1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

It may be "legal" for government union members to steal as much $$ as they can from the taxpayers but when the taxpayers, THEIR EMPLOYERS, have NO say in what they make it is not right.

So since public sector union workers are also taxpayers does that make them self-employed??
I kinda think the WI taxpaying voters will be voting with their pocketbooks.

When/if it goes that far.

Honestly how much money has the Union wasted on this??

Shit if they are so sure a recall will work why not just let him fail in his re-eletion bid.

Of course they could be wrong

The national unions and state unions have spent millions on this so far, and the whole process is also costing the TAX PAYERS of Wisconsin an ADDITIONAL NINE MILLION DOLLARS.


You do realize that when walker sued to have the GAB review the signatures based on his standards he cost taxpayers money to have the state handle his responsibility as challenger of the petition?

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.


Why aren't rightwingers upset about that and how much he is costing taxpayers??

Furthermore are you concerned about how much outside money walker is getting to fight this as well?

The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise.
Free market competition for available jobs should be the practice with government sector jobs.

You do realize there are several govenrment jobs that are open to the public for bidding? Or are you saying that you would like to contract all government jobs to people who may not have the same loyalty to the job because of the lack of job security based on how their company might be underbid in the next bidding cycle?
Contract work is perfect for short term jobs but you usually get better qualified applicants IF you offer fulltime employment. Wouldn't you agree?

Why do unions oppose that?

because if you are seeking employees for fulltime positions it does not make sense.

Why do they oppose opening up those jobs to the most qualified person for the job?

who says that the unions member who has the job isn't the most qualified and how would you go about proving that he isn't?

Why do they INSIST that ONLY a union member that already works there get the job first, even if they are not the most qualified?

Can you guarantee that in the private sector the more qualified applicant always gets the job? or is it more likely that the job would go to a family member or a friend or a golf buddy who wants the job that gets it??
Can you guarantee that the lowest bidder for the jobs that you wish to take away from unionized public sector workers will be the most qualified?
There is no guarantee of that in any sector so it's funny how you think it should apply to government when you want to bid out government jobs to the private sector.

Are you going to try and tell them who they can and can't hire too??
So when 1 out of every 5.5 People think you should go, you should just go? Wisconsin has 5.5 Million People.

Only 2.1 million of them vote.

Its a pretty good sign you're about to get your ass beat when the number of people who signed the petition is close to half the number of people voting.

Compare that to the California recall of 03, when the number of signatures was less than 20% of the number of people voting.

Could be, but that still leaves 10% more people who have not signed that did vote last time. We will have to wait and see. Like I said so far it's been one sided. with Unions spending Millions in the Signature Drive. Now it will go to an election in only 4 month. Both sides will spend money, and the Democrats do not even have a candidate yet. Not going to be a cake walk IMO.

There is one thing nobody can dispute. Walker did take a massive Deficit and turn it into a Surplus. If it cost him his job, oh well, at least for a short time one state had it's house in order.

Actually he turned a projected deficit with numbers propped up and inflated by his administration's own actions in not following through with some of the cuts proposed by the outgoing administration into a projected surplus. However, we won't actually know if walker's PROJECTIONS are correct until the end of 2013.

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.

While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker

I am not saying that he created the whole thing but when it's all on paper it's not that hard to play with the numbers and make it appear worse than it was or pretend to make it all go away.
A million signatures? Can't wait to see how many are actually legit, now that they all have to be inspected. One million is how many people voted for Tom Barrett, who lost to Walker.

Now we've got Kathleen Falk wanting to run against him. Not sure if any other dope has stepped up to the plate to challenge Governor Walker.

I can just see a primary between the dims, trying to answer the question on how they plan to bring back deficits and higher taxes to Wisconsin.

It's no wonder why Doyle the boil chickened out on running again, he already screwed the state over enough, and he realized it.

As you can see by reviewing the thread, I've tried several times to get the libtards to discuss this little factoid... the hide like scared little kids who pee'd their pants and are afraid to tell their parents :rofl:

They got to 1 million they only needed what, 540,000 for the recall? So why would they need to get more for the recall petition? Furthermore, they were not trying to get enough signatures to beat the number of voters that voted for walker in the last election. If they were maybe they probably could have gotten more but then who knows?

