1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

One million votes for Barrett and one million names to recall. On what planet would I wonder how many of those who voted for Barrett signed a petition more than once? Or a hefty percentage of signatures are fake or fraud.

I can only suspect union coercion.

You have no factual basis for your suspicion.
mergedOpponents of Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker have submitted more than a million signatures seeking his recall in a statewide vote. The million-plus signatures amount to nearly double the required number of 540,000 and may mark the largest recall effort in U.S. history.

Walker is being challenged for pushing through a controversial law ending collective bargaining rights for most public workers. The million signatures "represent almost half of the electorate in the last election, in 2010, and what you might reasonably presume to be the electorate that would participate in a recall election," says John Nichols of The Nation magazine.

"[Walker] will be forced to face a new election, because he adopted the austerity agenda of the Republican and conservative leadership in Washington and tried to balance budgets on the backs of public employees, tried to destroy their unions, tried to cut school funding, and succeeded in cutting funding. And we’re going to have a referendum on the most fundamental of economic issues."

Historic Effort to Recall Wisconsin Gov. Walker Reveals "People Power" After 1 Million Sign Petition
Don't forget the main reason why the Koch Brothers suopperted Walker:

16.896 Sale or contractual operation of state−owned heating, cooling, and power plants. (1) Notwithstanding ss. 13.48 (14) (am) and 16.705 (1), the department may sell any state−owned heating, cooling, and power plant or may contract with a private entity for the operation of any such plant, with or without solicitation of bids, for any amount that the department determines to be in the best interest of the state. Notwithstanding ss. 196.49 and 196.80, no approval or certification of the public service commission is necessary for a public utility to purchase, or contract for the operation of, such a plant, and any such purchase is considered to be in the public interest and to comply with the criteria for certification of a project under s. 196.49 (3) (b).
The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan: No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales. | Rortybomb
How are public employees in Wisconsin not accountable?

They want to be paid more than their private sector counterparts, they don't care if it breaks the state as long as they get their inflated salaries, paid for healthcare and retirement benefits they could care less about the rest of the citizens in Wisconsin. It does not matter to them if their neighbor looses their house because they can't afford the taxes as long as THEY GET WHAT THEY THINK THEY DESERVE. It's not their fault if the state goes broke, just look at Illinois.

Walker says his legislation, which would strip most state employees of any meaningful collective bargaining rights, is necessary to close the state's $137 million budget gap. There are a number of problems with that argument, though. The unions are not to blame for the deficit, and stripping unionized workers of their collective bargaining rights won't in and of itself save any money. Walker says he needs to strip the unions of their rights to close the gap. But public safety officers' unions, which have members who are more likely to support Republicans and who also tend to have the highest salaries and benefits, are exempted from the new rules. Meanwhile, a series of tax breaks and other goodies that Walker and the Republican legislature passed just after his inauguration dramatically increased the deficit that Walker now says he's trying to close. And Wisconsin has closed a much larger budget gap in the past without scrapping worker organizing rights.

What's really going on, as Kevin Drum has explained, is pure partisan warfare: Walker is trying to de-fund the unions that form the backbone of the Democratic party. The unions and the Democrats are, of course, fighting back. The Washington Post's Ezra Klein drops some knowledge [emphasis added]:

What's Happening in Wisconsin Explained | Mother Jones

Requiring wellness examinations that reward those employees that take good care of themselves, do not smoke, are not obese and live a healthy lifestyle and forcing those that do smoke to quit, lose weight and live a healthy exercise with increased health insurance premiums is EXACTLY what we have to do in the private sector.
And the unions OPPOSE IT.
If you do not know that will save tens of millions THE FIRST YEAR then you have no clue about the rising cost of health care amongst union members that have a certain % of their workers who REFUSE to change their lifestyle that is unhealthy and costs taxpayers extra $$.
Americans need to wake the hell up and see what is happening amongst the union workers. They believe they are entitled to their benefits as they are now WITH NO CHANGES.
Why should we put up with that?
Petitions do not mean anything other than another election.
And it will fail miserably. Taxpayers are fed up and want accountability from public employees.
The public employees are the employee and the employees NEED TO ANSWER to their boss, the Governor.
That has not been what is going on for decades with public government workers unions.
They have been raping us.
The time is now to support someone with the balls to stand up to these spoiled brats and cut their pay and benefits in line with the private sector.
Or continue down the road of wimps and morons that support union cronyism because they are intimidated if they do not.

How are public employees in Wisconsin not accountable?

Take a wild guess Moe who is leading the charge for the recall effort:

A. Goofy
B. Donald Duck
C. Paris Hilton
D. Unions
E. Pee Wee Herman
F. All of the above

And a bonus question worth 25 extra points:
Who pays the salaries of union workers and do they get a seat at the bargaining table?
Whatever you like. Walker is going to get curb stomped either way.

