1/25 Pelosi buys $1 Million in Tesla stock. 1/26 Biden signs EO mandating all Govt vehicles go electric.

Coincidence? I think not.

Nancy bought the stock options in December, not on January 25th. Only an idiot would think that buying stock in green energy companies would be a bad investment with a Democrat in the White House, so it's not like it was "insider news" at the time.

Joe Biden signed the Executive Order on January 25th, not January 26th - It's in your Breitbart Link, Fuck Boi. Your Breitbart article was published on the 26th, but the EO was signed on the 25th.

If this weak ass shit is the best you've got, it's gonna be a long, long 4 years for you, FuckBoi.
The attempt to make this in anyway the same as the insider trading that those two republican jackasses did is amusing.

It's what Republicans do with a Democrat in the White House. Benghazi had 7 investigations, all concluding that the Obama Administration did nothing wrong and there was no cover up. The loss of American life, could not have been prevented that night, once events were in motion. And yet, Republicans still believe that Hillary caused those deaths, and there was a coverup.
No one siad Hillary caused those deaths.

What bothered conservatives was the fact that Obama administration blamed an Americans right to free speech for the deaths.

Sure, the film was irresponsible....but not illegal.

But the administration chose to tell the world that our most sacred right, right to free speech is what caused those deaths.

When, In fact, it didnt.

That was un-American.
Umm, the Obama administration was blaming that video because it was the CIA's assessment that the video spurred the attack. About two weeks later, the CIA changed that assessment to it being a terrorist attack and Obama's administration stopped blaming the video.
Wrong. COMPLETELY wrong and insulting.

The CIA made no assessment at the beginning. They don't do that. It would be negligence.

The CIA puts together an AAR that usually takes days to complete...and then they submit a report. It includes video evaluation, witness testimony, cause of death study not to mention recon that sometimes takes days to collect, evaluate and assess.

So what you said is not only factually incorrect....but if fed to you by news media...it is propaganda and very dangerous.

The State department chose to blame the deaths on the video before having any report from any agency. That is a fact.

So, without the DoD, the CIA or the FBI offering their evaluation, the administration believed it best to blame an American exercising his first amendment right. Yes, he did so irresponsibly.....but he did not break the law.

Know your facts before you regurgitate propoganda.
Unlike you, I can back by claims up. Don't forget, Benghazi was one of the most investigated attacks in our history. This is the fruit those investigations bore...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

Now stop making shit up.
Nice try.

Showing me "investigations that took place weeks and months after the attack" does not explain why the administration blamed the attack on the first day on some American expressing his first amendment right.

Do you think it was right for the State Department blame an American exercising his first amendment right without knowing for sure?

Is that where you come from? Blame Americans first, then take it back later if wrong?
Coincidence? I think not.

It would be more of a coincidence if the shares had been purchased before Biden announced what he was going to do. Anyone with a brain would invest in EV companies once Biden announced it to the world what like last year?
Irrelevant. If we want our officials to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, they should not be able to benefit like this. Far to easy for them to make massive moves in the markets knowing what changes in laws and regulations are coming. It would serve as an incentive for them to get in, serve a few terms and get out instead of getting in for a lifetime and leaving obscenely wealthy from influence peddling (Hello Hunter Biden) and insider trading. How would you have reacted had TRUMP! invested heavily in companies that did fracking before he wrote the EO's encouraging it?
We? We who? I dont begrudge anyone the right to invest in something when its public knowledge. If you mean by "we" conservatives then youre full of shit. You clowns are always doing insider trading and then claiming there was no evidence of wrong doing.
Nope, I've never done insider trading. I do, however, believe that those who have direct influence on the markets like these congresscritters should not be able to profit from laws they write and pass. I don't care if it's public knowledge or not, because they know what laws will be written and when they will take effect. Heck, they should, they voted on them. As for we, do you really think you're in the majority if you don't want our elected officials to avoid the appearance of impropriety? Why do you think presidents put their assets in blind trusts? Get with the program.
Of course I'm in the majority. Dump is no longer in the white house. Havent you heard? He lost by about 10 million votes.
What does that have to do with anything that matters? Either you want elected officials to avoid the appearance of impropriety by not profiting from the laws they write and pass or you don't. Based on what you've said thus far in this thread you only care if TRUMP! is the one doing it.
Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

^^^ Owned by Faun

^^^ Owned by Faun


Still waiting for you to quote the text you idiotically claim is in this executive order...

