Ban

    Russians face Olympic ban for doping athletes... Russia slammed in doping report, faces possible Olympic ban Nov 9,`15 -- Russia's status as a sports superpower and its participation in track and field events at next year's Olympics came under threat Monday after a report accused the Russians...
  19. Anonymous1977

    Russia still saying Assad stays (new Syrian violence;) closer to Armageddon?...

    Syria bombs Douma despite use of human shields -
  20. Anonymous1977

    Russia -vs- "U.S. backed terrorists": US charges Russia with bombing civilians. Will Putin...

    Will Putin get the Gaddafi treatment?: Moscow demands US-led coalition in Syria 'prove or deny' allegations Russia is 'bombing civilians'
  21. Anonymous1977

    Supreme display of American cowardice or what?

    U.S. "accidentally arms" ISIS because too afraid to make sure weapons reached intended group: U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say
  22. Anonymous1977

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East

    Vladimir Putin accuses US of backing terrorism in Middle East
  23. Anonymous1977

    Is it cowardice for the U.S. to run away from fighting Russia LOL?

    Russian Broadcaster Warns of Turning US Into 'Radioactive Dust' Some have alleged that Russia is a part of the Abrahamic scriptures Gog & Magog but is it cowardice for us Americans to RUN FROM fighting Russia (run from volunteering for military service) if they could seriously damage our...
  24. longknife

    Who's Fighting Whom in Syria

    As one looks at the chart, one scratches ones head and wonders what the hell is going on. What have more than 220k people and uprooted millions gained from this? See the chart and read the explanations @ Confused About Syria? A Guide to the War’s Friends, Enemies, and Frenemies.
  25. HaShev

    Gog Magog Ezekiel 38-39

    Ezekiel 38-39 Gog Magog verses used to preach armageddon show alot of the players and events seen today regarding Isis pilaging and Gog coming from the North down to Syria. PLAYERS LIKE Iran and Libya fighting Isis etc. But Preachers took the Liberty to assume and interpret how they would see it...

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