1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

Yes, I'm okay with using taxpayer money to weed out the fraudulent and duplicate signatures.
It would be better if the unions paid. Maybe Soros should cough up some dough?

Besides, they weeded out the fraudlulent signatures anyway

Who did? How do you know?

Tood want a cracker??

Sorry "weeded" was supposed to be "weed" wrong tense. However, Do you actually believe parroting the same nonresponsive BS makes a valid response if it is repeated enough times??
I spelled out how your argument is flawed and yet you parrot it again as if anything has changed.

Who took out the fraudulent signatures?
Or are they still in there?

Are you mental?? I changed the tense of my post because they are currently in the process of "WEEDING" them out. However, my previous point is that the GAB's job was to check the list and remove obviously flawed signatures and addresses and flag the questionable ones.
Then as the challenger of the petition it was walker's responsibility to challagne any questionable or duplicate names and the buden of proof was on him to prove that any he challenged were invalid. That is in accordance with previous WI state law as cited in my previous post.

However, walker sued and a judge legislated from the bench to add requirements to the job of the GAB at the expense of the state when as the challegner of the petition this expense was supposed to be picked up by walker.

So are you caught up yet or are you still lost?

Now again I have to ask why is it that it seems that you are against the cost of the recall but not the added costs that walkers roadblocks and delaying tactics are costing the state?
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Oh good we're gonna try that game, are we?

They're taxpayers too and are paying taxes that pay their own salary. Sorry, but I don't give a fuck about playing semantics with employee money that is taxed.

Are you actually trying to argue that public sector taxpayers are somehow less of a citizen and don't or shouldn't have the same rights and private sector workers?? Oh wait you already did that.

I can't wait to see what your warped mind dreamt up,

So government builds nothing and provides no services for the money that they bring in through taxation, they only tax for purposes of paying for those who collect more taxes??

Furthermore, are you an anarchist because your "town trick" argument is exactly how any form of government works.
There are not multiple governments and even in the small limited federal government wetdreams of conservatives our founding fathers still set forth a single federal governent.

Even on a local level you still have to deal with one centralized local govenrment or are you arguing that we should have a "free market govenrment" where several forms of government exist and compete with each other for our tax dollars in an open market? How exaclty would tha work?

If that type of flawed reasoning is what you are trying to use to show the holes in my argument the what have you done to fill the hoels in yours??

Again, when are you going to point out holes in my argument? All you seem to be doing is presenting one hole filled argument after another that are based solely on your warped and misguided opinions as you try to define taxpayer to suit your needs for your new hole-filled argument. They still pay taxes and work for their pay makiing them just as much a citizen or "normal person" as you are. no matter what your beliefs about govenrment are nothing will change that fact.

Are you trying to say that this is a hole in my argument? But I said NOTHING of the sort. This is all that i said in reference to public sector workers.

so how did you draw all of that from that one sentence?? Do you often have to make shite up and attribute it to others so you can attack them for things they never said or is this something new for you?

Oh really??

Oops looks like another hole in your spin.

again who is actually saying that?? Instead of pulling shite out of thin air why don't you try addressing what people actually say?

Yeah we all get that you hate public sector workers and consider them less than a normal citizen or person but what does your warped and unsubstantiated opinion have to do with the facts of the argument?

So not only do you put words into peoples mouths but now you are a mind reader too??

Even though based on your own words that should be considered to be "servants" and less than "normal people?" Thanks for the spin.

Your argument is predicated on these false assumptions or sly scams of semantics in order to justify corruption, elitism and cronyism, and at least in WI, that's finally ending.

WHat's funny is that you barely touched on my simple argument that "public sector workers are taxpayers too" and ended up adding a ton of BS that doesn't even apply to me or my arguments.
Then in your final act of desperation you dishonestly define my argument based on a work of fiction that you dreamt up and has NOTHING to do with the actual content of my post.

So thanks again for nothing.
Okay, I'm done dealing with a complete fucking cretin like you. Ignore. You can debate the definition of 'is' with yourself.