Your argument is pointless and doesn't mean anything to the actual recall unless of course you can guarantee that the numbers will be exactly the same which you cannot do. So why do you continue to repeat such nonsense when in means so little?
Only 2.1 million of them vote.

Its a pretty good sign you're about to get your ass beat when the number of people who signed the petition is close to half the number of people voting.

Compare that to the California recall of 03, when the number of signatures was less than 20% of the number of people voting.

Could be, but that still leaves 10% more people who have not signed that did vote last time. We will have to wait and see. Like I said so far it's been one sided. with Unions spending Millions in the Signature Drive. Now it will go to an election in only 4 month. Both sides will spend money, and the Democrats do not even have a candidate yet. Not going to be a cake walk IMO.

There is one thing nobody can dispute. Walker did take a massive Deficit and turn it into a Surplus. If it cost him his job, oh well, at least for a short time one state had it's house in order.

Actually he turned a projected deficit with numbers propped up and inflated by his administration's own actions in not following through with some of the cuts proposed by the outgoing administration into a projected surplus. However, we won't actually know if walker's PROJECTIONS are correct until the end of 2013.

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.

While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker

I am not saying that he created the whole thing but when it's all on paper it's not that hard to play with the numbers and make it appear worse than it was or pretend to make it all go away.

Scott Walker played with no numbers. He corrected an erroneous accounting.

You failed to understand the link I provided with you before. Somehow you took the link as proof of the myth which was actually debunked there.

Perhaps you will understand this link better. This link is from shortly before Scott Walker was elected. It's the September 2010 estimate for what the next governor would have to deal with no matter who he was. The estimate given is 3.1 billion dollars, with a note the $3.1 billion figure might need to be modified somewhat, as Walker later did.

Wisconsin Budget Project: Economist Estimates Two-year $3.1 Billion Wisconsin Deficit

I am not optimistic that you'll understand this any better. But I've rested since the last time I went up against your obdurate ignorance. So what the heck.

No, I won't listen to whatever your new ignorant comebacks are. The reason I'm showing this link is not actually for your benefit. I just think there might be other, more honest people reading. And that's really who the link is for.
Last edited:
from the actual source to this information...
The guy who wrote the story claims...

Later in the piece...

They list the number required to trigger the recall election at 540,208. When you multiply that by the 185% figure given, you get 999,385.

So, which of the numbers the petitioners are reporting is accurate?
over 1,000,000?
1.9 million?

What will the number be tomorrow?

If they can't even report the number of signatures consistently.....

Nothing unusual taking place...

Counting petition signatures can change from day to day until the end is declared so says personal experience.

do you have to try to be that stupid, or is it natural? That wasn't 3 different numbers, increasing, from three different times. It was three different numbers reported in the same story, from the same time.

So someone did their math wrong and you think that proves fraud?? What are you trying to say again?

Furthermore, last time I checked 1.9 million IS "over 1 million" so how is that "a different number?"
Could be, but that still leaves 10% more people who have not signed that did vote last time. We will have to wait and see. Like I said so far it's been one sided. with Unions spending Millions in the Signature Drive. Now it will go to an election in only 4 month. Both sides will spend money, and the Democrats do not even have a candidate yet. Not going to be a cake walk IMO.

There is one thing nobody can dispute. Walker did take a massive Deficit and turn it into a Surplus. If it cost him his job, oh well, at least for a short time one state had it's house in order.

Actually he turned a projected deficit with numbers propped up and inflated by his administration's own actions in not following through with some of the cuts proposed by the outgoing administration into a projected surplus. However, we won't actually know if walker's PROJECTIONS are correct until the end of 2013.

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.

While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker

I am not saying that he created the whole thing but when it's all on paper it's not that hard to play with the numbers and make it appear worse than it was or pretend to make it all go away.

Scott Walker played with no numbers. He corrected an erroneous accounting.

You failed to understand the link I provided with you before. Somehow you took the link as proof of the myth which was actually debunked there.

Perhaps you will understand this link better. This link is from shortly before Scott Walker was elected. It's the September 2010 estimate for what the next governor would have to deal with no matter who he was. The estimate given is $3.1 billion dollars, with a note the $3.1 billion figure might need to be modified somewhat, as Walker later did.

Wisconsin Budget Project: Economist Estimates Two-year $3.1 Billion Wisconsin Deficit

I am not optimistic that you'll understand this any better. But I've rested since the last time I went up against your obdurate ignorance. So what the heck.

