1 MEELLION Signatures!!!!

Republicans get some outside money to fight the Dems outside money. So sad.
The state will spend money to throw out your fake signatures, so sad.
Glad I could clear that up for you.

Thanks for the hypocrisy and lack of integrity.


Aww do you need a tissue?? LOL You know what they say about crying over spilled milk? Well your arugments have been shown to be baseless drivel so no use crying about it after the fact.
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How difficult is it to understand that public employees SERVE the public..That is their fucking job.
This is not suiting anything. You are merely projecting.
You have NO valid argument here.
You are in defense of an archaic system that has tested the patience of the taxpayers to the point where they have said "NO MORE"...
Public worker unions have been feeding from the trough of greed for long enough. Taxpayers are fighting back. This is just the beginning. Wisconsin's beat back of public worker unions is not unique.
Indiana, Ohio New York and New Jersey are other states where the way government does business with public worker's unions are being challenged...Still other states are considering ending defined benefit pensions and rolling back health insurance coverage to contain costs.
Stop trying to argue a dead point.
This really has nothing to do with the public employees. This is about taxpayers and taxes . Taxes collected to fund public worker wages and benefits are unsustainable.
You've much more patience than me.
Dr smith keeps arguing points not in the discussion.

I responded toy YOUR comments with valid counter arguments so if my points were not part of the discussion then what does that say about your posts?? LOL

so I shut him down....

You mean you ran away instead of countering anything I said. Wow you really are delusional.

Notice how he tried to draw me back into the discussion on HIS terms..I refuse to debate with someone who defends the indefensible.

LOL says the hack who failed to defend his own arguments and no has seek help from another loser who failed to do the same.

He would have a valid point if I were alone in my views. Dr smith is fighting an ideas that is spreading across the country. He is fighting against the will of the people.

You don't speak for the will of the people. you speak forself. the moment you pretend to be all-powerful and claim that you do speak for the will of the people as the only substance to suport your spin is the moment you expose yourself as a phony who has nothing valid to offer.

So I cut him off.

you ran away and failed to defend your own arguments from valid criticism.

Oh, I am sure if he reads this he'll show his ass with another post to try to get me to respond. Some sort of insult or swipe. His effort will be wasted keystrokes..
Now, watch this.

So you insult me and call me names and then try to "scare" me away by "predicting" that I will respond in kind and call you out for your cowardice and dishonesty. Way to go nostradumbass. You predicted that I would willing defend myself from your false allegations and lies as you run away from a debate that you know you lost.

The fact that you have to run to fitz for support and a shoulder to cry on says it all. LOL
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So what the lot of the posters want is teachers to take a large pay cut, no benefits. That way they are serving the public. My daughter is a kindergarten teacher in Wisconsin. Been doing it for 4 years. In no way do I see her being overpaid making $36,000 a year. But some here do.



His daughter makes $36K in nine months. Not even for a full year. That doesn't count any money they make from summer employment which thousands do. That is NOT an underpaid job.
Outside money entered the state? OMG! So what.

The fact that the right uses the "outside money" argument to attack the left and are ok with it coming to help their side is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

The fact that the right claims to be agaisnt activist judges who legislate from the bench and yet are ok with what this judge did for walker is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

The fact that the right whines about the cost of the recall and yet have no problem with walker adding to the cost is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

Then why did you chime in defending those who did when i questioned them over it??

You're welcome.
Thanks for whining.

Finally you answer some of the questions asked and expose the hypocrisy I was looking for. LOL

I didn't complain about outside Dem money, so my lack of complaint about outside Republican money isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about judicial activism, so not complaining here isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about the cost of the recall, so not complaining about the cost of the petition check isn't hypocrisy.

Don't know who you think I defended, so I'll guess that wasn't hypocrisy either.

Let me know when you have something besides your whining. LOL!

Dr. Smith is big on asking people to defend things which weren't said.

His daughter makes $36K in nine months. Not even for a full year. That doesn't count any money they make from summer employment which thousands do. That is NOT an underpaid job.
Not what I was asking. He said, "So what the lot of the posters want is teachers to take a large pay cut, no benefits" and "In no way do I see her being overpaid making $36,000 a year. But some here do."

I wanted to know who was saying teachers should take a pay cut and get no benefits, and who was saying they're overpaid.

He hasn't answered. Must be one of those things that "everybody knows", which is leftist code for "I believe it with nothing to back it up."
The fact that the right uses the "outside money" argument to attack the left and are ok with it coming to help their side is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

The fact that the right claims to be agaisnt activist judges who legislate from the bench and yet are ok with what this judge did for walker is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

The fact that the right whines about the cost of the recall and yet have no problem with walker adding to the cost is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

Then why did you chime in defending those who did when i questioned them over it??

