1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

In my viewpoint she isnt there to serve the public. She's there to educate kids despite how dumb and failures their parents are. But thats me. She doesnt see it my way, unfortunately.
In my viewpoint she isnt there to serve the public. She's there to educate kids despite how dumb and failures their parents are. But thats me. She doesnt see it my way, unfortunately.

Teachers can't make up for shitty parenting, sorry. How the fuck are they supposed to folow over 200 children home every night to make sure they do their homework? Can you answer me that?

The problem with education is no one blames who is really at fault - the STUDENTS. These days, when kids fail at school, parents blame the teachers, instead of the kids. What fucking sense does that make?

When I was little, if I got bad marks in school, it was MY fault - I got punished - it wasn't the teacher's fault. My parents wouldn't have even conceived of blaming the teacher for MY failings! The very notion is absurd.
Last edited:
Signed by 50k people many who life outside WI!

I am going to laugh at worthless welfare babies like you Marc when not only does Walker win the recall he wins his next election.

I find it funny that the governor who laid off not one teacher, unlike California, hired more teachers per capita then any other state, putting school districts firmly in the black, when they were bankrupt and marked for closure in 2010, while balancing a huge deficit is slandered by the left as the anti education governor. If anything he is the best governor for educating OUR CHILDREN in the country.

"Education is for the children not adult."
- Chicago Mayor Emmanuel

Why do we pay teachers at all? They should do the work free.

Oh please. Saying stupid things like that only shows you can't hold a rational discussion on the issue. If you don't learn who is really paying for everything in this country, how can you possibly be part of the solution? No one is talking about any government employee working for free, ok? But they are talking about how the fact a government job should never pay more than the comparable job in the private sector.

It should never be more financially attractive to work for government than to work in the private sector. Because it is private sector workers who pay for it. Government revenues come from PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS. I can't repeat that one enough. Government employees, elected politicians, government bureaucrats -all get every dime of their money including the "income taxes" withheld from their paychecks, their benefits, their pensions from PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS.

Once again -when a private sector worker gets their paycheck, that check is drawn on the bank account of the company or business that employs them -and that business has the money to pay him because that employee HELPED CREATE IT. His work is directly tied to his productivity and the quality of his work and his ability to help create wealth for that business. He helps create wealth and part of it is HIS . The money he is paid with doesn't come from government. When income taxes are withheld, that comes out of the money the private sector worker helped create for the business he works for -and it is sent to Washington where it is put in government coffers as government revenue. The income taxes of the private sector worker INCREASES government revenue. So the more private sector workers, the richer government gets because it takes money from those who helped create wealth in the private sector.

Government does not create wealth -it gets its own money by taking some of the wealth from those who create it. It is created in the..........PRIVATE SECTOR.

When a government worker gets his paycheck, the money for it comes out of government revenue. Do a quick review in your mind here about where government revenue comes from. When income taxes are withheld from the paycheck of a government worker, it only means the amount coming out of government revenue is a little less. But no matter what, when a government employee gets paid, government revenue DECREASES. That is because government doesn't create wealth -government workers aren't being paid out of monies they helped create. They are being paid with the money private sector workers helped create and was then taken from them by government. So the "income taxes" of the government worker never increases government revenue. Never, never, never. At all times, government workers DRAIN government revenues, they do NOT increase government revenue just because government cuts a slightly smaller check to them.

You know with a decent education, you would have grasped this one right off the bat. So let's try it this way.

If Joe steals $100 from me and then splits it with Sue and gives her $50 -you understand that both Joe and Sue are sharing MY money, right? If Sue gives $5 of that back to Joe so he keeps $55 and she keeps $45 -exactly when in that process did even ONE DIME of that money become THEIR money instead of mine? That is what we are talking about with the withholding of income taxes for a government worker.

Government is Joe and government took my $100. Once it took my money, the fact it uses a chunk of it to share with Sue as a government worker does not further increase the wealth of government -it DECREASES it. The fact it promised to pay Sue $50 but then withheld $5 as "income taxes" did NOT enrich government the way it is enriched by taking income taxes from a private sector worker. Government didn't end up with my $100 and another $5 from Sue so it now has $105. It started with my $100 and gave Sue $45 of it so it is now $45 poorer by having paid a government worker. Now multiply that by the more than TWO MILLION federal government employees -and stop thinking about nice cushy government jobs and those poor overworked government bureaucrats -and think about the REALITIES and negative consequences when the size of government expands and what it means to do that especially during a BAD ECONOMY with high unemployment! It means government takes productive citizens contributing to the creation of wealth in the private sector -and turns them into PARASITES who bleed the remaining private sector workers for their own livelihood. They stop creating wealth and contributing to government revenue - and start DRAINING it instead.