Good thing for me, I'm not holding my breath.
^^^^Happy he voted for a vegetable who has no clue WTF is in the documents he signs his name to^^^^^

:cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301:
Still better than Twice Impeached Trump.
Coincidence? I think not.

It would be more of a coincidence if the shares had been purchased before Biden announced what he was going to do. Anyone with a brain would invest in EV companies once Biden announced it to the world what like last year?
Irrelevant. If we want our officials to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, they should not be able to benefit like this. Far to easy for them to make massive moves in the markets knowing what changes in laws and regulations are coming. It would serve as an incentive for them to get in, serve a few terms and get out instead of getting in for a lifetime and leaving obscenely wealthy from influence peddling (Hello Hunter Biden) and insider trading. How would you have reacted had TRUMP! invested heavily in companies that did fracking before he wrote the EO's encouraging it?
We? We who? I dont begrudge anyone the right to invest in something when its public knowledge. If you mean by "we" conservatives then youre full of shit. You clowns are always doing insider trading and then claiming there was no evidence of wrong doing.
Nope, I've never done insider trading. I do, however, believe that those who have direct influence on the markets like these congresscritters should not be able to profit from laws they write and pass. I don't care if it's public knowledge or not, because they know what laws will be written and when they will take effect. Heck, they should, they voted on them. As for we, do you really think you're in the majority if you don't want our elected officials to avoid the appearance of impropriety? Why do you think presidents put their assets in blind trusts? Get with the program.
Of course I'm in the majority. Dump is no longer in the white house. Havent you heard? He lost by about 10 million votes.
What does that have to do with anything that matters? Either you want elected officials to avoid the appearance of impropriety by not profiting from the laws they write and pass or you don't. Based on what you've said thus far in this thread you only care if TRUMP! is the one doing it.
Nobody wrote a law. Anyone with half a brain knew that if Biden won then alternative energy technology would be a lucrative investment. Now if someone bought shares in the vaccine makers before the pandemic was announced then I would have a problem.
Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

^^^ Owned by Faun

^^^ Owned by Faun


Still waiting for you to quote the text you idiotically claim is in this executive order...

Good thing for me, I'm not holding my breath.
^^^^Happy he voted for a vegetable who has no clue WTF is in the documents he signs his name to^^^^^

:cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301:
Still better than Twice Impeached Trump.
the fact that you are hanging on to the "once impeached, it lasts forever and twice impeached is worse" thing speaks volumes about your credibility.
Coincidence? I think not.

Nancy bought the stock options in December, not on January 25th. Only an idiot would think that buying stock in green energy companies would be a bad investment with a Democrat in the White House, so it's not like it was "insider news" at the time.

Joe Biden signed the Executive Order on January 25th, not January 26th - It's in your Breitbart Link, Fuck Boi. Your Breitbart article was published on the 26th, but the EO was signed on the 25th.

If this weak ass shit is the best you've got, it's gonna be a long, long 4 years for you, FuckBoi.
The attempt to make this in anyway the same as the insider trading that those two republican jackasses did is amusing.

It's what Republicans do with a Democrat in the White House. Benghazi had 7 investigations, all concluding that the Obama Administration did nothing wrong and there was no cover up. The loss of American life, could not have been prevented that night, once events were in motion. And yet, Republicans still believe that Hillary caused those deaths, and there was a coverup.
No one siad Hillary caused those deaths.

What bothered conservatives was the fact that Obama administration blamed an Americans right to free speech for the deaths.

Sure, the film was irresponsible....but not illegal.

