1 in 3 babies born in England/Wales aren't English/Welsh

What, exactly, distinguishes 'white nationalists' from 'Nazis' in your opinion?

White nationalism is a political ideology that advocates a racial definition of national identity for white people. According to one view, white nationalism is a product of the modern centralized state's emergence in the West, like all nationalisms.[2] The term originated as a self-description by some groups, primarily in the United States[citation needed], to describe their belief in a racially defined collective identity of white people.

Nazism, or National Socialism in full (German: Nationalsozialismus), is the ideology and practice associated with the 20th-century German Nazi Party and state as well as other related far-right groups. Usually characterised as a form of fascism that incorporate
biological racism and antisemitism also add in that National Socialists believe in state control of the economy

So difference being. WN can be pro jewish and anti NS,can be libertarian minded...I know several libertarian minded WN. I think they are idiots but hey their choice. NS is a lifestyle not just a political belief and system.Also WN vary widely over the spectrum from republicans to libertarians to democrats even.
McVeigh ( a great man btw)

That settles it. You are a spoof. It's impossible to say ^^that^^ seriously while possessing the intellectual capability to operate a computer.

I must be a robot then because I said it and I am pretty damn smart. Shit son. My list of Hero's would piss you off to high heaven I bet. I bet you think the US government that shot a 14 year old in the back at Ruby Ridge and burned 19 kids to death at Waco are hero's eh? That's who McVeigh was seeking revenge for when he bombed that government building
McVeigh ( a great man btw)

That settles it. You are a spoof. It's impossible to say ^^that^^ seriously while possessing the intellectual capability to operate a computer.

I must be a robot then because I said it and I am pretty damn smart. Shit son. My list of Hero's would piss you off to high heaven I bet. I bet you think the US government that shot a 14 year old in the back at Ruby Ridge and burned 19 kids to death at Waco are hero's eh? That's who McVeigh was seeking revenge for when he bombed that government building

He kills at least 168 innocent people, including 19 children and 3 pregnant women, and that is somehow heroic?
That settles it. You are a spoof. It's impossible to say ^^that^^ seriously while possessing the intellectual capability to operate a computer.

I must be a robot then because I said it and I am pretty damn smart. Shit son. My list of Hero's would piss you off to high heaven I bet. I bet you think the US government that shot a 14 year old in the back at Ruby Ridge and burned 19 kids to death at Waco are hero's eh? That's who McVeigh was seeking revenge for when he bombed that government building

He kills at least 168 innocent people, including 19 children and 3 pregnant women, and that is somehow heroic?

Shit happens. How many MILLIONS have the US government slaughtered? They shot a 14 year in the back as he was running away,shot a mother holding her baby in her arms in the head and slaughtered 80 some odd people at Waco including 19 kids. So the 19 kids he killed with that truck bomb were exact revenge for the kids slaughtered at Waco and if you had read anything about McVeigh he claims he did not know about the day care center there,no one would unless they had actually gone inside.

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