I do not mean "parasite" as an insult, but for the very real effect they have on government revenue -and by extension those who pay that government revenue. If it has more government workers, it runs out of money faster -and it means government will come back to PRIVATE SECTOR workers and demand a bigger cut of their money in the form of taxes. So they can divvy it up with even more government workers. It is an equation where we can't afford to be wasteful in the numbers of government employees and bureaucrats we MUST have to provide the services we pay for -and not carelessly hire more than are needed. Because it is actually the responsibility of all citizens to look out for those in the private sector and insure THEIR situation remains healthy -so that government remains healthy as well. We want MORE people working in the private sector and as few as NECESSARY working in government. We want MORE people creating MORE wealth -because that is how our government gets the money needed to provide the services we pay it to provide. MORE people working in the private sector and MORE people earning MORE money at a comparable job in the private sector than what it pays to do that job in government. THAT last part is upside down thanks to public unions thugs and Democrats who think those who do not create wealth at all and work in government are a special "elite" ENTITLED to our money and more of it than the average taxpayer earns himself. Government jobs pay MORE than the comparable job in the private sector and that should NEVER happen.

It is public unions who insist government employees should receive more money, better benefits and an overblown outrageous pension that the average private sector worker will never have -but will still have to pay for. It is public unions who have successfully fought to insure government jobs pay better than the comparable one in the private sector. But the fact their job is divorced from productivity and quality -unlike that of the people whose money is being used to pay for that government worker -means they don't DESERVE to be paid MORE than those with the comparable job in the private sector. It's that easy.

Government workers -including teachers - do not get paid based on their productivity and quality of work. They can't be held accountable for being shitty at their job -unlike the private sector worker. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would believe a job where the pay is totally divorced from productivity and quality of work deserves to be paid MORE than the comparable job in the private sector? Public unions don't give a shit how much government gouges private sector workers -because THEY know good and well what a massive cut they get from it.
American parents are failures as well. Too busy working to give a rip. Sad statement on our society. SHameful it is.
Actually this is what fitz believes.

Nevermind the fact that public sector workers are taxpayers too. LOL
Oh good we're gonna try that game, are we?

They're taxpayers too and are paying taxes that pay their own salary. Sorry, but I don't give a fuck about playing semantics with employee money that is taxed.

Are you actually trying to argue that public sector taxpayers are somehow less of a citizen and don't or shouldn't have the same rights and private sector workers?? Oh wait you already did that.

I can't wait to see what your warped mind dreamt up,

So government builds nothing and provides no services for the money that they bring in through taxation, they only tax for purposes of paying for those who collect more taxes??

Furthermore, are you an anarchist because your "town trick" argument is exactly how any form of government works.
There are not multiple governments and even in the small limited federal government wetdreams of conservatives our founding fathers still set forth a single federal governent.

Even on a local level you still have to deal with one centralized local govenrment or are you arguing that we should have a "free market govenrment" where several forms of government exist and compete with each other for our tax dollars in an open market? How exaclty would tha work?

If that type of flawed reasoning is what you are trying to use to show the holes in my argument the what have you done to fill the hoels in yours??

Again, when are you going to point out holes in my argument? All you seem to be doing is presenting one hole filled argument after another that are based solely on your warped and misguided opinions as you try to define taxpayer to suit your needs for your new hole-filled argument. They still pay taxes and work for their pay makiing them just as much a citizen or "normal person" as you are. no matter what your beliefs about govenrment are nothing will change that fact.

Are you trying to say that this is a hole in my argument? But I said NOTHING of the sort. This is all that i said in reference to public sector workers.

so how did you draw all of that from that one sentence?? Do you often have to make shite up and attribute it to others so you can attack them for things they never said or is this something new for you?

Oh really??

Oops looks like another hole in your spin.

again who is actually saying that?? Instead of pulling shite out of thin air why don't you try addressing what people actually say?

Yeah we all get that you hate public sector workers and consider them less than a normal citizen or person but what does your warped and unsubstantiated opinion have to do with the facts of the argument?

So not only do you put words into peoples mouths but now you are a mind reader too??