But the administration chose to tell the world that our most sacred right, right to free speech is what caused those deaths.

When, In fact, it didnt.

That was un-American.
Umm, the Obama administration was blaming that video because it was the CIA's assessment that the video spurred the attack. About two weeks later, the CIA changed that assessment to it being a terrorist attack and Obama's administration stopped blaming the video.
Wrong. COMPLETELY wrong and insulting.

The CIA made no assessment at the beginning. They don't do that. It would be negligence.

The CIA puts together an AAR that usually takes days to complete...and then they submit a report. It includes video evaluation, witness testimony, cause of death study not to mention recon that sometimes takes days to collect, evaluate and assess.

So what you said is not only factually incorrect....but if fed to you by news media...it is propaganda and very dangerous.

The State department chose to blame the deaths on the video before having any report from any agency. That is a fact.

So, without the DoD, the CIA or the FBI offering their evaluation, the administration believed it best to blame an American exercising his first amendment right. Yes, he did so irresponsibly.....but he did not break the law.

Know your facts before you regurgitate propoganda.
Unlike you, I can back by claims up. Don't forget, Benghazi was one of the most investigated attacks in our history. This is the fruit those investigations bore...

Fourth, the Committee concludes that after the attacks, the early intelligence assessments and the Administration's initial public narrative on the causes and motivations for the attacks were not fully accurate. There was a stream of contradictory and conflicting intelligence that came in after the attacks. The Committee found intelligence to support CIA's initial assessment that the attacks had evolved out of a protest in Benghazi; but it also found contrary intelligence, which ultimately proved to be the correct intelligence. There was no protest. The CIA only changed its initial assessment about a protest on September 24, 2012, when closed caption television footage became available on September 18, 2012 (two days after Ambassador Susan Rice spoke), and after the FBI began publishing its interviews with U.S. officials on the ground on September 22, 2012.

Now stop making shit up.
Nice try.

Showing me "investigations that took place weeks and months after the attack" does not explain why the administration blamed the attack on the first day on some American expressing his first amendment right.

Do you think it was right for the State Department blame an American exercising his first amendment right without knowing for sure?

Is that where you come from? Blame Americans first, then take it back later if wrong?
It explained it, dumbfuck. And you were wrong about me getting that from the media -- it came from a GOP-led House committee who investigated it while all you're capable of investigating are the nostras you flush down the toilet.

The CIA's assessment was the video. The Obama administration publicly echoed that assessment. Then the CIA, upon discovering new evidence and evaluating it, changed their assessment. The Obama administration then stopped blaming the video. And that's according to Republicans who tried 8 times to nail Hillary and Obama to the proverbial cross.

You're certainly welcome to deny reality; but you do so at a cost only to yourself.
Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

^^^ Owned by Faun

^^^ Owned by Faun


Still waiting for you to quote the text you idiotically claim is in this executive order...

Good thing for me, I'm not holding my breath.
^^^^Happy he voted for a vegetable who has no clue WTF is in the documents he signs his name to^^^^^

:cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301:
Still better than Twice Impeached Trump.
the fact that you are hanging on to the "once impeached, it lasts forever and twice impeached is worse" thing speaks volumes about your credibility.

Am I supposed to care what a dumbfuck thinks of me?? Especially in a case like this where I'm able to back my claims while you cite no one but yourself.
Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

^^^ Owned by Faun

^^^ Owned by Faun


Still waiting for you to quote the text you idiotically claim is in this executive order...

Good thing for me, I'm not holding my breath.
^^^^Happy he voted for a vegetable who has no clue WTF is in the documents he signs his name to^^^^^

:cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301:
Still better than Twice Impeached Trump.
Get better soon. :itsok:
dems are for the little people, right?

Lizzy Cheekbones should tax 100% of Nancy TSLA stock
He definitely got my "I despise Dump" vote. One of the things I despise Dump for is being a child molester so you are correct.

Trump was never a child molester.

You are sick.

Was never proven to be one but was buddies with one at one time and this thread is not about Trump sexual desires but about Pelosi and Biden doing something that would get the rest of us jail time!

