1/25 Pelosi buys $1 Million in Tesla stock. 1/26 Biden signs EO mandating all Govt vehicles go electric.

Hey Stupid..............that's his "Buy American" EO.

I said nothing about that one you flaming moron.

:cuckoo: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laughing0301: :cuckoo: :laughing0301:

I'm still cracking up over this..... :lmao:

Dumbfuck, this is what you linked...

Joe Biden Signs Executive Order to Make All Federal Vehicles Electric
President Joe Biden signed an executive order Monday to phase out the federal government’s use of vehicles that run on gas and replace them with ones that run on electricity.​
The process is part of Biden’s “Made in America” executive order, which the president claims will create one million additional jobs in the auto industry in America.​

You'll note it not only references the "Made in America" executive order, but it also provides a link to it. The exact same link I posted to it.

Yet here we get the pleasure of dumbfuck actually saying, "hey Stupid..............that's his "Buy American" EO. I said nothing about that one you flaming moron."



Are you ever not a dumbfuck?

It's like when Sonny Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were briefed on COVID in February then sold all their stock while downplaying the pandemic, saving tens of millions before the market crashed.

Members of Congress should not be allowed to buy and sell stock

Imagine both parties are corrupt and yet you are stupid enough to vote for the corruption. Says a lot about you.
How were we supposed to get Dump out if we didnt vote him out? That was the goal from day 1 of the election.
You should have never allowed him to be voted in. Any candidate and I mean any candidate other than Hillary would have beat him. The sanctimonious Democrats somehow believed Hillary being elected was destiny against such a weak opponent as Trump.
I'm not a Dem so I had no say on who they selected to beat Dump
Calling him "Dump" pretty much made it clear what your politics are.

I was never a Trump fan, but as a conservative, I was a Trump voter. I did not like his approach, but I very much appreciated his accomplishments.

You called him Dump.

I do not debate people who claim to be what they aren't in an effort to lend credibility to their posts.

In my opinion, you are a liar.;....Like Jillian who claimed to be an attorney when, in fact, she was proven to not be an attorney.

I wasnt even talking to you much less debating you on the fact that Dump lost. Where did you get the idea to bother replying to my post?
I get a thrill calling out liars...and applying my logic as ti why I know they are liars.

The debate thing? You have tried to debate me in the past. And today I explained why I don't care about your opinion. You are an insecure liar.
So IOW you got your feelings hurt. No worries. I do that to moronic people all the time.

I doubt I have ever debated you on anything. For 3 reasons. You're too much of an idiot. You're too emotional and I dont remember you at all. You must be a pretty shitty debater if you didnt even leave an impression that I can recall.

Strong words from a man behind a keyboard and monitor.

Good for you
Be glad about that.

Ooooo! Internet tough guy alert!

See new Tweets

ABC News Live

Jan 25

Pres. Biden: "The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we're going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers." https://abcn.ws/3c8ZMDn

0:27 / 0:28

Dumbfuck, I didn't deny he said that. I said it's not in the execute order you referenced in your OP.

That's what you can't actually quote any text from that EO stating what you claim is in there.

Proving yet again (I've lost count) what a moronic dumbfuck you are.

Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

See new Tweets

ABC News Live

Jan 25

Pres. Biden: "The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we're going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers." https://abcn.ws/3c8ZMDn

0:27 / 0:28

Dumbfuck, I didn't deny he said that. I said it's not in the execute order you referenced in your OP.

That's what you can't actually quote any text from that EO stating what you claim is in there.

Proving yet again (I've lost count) what a moronic dumbfuck you are.


So your argument is that Pedo Joe is too fucking stupid to know what he is signing his name to.

Got it. :laughing0301: :cuckoo::itsok:
It's like when Sonny Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were briefed on COVID in February then sold all their stock while downplaying the pandemic, saving tens of millions before the market crashed.