I don't think there's ever been a recall for governor in history that had this many signatures as a percent of the total number of votes cast in the last election. The California recall had only 17.5%. At the LEAST they have about 45% in Wisconsin.

So, if Walker wins again, then what?
Opponents of Wisconsin Republican Gov. Scott Walker have submitted more than a million signatures seeking his recall in a statewide vote. The million-plus signatures amount to nearly double the required number of 540,000 and may mark the largest recall effort in U.S. history.

Walker is being challenged for pushing through a controversial law ending collective bargaining rights for most public workers. The million signatures "represent almost half of the electorate in the last election, in 2010, and what you might reasonably presume to be the electorate that would participate in a recall election," says John Nichols of The Nation magazine.

"[Walker] will be forced to face a new election, because he adopted the austerity agenda of the Republican and conservative leadership in Washington and tried to balance budgets on the backs of public employees, tried to destroy their unions, tried to cut school funding, and succeeded in cutting funding. And we’re going to have a referendum on the most fundamental of economic issues."

Historic Effort to Recall Wisconsin Gov. Walker Reveals "People Power" After 1 Million Sign Petition

Koch = increase in cost living and less wages for the working class

LOL What stupidity, and you kind enough to display it.

Koch boys want more of your money too.... grab your wallet!

That's the way their form of privatization works and they have their eyes on your tax dollars as well.... in their bank accounts
Last edited:
AMY GOODMAN: So far, at least two candidates have their eye on a recall election. State Senator Tim Cullen of Janesville announced he’ll run before the signatures were even in. On his Facebook page, he promises to stop, quote, "the right wing direction that Governor Walker has taken the state." And Kathleen Falk, the former county executive in Dane County, announced her intention to run in a video post on her website.

KATHLEEN FALK: The grassroots movement that began a year ago made history. We got together. We got organized. We got the signatures. And we will take back our state. Think of what we’ve done. Faced with an all-out assault on everything that matters to us, we reacted, not with despair, not with anger, but with hope. Hope has inspired this movement, and the people of this movement inspire me. That is why I have decided to run for governor and will be making a formal announcement soon.

Democracy Now
How are public employees in Wisconsin not accountable?

They want to be paid more than their private sector counterparts, they don't care if it breaks the state as long as they get their inflated salaries, paid for healthcare and retirement benefits they could care less about the rest of the citizens in Wisconsin. It does not matter to them if their neighbor looses their house because they can't afford the taxes as long as THEY GET WHAT THEY THINK THEY DESERVE. It's not their fault if the state goes broke, just look at Illinois.

Walker says his legislation, which would strip most state employees of any meaningful collective bargaining rights, is necessary to close the state's $137 million budget gap. There are a number of problems with that argument, though. The unions are not to blame for the deficit, and stripping unionized workers of their collective bargaining rights won't in and of itself save any money. Walker says he needs to strip the unions of their rights to close the gap. But public safety officers' unions, which have members who are more likely to support Republicans and who also tend to have the highest salaries and benefits, are exempted from the new rules. Meanwhile, a series of tax breaks and other goodies that Walker and the Republican legislature passed just after his inauguration dramatically increased the deficit that Walker now says he's trying to close. And Wisconsin has closed a much larger budget gap in the past without scrapping worker organizing rights.

What's really going on, as Kevin Drum has explained, is pure partisan warfare: Walker is trying to de-fund the unions that form the backbone of the Democratic party. The unions and the Democrats are, of course, fighting back. The Washington Post's Ezra Klein drops some knowledge [emphasis added]:

What's Happening in Wisconsin Explained | Mother Jones

OMG! Defunding unions? That's awful! :lol::lol:
Public school teachers don't really have private sector counterparts, so that statement has no meaning.

I haven't seen any of them make any statements to that effect, you're really just making up what they "care" about to suit your argument and have provided absolutely nothing of substance. Your statement flies in the face of the fact that the teacher's union was prepared to give up what they needed to give up to help balance the budget. Wisconsin union agrees to pay cuts, but Gov. Walker wants union busted, too

Public school teachers don't really have private sector counterparts, so that statement has no meaning.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere about these things called private schools. I guess I could have imagined it.

Private school teachers do not have the same job as public school teachers because private schools do not have the same purpose and mission as public schools.

Private schools get to pick and choose their students, public schools do no. Public school teachers deal with large class sizes and a wider range of student abilities within the same class. Private school teachers have smaller class sizes and the range of learning ability between the best students and the worst students in their class is smaller. To compare the jobs as apples and apples is simply to ignore reality. The very fact that private school teachers generally are paid less - across the nation, in all states, regardless of how much power the teacher's union holds in a state - should tell you the job of being a private school teacher is easier than the job of being a public school teacher.

In my home state - where there is no teacher's union agreement with the government - and having attended both private and public schools in my life, I can tell you personally I would demand higher pay to teach in a public school vs. teaching in a private school because the job is harder.