Nor should they be slaves or forced into poverty. That's a strawman, because nobody is asking them to be one either.

Even though based on your own words that should be considered to be "servants" and less than "normal people?" Thanks for the spin.

Your argument is predicated on these false assumptions or sly scams of semantics in order to justify corruption, elitism and cronyism, and at least in WI, that's finally ending.

WHat's funny is that you barely touched on my simple argument that "public sector workers are taxpayers too" and ended up adding a ton of BS that doesn't even apply to me or my arguments.
Then in your final act of desperation you dishonestly define my argument based on a work of fiction that you dreamt up and has NOTHING to do with the actual content of my post.

So thanks again for nothing.
No one stated nor implied that public employees are "less than normal people".
You made that up..
The fact is, public employees for the most part are good workers.
However, it is their unions which extort wages far above the prevailing market rate and of course those gold plated benefits.
When their contracts come up, the politicians are told by union managers "just raise taxes". For decades, they did just that.
Now that the private sector is suffering through one of the worst economic periods in decades, public workers and their unions are demanding raises and better benefits.
Well,we've all had enough. We are no longer going to foot the bill so people in service to the public are far better off than those who fund their wages and benefits.
No one is demanding public workers get treated unfairly or are to be at a disadvantage.
We just want them to be compensated on a level scale with the private sector. We want our taxes to be reasonable. Union demands higher and higher wages and better benefits is in and of itself a tough pill to sallow. And it gets even worse in this economy.
The public believes the workers who serve the public should not be given a better deal.....at the expense of the public.
Now,if that is objectionable or offends your sensitivities, you'll just have to be offended.
The movement to rein in public worker unions, wages and benefits is ON. It is spreading. And there is nothing that can be done to stop it.
"Government workers -including teachers - do not get paid based on their productivity and quality of work"

On the other hand, good and high performing teachers receive ZERO, NOTHING for doing their job at a high level. Perhaps if we get rid of the good ones bonuses like $10 - 20 THOUSAND dollars should be reality.
Yes, I'm okay with using taxpayer money to weed out the fraudulent and duplicate signatures.
It would be better if the unions paid. Maybe Soros should cough up some dough?

Besides, they weeded out the fraudlulent signatures anyway

Who did? How do you know?

Tood want a cracker??

Sorry "weeded" was supposed to be "weed" wrong tense. However, Do you actually believe parroting the same nonresponsive BS makes a valid response if it is repeated enough times??
I spelled out how your argument is flawed and yet you parrot it again as if anything has changed.

Who took out the fraudulent signatures?
Or are they still in there?
Heard an interview of Walker this week. Walker stated the examination of the signatures for legitimacy will take about a month.
He went on to say that if there is to be an election, it would take place this summer.
I am going to take a flyer here that if the outcome of the signature results or the election does not go the way the petitioners expect, they will be marching into court day after day no doubt with 'evidence' of GOP 'cheating' or voter suppression.
Should be fun.
Signed by 50k people many who life outside WI!

I am going to laugh at worthless welfare babies like you Marc when not only does Walker win the recall he wins his next election.

I find it funny that the governor who laid off not one teacher, unlike California, hired more teachers per capita then any other state, putting school districts firmly in the black, when they were bankrupt and marked for closure in 2010, while balancing a huge deficit is slandered by the left as the anti education governor. If anything he is the best governor for educating OUR CHILDREN in the country.

"Education is for the children not adult."
- Chicago Mayor Emmanuel

Why do we pay teachers at all? They should do the work free.
You need to go buy some hay to supply that straw man argument
Yes it is fun. I personally love seeing my state so divided and angry. It makes for fun reading. In the end I really dont care who wins or loses. But I sure do love seeing people at each others throats. I love to stir the pot and make my friends angry. At 74 years of age there isnt one young person around whose tail I couldnt kick. So as long as I can still agile its fun to get em riled up and mad.
So what the lot of the posters want is teachers to take a large pay cut, no benefits. That way they are serving the public. My daughter is a kindergarten teacher in Wisconsin. Been doing it for 4 years. In no way do I see her being overpaid making $36,000 a year. But some here do.