Yeah keep telling yourself that and maybe some day even you will start to believe it.

I countered or at least responded to every aspect of your spin and you don't even have the integrity to stand behind or defend your own words. Instead you call me names and run away. How typical and expected of you.

That is why I thought about not wasting my time and responding to you. Because I knew that you would pull this shite again but I thought I would give you the benefit of the doubt.
Oh well, I made my point and defended it where as you turned tail and ran away from criticism and questions of your argument.
I'd say that is a positive for me and not so much for you.
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Tood want a cracker??

Sorry "weeded" was supposed to be "weed" wrong tense. However, Do you actually believe parroting the same nonresponsive BS makes a valid response if it is repeated enough times??
I spelled out how your argument is flawed and yet you parrot it again as if anything has changed.

Who took out the fraudulent signatures?
Or are they still in there?

Are you mental?? I changed the tense of my post because they are currently in the process of "WEEDING" them out. However, my previous point is that the GAB's job was to check the list and remove obviously flawed signatures and addresses and flag the questionable ones.
Then as the challenger of the petition it was walker's responsibility to challagne any questionable or duplicate names and the buden of proof was on him to prove that any he challenged were invalid. That is in accordance with previous WI state law as cited in my previous post.

However, walker sued and a judge legislated from the bench to add requirements to the job of the GAB at the expense of the state when as the challegner of the petition this expense was supposed to be picked up by walker.

So are you caught up yet or are you still lost?

Now again I have to ask why is it that it seems that you are against the cost of the recall but not the added costs that walkers roadblocks and delaying tactics are costing the state?

Excellent! I'll be interested to see how many signatures are authentic.
I don't think weeding out bad signatures is a roadblock or delaying tactic.
I don't have a problem with the state paying.
Who took out the fraudulent signatures?
Or are they still in there?

Are you mental?? I changed the tense of my post because they are currently in the process of "WEEDING" them out. However, my previous point is that the GAB's job was to check the list and remove obviously flawed signatures and addresses and flag the questionable ones.
Then as the challenger of the petition it was walker's responsibility to challagne any questionable or duplicate names and the buden of proof was on him to prove that any he challenged were invalid. That is in accordance with previous WI state law as cited in my previous post.

However, walker sued and a judge legislated from the bench to add requirements to the job of the GAB at the expense of the state when as the challegner of the petition this expense was supposed to be picked up by walker.

So are you caught up yet or are you still lost?

Now again I have to ask why is it that it seems that you are against the cost of the recall but not the added costs that walkers roadblocks and delaying tactics are costing the state?

Excellent! I'll be interested to see how many signatures are authentic.

I am sure you will be. However based on your nonresponse to the questions asked my guess is that you are still lost. LOL

I don't think weeding out bad signatures is a roadblock or delaying tactic.

That wasn't part of the argument and if you could read then you would know that. They were going to weed out bad signatures anyway but walker sued to have the state do his job as challenger of the petition.
He was responsible for challenging duplicates and questionable names but he sued to make the state pay for and do his job for him. Then after they do his job for him, my guess is that he will then take his part as the challenger "seriously" and redo what he just had the state do and challenge even more names and take his sweet time while doing it, making it a delaying tactic.

I don't have a problem with the state paying.