Members of Congress should not be allowed to buy and sell stock

Imagine both parties are corrupt and yet you are stupid enough to vote for the corruption. Says a lot about you.
How were we supposed to get Dump out if we didnt vote him out? That was the goal from day 1 of the election.
You should have never allowed him to be voted in. Any candidate and I mean any candidate other than Hillary would have beat him. The sanctimonious Democrats somehow believed Hillary being elected was destiny against such a weak opponent as Trump.
I'm not a Dem so I had no say on who they selected to beat Dump

So you didn't vote in the primaries or the national election for either party? If you did, you are part of the problem, you can't get rid of evil by voting for it.
Then quit bitching, that is why I accept whoever gets elected, I go third party and refuse to support either. I did my part.
I cant vote in the Dem or repub primaries. I'm Independent. In this case it was paramount we get that incompetent fuckup and grifter out of office so I voted 10 times for Biden. :)
Okay, now that was funny!
Does Pedo Joe not know what is in his own EOs?

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers,” Biden told reporters during a briefing Monday announcing his “Buy American” executive order.

Waiting for that quote, dumbfuck. I'm even nice enough to give you a clue -- it's not in the EO you linked in that Breitbart article. Seems Breitbart is as dumb as you are.

You just quoted the quote, Stupid.

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers,” Biden told reporters during a briefing Monday announcing his “Buy American” executive order.

Dumbfuck, now you're quoting Biden but your OP links to an article that references an executive order you idiotically denied saying anything about. Can't you quote what you claim is in it??

Of course you can't as that EO doesn't state what you think it does.


See new Tweets

ABC News Live

Jan 25

Pres. Biden: "The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we're going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers." https://abcn.ws/3c8ZMDn

0:27 / 0:28

Dumbfuck, I didn't deny he said that. I said it's not in the execute order you referenced in your OP.

That's what you can't actually quote any text from that EO stating what you claim is in there.

Proving yet again (I've lost count) what a moronic dumbfuck you are.


So your argument is that Pedo Joe is too fucking stupid to know what he is signing his name to.

Got it. :laughing0301: :cuckoo::itsok:

No, my argument is you're a dumbfuck who thought that was in the EO he signed on Monday and even in the video you posted of him saying he wants to replace combustion engine cars with electric cars, he says that's what he wants to do -- he doesn't say it was in that executive order. Yet more evidence you're a dumbfuck.


Now go fetch me that text, boy, from the executive order your OP claims it's in or you're unwillingly informing this thread you're the brain-dead dumbfuck I've been claiming you are...
Coincidence? I think not.


your title for the Thread is a LIE. WHY do you lie? Does it really serve a purpose other than making you a liar, and all of us seeing that you are a liar?

Pelosi did NOT buy the stock on Jan 25 and Biden's EO on Jan 26.

Pelosi bought the stock on DECEMBER 22.

This is the source from your first link

He definitely got my "I despise Dump" vote. One of the things I despise Dump for is being a child molester so you are correct.

Trump was never a child molester.

You are sick.

Was never proven to be one but was buddies with one at one time and this thread is not about Trump sexual desires but about Pelosi and Biden doing something that would get the rest of us jail time!

Then why did your buddy bring up sexual desires in this thread?

Trump was sued by one of "Epstein's Girls" who filed court papers, including an affidavit of a witness to the acts claimed, saying Trump beat and raped her when she was 13. Added to which there's those creepy things he's said about young girls, and walking into the dressing room of the Miss Teen America pageant.
Once you state presumption, assumption and "unnamed witnesses say"....your credibility is compromised.

You post is bullshit. The court papers have been filed. This isn't a "reportedly".

So if I file court papers that claim you are a spy for the Russian government, then it must be true?

Court papers were filed and then dropped, politifact a left wing fact checker rates the story as false.

so it is your post that is bullshit!

The story is false and those that are still claiming Trump raped a thirteen year old are doing so with the hope no one will point to the fact that not just one State but two Progressive States dropped the case because the person making the claim was not reliable and never gave enough to warrant the case to be heard!

I mean when California and New York State boot the case you can bet the case was fraudulently made and was done so it would be used against Trump...

The filing of the case isn't "proof" of the case, therefore the Politifact

California booted the case because it was improperly filed. The girl dropped the case in New York after her family was threatened.

See new Tweets

ABC News Live

Jan 25

Pres. Biden: "The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we're going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers." https://abcn.ws/3c8ZMDn

0:27 / 0:28

Dumbfuck, I didn't deny he said that. I said it's not in the execute order you referenced in your OP.

That's what you can't actually quote any text from that EO stating what you claim is in there.

Proving yet again (I've lost count) what a moronic dumbfuck you are.


So your argument is that Pedo Joe is too fucking stupid to know what he is signing his name to.