Stop with the straw man shit.
Do you think it is right for public employees to be permitted to save up unlimited amounts of sick and vacation time and be paid for it when they retire? No one in the private sector gets that.
Do you think it correct that just because a person works a government job their ENTIRE family get free or very low cost health insurance?
Do you think it just for the above to be ENTIRELY funded by the taxpayers with little or no contribution from the employee?
Do you think it correct for public sector workers to be paid far above market rate levels?
Some on your side claim that the taxpayers want public workers to be paid less, that they are "less then normal people".
No ...That is NOT the case at all.
What we want is to stop the unions from getting EVERYTHING they want. To stop the conflict of interest. We want the public workers to actually pay their dues out of pocket rather than have them auto deducted from their pay. We also want them to have a choice as to whether or not they wish to join the union. We want stop them from giving away the store just because the politicians can simply increase taxes and then run away from any responsibility.
\No., We just want a level playing field. Pubic workers wages and benefits should mirror those in the private sector. No better. No worse.
In my viewpoint she isnt there to serve the public. She's there to educate kids despite how dumb and failures their parents are. But thats me. She doesnt see it my way, unfortunately.
Well, that is a viewpoint, not a fact.
All public employees are in service to the public.
Your viewpoint appears as though you are whining. That you believe your daughter has a shitty job and the only thing keeping her there is the prospect of high pay and great benefits. Or that because the kids she teaches are the problem and it is the taxpayer's responsibility to make you feel better. Why? Because you believe she and all other public employees are ENTITLED.
Ya know what....If you think her job is that bad you can advise her to seek work in the private sector. Hey, how about she go to work for YOU.
This way she can start at $20.50(over $40k per year)per hour, have less stress no bratty offspring of those dumb and failing parents and get 6 weeks paid vacation...Sounds like a wonderful idea to me.
See, when you post stuff that you claim to be factual, when you put information out there of a personal or business nature ,do not be shocked when you are called on it.
Signed by 50k people many who life outside WI!

I am going to laugh at worthless welfare babies like you Marc when not only does Walker win the recall he wins his next election.

I find it funny that the governor who laid off not one teacher, unlike California, hired more teachers per capita then any other state, putting school districts firmly in the black, when they were bankrupt and marked for closure in 2010, while balancing a huge deficit is slandered by the left as the anti education governor. If anything he is the best governor for educating OUR CHILDREN in the country.

"Education is for the children not adult."
- Chicago Mayor Emmanuel

Why do we pay teachers at all? They should do the work free.

Oh please. Saying stupid things like that only shows you can't hold a rational discussion on the issue. If you don't learn who is really paying for everything in this country, how can you possibly be part of the solution? No one is talking about any government employee working for free, ok? But they are talking about how the fact a government job should never pay more than the comparable job in the private sector.

It should never be more financially attractive to work for government than to work in the private sector. Because it is private sector workers who pay for it. Government revenues come from PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS. I can't repeat that one enough. Government employees, elected politicians, government bureaucrats -all get every dime of their money including the "income taxes" withheld from their paychecks, their benefits, their pensions from PRIVATE SECTOR WORKERS.

Once again -when a private sector worker gets their paycheck, that check is drawn on the bank account of the company or business that employs them -and that business has the money to pay him because that employee HELPED CREATE IT. His work is directly tied to his productivity and the quality of his work and his ability to help create wealth for that business. He helps create wealth and part of it is HIS . The money he is paid with doesn't come from government. When income taxes are withheld, that comes out of the money the private sector worker helped create for the business he works for -and it is sent to Washington where it is put in government coffers as government revenue. The income taxes of the private sector worker INCREASES government revenue. So the more private sector workers, the richer government gets because it takes money from those who helped create wealth in the private sector.

Government does not create wealth -it gets its own money by taking some of the wealth from those who create it. It is created in the..........PRIVATE SECTOR.

When a government worker gets his paycheck, the money for it comes out of government revenue. Do a quick review in your mind here about where government revenue comes from. When income taxes are withheld from the paycheck of a government worker, it only means the amount coming out of government revenue is a little less. But no matter what, when a government employee gets paid, government revenue DECREASES. That is because government doesn't create wealth -government workers aren't being paid out of monies they helped create. They are being paid with the money private sector workers helped create and was then taken from them by government. So the "income taxes" of the government worker never increases government revenue. Never, never, never. At all times, government workers DRAIN government revenues, they do NOT increase government revenue just because government cuts a slightly smaller check to them.

You know with a decent education, you would have grasped this one right off the bat. So let's try it this way.