Can you ever answer a question directly or must you always sidestep the actual question and provide a nonresponse? However, this kind of response does show that your "concern" about the costs is nothing but partisan whining.
The recall signature verifcation is being done at an undisclosed location to "protect staff and the process".
Take a wild guess who they want to protect them from.
Now go back to the ruling a few weeks ago by Judge Davis based on Wisconsin LAW that the Government Accountability Board, the authority charged with validating the recall signatures, that the GAB needs to taker aggressive action to make sure there are no duplicate signatures or invalid ones such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
Doesn't it trouble you anti Walker and pro union folks that the unions FOUGHT that case forcing a Judge to issue an order for the GAB to do what it is supposed to do anyway?
Don't you folks know that the union does NOT want any validation of any of their recall signatures and their challenge to the courts was just that?
Illegible addresses are the biggest problem they have. Any signature with an illegible address needs to be kicked out as that is a common practice to add duplicate signatures to petititons and attempt to have them validated.
Are you mental?? I changed the tense of my post because they are currently in the process of "WEEDING" them out. However, my previous point is that the GAB's job was to check the list and remove obviously flawed signatures and addresses and flag the questionable ones.
Then as the challenger of the petition it was walker's responsibility to challagne any questionable or duplicate names and the buden of proof was on him to prove that any he challenged were invalid. That is in accordance with previous WI state law as cited in my previous post.

However, walker sued and a judge legislated from the bench to add requirements to the job of the GAB at the expense of the state when as the challegner of the petition this expense was supposed to be picked up by walker.

So are you caught up yet or are you still lost?

Now again I have to ask why is it that it seems that you are against the cost of the recall but not the added costs that walkers roadblocks and delaying tactics are costing the state?

Excellent! I'll be interested to see how many signatures are authentic.

I am sure you will be. However based on your nonresponse to the questions asked my guess is that you are still lost. LOL

I don't think weeding out bad signatures is a roadblock or delaying tactic.

That wasn't part of the argument and if you could read then you would know that. They were going to weed out bad signatures anyway but walker sued to have the state do his job as challenger of the petition.
He was responsible for challenging duplicates and questionable names but he sued to make the state pay for and do his job for him. Then after they do his job for him, my guess is that he will then take his part as the challenger "seriously" and redo what he just had the state do and challenge even more names and take his sweet time while doing it, making it a delaying tactic.

I don't have a problem with the state paying.

Can you ever answer a question directly or must you always sidestep the actual question and provide a nonresponse? However, this kind of response does show that your "concern" about the costs is nothing but partisan whining.

I'm not "concerned" about the cost.
I'll be surprised if more than half the signatures are good.
The recall signature verifcation is being done at an undisclosed location to "protect staff and the process".
Take a wild guess who they want to protect them from.

uh my guess would be those who want this not to succeed. WHy would those who want it to succeed interfere and try to mess it up??

Now go back to the ruling a few weeks ago by Judge Davis based on Wisconsin LAW that the Government Accountability Board, the authority charged with validating the recall signatures, that the GAB needs to taker aggressive action to make sure there are no duplicate signatures or invalid ones such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
Doesn't it trouble you anti Walker and pro union folks that the unions FOUGHT that case forcing a Judge to issue an order for the GAB to do what it is supposed to do anyway?

UH why would the union's desire to follow the existing law and standards trouble me?? How does walker's CHOICE to sue to expand the requirements of the GAB show that the union "forced" this judge to do anything?? Walker sued therefore he was the one "forcing" the issue.
BTW, Does the FACT that walker sued and had a judge legislate from the bench to expand the responsibility of the GAB, remove responsibility from walker as the chellenger of the petition add the cost of this shift to the state trouble you??

Don't you folks know that the union does NOT want any validation of any of their recall signatures and their challenge to the courts was just that?

Thanks for the baseless opinion but it since it fits in with the rest of your rant it really is no surprise.

Illegible addresses are the biggest problem they have. Any signature with an illegible address needs to be kicked out as that is a common practice to add duplicate signatures to petititons and attempt to have them validated.

And the GAB's previous standard would have required the removal of illegible addresses so walkers lawsuit was uneccessary and expensive as it tranfered the cost of his challenge from himslef to the state.
So much for those budget concerns.
Excellent! I'll be interested to see how many signatures are authentic.

I am sure you will be. However based on your nonresponse to the questions asked my guess is that you are still lost. LOL

That wasn't part of the argument and if you could read then you would know that. They were going to weed out bad signatures anyway but walker sued to have the state do his job as challenger of the petition.
He was responsible for challenging duplicates and questionable names but he sued to make the state pay for and do his job for him. Then after they do his job for him, my guess is that he will then take his part as the challenger "seriously" and redo what he just had the state do and challenge even more names and take his sweet time while doing it, making it a delaying tactic.

