1 in 3 babies born in England/Wales aren't English/Welsh

We'll all be brown in a couple hundred years. Then we'll have to find some other reason to hate. I'm sure we'll come up with something.

Somewhere, sometime in my almost forgotten long ago youth, when I was an avid science fiction fan, I had this idea of a "Big Brother" who would arrange marriages/copulations between diverse people, so that in a couple of generations, all humanity would look the same.

Then I grew up and realized that looks and skin color only matters to the feeble-minded racists and Democrats.

You are a moron if you think its only about "looks and skin color" oh and if you had a bad dream here this book should be right up your ally. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11553263-hold-back-this-day
We'll all be brown in a couple hundred years. Then we'll have to find some other reason to hate. I'm sure we'll come up with something.

Somewhere, sometime in my almost forgotten long ago youth, when I was an avid science fiction fan, I had this idea of a "Big Brother" who would arrange marriages/copulations between diverse people, so that in a couple of generations, all humanity would look the same.

Then I grew up and realized that looks and skin color only matters to the feeble-minded racists and Democrats.

You are a moron if you think its only about "looks and skin color" oh and if you had a bad dream here this book should be right up your ally. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/11553263-hold-back-this-day

The book your link refers to was published in 2011 for the morons who could not afford the hard copy edition in 2001.

I had my idea in the late 1960's.

Other than that I really could not care less what a self-admitted Nazi calls me.
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Well figured your dream was someone else's nightmare and could very easily come true. Me? I love this book called Turner Diaries,Hunter,Dark Millennium. Well just to let you know you are a moron so. You don't have to care but facts are facts. The fact you think its just about what we look like is beyond idiotic.
Why do you care enough to get all depressed as hell over this? Getting personally offended by broad social trends is dumb.

Because this is where I come from. I am part English and the larger trend is its happening all over Europe and the US...think about that..what do all those areas have in common? Why isn't it happening in Africa or Asia?

Populations are mixing due to immigration all over the world, so what? Do you think the world needs to be a place of militarized borders and minority subjugation? Stupid question, of course you do.
No, it is not all over the world. The future belongs to the far east while the west gets weaker. Wait and see. Africa, LOL.
Along the lines of this thread, I have a question I have always been afraid to ask, because it will surely get me called a racist.

But, the question is based generally on observable fact, and its just a question, and I don't claim to have an answer. It is this:

After all this time, why do they still have lots of trouble feeding themselves in Africa, and also, why do they have lots of trouble feeding themselves in South Chicago?
Along the lines of this thread, I have a question I have always been afraid to ask, because it will surely get me called a racist.

But, the question is based generally on observable fact, and its just a question, and I don't claim to have an answer. It is this:

After all this time, why do they still have lots of trouble feeding themselves in Africa, and also, why do they have lots of trouble feeding themselves in South Chicago?
You are not supposed to ask those questions!!!!
Question for liberals who love this kind of diversity, so that the people indigenous to countries could possibly become minorities in their own countries. Say if a bunch of white christians decided to move to Pakistan and eventually pakistanis would become a minority in their own country, and they had no place on earth to go to where they would be a majority, because they aren't one even in their own country. Would you be celebrating this? No, you'd be crying about imperialism, white supremacy and even "genocide". Some liberals are so insane they think gentrification is a "form of genocide"... Is it wrong from English people to be worried about becoming a minority in their own country? Third worlders who flee to the west have their third world shitholes they cold always return to and be a majority member there, but you have no issue with other people losing their majority status in their own countries. You call that "diversity"

You got it all wrong, it's not that I like it or dislike it, I just don't think it's something that can be successfully fought without becoming fascist monsters.
So America was "Fascist" prior to 1965 when they restricted low levels of immigration to Europeans primarily?

I don't buy that.
Along the lines of this thread, I have a question I have always been afraid to ask, because it will surely get me called a racist.

But, the question is based generally on observable fact, and its just a question, and I don't claim to have an answer. It is this:

After all this time, why do they still have lots of trouble feeding themselves in Africa, and also, why do they have lots of trouble feeding themselves in South Chicago?

Don't be afraid of being called a racist. That's just the left's way of shutting you up because they have no way to refute what you say. Get used to it. Its a badge of honor.
Quote: Occupied
Why do you care enough to get all depressed as hell over this? Getting personally offended by broad social trends is dumb.

Quote: National Socialist
Because this is where I come from. I am part English and the larger trend is its happening all over Europe and the US...think about that..what do all those areas have in common? Why isn't it happening in Africa or Asia?

Quote: SAYIT
I don't know. Do you think maybe the Joooos are responsible?

