1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

I just hope there is enough for an election. Keeps wisconsin interesting. In the end I dont really care who wins as long as the middle class wins. They are the one class that needs to be put at the top of the priority list.
I just hope there is enough for an election. Keeps wisconsin interesting. In the end I dont really care who wins as long as the middle class wins. They are the one class that needs to be put at the top of the priority list.
The taxpayer won when Walker broke WEAC's back. This recall is nothing more than special interests trying to stop the bleeding.
What walker has done successfully is DEMONIZED your average snow plow driver. Nice work. So the books are balanced. Ok, bring on ONLY high paying jobs. None of this $10 an hour stuff and calling it a job. That should be a crime.
Leftist butthurt is no basis for claiming illegality.

If you were worth more than ten dollars an hour, you'd be paid more than ten dollars an hour.
What walker has done successfully is DEMONIZED your average snow plow driver. Nice work. So the books are balanced. Ok, bring on ONLY high paying jobs. None of this $10 an hour stuff and calling it a job. That should be a crime.
Leftist butthurt is no basis for claiming illegality.

If you were worth more than ten dollars an hour, you'd be paid more than ten dollars an hour.
ding fries are done.

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What walker has done successfully is DEMONIZED your average snow plow driver. Nice work. So the books are balanced. Ok, bring on ONLY high paying jobs. None of this $10 an hour stuff and calling it a job. That should be a crime.

No, what Walker has done is advise the snow plow driver that he can not smoke, be obese and live an unhealthy lifestyle to keep his job and he wants to get rid of those that protect these individuals: GOVERNMENT UNIONS.
Ever heard of wellness requirements that health insurance companies now require?
What happens to the premiums of these smokers, fat and lazy workers if we keep them on the government health insurance plans?
What happens to the premiums of these taxpayer funded health insurance plans when the TAXPAYER, THE ONE PAYING THEIR DAMN SALARY, has a say, demands that workers that do not adhere to strict new employment rules conerning abiding by the wellness rules in the health insurance plans be put on probation for a year and allow them to alter their living habits, quit smoking, exercise and get healthy?
We save a SHIT LOAD OF $$$$.
News flash to the uninformed: Health costs are BY FAR the fastest growing government expense in ALL AREAS.
No, what Walker has done is advise the snow plow driver that he can not smoke, be obese and live an unhealthy lifestyle to keep his job and he wants to get rid of those that protect these individuals: GOVERNMENT UNIONS.
Ever heard of wellness requirements that health insurance companies now require?
What happens to the premiums of these smokers, fat and lazy workers if we keep them on the government health insurance plans?
What happens to the premiums of these taxpayer funded health insurance plans when the TAXPAYER, THE ONE PAYING THEIR DAMN SALARY, has a say, demands that workers that do not adhere to strict new employment rules conerning abiding by the wellness rules in the health insurance plans be put on probation for a year and allow them to alter their living habits, quit smoking, exercise and get healthy?
We save a SHIT LOAD OF $$$$.
News flash to the uninformed: Health costs are BY FAR the fastest growing government expense in ALL AREAS.
Ummm, no. That's the DOT tightening health restrictions for drivers. Them and their fucking sleep apnea rules, revised blood pressure stats have and are going to continue to prevent people from being able to work as professional drivers. It's bullshit, and your government at work being a sop for special interests.

Why would I say that? Simple, because I'm living through it. They decrease the limit for 'high blood pressure', and suddenly the amount of driver physicals doubles for those on the edge from once every 2 years to 1 a year for life. Why? Politics. Gotta keep all those nurse practitioners, occupational health clinics working. This is social engineering of the worst sort because nobody notices, cares about or sympathizes with the impact this has on an industry, and the cost is invisible to them.

You want healthier drivers? Fine, fitness fanatics don't drive professionally. They get other work. It doesn't pay enough for those that dedicated to high health, or is conducive to a purist healthy lifestyle. So what does that mean? Your costs go up for everything shipped by a commercial vehicle... meaning everything. Why? Because you have to pay drivers more and companies more because they have to suck up the physical costs AND limits their pool of available workers thanks to unfounded political guidelines.

So you decrease employment while raising costs. Good job! Are the drivers better off? No because you've stuck many of them on medication 10 years ago they didn't need and have no real increase in cost benefit. 30% of all FATAL commercial drivers accidents were caused by sleep deprivation. 90% of all accidents with a commercial vehicle are caused by the AMATEUR driver fucking up. But now drivers have to pay between 2-6 THOUSAND dollars out of their own pocket because most insurance doesn't cover sleep studies to keep their job! Why? Nanny state nonsense.