If Joe steals $100 from me and then splits it with Sue and gives her $50 -you understand that both Joe and Sue are sharing MY money, right? If Sue gives $5 of that back to Joe so he keeps $55 and she keeps $45 -exactly when in that process did even ONE DIME of that money become THEIR money instead of mine? That is what we are talking about with the withholding of income taxes for a government worker.

Government is Joe and government took my $100. Once it took my money, the fact it uses a chunk of it to share with Sue as a government worker does not further increase the wealth of government -it DECREASES it. The fact it promised to pay Sue $50 but then withheld $5 as "income taxes" did NOT enrich government the way it is enriched by taking income taxes from a private sector worker. Government didn't end up with my $100 and another $5 from Sue so it now has $105. It started with my $100 and gave Sue $45 of it so it is now $45 poorer by having paid a government worker. Now multiply that by the more than TWO MILLION federal government employees -and stop thinking about nice cushy government jobs and those poor overworked government bureaucrats -and think about the REALITIES and negative consequences when the size of government expands and what it means to do that especially during a BAD ECONOMY with high unemployment! It means government takes productive citizens contributing to the creation of wealth in the private sector -and turns them into PARASITES who bleed the remaining private sector workers for their own livelihood. They stop creating wealth and contributing to government revenue - and start DRAINING it instead.

I do not mean "parasite" as an insult, but for the very real effect they have on government revenue -and by extension those who pay that government revenue. If it has more government workers, it runs out of money faster -and it means government will come back to PRIVATE SECTOR workers and demand a bigger cut of their money in the form of taxes. So they can divvy it up with even more government workers. It is an equation where we can't afford to be wasteful in the numbers of government employees and bureaucrats we MUST have to provide the services we pay for -and not carelessly hire more than are needed. Because it is actually the responsibility of all citizens to look out for those in the private sector and insure THEIR situation remains healthy -so that government remains healthy as well. We want MORE people working in the private sector and as few as NECESSARY working in government. We want MORE people creating MORE wealth -because that is how our government gets the money needed to provide the services we pay it to provide. MORE people working in the private sector and MORE people earning MORE money at a comparable job in the private sector than what it pays to do that job in government. THAT last part is upside down thanks to public unions thugs and Democrats who think those who do not create wealth at all and work in government are a special "elite" ENTITLED to our money and more of it than the average taxpayer earns himself. Government jobs pay MORE than the comparable job in the private sector and that should NEVER happen.

It is public unions who insist government employees should receive more money, better benefits and an overblown outrageous pension that the average private sector worker will never have -but will still have to pay for. It is public unions who have successfully fought to insure government jobs pay better than the comparable one in the private sector. But the fact their job is divorced from productivity and quality -unlike that of the people whose money is being used to pay for that government worker -means they don't DESERVE to be paid MORE than those with the comparable job in the private sector. It's that easy.

Government workers -including teachers - do not get paid based on their productivity and quality of work. They can't be held accountable for being shitty at their job -unlike the private sector worker. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND would believe a job where the pay is totally divorced from productivity and quality of work deserves to be paid MORE than the comparable job in the private sector? Public unions don't give a shit how much government gouges private sector workers -because THEY know good and well what a massive cut they get from it.

Still babbling your nonsense I see. Good! Get it out of your system. You may or may not feel better afterwards. You do have to consider how foolish you look. ...kinda like a guy that stumbles out of a bar...drunk ...and pukes on the sidewalk.
American parents are failures as well. Too busy working to give a rip. Sad statement on our society. SHameful it is.
Oh yea. A woman's place is in the home.
Lots of people can balance family and career. They raise fine people.
Perhaps it is the environment your daughter's students grow up in or it is the adults as individuals who cannot control themselves. Either way, you don't get to make such broad brush generalizations without being called on them.
I find your holier than thou attitude to be WAY out of line.
You are an arrogant elitist.
"Government workers -including teachers - do not get paid based on their productivity and quality of work"

On the other hand, good and high performing teachers receive ZERO, NOTHING for doing their job at a high level. Perhaps if we get rid of the good ones bonuses like $10 - 20 THOUSAND dollars should be reality.
Performance pay for teachers? Sounds like a great idea. Why hasn't anyone else EVER suggested this? :rolleyes:

No shit performance pay should happen, the same way it does for managers in the private sector get them when performing well. (And don't bother with the 'but they fudge the books' shit unless you're ready to come down hard on Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae bosses Franklin Raines and Jamie Gorelick who STILL hasn't been indicted.
Tood want a cracker??