Then why did your buddy bring up sexual desires in this thread?

Trump was sued by one of "Epstein's Girls" who filed court papers, including an affidavit of a witness to the acts claimed, saying Trump beat and raped her when she was 13. Added to which there's those creepy things he's said about young girls, and walking into the dressing room of the Miss Teen America pageant.
Once you state presumption, assumption and "unnamed witnesses say"....your credibility is compromised.

You post is bullshit. The court papers have been filed. This isn't a "reportedly".

So if I file court papers that claim you are a spy for the Russian government, then it must be true?

Court papers were filed and then dropped, politifact a left wing fact checker rates the story as false.

so it is your post that is bullshit!

The story is false and those that are still claiming Trump raped a thirteen year old are doing so with the hope no one will point to the fact that not just one State but two Progressive States dropped the case because the person making the claim was not reliable and never gave enough to warrant the case to be heard!

I mean when California and New York State boot the case you can bet the case was fraudulently made and was done so it would be used against Trump...
The story most likely is false. So what? So are the claims the Joe Biden is a pedophile yet I see no shortage of righties saying that anyway.
I watch Fox News. I have never seen a story about an accusation of Biden being a pedophile. Yes, I saw clips of him sniffing hair, rubbing the shoulder of someone's wife......but the story was never about him being a pedophile. It was about him being Uncle Creepy. But never accused of being a pedophile.

Rachel Maddow...is that you?
I watch neither Maddow nor Fox. Nor did I claim Fox said that. This is just more shit you're making up because reality eludes you. Regardless, there is no shortage of righties calling Joe Biden a pedophile. It happened in this thread and I see it here in many, many threads. Remove your head from the OP's ass and you might just see it too.
Last edited:
Coincidence? I think not.

It would be more of a coincidence if the shares had been purchased before Biden announced what he was going to do. Anyone with a brain would invest in EV companies once Biden announced it to the world what like last year?
Irrelevant. If we want our officials to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, they should not be able to benefit like this. Far to easy for them to make massive moves in the markets knowing what changes in laws and regulations are coming. It would serve as an incentive for them to get in, serve a few terms and get out instead of getting in for a lifetime and leaving obscenely wealthy from influence peddling (Hello Hunter Biden) and insider trading. How would you have reacted had TRUMP! invested heavily in companies that did fracking before he wrote the EO's encouraging it?
We? We who? I dont begrudge anyone the right to invest in something when its public knowledge. If you mean by "we" conservatives then youre full of shit. You clowns are always doing insider trading and then claiming there was no evidence of wrong doing.
Nope, I've never done insider trading. I do, however, believe that those who have direct influence on the markets like these congresscritters should not be able to profit from laws they write and pass. I don't care if it's public knowledge or not, because they know what laws will be written and when they will take effect. Heck, they should, they voted on them. As for we, do you really think you're in the majority if you don't want our elected officials to avoid the appearance of impropriety? Why do you think presidents put their assets in blind trusts? Get with the program.
Of course I'm in the majority. Dump is no longer in the white house. Havent you heard? He lost by about 10 million votes.
What does that have to do with anything that matters? Either you want elected officials to avoid the appearance of impropriety by not profiting from the laws they write and pass or you don't. Based on what you've said thus far in this thread you only care if TRUMP! is the one doing it.
Nobody wrote a law. Anyone with half a brain knew that if Biden won then alternative energy technology would be a lucrative investment. Now if someone bought shares in the vaccine makers before the pandemic was announced then I would have a problem.
I simply don't care how they come about the knowledge, the fact that they are ABLE to craft legislation to maximize their investments and CAN make moves in the market based on knowledge they have about the laws, regulations and EO's coming down the line is enough for me to want them prevented from profiting off them. Preventing them from doing it would have the added benefit of limiting their ability to accumulate vast amounts of wealth.
It's like when Sonny Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were briefed on COVID in February then sold all their stock while downplaying the pandemic, saving tens of millions before the market crashed.