Question for liberals who love this kind of diversity, so that the people indigenous to countries could possibly become minorities in their own countries. Say if a bunch of white christians decided to move to Pakistan and eventually pakistanis would become a minority in their own country, and they had no place on earth to go to where they would be a majority, because they aren't one even in their own country. Would you be celebrating this? No, you'd be crying about imperialism, white supremacy and even "genocide". Some liberals are so insane they think gentrification is a "form of genocide"... Is it wrong from English people to be worried about becoming a minority in their own country? Third worlders who flee to the west have their third world shitholes they cold always return to and be a majority member there, but you have no issue with other people losing their majority status in their own countries. You call that "diversity"

You got it all wrong, it's not that I like it or dislike it, I just don't think it's something that can be successfully fought without becoming fascist monsters.
Nonsense. Israel is fighting it just fine in making sure African's don't come there although I think that's the one place we should be pushing this for. They are behind the policies every where else they should join in on the DIEversity!

So you really do believe the Joooos are responsible! :lol::lol::lol:
Well figured your dream was someone else's nightmare and could very easily come true. Me? I love this book called Turner Diaries,Hunter,Dark Millennium. Well just to let you know you are a moron so. You don't have to care but facts are facts. The fact you think its just about what we look like is beyond idiotic.

What a surprise!
The Turner Diaries, also a favorite of Tim McVeigh (the Oklahoma City bomber, 1995), was written by William Luther Pierce, former leader of the white nationalist (Nazi) organization National Alliance.
Go figure.
All are British.

The nationalists can take it in the balls, as always.
All are British.

The nationalists can take it in the balls, as always.

No, in fact the whole point of the article is that 1 in 3 babies born in the England and Wales aren't British.

Can't read can you?

Anyways, the British people may very well take it to the balls. In polls, the British People overwhelmingly oppose mass immigration, and want it significantly reduced(75% do). yet the politicians don't reflect that in their open borders policy.
UK Public Opinion toward Immigration: Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern | The Migration Observatory
All are British.

The nationalists can take it in the balls, as always.

No, in fact the whole point of the article is that 1 in 3 babies born in the England and Wales aren't British.

Can't read can you?

Anyways, the British people may very well take it to the balls. In polls, the British People overwhelmingly oppose mass immigration, and want it significantly reduced(75% do). yet the politicians don't reflect that in their open borders policy.
UK Public Opinion toward Immigration: Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern | The Migration Observatory

Then The British People should be booting Cameron out at the next election and getting a new PM who will stop mass immigration.
Sooner or later they might just get a PM and govt who want to stay in power for more than one term.
All are British.

The nationalists can take it in the balls, as always.

No, in fact the whole point of the article is that 1 in 3 babies born in the England and Wales aren't British.

Can't read can you?

Anyways, the British people may very well take it to the balls. In polls, the British People overwhelmingly oppose mass immigration, and want it significantly reduced(75% do). yet the politicians don't reflect that in their open borders policy.
UK Public Opinion toward Immigration: Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern | The Migration Observatory

Well, you certainly don't disappoint to deliver the high level of stupidity I've quickly come to expect of you. Anyone born in Great Britain is British. "British" refers to a nationality.

In the meantime, I can assure you that an extreme few are Britons.
All are British.

The nationalists can take it in the balls, as always.

No, in fact the whole point of the article is that 1 in 3 babies born in the England and Wales aren't British.

Can't read can you?

Anyways, the British people may very well take it to the balls. In polls, the British People overwhelmingly oppose mass immigration, and want it significantly reduced(75% do). yet the politicians don't reflect that in their open borders policy.
UK Public Opinion toward Immigration: Overall Attitudes and Level of Concern | The Migration Observatory

Well, you certainly don't disappoint to deliver the high level of stupidity I've quickly come to expect of you. Anyone born in Great Britain is British. "British" refers to a nationality.

In the meantime, I can assure you that an extreme few are Britons.
British in this instance refers to the English, Scottish and Welsh people of Great Britain, as an ethnicity, not a nationality.

I could move to China, and have kids that are of Chinese nationality, but they aren't of Chinese ethnicity, as I am a White man

How fucking retarded are you? Really, where is your common sense?
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Well figured your dream was someone else's nightmare and could very easily come true. Me? I love this book called Turner Diaries,Hunter,Dark Millennium. Well just to let you know you are a moron so. You don't have to care but facts are facts. The fact you think its just about what we look like is beyond idiotic.

What a surprise!
The Turner Diaries, also a favorite of Tim McVeigh (the Oklahoma City bomber, 1995), was written by William Luther Pierce, former leader of the white nationalist (Nazi) organization National Alliance.
Go figure.

At least you managed to get half the facts correct. 1. McVeigh ( a great man btw) liked it because of its pro gun stance and got it at a gun show 2. The National Alliance was not a "nazi" group but a white nationalist group. I can give you lists of great books. Hunter is even better by the same author. Guy goes around offing race mixers :)

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