Got it. :laughing0301: :cuckoo::itsok:

No, my argument is you're a dumbfuck who thought that was in the EO he signed on Monday and even in the video you posted of him saying he wants to replace combustion engine cars with electric cars, he says that's what he wants to do -- he doesn't say it was in that executive order. Yet more evidence you're a dumbfuck.


Now go fetch me that text, boy, from the executive order your OP claims it's in or you're unwillingly informing this thread you're the brain-dead dumbfuck I've been claiming you are...

Does Pedo Joe not know what is in his own EOs?

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers,” Biden told reporters during a briefing Monday announcing his “Buy American” executive order.

Waiting for that quote, dumbfuck. I'm even nice enough to give you a clue -- it's not in the EO you linked in that Breitbart article. Seems Breitbart is as dumb as you are.

Of course. Anyone who thinks differently than you is a dumbfuck.

The real definition of a dumbfuck is someone who calls those that diagree with them as a dumbfuck
Can you try not to be a dumbfuck like the OP? Nowhere have I ever said anyone is a dumbfuck for thinking differently than myself. I call dumbfucks, "dumbfucks," for the dumbfuckery they post. Just like in this thread where the OP claimed Biden passed an executive order on last Monday that calls for replacing combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles. Hysterically, he then denies saying anything about that EO even though that very EO is linked and discussed in the article he linked in his OP. On top of which, his article mentions Ford and GM but not Tesla. Meaning Tesla is his claim, not the claim of the article he posted. On top of that is the sad fact he only mentioned Tesla to tie this thread to Nancy Pelosi but even that he fucked up, falsely claiming she bought Tesla stock on January 25th; when in fact, she bought that back in December.

But I understand. You're a boot-licking con who can't help but leap to the defense of your fellow brain-dead cons. :clap:
Does Pedo Joe not know what is in his own EOs?

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers,” Biden told reporters during a briefing Monday announcing his “Buy American” executive order.

Waiting for that quote, dumbfuck. I'm even nice enough to give you a clue -- it's not in the EO you linked in that Breitbart article. Seems Breitbart is as dumb as you are.

Of course. Anyone who thinks differently than you is a dumbfuck.

The real definition of a dumbfuck is someone who calls those that diagree with them as a dumbfuck
Can you try not to be a dumbfuck like the OP? Nowhere have I ever said anyone is a dumbfuck for thinking differently than myself. I call dumbfucks, "dumbfucks," for the dumbfuckery they post. Just like in this thread where the OP claimed Biden passed an executive order on last Monday that calls for replacing combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles. Hysterically, he then denies saying anything about that EO even though that very EO is linked and discussed in the article he linked in his OP. On top of which, his article mentions Ford and GM but not Tesla. Meaning Tesla is his claim, not the claim of the article he posted. On top of that is the sad fact he only mentioned Tesla to tie this thread to Nancy Pelosi but even that he fucked up, falsely claiming she bought Tesla stock on January 25th; when in fact, she bought that back in December.

But I understand. You're a boot-licking con who can't help but leap to the defense of your fellow brain-dead cons. :clap:

If only you read what you wrote with an open mind.

You would laugh at yourself.

Poor Fawnboi...........asked for a direct quote. I gave him a direct quote from Pedo Joe. Fawnboi still didn't catch on, so knowing he has difficulty reading I provided Fawnboi with a video of Pedo Joe saying it.

Still not enough.

I can't dumb it down any further FAwnboi. You are on your own.

Dumbfuck, why are you lying now? I didn't just ask for a quote, I asked you to quote the executive order you referenced in the link you gave.

Seems you're just not man enough to admit to me when you fuck up.

Does Pedo Joe not know what is in his own EOs?

“The federal government also owns an enormous fleet of vehicles, which we’re going to replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, by American workers,” Biden told reporters during a briefing Monday announcing his “Buy American” executive order.

Waiting for that quote, dumbfuck. I'm even nice enough to give you a clue -- it's not in the EO you linked in that Breitbart article. Seems Breitbart is as dumb as you are.

Of course. Anyone who thinks differently than you is a dumbfuck.