Members of Congress should not be allowed to buy and sell stock

Imagine both parties are corrupt and yet you are stupid enough to vote for the corruption. Says a lot about you.
How were we supposed to get Dump out if we didnt vote him out? That was the goal from day 1 of the election.
Voted him out ??? Rotflmbo. As popular as Trump was (proven over and over and over again), you actually think that he was officially voted out by the Democrat's ??? We'll never know now will we ???

How was Trump's popularity "proven over and over and over again"? He won primaries with 15% of the vote in the early battles, which means that 85% of the voters voted for SOMEONE ELSE. He lost the popular vote in 2016. 3 million more people voted for Hillary, in an election with one of the lowest turnouts in modern history.

He had the largest mid-Term loss since the Civil War, and his approval rating was never higher than 48% and that was only briefly, after he won his first impeachment trial. Mostly he's hovered in the low 40's. His loss in the 2020 election was entirely in keep with his approval ratings and his past results.
The CCP dems had to cheat in the TENS OF MILLION VOTES COLUMN to overcome President Trump's pro American popularity
They have a support group for Qannon believers. You should give them a call.

Do you think Biden set the record setting tone for white politicians to garner black votes: talk down to them, lecture them, thank them for stocking shelves? I mean he got more black votes than even Obama right?

Do you think your opinion of Joe Biden's treatment of black voters cuts any ice with anyone Frank? Especially given how uniformly HATED Trump is by blacks.
Coincidence? I think not.

Nancy bought the stock options in December, not on January 25th. Only an idiot would think that buying stock in green energy companies would be a bad investment with a Democrat in the White House, so it's not like it was "insider news" at the time.

Joe Biden signed the Executive Order on January 25th, not January 26th - It's in your Breitbart Link, Fuck Boi. Your Breitbart article was published on the 26th, but the EO was signed on the 25th.

If this weak ass shit is the best you've got, it's gonna be a long, long 4 years for you, FuckBoi.
The attempt to make this in anyway the same as the insider trading that those two republican jackasses did is amusing.

It's what Republicans do with a Democrat in the White House. Benghazi had 7 investigations, all concluding that the Obama Administration did nothing wrong and there was no cover up. The loss of American life, could not have been prevented that night, once events were in motion. And yet, Republicans still believe that Hillary caused those deaths, and there was a coverup.
No one siad Hillary caused those deaths.

What bothered conservatives was the fact that Obama administration blamed an Americans right to free speech for the deaths.

Sure, the film was irresponsible....but not illegal.

But the administration chose to tell the world that our most sacred right, right to free speech is what caused those deaths.

When, In fact, it didnt.

That was un-American.

Bullshit. That's a really nice fairy story, but surprisingly, this is the very first time I've heard this was a "freedom of speech" issue. I've always heard "Hillary lied, the Ambassador Died", "I blame Hillary for their deaths", they "covered up the terrorist attack to help Obama's re-election". And why did Ambassador Stephen's family saying to stop blaming Hillary?

You needed 7 investigations, all of which sought to blame Administration and to say they covered up a first Amendment right to free speech? Why is this the first time I'm hearing this?

But back to Nancy. How is her buying Tesla stock Joe made the announcment, a bad thing?
Do you think your opinion of Joe Biden's treatment of black voters cuts any ice with anyone Frank? Especially given how uniformly HATED Trump is by blacks.

Have you ever posted anything that wasn't a lie?

He definitely got my "I despise Dump" vote. One of the things I despise Dump for is being a child molester so you are correct.

Trump was never a child molester.

You are sick.

Was never proven to be one but was buddies with one at one time and this thread is not about Trump sexual desires but about Pelosi and Biden doing something that would get the rest of us jail time!

Then why did your buddy bring up sexual desires in this thread?

Trump was sued by one of "Epstein's Girls" who filed court papers, including an affidavit of a witness to the acts claimed, saying Trump beat and raped her when she was 13. Added to which there's those creepy things he's said about young girls, and walking into the dressing room of the Miss Teen America pageant.
Once you state presumption, assumption and "unnamed witnesses say"....your credibility is compromised.