No, I won't listen to whatever your new ignorant comebacks are. The reason I'm showing this link is not actually for your benefit. I just think there might be other, more honest people reading. And that's really who the link is for.

I cited YOUR OWN link for the numbers that it provided so if it is wrong can you please explain how YOUR OWN link is wrong?? I just think it's hilarious that you run from your own factcheck article to a BLOG as if that proves anything said in your previous article wrong.

If you can't prove that your previous article is wrong even as you claim it is then that is NOT my problem.

P.S. Calling me names and insulting me does nothing to substantiate your argument either. LOL
Government workers should have to take a vow of poverty.

This is what right wingnuts really believe.

Actually this is what fitz believes.

The public sector should NEVER be superior in pay and benefit to the private sector employment. Ever. Lest it forget that they are public SERVANTS and the servant never makes more than it's master, the taxpayers... which in this case is only the upper 53% of wage earners in this nation.

Nevermind the fact that public sector workers are taxpayers too. LOL
No, what Walker has done is advise the snow plow driver that he can not smoke, be obese and live an unhealthy lifestyle to keep his job and he wants to get rid of those that protect these individuals: GOVERNMENT UNIONS.
Ever heard of wellness requirements that health insurance companies now require?
What happens to the premiums of these smokers, fat and lazy workers if we keep them on the government health insurance plans?
What happens to the premiums of these taxpayer funded health insurance plans when the TAXPAYER, THE ONE PAYING THEIR DAMN SALARY, has a say, demands that workers that do not adhere to strict new employment rules conerning abiding by the wellness rules in the health insurance plans be put on probation for a year and allow them to alter their living habits, quit smoking, exercise and get healthy?
We save a SHIT LOAD OF $$$$.
News flash to the uninformed: Health costs are BY FAR the fastest growing government expense in ALL AREAS.
Ummm, no. That's the DOT tightening health restrictions for drivers. Them and their fucking sleep apnea rules, revised blood pressure stats have and are going to continue to prevent people from being able to work as professional drivers. It's bullshit, and your government at work being a sop for special interests.

Why would I say that? Simple, because I'm living through it. They decrease the limit for 'high blood pressure', and suddenly the amount of driver physicals doubles for those on the edge from once every 2 years to 1 a year for life. Why? Politics. Gotta keep all those nurse practitioners, occupational health clinics working. This is social engineering of the worst sort because nobody notices, cares about or sympathizes with the impact this has on an industry, and the cost is invisible to them.

You want healthier drivers? Fine, fitness fanatics don't drive professionally. They get other work. It doesn't pay enough for those that dedicated to high health, or is conducive to a purist healthy lifestyle. So what does that mean? Your costs go up for everything shipped by a commercial vehicle... meaning everything. Why? Because you have to pay drivers more and companies more because they have to suck up the physical costs AND limits their pool of available workers thanks to unfounded political guidelines.

So you decrease employment while raising costs. Good job! Are the drivers better off? No because you've stuck many of them on medication 10 years ago they didn't need and have no real increase in cost benefit. 30% of all FATAL commercial drivers accidents were caused by sleep deprivation. 90% of all accidents with a commercial vehicle are caused by the AMATEUR driver fucking up. But now drivers have to pay between 2-6 THOUSAND dollars out of their own pocket because most insurance doesn't cover sleep studies to keep their job! Why? Nanny state nonsense.

You have a problem with health regs and commercial drivers like snow plow drivers who ALL have to have CDL Bs to drive, talk to your lovely Obama Admin and dumbfuck nannystate congress who just made it worse.

You are the one uninformed. I am IN that industry.

BTW, good job showing why state health care is bad in all forms.

Obviously you do not know shit about current health insurance policies.
I own 3 companies and this is old news.
You live a sheltered life. Wake up. This is what REPUBLICANS want.
Dumb ass, I am a conservative Republican and wellness agreeements in insurance contracts is old school for the last 4 years for those of us that own corporations and write checks for over $30,000.00 a year for health insurance for our employees.
Something about personal accountability which if you are a conservative you should know about.
Union members should make twice as much as people with the same job in the private sector

Government union members make 50% more than the same job in the private sector.
And where is the guy PAYING THEIR SALARIES, when they negotiate their wages?
We get NO SAY and no seat at the negotiation table.
Accordingly, until we do government unions should be banned.
But of course the liberals love them as that is their power base.