The real definition of a dumbfuck is someone who calls those that diagree with them as a dumbfuck
Can you try not to be a dumbfuck like the OP? Nowhere have I ever said anyone is a dumbfuck for thinking differently than myself. I call dumbfucks, "dumbfucks," for the dumbfuckery they post. Just like in this thread where the OP claimed Biden passed an executive order on last Monday that calls for replacing combustion engine vehicles with electric vehicles. Hysterically, he then denies saying anything about that EO even though that very EO is linked and discussed in the article he linked in his OP. On top of which, his article mentions Ford and GM but not Tesla. Meaning Tesla is his claim, not the claim of the article he posted. On top of that is the sad fact he only mentioned Tesla to tie this thread to Nancy Pelosi but even that he fucked up, falsely claiming she bought Tesla stock on January 25th; when in fact, she bought that back in December.

But I understand. You're a boot-licking con who can't help but leap to the defense of your fellow brain-dead cons. :clap:

If only you read what you wrote with an open mind.

You would laugh at yourself.


I'm too busy laughing at you morons.

And I take this to mean you can't quote the text from that executive order either.
It's like when Sonny Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were briefed on COVID in February then sold all their stock while downplaying the pandemic, saving tens of millions before the market crashed.

Members of Congress should not be allowed to buy and sell stock

Imagine both parties are corrupt and yet you are stupid enough to vote for the corruption. Says a lot about you.
How were we supposed to get Dump out if we didnt vote him out? That was the goal from day 1 of the election.
Voted him out ??? Rotflmbo. As popular as Trump was (proven over and over and over again), you actually think that he was officially voted out by the Democrat's ??? We'll never know now will we ???

How was Trump's popularity "proven over and over and over again"? He won primaries with 15% of the vote in the early battles, which means that 85% of the voters voted for SOMEONE ELSE. He lost the popular vote in 2016. 3 million more people voted for Hillary, in an election with one of the lowest turnouts in modern history.

He had the largest mid-Term loss since the Civil War, and his approval rating was never higher than 48% and that was only briefly, after he won his first impeachment trial. Mostly he's hovered in the low 40's. His loss in the 2020 election was entirely in keep with his approval ratings and his past results.
Numbers, numbers, numbers, yet the man won big on the lowest numbers ever reported on unemployment, and his higher numbers on the economy, so explain that ? Don't use the Covid-19 period, and also the contested 2020 election can't be used either.
Coincidence? I think not.


your title for the Thread is a LIE. WHY do you lie? Does it really serve a purpose other than making you a liar, and all of us seeing that you are a liar?

Pelosi did NOT buy the stock on Jan 25 and Biden's EO on Jan 26.

Pelosi bought the stock on DECEMBER 22.

This is the source from your first link

And his Breitbart article links the executive order ...

But nowhere in there does it state anything about Tesla or electric cars.

Like the OP, this thread is a monumental fail.

It's like when Sonny Perdue and Kelly Loeffler were briefed on COVID in February then sold all their stock while downplaying the pandemic, saving tens of millions before the market crashed.

Members of Congress should not be allowed to buy and sell stock

Imagine both parties are corrupt and yet you are stupid enough to vote for the corruption. Says a lot about you.
How were we supposed to get Dump out if we didnt vote him out? That was the goal from day 1 of the election.
Voted him out ??? Rotflmbo. As popular as Trump was (proven over and over and over again), you actually think that he was officially voted out by the Democrat's ??? We'll never know now will we ???

How was Trump's popularity "proven over and over and over again"? He won primaries with 15% of the vote in the early battles, which means that 85% of the voters voted for SOMEONE ELSE. He lost the popular vote in 2016. 3 million more people voted for Hillary, in an election with one of the lowest turnouts in modern history.

He had the largest mid-Term loss since the Civil War, and his approval rating was never higher than 48% and that was only briefly, after he won his first impeachment trial. Mostly he's hovered in the low 40's. His loss in the 2020 election was entirely in keep with his approval ratings and his past results.
The CCP dems had to cheat in the TENS OF MILLION VOTES COLUMN to overcome President Trump's pro American popularity
They have a support group for Qannon believers. You should give them a call.

Do you think Biden set the record setting tone for white politicians to garner black votes: talk down to them, lecture them, thank them for stocking shelves? I mean he got more black votes than even Obama right?
I have no idea. All I know was that I was voting for the person that wasnt Dump. Thats how much I despised him. Everyone else I know pretty much says the same thing. "Vote for the alternative to Dump. He is an incompetent fuckup."

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