You post is bullshit. The court papers have been filed. This isn't a "reportedly".

So if I file court papers that claim you are a spy for the Russian government, then it must be true?

Court papers were filed and then dropped, politifact a left wing fact checker rates the story as false.

so it is your post that is bullshit!

The story is false and those that are still claiming Trump raped a thirteen year old are doing so with the hope no one will point to the fact that not just one State but two Progressive States dropped the case because the person making the claim was not reliable and never gave enough to warrant the case to be heard!

I mean when California and New York State boot the case you can bet the case was fraudulently made and was done so it would be used against Trump...
The story most likely is false. So what? So are the claims the Joe Biden is a pedophile yet I see no shortage of righties saying that anyway.
I watch Fox News. I have never seen a story about an accusation of Biden being a pedophile. Yes, I saw clips of him sniffing hair, rubbing the shoulder of someone's wife......but the story was never about him being a pedophile. It was about him being Uncle Creepy. But never accused of being a pedophile.

Rachel Maddow...is that you?

The post about the accusations against Trump were made in response to someone making reference to "Pedo Joe" and the CCP.
I dont even look at Pedo Joe and CCP crap.
Not my style.
Tesla isn't making money selling cars. That's the problem here.
That is false. The real problem is congresscritters using not only insider information, but the power to write laws to make millions. People who write laws that impact the markets should not be able to profit from that ability.

Yes that is a problem but the bigger problem is the entire system is corrupt.
Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

^^^ Owned by Faun

^^^ Owned by Faun


Still waiting for you to quote the text you idiotically claim is in this executive order...

Good thing for me, I'm not holding my breath.
^^^^Happy he voted for a vegetable who has no clue WTF is in the documents he signs his name to^^^^^

:cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301:
Still better than Twice Impeached Trump.
Get better soon. :itsok:

I'm doing just fine. Right now, this is among my favorite threads today. It completely and utterly exposed you as the dumbfuck you are.


Tell me again how Nancy bought Tesla shares on 1/25.
Tell me again how Biden signed the "Made in America" executive order that states we'll be swapping out combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles.
Tell me again how you didn't reference that executive order.
Tell me again how those vehicles will be Teslas.

Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

^^^ Owned by Faun

^^^ Owned by Faun


Still waiting for you to quote the text you idiotically claim is in this executive order...

Good thing for me, I'm not holding my breath.
^^^^Happy he voted for a vegetable who has no clue WTF is in the documents he signs his name to^^^^^

:cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301:
Still better than Twice Impeached Trump.
Get better soon. :itsok:

I'm doing just fine. Right now, this is among my favorite threads today. It completely and utterly exposed you as the dumbfuck you are.


Tell me again how Nancy bought Tesla shares on 1/25.
Tell me again how Biden signed the "Made in America" executive order that states we'll be swapping out combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles.
Tell me again how you didn't reference that executive order.
Tell me again how those vehicles will be Teslas.

Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

^^^ Owned by Faun

^^^ Owned by Faun


Still waiting for you to quote the text you idiotically claim is in this executive order...

Good thing for me, I'm not holding my breath.
^^^^Happy he voted for a vegetable who has no clue WTF is in the documents he signs his name to^^^^^

:cuckoo: :itsok: :laughing0301:
Still better than Twice Impeached Trump.
Get better soon. :itsok:

I'm doing just fine. Right now, this is among my favorite threads today. It completely and utterly exposed you as the dumbfuck you are.


Tell me again how Nancy bought Tesla shares on 1/25.
Tell me again how Biden signed the "Made in America" executive order that states we'll be swapping out combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles.
Tell me again how you didn't reference that executive order.
Tell me again how those vehicles will be Teslas.

^^^ Owned again by Faun

Coincidence? I think not.

READ ALL ABOUT IT!!...Pelosi the only one in America to buy Tesla stock!!

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