Public sector union workers are taxpayers too but you must hate their success and be envious of them. Why else would you begrudge them for having something you don't think that they deserve to have or earned?

The only way you get NO say or seat at the negotiation table is if you choose not to vote for your elected representatives who REPRESENT you at the table.

Dumb ass, elected officials do not sit at the negotiating table in government employee union contracts.
Walker tried to change the law and make it where he, AN ELECTED OFFICIAL, can make a decision and the fools on both sides of the aisle as illustrated by the moron Fitz that have no clue how insurance contracts work support the union workers each and every time.

I do not hate the success of anyone. Why should I? What I do hate are mob thug union types that get paid a flat wage by contract whether they earn it or not.
Unions are for losers that are so sorry they can not negotiate a wage for themselves on their own.
No, what Walker has done is advise the snow plow driver that he can not smoke, be obese and live an unhealthy lifestyle to keep his job and he wants to get rid of those that protect these individuals: GOVERNMENT UNIONS.
Ever heard of wellness requirements that health insurance companies now require?
What happens to the premiums of these smokers, fat and lazy workers if we keep them on the government health insurance plans?
What happens to the premiums of these taxpayer funded health insurance plans when the TAXPAYER, THE ONE PAYING THEIR DAMN SALARY, has a say, demands that workers that do not adhere to strict new employment rules conerning abiding by the wellness rules in the health insurance plans be put on probation for a year and allow them to alter their living habits, quit smoking, exercise and get healthy?
We save a SHIT LOAD OF $$$$.
News flash to the uninformed: Health costs are BY FAR the fastest growing government expense in ALL AREAS.
Ummm, no. That's the DOT tightening health restrictions for drivers. Them and their fucking sleep apnea rules, revised blood pressure stats have and are going to continue to prevent people from being able to work as professional drivers. It's bullshit, and your government at work being a sop for special interests.

Why would I say that? Simple, because I'm living through it. They decrease the limit for 'high blood pressure', and suddenly the amount of driver physicals doubles for those on the edge from once every 2 years to 1 a year for life. Why? Politics. Gotta keep all those nurse practitioners, occupational health clinics working. This is social engineering of the worst sort because nobody notices, cares about or sympathizes with the impact this has on an industry, and the cost is invisible to them.

You want healthier drivers? Fine, fitness fanatics don't drive professionally. They get other work. It doesn't pay enough for those that dedicated to high health, or is conducive to a purist healthy lifestyle. So what does that mean? Your costs go up for everything shipped by a commercial vehicle... meaning everything. Why? Because you have to pay drivers more and companies more because they have to suck up the physical costs AND limits their pool of available workers thanks to unfounded political guidelines.

So you decrease employment while raising costs. Good job! Are the drivers better off? No because you've stuck many of them on medication 10 years ago they didn't need and have no real increase in cost benefit. 30% of all FATAL commercial drivers accidents were caused by sleep deprivation. 90% of all accidents with a commercial vehicle are caused by the AMATEUR driver fucking up. But now drivers have to pay between 2-6 THOUSAND dollars out of their own pocket because most insurance doesn't cover sleep studies to keep their job! Why? Nanny state nonsense.

You have a problem with health regs and commercial drivers like snow plow drivers who ALL have to have CDL Bs to drive, talk to your lovely Obama Admin and dumbfuck nannystate congress who just made it worse.

You are the one uninformed. I am IN that industry.

BTW, good job showing why state health care is bad in all forms.

Where did I state "state health care" ANYWHERE?
You are about as dumb as a box of rocks. Bro in law is in the trucking business and he has 3 file cabinets full of applications.
Is that the costume you wear at Halloween? A worker in the trucking business?
Your entire post is about as stupid as it gets. What I posted is 20 feet over your head. You have no clue about wellness contracts in insurance policies so just admit it, go and educate yourself about and get back to us.

You are the one that favors Democrat style health care.
I am leading the charge FOR PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY.
As Republican and conservative as it gets.
You are a wannabe Republican. With morons like you that bull shit their way everywhere they go no wonder we got stuck with Obama.
The national unions and state unions have spent millions on this so far, and the whole process is also costing the TAX PAYERS of Wisconsin an ADDITIONAL NINE MILLION DOLLARS.


You do realize that when walker sued to have the GAB review the signatures based on his standards he cost taxpayers money to have the state handle his responsibility as challenger of the petition?

