1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

There will be no need for assumption after Walker gets annihilated in the recall election.


I'd be surprised if any recall of a governor in history got on the ballot with about half of the voting population having signed it. That's quite exceptional and a certain indication that Walker will be curb stomped when the ballot comes up.

Remember only 1.4 million out of 8 million California voters signed the petition to recall Gray Davis - and what did we get? The Governator.

If you seriously think that all those signatures are legit, then you're more fucked up than I thought you were...

But, it's still bookmarked...:thup:
Just have to be about 540,000 of them legit.

I imagine at least 90% are valid, certainly enough for the recall. From a starting point of at least 40% of the voters in Wisconsin, I would say that Walker is dead meat.
Only two other Governors have been recalled and lost.
Frazier of ND and Davis of Califorinia.
The signatures of those who petitioned to recall Frazier.Something like 23%
For Davis it was somewhere in the neigborhood of 37%.
For walker it is near 50% .
The previous two governors were ousted.
Would ya lookit those numbers....

Doesn't look too good for da kid huh?
Just have to be about 540,000 of them legit.

I imagine at least 90% are valid, certainly enough for the recall. From a starting point of at least 40% of the voters in Wisconsin, I would say that Walker is dead meat.

Ya but it is still bookmarked...so there!

put me on your list bitch!


I'd be surprised if any recall of a governor in history got on the ballot with about half of the voting population having signed it. That's quite exceptional and a certain indication that Walker will be curb stomped when the ballot comes up.

Remember only 1.4 million out of 8 million California voters signed the petition to recall Gray Davis - and what did we get? The Governator.

If you seriously think that all those signatures are legit, then you're more fucked up than I thought you were...

But, it's still bookmarked...:thup:

Where did I say they were all legit?

I'd be surprised if any recall of a governor in history got on the ballot with about half of the voting population having signed it. That's quite exceptional and a certain indication that Walker will be curb stomped when the ballot comes up.

Remember only 1.4 million out of 8 million California voters signed the petition to recall Gray Davis - and what did we get? The Governator.

you are aware that the number of petition signers (as yet unverified) is roughly the saem as the number of people who voted against Walker, right? Meaning all they got was the same people who voted against him. There were still more people who voted FOR Walker than there were signatures to recall him.

You are aware that the California recall got less than 18% of the voting population to sign a petition to recall Gray Davis? How do you think he wound up being recalled by greater than 55% of the vote?

You're neglecting the fact that numerous signatories didn't vote at all in the last election. I know a Romanian woman who finished up getting her U.S. citizenship for the main purpose of recalling Walker.

People do not like that guy.
Oh, yeah, you're one of the "Fuck democracy!" crowd. Thanks for confirming.

So, do you think butthurt leftists in Atlanta should have a say in the WI recall?

No, in regards to Minnesota Senate election I'm in the "it's been certified and there's no way to verify who the felons who voted and they were less than the difference so it really doesn't matter at this point" crowd.

"Fuck democracy" is you projecting your own motivations, this has been established already.

But it's now also been established that in your eyes when it's a Republican whose office is in question a poster (Marc) who doesn't live in that state should mind their own bidness but when it's a Democrat whose office is in question it's perfectly fine for someone who doesn't live in their state (you) to make it their bidness.

You're such a fuggin' hack, dude, and you've been nailed to a wall.

My goodness. So much wrong in so few words.

1. Due to the sheer amount of voter fraud, the MN election is tainted. But there's no way to fix it. I oppose the subversion of democracy and the disenfranchisement of legal voters no matter who won the election. You and others on the left don't give a shit because your guy won.

2. WI Democrats are perfectly within their rights to start a recall petition. However, only WI voters have a say in the matter. Out-of-state unions and butthurt leftists in Atlanta don't have a say.

3. You will once again willfully misinterpret this. Since it's been explained to you repeatedly before, now you're just flat-out lying about it.

And now you've been nailed to a wall.


Backpedal fail from Daveman.

The next time you nail me on anything will be the first time.

Fact, not opinion.

I don't know if anyone posted this already, I've been away for at least a week.

However, Scotty Walker's A$$ is grass!!

Wisconsin recall petition gets over 1 million signatures; Democratic challenger Falk steps forward - The Washington Post

I know that Scotty and many or even most on the RW didn't expect such a LOUD denouncement of his radical hard-RW policies.

There is sure to be a re-election now, and none of their Big Corporate money could stop the juggernaut of the Will of the People!!


You're missing something from your link:
'Democrats and their allies in organized labor say they delivered over a million recall petition signatures against Gov. Scott Walker (R) Tuesday, far more than the 540,208 needed to spark a recall election'

Kind of like me saying 'I won a million dollars' without actually turning in the scratch off to get it validated.

Anyhow, it ain't over until the fat lady sings.
:lol: @ House White Knighting for Daveman.

That tool's face must have been priceless when the million signature news broke.
No, in regards to Minnesota Senate election I'm in the "it's been certified and there's no way to verify who the felons who voted and they were less than the difference so it really doesn't matter at this point" crowd.

"Fuck democracy" is you projecting your own motivations, this has been established already.

But it's now also been established that in your eyes when it's a Republican whose office is in question a poster (Marc) who doesn't live in that state should mind their own bidness but when it's a Democrat whose office is in question it's perfectly fine for someone who doesn't live in their state (you) to make it their bidness.

You're such a fuggin' hack, dude, and you've been nailed to a wall.

My goodness. So much wrong in so few words.

1. Due to the sheer amount of voter fraud, the MN election is tainted. But there's no way to fix it. I oppose the subversion of democracy and the disenfranchisement of legal voters no matter who won the election. You and others on the left don't give a shit because your guy won.

2. WI Democrats are perfectly within their rights to start a recall petition. However, only WI voters have a say in the matter. Out-of-state unions and butthurt leftists in Atlanta don't have a say.

3. You will once again willfully misinterpret this. Since it's been explained to you repeatedly before, now you're just flat-out lying about it.

And now you've been nailed to a wall.


Backpedal fail from Daveman.

The next time you nail me on anything will be the first time.

Fact, not opinion.

No backpedaling required. My positions have been clear on both issues from the beginning. I'm not responsible for your deliberate distortion of my views.

Fact. Inarguable.

Run along, kid.

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