Private schools in the inner city don't have the same purpose and mission?
Don't have large class sizes?
Maybe public school teachers are overpaid?
Maybe we should make public school teachers jobs easier, by doing some of the things private schools can do?

I don't know if anyone posted this already, I've been away for at least a week.

However, Scotty Walker's A$$ is grass!!

Wisconsin recall petition gets over 1 million signatures; Democratic challenger Falk steps forward - The Washington Post

I know that Scotty and many or even most on the RW didn't expect such a LOUD denouncement of his radical hard-RW policies.

There is sure to be a re-election now, and none of their Big Corporate money could stop the juggernaut of the Will of the People!!



Who knew there were 750,000 Donald Ducks living in Wisconsin?
My vote for Scott Walker was the most meaningful vote I ever cast. One of the best governors ever. Exactly who we needed with the challenges we were up against.

I'll proudly vote for him again.

And you'll probably lose this time.

But thanks for, once again, identifying yourself as the ultra hard-RW nutjob that you are.

:clap2: :cuckoo:
A million signatures? Can't wait to see how many are actually legit, now that they all have to be inspected. One million is how many people voted for Tom Barrett, who lost to Walker.

Now we've got Kathleen Falk wanting to run against him. Not sure if any other dope has stepped up to the plate to challenge Governor Walker.

I can just see a primary between the dims, trying to answer the question on how they plan to bring back deficits and higher taxes to Wisconsin.

It's no wonder why Doyle the boil chickened out on running again, he already screwed the state over enough, and he realized it.

As you can see by reviewing the thread, I've tried several times to get the libtards to discuss this little factoid... the hide like scared little kids who pee'd their pants and are afraid to tell their parents :rofl:
Wisconsin Recall Scott Walker Recall Collects 1.9 Million Signatures - Scott Walker - Zimbio
Wisconsin Recall Scott Walker Recall Collects 1.9 Million Signatures

from the actual source to this information...
The guy who wrote the story claims...
The Wisconsin recall and Scott Walker recall are set in motion as organizers gathered over 1.9 million signatures.

Later in the piece...
On Tuesday, they announced they had far exceeded that number, collecting more than one million signatures with the number of signatures collected is 185 percent of the signatures required to force a Wisconsin recall election.

They list the number required to trigger the recall election at 540,208. When you multiply that by the 185% figure given, you get 999,385.

So, which of the numbers the petitioners are reporting is accurate?
over 1,000,000?
1.9 million?

What will the number be tomorrow?

If they can't even report the number of signatures consistently.....
Koch = increase in cost living and less wages for the working class

LOL What stupidity, and you kind enough to display it.

Koch boys want more of your money too.... grab your wallet!

That's the way their form of privatization works and they have their eyes on your tax dollars as well.... in their bank accounts

Are they going to use guns? Or will they act like democrats and force personal consumption?
As you can see by reviewing the thread, I've tried several times to get the libtards to discuss this little factoid... the hide like scared little kids who pee'd their pants and are afraid to tell their parents :rofl:
Wisconsin Recall Scott Walker Recall Collects 1.9 Million Signatures - Scott Walker - Zimbio

from the actual source to this information...
The guy who wrote the story claims...
The Wisconsin recall and Scott Walker recall are set in motion as organizers gathered over 1.9 million signatures.

Later in the piece...
On Tuesday, they announced they had far exceeded that number, collecting more than one million signatures with the number of signatures collected is 185 percent of the signatures required to force a Wisconsin recall election.

They list the number required to trigger the recall election at 540,208. When you multiply that by the 185% figure given, you get 999,385.

So, which of the numbers the petitioners are reporting is accurate?
over 1,000,000?
1.9 million?

What will the number be tomorrow?

If they can't even report the number of signatures consistently.....

Nothing unusual taking place...

Counting petition signatures can change from day to day until the end is declared so says personal experience.
As you can see by reviewing the thread, I've tried several times to get the libtards to discuss this little factoid... the hide like scared little kids who pee'd their pants and are afraid to tell their parents :rofl:
Wisconsin Recall Scott Walker Recall Collects 1.9 Million Signatures - Scott Walker - Zimbio

from the actual source to this information...
The guy who wrote the story claims...
The Wisconsin recall and Scott Walker recall are set in motion as organizers gathered over 1.9 million signatures.

Later in the piece...
On Tuesday, they announced they had far exceeded that number, collecting more than one million signatures with the number of signatures collected is 185 percent of the signatures required to force a Wisconsin recall election.

They list the number required to trigger the recall election at 540,208. When you multiply that by the 185% figure given, you get 999,385.

So, which of the numbers the petitioners are reporting is accurate?
over 1,000,000?
1.9 million?

What will the number be tomorrow?

If they can't even report the number of signatures consistently.....

Numbers? Liberals don't do numbers.
Feelings are easier.

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