Challenges to a Recall Petition
Within 10 days after a recall petition is offered for filing, the officeholder can challenge its sufficiency. The challenge must be made in the form of a written, sworn complaint.
The challenge must specify any alleged insufficiency in the petition. Any challenge to the validity of signatures on a recall petition must demonstrate by affidavits or other supporting evidence a failure to comply with statutory requirements. The burden of proof is on the challenger. The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise. El.Bd. 2.11., Wis. Adm. Code.


Why aren't rightwingers upset about that and how much he is costing taxpayers??

Furthermore are you concerned about how much outside money walker is getting to fight this as well?

The information on a recall petition is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise.

That is what the law says so take your complaints to wisconsin. Oh and am I to take your lack of comment to mean that you are ok with walker wasting taxpayer money instead of footing the bill himself as the challenger of the petition?
No comments on the right wing outside money either?? Imagine that.

The main problem are the uninformed posters here that have NO clue about the current PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE wave towards requiring personal responsibility amongst the work force in the private sector. Wellness contracts are the norm now in the private sector.
Those of us that own corporations in the private sector have had our health insurance companies for many years REQUIRE "wellness" programs for our employees.
Obvioulsy daveman and Fitz who claim to be conservatives have no clue about these private personal responsibility requirements that are as conservative as it comes.
Someone else is obviously paying for their health care.
For us truly fiscal Goldwater conservatives we seek an end to the fat, obese, smoking employee and will penalize any and all in our corporations that choose to not stay well and participate in a wellness program.
The absurdity is that that policy is as conservative pro business as it gets and it went 20 feet over their head.
Government union members make 50% more than the same job in the private sector.
And where is the guy PAYING THEIR SALARIES, when they negotiate their wages?
We get NO SAY and no seat at the negotiation table.
Accordingly, until we do government unions should be banned.
But of course the liberals love them as that is their power base.

Public sector union workers are taxpayers too but you must hate their success and be envious of them. Why else would you begrudge them for having something you don't think that they deserve to have or earned?

The only way you get NO say or seat at the negotiation table is if you choose not to vote for your elected representatives who REPRESENT you at the table.

Dumb ass, elected officials do not sit at the negotiating table in government employee union contracts.

Then where did walker get his "experiences" in dealing with unions that he proclaims as at least some of his reasons for being against them? Was milwaukee county executive an appointed position or was he elected??

Walker tried to change the law and make it where he, AN ELECTED OFFICIAL, can make a decision and the fools on both sides of the aisle as illustrated by the moron Fitz that have no clue how insurance contracts work support the union workers each and every time.

I do not hate the success of anyone. Why should I? What I do hate are mob thug union types that get paid a flat wage by contract whether they earn it or not.
Unions are for losers that are so sorry they can not negotiate a wage for themselves on their own.

What does that nonsensical rant have to do with the fact that public union workers are taxpayers too or the fact that you get a seat at the table through your elected representatives??

You seem upset that your fellow taxpayers have a good deal that you don't believe that they deserve or earned so according to the arguments coming from the right that means that you must be jealous of their success.
If you have a problem with that logic you need only compain to the RNC.
Public sector union workers are taxpayers too but you must hate their success and be envious of them. Why else would you begrudge them for having something you don't think that they deserve to have or earned?

The only way you get NO say or seat at the negotiation table is if you choose not to vote for your elected representatives who REPRESENT you at the table.

Dumb ass, elected officials do not sit at the negotiating table in government employee union contracts.

Then where did walker get his "experiences" in dealing with unions that he proclaims as at least some of his reasons for being against them? Was milwaukee county executive an appointed position or was he elected??

Walker tried to change the law and make it where he, AN ELECTED OFFICIAL, can make a decision and the fools on both sides of the aisle as illustrated by the moron Fitz that have no clue how insurance contracts work support the union workers each and every time.

I do not hate the success of anyone. Why should I? What I do hate are mob thug union types that get paid a flat wage by contract whether they earn it or not.
Unions are for losers that are so sorry they can not negotiate a wage for themselves on their own.

What does that nonsensical rant have to do with the fact that public union workers are taxpayers too or the fact that you get a seat at the table through your elected representatives??

You seem upset that your fellow taxpayers have a good deal that you don't believe that they deserve or earned so according to the arguments coming from the right that means that you must be jealous of their success.
If you have a problem with that logic you need only compain to the RNC.

