Biden Has to Drop Out

Kamala will be the nominee.

Dem Nominee.png
And the Life Long Lying Con Man continues to fool the masses in his Cult.
The man has been like this his entire life, and they refuse to accept and acknowledge this, and are now doubling down with this lying con man.

How so many people gave up their TRUE beliefs to FOLLOW a lying con man is disturbing.
Nothing about trump is genuine, except his lying skills......which he has mastered.

I will never understand how a guy that can't tell you anything about the Bible, and someone the RWI cult members compare him to their Savior.

Biden is gone, do I need to say more?
Trump is fake and a con man, do I need to say more?
/——/ YAWN. 🥱
It's been reported on Fox News, Hunter is in Los Angeles. While Joe is back in Delaware (with Covid), as "Sleepy" Joe faces backlashes from his own party to step down.

What a nice son. I mean, so much for family support eh? Lol
He beating comma la too. What else are they gonna do?


The truth is Biden isn't the Dems' only problem.

In fact, he frequently polls better than any hypothetical alternatives.

People hate Left wing policies, and low propensity voters who don't show up in mid terms now support Republicans.

Add in a pinch of what is typically under polling of Trump's support, and you have a toxic recipe for disaster for the Dems.

The best part is that most political commentators believe the Left won't have a chance to control the Senate now for the rest of this decade, and the Supreme Court will go even further right than it already is.

And the Dems have only themselves to thank.

They rigged the 2020 election and hid their feeble candidate mostly away from the public using COVID as their excuse.

We told them over and over again Biden was unfit, and they wouldn't listen until it became politically imperative for them to do so.

Now they have no good options.

Continue with Biden? They lose.

Swap him out for Kamala? They lose, probably by a few points more.

Get rid of them both and have an open convention? Political chaos ensues, tainting the victor and casting aside their Identity politics as they abandon the first ever "female of color" VP.

The truth is it was only a matter of time until a politically unpopular movement, that cheated its way into power, was going to collapse.

Karma's a bitch.

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