I don't have a problem with the state paying.

Can you ever answer a question directly or must you always sidestep the actual question and provide a nonresponse? However, this kind of response does show that your "concern" about the costs is nothing but partisan whining.

I'm not "concerned" about the cost.
I'll be surprised if more than half the signatures are good.

Thanks for nothing. If you are not even going to bother responding to the actual content of my posts please refrain from responding to my posts in the future. Thank you.
I am sure you will be. However based on your nonresponse to the questions asked my guess is that you are still lost. LOL

That wasn't part of the argument and if you could read then you would know that. They were going to weed out bad signatures anyway but walker sued to have the state do his job as challenger of the petition.
He was responsible for challenging duplicates and questionable names but he sued to make the state pay for and do his job for him. Then after they do his job for him, my guess is that he will then take his part as the challenger "seriously" and redo what he just had the state do and challenge even more names and take his sweet time while doing it, making it a delaying tactic.

Can you ever answer a question directly or must you always sidestep the actual question and provide a nonresponse? However, this kind of response does show that your "concern" about the costs is nothing but partisan whining.

I'm not "concerned" about the cost.
I'll be surprised if more than half the signatures are good.

Thanks for nothing. If you are not even going to bother responding to the actual content of my posts please refrain from responding to my posts in the future. Thank you.

I responded to the content.
Your whining continued. Too bad.
Signed by 50k people many who life outside WI!

I am going to laugh at worthless welfare babies like you Marc when not only does Walker win the recall he wins his next election.

I find it funny that the governor who laid off not one teacher, unlike California, hired more teachers per capita then any other state, putting school districts firmly in the black, when they were bankrupt and marked for closure in 2010, while balancing a huge deficit is slandered by the left as the anti education governor. If anything he is the best governor for educating OUR CHILDREN in the country.

"Education is for the children not adult."
- Chicago Mayor Emmanuel
Signed by 50k people many who life outside WI!

I am going to laugh at worthless welfare babies like you Marc when not only does Walker win the recall he wins his next election.

I find it funny that the governor who laid off not one teacher, unlike California, hired more teachers per capita then any other state, putting school districts firmly in the black, when they were bankrupt and marked for closure in 2010, while balancing a huge deficit is slandered by the left as the anti education governor. If anything he is the best governor for educating OUR CHILDREN in the country.

"Education is for the children not adult."
- Chicago Mayor Emmanuel

Why do we pay teachers at all? They should do the work free.
The recall signature verifcation is being done at an undisclosed location to "protect staff and the process".
Take a wild guess who they want to protect them from.

uh my guess would be those who want this not to succeed. WHy would those who want it to succeed interfere and try to mess it up??

Now go back to the ruling a few weeks ago by Judge Davis based on Wisconsin LAW that the Government Accountability Board, the authority charged with validating the recall signatures, that the GAB needs to taker aggressive action to make sure there are no duplicate signatures or invalid ones such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.
Doesn't it trouble you anti Walker and pro union folks that the unions FOUGHT that case forcing a Judge to issue an order for the GAB to do what it is supposed to do anyway?

UH why would the union's desire to follow the existing law and standards trouble me?? How does walker's CHOICE to sue to expand the requirements of the GAB show that the union "forced" this judge to do anything?? Walker sued therefore he was the one "forcing" the issue.
BTW, Does the FACT that walker sued and had a judge legislate from the bench to expand the responsibility of the GAB, remove responsibility from walker as the chellenger of the petition add the cost of this shift to the state trouble you??

Don't you folks know that the union does NOT want any validation of any of their recall signatures and their challenge to the courts was just that?

Thanks for the baseless opinion but it since it fits in with the rest of your rant it really is no surprise.