You have a problem with health regs and commercial drivers like snow plow drivers who ALL have to have CDL Bs to drive, talk to your lovely Obama Admin and dumbfuck nannystate congress who just made it worse.

You are the one uninformed. I am IN that industry.

BTW, good job showing why state health care is bad in all forms.
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This POS Walker deserves the political beating he is about to get. Every bit of it and more. Its going to be a real pleasure for folks to watch.

That's what you get for trying to fuck ordinary people up the ass Governor and act like a total ass about it, that's what you get shit-head.

Hey Ooh, what low life dipshit are you assholes going to run for Mayor this time around, you've had at least thirty years of corrupt racist shit stains, have you dimwits learned anything yet?

I'm not really sure how Mitch Landrieu is racist, perhaps you can elaborate.

The Corps of Engineers needs to widen the Whiskey Bay pilot channel to the Gulf and close the silly New Orleans port down........useless waste of space. Houston's port makes a lot more sense.

That's a brilliant plan. We'll just spend billions of dollars for nothing.
I don't know if anyone posted this already, I've been away for at least a week.

However, Scotty Walker's A$$ is grass!!

Wisconsin recall petition gets over 1 million signatures; Democratic challenger Falk steps forward - The Washington Post

I know that Scotty and many or even most on the RW didn't expect such a LOUD denouncement of his radical hard-RW policies.

There is sure to be a re-election now, and none of their Big Corporate money could stop the juggernaut of the Will of the People!!



Democrats have REPEATEDLY insisted they have the best interests of public unions foremost -and I absolutely believe them. Everyone should believe them. Along with immediately realizing it also means they do NOT have the best interests of taxpayers foremost as those who PAY for every cent involved. Democrats have repeatedly said THEY represent the best interests of those public unions (after all, they must since they exist as Democrat money laundering operations.) Democrats CAN'T represent the best interests of both because that is a clear conflict of interest and have already said which they put first -and it ain't us. Democrats do NOT have MY best interests foremost -because they have repeatedly said they have the best interests of those who get paid with MY money first! Public unions support Democrats because they have created a mutually masturbatory relationship using TAXPAYER money which is then funneled back and forth between them for their mutual benefit. The group entirely fucked over every step of the way - is all taxpayers who get stuck paying for all that corruption and nothing to show for it except a quality of service that is inversely correlated to the power of the public union involved!

You are truly nuts. Apparently you think this is actually a fight between public unions and the governor -as if they work for HIM. Sorry -the governor is just somebody who took an oath to represent the best interests of the PEOPLE of Wisconsin. You know, the people these public unions actually work for. They work for the people of Wisconsin -not the governor, not ANY governor. When they go on strike, they are striking against US -the PEOPLE. They are holding a service WE paid for hostage as if they own it -not WE THE PEOPLE who actually paid for it. They work for the people who pay their salaries, pay for their extremely generous benefits and pay for their overblown pension the average taxpayer will never have -and they even pay for their union dues which are then used for entirely POLITICAL purposes. Something I have NO doubt Democrats would SUDDENLY want all sorts of legislation to ban if it were Republicans involved in this disgustingly corrupt relationship using taxpayer funds to do it.

Public employees are NOT slaves, there is no gun to their head forcing them into a cushy government job, they are NOT "down trodden" severely exploited slaves being mistreated by some rich, fat jet setting dude. WE are the employers! And the average taxpayer makes LESS and has far fewer benefits and cushy pension than the average government employee. WE are the exploited -and it is Democrats and public union thugs doing it.

So the people of Wisconsin are being told by public union thugs to make a decision about who REALLY owns the Wisconsin state government including the public school system. This is ENTIRELY about WHO OWNS IT. That is the REAL question facing the people of Wisconsin with this recall. Public union thugs, with the help of their Democrat lackeys they bought and paid for -are claiming it belongs to public unions. NOT the people who actually pay for it. Scott Walker, by stripping any privilege to strike when it comes to public unions in Wisconsin - said it belongs to those who paid for those services and public unions should NEVER be able to deny any government service to the people of Wisconsin who PAY FOR IT. From your own post I guess you think it belongs to public unions too. How ...extremely un-American of you.

I pay taxes for my child's public school -so who REALLY owns his education? Public unions are claiming THEY own the public school system I paid for and therefore they own my child's education and are claiming THEY have a right to deny him that education in spite of the fact taxpayers paid for it ALL. And they claim they have a right to deny him that education unless I cave to ANY of their extortionist demands because they HAPPENED to get HIRED. THEY are claiming because they managed to get hired, it means THEY now own it. Not those who foot all the bills for it.