Sorry "weeded" was supposed to be "weed" wrong tense. However, Do you actually believe parroting the same nonresponsive BS makes a valid response if it is repeated enough times??
I spelled out how your argument is flawed and yet you parrot it again as if anything has changed.

Who took out the fraudulent signatures?
Or are they still in there?
Heard an interview of Walker this week. Walker stated the examination of the signatures for legitimacy will take about a month.
He went on to say that if there is to be an election, it would take place this summer.
I am going to take a flyer here that if the outcome of the signature results or the election does not go the way the petitioners expect, they will be marching into court day after day no doubt with 'evidence' of GOP 'cheating' or voter suppression.
Should be fun.

And they will seek Democrats in the WisconsinLegislature to sponsor legislation that all they need for a recall are the petitions and the politician recalled can not run.
Who took out the fraudulent signatures?
Or are they still in there?
Heard an interview of Walker this week. Walker stated the examination of the signatures for legitimacy will take about a month.
He went on to say that if there is to be an election, it would take place this summer.
I am going to take a flyer here that if the outcome of the signature results or the election does not go the way the petitioners expect, they will be marching into court day after day no doubt with 'evidence' of GOP 'cheating' or voter suppression.
Should be fun.

And they will seek Democrats in the WisconsinLegislature to sponsor legislation that all they need for a recall are the petitions and the politician recalled can not run.

that is a possibility. It is imperative for the GOP to retain control of the Wisconsin legislature
American parents are failures as well. Too busy working to give a rip. Sad statement on our society. SHameful it is.
Oh yea. A woman's place is in the home.
Lots of people can balance family and career. They raise fine people.
Perhaps it is the environment your daughter's students grow up in or it is the adults as individuals who cannot control themselves. Either way, you don't get to make such broad brush generalizations without being called on them.
I find your holier than thou attitude to be WAY out of line.
You are an arrogant elitist.

I run a few businesses and my wife is a paralegal. She took off a few months at a time after each of my 3 children were born but has worked full time since the oldest was born in 86.
And my 2 sons graduated from the university and my daughter is a freshman there now.
I'm not "concerned" about the cost.
I'll be surprised if more than half the signatures are good.

Thanks for nothing. If you are not even going to bother responding to the actual content of my posts please refrain from responding to my posts in the future. Thank you.

I responded to the content.
Your whining continued. Too bad.

There is a HUGE difference between saying that you did and actually doing it.

I posted about the law and your "response" was to quote one sentence of the law out of the context of the whole and post a smiley face while not really addressing the content or the law.

Then I posted a question about right wing money entering the state from outside sources since rightwingers are complaining about outside money on the left and no comment from you.

Again I point out the law and how walker sued to have a judge legislate from the bench to expand the responsibilities of the GAB and you couldn't respond to that specifics argument and then started parroting the same hypocritical BS abot how you are "Okay" with spending tax payer money to pay for this expansion of responsibilities while never commenting on walkers part in it nor his shifting the burden from himself to the state.

Then I ask how you can be against the expense of the recount and for walker making the state pay for it and you prvided no response to that specific question.

Then you take it one step further and claim that the unions or soros should pay for it even though that is completely opposite of WI law while you have NO comment on walker making the state pay for it.

Then you repeated the same question about "who weeded out the false names and invalid addresses" even AFTER I corrected my incorrect tense and explained that they would WEED them out. However, still no response to walkers shifting the responsibility from himself to the state other than parroting previous nonresponsive bs.

Furthermore, the cost of the recall is a core point that rightwingers including yourself have brought up. So it's funny how you are not concerned about walker adding to the costs?

That reeks of hypocrisy so thanks again for nothing.
American parents are failures as well. Too busy working to give a rip. Sad statement on our society. SHameful it is.
Oh yea. A woman's place is in the home.
Lots of people can balance family and career. They raise fine people.
Perhaps it is the environment your daughter's students grow up in or it is the adults as individuals who cannot control themselves. Either way, you don't get to make such broad brush generalizations without being called on them.
I find your holier than thou attitude to be WAY out of line.
You are an arrogant elitist.

I run a few businesses and my wife is a paralegal. She took off a few months at a time after each of my 3 children were born but has worked full time since the oldest was born in 86.
And my 2 sons graduated from the university and my daughter is a freshman there now.
Oh no...they CAN'T DO THAT!!!!

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