Illegible addresses are the biggest problem they have. Any signature with an illegible address needs to be kicked out as that is a common practice to add duplicate signatures to petititons and attempt to have them validated.

And the GAB's previous standard would have required the removal of illegible addresses so walkers lawsuit was uneccessary and expensive as it tranfered the cost of his challenge from himslef to the state.
So much for those budget concerns.

Your denial that the union does not want the GAB to enforce existing law as that is all the Judges' ruling stated and your claim that the GAB was asked to "expand" their charge is proof positive you either do not know the law, refuse to educate yourself as to the law, both or you are not being honest.
But one with a knowledge of the history of THE LAW as applied to union thuggery and power in the government unions in Wisconsin looks a little further back to show the truth there in recent elections:
In the 2010 Supreme Court ruling of Citizens United v. FEC corporations and unions were permitted to spend unlimited amounts of $$$ from the general treasuries to independently advocate for or against candidates.
Since 1905 unions had been BANNED in Wisconsin from making independent spending.
Since the ban was lifted over 40% of ALL independent campaign spending has been from the unions and their cronies on Democratic candidates ONLY.
Now who in their right mind believes that every union member, teacher and government employee in Wisconsin that is in a union that HAS to pay union dues is a Democrat?
Signed by 50k people many who life outside WI!

I am going to laugh at worthless welfare babies like you Marc when not only does Walker win the recall he wins his next election.

I find it funny that the governor who laid off not one teacher, unlike California, hired more teachers per capita then any other state, putting school districts firmly in the black, when they were bankrupt and marked for closure in 2010, while balancing a huge deficit is slandered by the left as the anti education governor. If anything he is the best governor for educating OUR CHILDREN in the country.

"Education is for the children not adult."
- Chicago Mayor Emmanuel

Why do we pay teachers at all? They should do the work free.
Government workers should have to take a vow of poverty.

This is what right wingnuts really believe.

Actually this is what fitz believes.

The public sector should NEVER be superior in pay and benefit to the private sector employment. Ever. Lest it forget that they are public SERVANTS and the servant never makes more than it's master, the taxpayers... which in this case is only the upper 53% of wage earners in this nation.

Nevermind the fact that public sector workers are taxpayers too. LOL


Government workers are servants and the rest of us are their masters. Nice.

I think I was pretty damn close enough.

Really dude?
Get this through your thick as a brick liberal skull..Public employees SERVE the PUBLIC.
Their wages are funded BY THE TAXPAYERS..
The public is not a "master". However, public employees are in SERVICE to the public.
Actually this is what fitz believes.

Nevermind the fact that public sector workers are taxpayers too. LOL


Government workers are servants and the rest of us are their masters. Nice.

I think I was pretty damn close enough.

Really dude?
Get this through your thick as a brick liberal skull..Public employees SERVE the PUBLIC.
Their wages are funded BY THE TAXPAYERS..
The public is not a "master". However, public employees are in SERVICE to the public.
Remember -- you're dealing with someone who wants bureaucrats to make all his decisions for him.
First...No... I did not read your whole rant. I skimmed it and found two glaring flaming turds. One EVERYONE pays taxes...even government workers, which appears at a glance to be your big beef. Secondly in a capitalistic system EVERYONE has the right to make as much money as they can legally. You do not have the right to take that away unless YOU are a communist at heart and then you will rig the system to disenfranchise some groups so they cannot compete in the capitalistic system. Your slogans and bumper sticker logic does not have the priviledge to change definitions to suit your misinformation and personal fear driven greed. Plus you seem to think that most government jobs are easy.. I was a letter carrier out of high school and I can assure you that the U S Postal service is not full of slackers. If you do not believe that take a look at your mailman. Fat? Lazy? Not. They work just as hard as the UPS guys. Oh ya...I was a union rep..and the reason mailmen can wear running shoes and comfortable uniforms was my doing. Those improvements in equipment increased efficiency.