What is REALLY going on in Wisconsin is this: Public union thugs and their Democrat lackeys are insisting that in Wisconsin, it is those being paid with taxpayer dollars who own government and own all government services and NOT the people who actually paid for it. That those who live off the public trough actually own it all and even have a "right" to deny all taxpayers that service unless THEIR demands to get even MORE benefits and money the average private sector employee does NOT get - are met. And apparently you are such a useful idiot, you think this is the "WILL OF THE PEOPLE"? You SERIOUSLY think people believe government employees own our government and should be able to hold us all hostage and deny us that service at THEIR whim?

Then why aren't federal public unions allowed to strike? Or public unions in most states? If you think government employees in Wisconsin own state government and should have the power to deny us a service WE paid for -then shouldn't federal public union members also be able to do the same? Doesn't that mean THEY actually own our federal government too and NOT we the people who pay for it?

Things are out of whack when a public service job pays better than the comparable job in the private sector -it should ALWAYS pay a little less and anyone with any critical thinking skills should be able to immediately explain WHY that is! I think there should be a formula set in stone that only allows any public sector job to be paid a set percentage of what a comparable job in the private sector would pay to insure it never gets turned on its head. WE OWN OUR OWN GOVERNMENT!

Anyone who doesn't like what a government job pays -should fucking QUIT, join the REAL world and get a job in the private sector and help share the burden of paying for these services. There has NEVER been and never will be a shortage of people waiting in line to take their place no matter the government job.

BTW -getting the signatures was the easy part. Seriously -which is why a bunch of politicians were recalled but only 2 Republicans lost their seat -one in a heavily Democrat district where it was unusual he even won the first time out, and the other only lost because of his own personal peccadilloes that came out right before the recall election that was cited as the reason people voted against him in the recall -but NOT because of his stand with regard to public unions. Getting people to actually AGREE with you that they wish Walker had balanced the budget by raising taxes on them and had not kept their best interests foremost instead of the best interests of the bloated, filthy rich, greedy public unions who NEVER have the best interests of the state first no matter what -will be a totally different story.

First...No... I did not read your whole rant. I skimmed it and found two glaring flaming turds. One EVERYONE pays taxes...even government workers, which appears at a glance to be your big beef. Secondly in a capitalistic system EVERYONE has the right to make as much money as they can legally. You do not have the right to take that away unless YOU are a communist at heart and then you will rig the system to disenfranchise some groups so they cannot compete in the capitalistic system. Your slogans and bumper sticker logic does not have the priviledge to change definitions to suit your misinformation and personal fear driven greed. Plus you seem to think that most government jobs are easy.. I was a letter carrier out of high school and I can assure you that the U S Postal service is not full of slackers. If you do not believe that take a look at your mailman. Fat? Lazy? Not. They work just as hard as the UPS guys. Oh ya...I was a union rep..and the reason mailmen can wear running shoes and comfortable uniforms was my doing. Those improvements in equipment increased efficiency.
"Public workers pay taxes too"..That argument doesn't wash. Never has.
The fact is the taxes that public workers pay actually in part go back TO THEM. So the conflict of interest lies in that while all residents of a particular state share in the tax burden, public workers DIRECTLY benefit from higher taxes which in part go toward THEIR wages and benefits. This is precisely why public workers and the unions represent them cry foul when state legislators challenge the system and propose lower taxes or annual tax levy caps.
"Taking away"...That is specious. The fact is public worker wages and benefits have over the last two decades far and away exceeded those in the private sector. Some state's public union packages are absurd.
New Jersey is the most glaring example of this. In many of NJ's municipalities police officers, teachers and other workers often see their wages some 50 to 75% higher than those they serve.
For example, the Northern Valley Regional School district( I attended here) has 500 or so faculty and staff on the payroll. Over ONE THIRD earn over $100,000 per year in just salary. These people pay just 5% of their total wages toward the pension system. They pay ZERO toward their health insurance policies. AND those policies cover not only the employee but their spouse and all dependent children..And the employee is covered FOR LIFE..Yes teachers are important to our kid's future. But does a public school teacher deserve to earn more than TWICE the salary of a private school teacher?..Hell NO!!!
The borough of Fort Lee, NJ a town of about 30,000 people has just under 400 employees. One third earn six figures. That is absurd.
NJ residents pay the highest average property taxes in the country. In fact all states where public workers are unionized and covered by Civil Service protections have the highest tax rates. And the services are no better or worse than in those states where public workers are forbidden collective bargaining.
Public workers are hired to SERVE the public. There is no way the servers should be better off than the served. No way.
Oh, you were a letter carrier. Great. So what. Look I have no idea what it is you are complaining about or even bringing up that issue. The fact is government service is a CHOICE. it should not be a career windfall.
In no area of the private sector are workers permitted to save up vacation and sick time then be paid for it upon retirement. That is outrageous and the policy should be stopped forth with.
Government workers should have to take a vow of poverty.