Do you know what a closed union shop is?
Let us see who makes the most $$$: The President of the United States?
Let us take a look at the highest paid government worker in Wisconsin?
Would that be the Governor, the speaker of the House?
No, it would be the union employee that makes the investments that the taxpayers pay into the union workers retirement fund.
Must be nice. Where is my investment counselor that is paid 600K a year by the STATE OF WISCONSIN BY UNION CONTRACT?
This ain't rocket science here Moe.
And it gets worse my man. NINE OUT OF THE TEN highest paid public employees in Wisconsin sit on that investment board. Average salary last year 350K.

This is all being paid by the taxpayers. What we have now is that the public employees have been given a cradle to grave security blanket guaranteed job, benefits and retirement far better than what the taxpayers have on average.

Why are you folks so afraid of putting out to public bid all of these jobs and let the free market determine the value of those jobs?

Those of us that run corporations in the private sector know why. We know that these union employees are scared shitless because they know full well that there are tens of thousands of MORE qualified workers out there in better health, younger and will work harder for the same $$ and do a better job.
That is the sole purpose of unions. To protect the mediocre and less than average to the bottom employee.
Productive workers do not need a union. Our skills are so in demand we can negotiate on our own.
Something about the power of the individual, what this great country was founded on.
The good news is very soon, within the next 10-15 years, no one will get a free pass on their benefits package in America.
Not union workers, not retirees and not retired government workers of any kind except military with service related injuries.
They will have to be responsible for their own health care insurance and/or get a voucher from the government if they are a retired government worker.
No longer shall we have to be responsible for the unhealthy union or government worker that has failed to take care of themselves.
The cradle to grave security blanket blank check health care will end, and soon.
Government has no business in the health care business in any way.
Dumb ass, elected officials do not sit at the negotiating table in government employee union contracts.

Then where did walker get his "experiences" in dealing with unions that he proclaims as at least some of his reasons for being against them? Was milwaukee county executive an appointed position or was he elected??

Walker tried to change the law and make it where he, AN ELECTED OFFICIAL, can make a decision and the fools on both sides of the aisle as illustrated by the moron Fitz that have no clue how insurance contracts work support the union workers each and every time.

I do not hate the success of anyone. Why should I? What I do hate are mob thug union types that get paid a flat wage by contract whether they earn it or not.
Unions are for losers that are so sorry they can not negotiate a wage for themselves on their own.

What does that nonsensical rant have to do with the fact that public union workers are taxpayers too or the fact that you get a seat at the table through your elected representatives??

You seem upset that your fellow taxpayers have a good deal that you don't believe that they deserve or earned so according to the arguments coming from the right that means that you must be jealous of their success.
If you have a problem with that logic you need only compain to the RNC.

Do you know what a closed union shop is?
Let us see who makes the most $$$: The President of the United States?
Let us take a look at the highest paid government worker in Wisconsin?
Would that be the Governor, the speaker of the House?
No, it would be the union employee that makes the investments that the taxpayers pay into the union workers retirement fund.
Must be nice. Where is my investment counselor that is paid 600K a year by the STATE OF WISCONSIN BY UNION CONTRACT?
This ain't rocket science here Moe.
And it gets worse my man. NINE OUT OF THE TEN highest paid public employees in Wisconsin sit on that investment board. Average salary last year 350K.

This is all being paid by the taxpayers. What we have now is that the public employees have been given a cradle to grave security blanket guaranteed job, benefits and retirement far better than what the taxpayers have on average.

Why are you folks so afraid of putting out to public bid all of these jobs and let the free market determine the value of those jobs?

Those of us that run corporations in the private sector know why. We know that these union employees are scared shitless because they know full well that there are tens of thousands of MORE qualified workers out there in better health, younger and will work harder for the same $$ and do a better job.
That is the sole purpose of unions. To protect the mediocre and less than average to the bottom employee.
Productive workers do not need a union. Our skills are so in demand we can negotiate on our own.
Something about the power of the individual, what this great country was founded on.

WOW More nonsensicial ranting from you and no answers to the simple questions that were asked. I wonder why that is? I answered your questions so why can you answer mine?

You still seem to be arguing as if public union workers are not tax payers and that is the major flaw in any argument where you try to pit the taxpayer against public workers because they are one and the same.

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