Sorry but you are an IGNORANT moron -and ignorant people are dangerous to us all. You just revealed your total lack of critical thinking skills but then you are a liberal and a lack of critical thinking skills is required. But I will try. Government gets its wealth by taxing the private sector -because government does not create wealth. It can only TAKE it from those who do. Wealth is created in the private sector. Are you following me so far on this one?

A government employee gets paid with a check drawn on government revenues. That means what is paid to a government employee is a DRAIN on government revenue. The fact income taxes were withheld only means the amount being drained is a little less. Private sector workers' paychecks are drawn on the company they work for -not government. That means any taxes withheld INCREASES government revenue. Get that yet? Government revenues come from the PRIVATE SECTOR and NOT from government workers who are DRAINING revenue. I can't believe this has to be explained to ANYONE. The taxes withheld from a government worker do NOT enrich government, they will never increase their coffers. Those sucking up at the public trough DRAIN government revenue and their salaries, benefits and pensions are among the bills everyone else in the PRIVATE SECTOR must pay for! The private sector pays for government, government services, government employees, entitlement programs. NOT those who work IN government who are actually part of the bill we have to pay for! Getting hired by government doesn't increase government revenue whatsoever -because what is being paid to the government employee is still far more than what was withheld. Every person who leaves the private sector and is hired by government increases the burden on everyone else in the private sector. Government employees NEVER - as in NEVER - increase the wealth of government because their income is a TOTAL DRAIN on government revenues -that were paid by PRIVATE SECTOR EMPLOYEES. Only private sector taxpayers increase the wealth of government! Public sector employees DRAIN it. PERIOD.

But here is the main difference between government employees and private sector workers. The income of the private sector worker is tied to his productivity and how much he/she is able to increase the wealth of the company or business. If they aren't productive and they are not contributing to its success -they lose their job. A government employee is paid out of government revenue -from money those in the private sector paid. A private sector workers is paid by the private business that employs him and other citizens are not responsible for his income, he doesn't answer to them, he doesn't work for them. A government employee works for those who pay him too. See above as to who pays him. A government employee doesn't own government just because they happened to get hired. He has no right to deny us the government services WE pay for. They aren't "poor, downtrodden, severely exploited" underdogs. If a government worker quit, the line of people waiting to take his place is never ending -never has been and never will be a shortage of people willing to belly up at the public trough. The average taxpayer does not have the salary, benefits and pension government workers have received -for doing a job that is divorced from PRODUCTIVITY and QUALITY. And their greed knows no bounds.

Public union thugs are behind the $9 million effort to recall Scott Walker -who ran on a platform of promising to balance the state budget without raising taxes on them all. He did it -and one of the ways he was able to do it was to rein in the unbridled GREED of public unions who don't give a rat's ass how much taxes are raised. See above as to where that money that goes to public unions and public union members originates -and remember, government does NOT create wealth. It gets its money to pay government employees and spend on their programs and pay their bills -by TAKING it from those who do create wealth. THE PRIVATE SECTOR. Public unions and government workers TAKE our money. What we get back in return is far more costly than the comparable job in the private sector but without the accountability, without it even being tied to productivity and quality of work like OURS is!

If you really can't grasp anything else, get this one -government does not create wealth. It takes some of the wealth from those who do create it. And that means government workers don't create wealth either -they, as part of government, can only TAKE some of the wealth from those who create it. When government cuts a government employee a check, that employee is DRAINING government revenue. Even though the amount of the check is reduced by withholding, it is still a DRAIN on government revenue. Again, government revenue comes from taxes paid by the private sector because government does not create wealth. It gets its own wealth from those who do create it -and it is created in the PRIVATE SECTOR. When a private sector employee receives his paycheck, it is being drawn on the bank account of that company -NOT government. That means the income taxes withheld INCREASE government revenue! Big DUH there Mr. I-used-to-be-a-union-rep who apparently is ASTONISHINGLY and TOTALLY clueless about our entire system, the origins of wealth and who foots the bills in this country!