This is what right wingnuts really believe.
Public school teachers don't really have private sector counterparts, so that statement has no meaning.

I haven't seen any of them make any statements to that effect, you're really just making up what they "care" about to suit your argument and have provided absolutely nothing of substance. Your statement flies in the face of the fact that the teacher's union was prepared to give up what they needed to give up to help balance the budget. Wisconsin union agrees to pay cuts, but Gov. Walker wants union busted, too

Public school teachers don't really have private sector counterparts, so that statement has no meaning.

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere about these things called private schools. I guess I could have imagined it.

Private school teachers do not have the same job as public school teachers because private schools do not have the same purpose and mission as public schools.

Private schools get to pick and choose their students, public schools do no. Public school teachers deal with large class sizes and a wider range of student abilities within the same class. Private school teachers have smaller class sizes and the range of learning ability between the best students and the worst students in their class is smaller. To compare the jobs as apples and apples is simply to ignore reality. The very fact that private school teachers generally are paid less - across the nation, in all states, regardless of how much power the teacher's union holds in a state - should tell you the job of being a private school teacher is easier than the job of being a public school teacher.

In my home state - where there is no teacher's union agreement with the government - and having attended both private and public schools in my life, I can tell you personally I would demand higher pay to teach in a public school vs. teaching in a private school because the job is harder.
Where did you hear that garbage?
I have two friends that teach at a private school. They correct papers on their own time, lesson plan on their own time, tutor students in school for no extra pay.
Don't spew this horseshit that private school teachers do not work just as hard as public school teachers.
Are you really going to present the misconception that kids from private school families cannot be just as big of a pain in the ass as public school kids? Nonsense.
You are fucking clueless.

Riiiiiight... Biggest number I've ever heard here is 1 million, not anything even close to 1.9 million. Calling BS on the article.

Whatever you like. Walker is going to get curb stomped either way.

I don't think there's ever been a recall for governor in history that had this many signatures as a percent of the total number of votes cast in the last election. The California recall had only 17.5%. At the LEAST they have about 45% in Wisconsin.
Yeah, right.
And if he does? So what. That's not going to change the law.
That requires legislation. And the new dummycrat governor cannot tell the legislature to do squat. So at the end of the day, the libs and their union thug cronies STILL LOSE.
And how long after the higher taxes and deficit spending are reintroduced do you think it will take for the Wisconsin residents to vent their anger against the state government?.Cut the shit.
This recall thing is going to be a political disaster for the democrats.
Look the movement to curb public worker unions is spreading and no one can stop it.
Taxpayers are sick and tired of being billed for government waste and absurd public worker funding.
My vote for Scott Walker was the most meaningful vote I ever cast. One of the best governors ever. Exactly who we needed with the challenges we were up against.

I'll proudly vote for him again.

His tricks with the deficit projections for the end of 2013 really got that kind of praise from you? LOL

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.

While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker

It's easy to look good with all of that smoke and mirrors.

What is sad is that you think it's funny that walker sued to get the state to pay for something that was his responsibility according to WI law.

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.

I kinda think the WI taxpaying voters will be voting with their pocketbooks.

When/if it goes that far.

Honestly how much money has the Union wasted on this??

Shit if they are so sure a recall will work why not just let him fail in his re-eletion bid.

Of course they could be wrong

The national unions and state unions have spent millions on this so far, and the whole process is also costing the TAX PAYERS of Wisconsin an ADDITIONAL NINE MILLION DOLLARS.


You do realize that when walker sued to have the GAB review the signatures based on his standards he cost taxpayers money to have the state handle his responsibility as challenger of the petition?

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.


Why aren't rightwingers upset about that and how much he is costing taxpayers??

Furthermore are you concerned about how much outside money walker is getting to fight this as well?
Union members should make twice as much as people with the same job in the private sector

Government union members make 50% more than the same job in the private sector.
And where is the guy PAYING THEIR SALARIES, when they negotiate their wages?
We get NO SAY and no seat at the negotiation table.
Accordingly, until we do government unions should be banned.
But of course the liberals love them as that is their power base.

Public sector union workers are taxpayers too but you must hate their success and be envious of them. Why else would you begrudge them for having something you don't think that they deserve to have or earned?

The only way you get NO say or seat at the negotiation table is if you choose not to vote for your elected representatives who REPRESENT you at the table.

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