So you were a union rep. Who did you negotiate with when it was time for contract renewals? Was it a POLITICIAN? Or a union negotiator who represented the interests of the other side? That isn't the situation when it comes to public unions. We don't elect union reps to negotiate with public unions on OUR behalf. And Democrats have repeatedly said they represent the best interests of the public unions -not those who pay the bills for them. And the politicians aren't around later to be held accountable when the bill comes due for what they stuck taxpayers with either, are they? Public unions GUARANTEES a corrupt, overblown, overpaid system with public union thugs buying politicians who will then use their power and influence on behalf of public unions -who then use their power and influence to use public union dues to get them re-elected. And lo and behold -that is exactly what we do have with Democrats being upfront about being in their pocket and representing THEIR interests. In states that still allow public unions to strike, the stink from the corruption can be smelled two states away. But do NOT kid yourself honey - at all times it is always PRIVATE SECTOR WORKER'S INCOME TAXES being funneled between them. WE foot the bills for the corruption and WE are the ones being played as suckers. I oppose the very existence of public unions as the hornet's nest and hotbed of stinking corruption it is.

So the recall of Walker poses a direct question to the people of Wisconsin about who really owns their government. Will they decide Walker fucked up and he really should have raised taxes on them so public unions could still hold government services hostage whenever they wanted to extort taxpayers again? Getting the signatures for a recall is the easy part. Something like 14 politicians faced recall in Wisconsin already -both Republicans and Democrats. Two Republicans lost their recall election -one who was elected as a fluke anyway from a heavily Democrat district -and the other involved in a financial and extramarital scandal that became public right before the recall election but would have probably won if that had not happened. Public unions have spent a FORTUNE in all these recall elections in their bid to wrest control from the PEOPLE of Wisconsin and claim it for themselves. And so far they have failed. But every fucking cent they spent on it -came from PRIVATE SECTOR TAXPAYERS. Because that is where government, government employees and public unions all get their dough. If the people of Wisconsin recall Walker in the belief he should have raised taxes on them and because they believe public unions own their government -then they deserve what they get. And what they will get will be even worse than what Walker had to deal with because public unions will come back with a vengeance to make up for the loss of millions from their coffers in their power grab. Public unions are concerned about public unions. Not the state of Wisconsin and absolutely not concerned about the people they stick with the tab.

Now do I need to tell you one more time where that money REALLY comes from or do you get it yet? If not, do us all a favor and take more classes on US government, Civics, economics and the origins of wealth - and wise up.

You seem to need to get a lot off your chest. I hope all this venting was usefull towards that end.

There was far too much ranting to break it down and respond to each charge/indictment/opinion.

I regret my posts as it appears I have pushed you past the brink and possibly affected your health and well being.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yop62wQH498]"Annie" (1982) - Tomorrow - YouTube[/ame]
Those are facts. Apparently far too many for that ball between your shoulders to absorb.

Government workers are servants and the rest of us are their masters. Nice.

I think I was pretty damn close enough.

Really dude?
Get this through your thick as a brick liberal skull..Public employees SERVE the PUBLIC.
Their wages are funded BY THE TAXPAYERS..
The public is not a "master". However, public employees are in SERVICE to the public.
Remember -- you're dealing with someone who wants bureaucrats to make all his decisions for him.

And supports running away when the going gets rough... Brave Sir Robincle15...
Really dude?
Get this through your thick as a brick liberal skull..Public employees SERVE the PUBLIC.
Their wages are funded BY THE TAXPAYERS..
The public is not a "master". However, public employees are in SERVICE to the public.
Remember -- you're dealing with someone who wants bureaucrats to make all his decisions for him.

And supports running away when the going gets rough... Brave Sir Robincle15...
Yup. He's a leftist, all right.
So what the lot of the posters want is teachers to take a large pay cut, no benefits. That way they are serving the public. My daughter is a kindergarten teacher in Wisconsin. Been doing it for 4 years. In no way do I see her being overpaid making $36,000 a year. But some here do.

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