Finally you answer some of the questions asked and expose the hypocrisy I was looking for. LOL

I didn't complain about outside Dem money, so my lack of complaint about outside Republican money isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about judicial activism, so not complaining here isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about the cost of the recall, so not complaining about the cost of the petition check isn't hypocrisy.

Don't know who you think I defended, so I'll guess that wasn't hypocrisy either.

Let me know when you have something besides your whining. LOL!

Dr. Smith is big on asking people to defend things which weren't said.

LOL really?? Like what?? got anything specific? This loser above claims he didn't complain about these things but he defended the posts of those who did so i aked him questions about what was said and he couldn;t be bothered to answer a few simple questions even as he came at me to defend another whom I questioned.

So what did I ask you to dfend that wasn't said??

Previously you posted a link and unlike you I actually read the WHOLE article that you linked to and in your own link it said that walker "added" to the numbers for the debt. You response was to call me names and claim that he used correct math even thought you fialed to show how the previous version was wrong when asked.

You people are so sad. You post nonsensical drivel on a this board and when it gets called out for what it is you attack the messener and then run away. Then you cower in the corner and wait to chime in and continue to attack the messenger who dared point out the flaws in your arguments in the hopes that some of the other losers will chime in and back you up in your baseless personal attacks. LOL
The fact that the right uses the "outside money" argument to attack the left and are ok with it coming to help their side is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

The fact that the right claims to be agaisnt activist judges who legislate from the bench and yet are ok with what this judge did for walker is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

The fact that the right whines about the cost of the recall and yet have no problem with walker adding to the cost is hypocrisy. Thanks for clearing that up.

Then why did you chime in defending those who did when i questioned them over it??

Finally you answer some of the questions asked and expose the hypocrisy I was looking for. LOL

I didn't complain about outside Dem money, so my lack of complaint about outside Republican money isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about judicial activism, so not complaining here isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about the cost of the recall, so not complaining about the cost of the petition check isn't hypocrisy.

Don't know who you think I defended, so I'll guess that wasn't hypocrisy either.

Let me know when you have something besides your whining. LOL!

Dr. Smith is big on asking people to defend things which weren't said.

I guess if it makes him feel better.....
I didn't complain about outside Dem money, so my lack of complaint about outside Republican money isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about judicial activism, so not complaining here isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about the cost of the recall, so not complaining about the cost of the petition check isn't hypocrisy.

Don't know who you think I defended, so I'll guess that wasn't hypocrisy either.

Let me know when you have something besides your whining. LOL!

Dr. Smith is big on asking people to defend things which weren't said.

I guess if it makes him feel better.....

I didn't complain about outside Dem money, so my lack of complaint about outside Republican money isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about judicial activism, so not complaining here isn't hypocrisy.

I didn't complain about the cost of the recall, so not complaining about the cost of the petition check isn't hypocrisy.

Don't know who you think I defended, so I'll guess that wasn't hypocrisy either.

Let me know when you have something besides your whining. LOL!

Dr. Smith is big on asking people to defend things which weren't said.

LOL really?? Like what?? got anything specific? This loser above claims he didn't complain about these things but he defended the posts of those who did so i aked him questions about what was said and he couldn;t be bothered to answer a few simple questions even as he came at me to defend another whom I questioned.

So what did I ask you to dfend that wasn't said??

Previously you posted a link and unlike you I actually read the WHOLE article that you linked to and in your own link it said that walker "added" to the numbers for the debt. You response was to call me names and claim that he used correct math even thought you fialed to show how the previous version was wrong when asked.

You people are so sad. You post nonsensical drivel on a this board and when it gets called out for what it is you attack the messener and then run away. Then you cower in the corner and wait to chime in and continue to attack the messenger who dared point out the flaws in your arguments in the hopes that some of the other losers will chime in and back you up in your baseless personal attacks. LOL

I never called you names. Wellllll ... I did in the Flame Zone .... but only because you already accused me of calling you names when I hadn't.

Look, I'm sorry that you cannot read very well. Sorry that you don't understand context. Sorry that you take an article rebutting the claim you try to make as confirmation of the claim you try to make.

Sorry that you screw up threads by acting like you have a clue and everyone else doesn't, when the opposite is true.

Here ... this is where I called you names. http://www.usmessageboard.com/the-flame-zone/203997-this-dweeb-said-i-was-calling-them-names.html

I didn't call you names in the threads where you accused me of it. Just there in the Flame Zone to vent because it was pointless to try to talk to you since you have such poor reading comprehension and a propensity to accuse people of things which never happened.
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Union members should make twice as much as people with the same job in the private sector

Since when do you have a problem with anyone making as much money as they can using any legal means available?

I'm all for Unions doing to WI what they did for Detroit. I think it's time the American people got educated on how unions operate

It's time for people who have never been in a union to keep their mouth closed about what unions do and don't do. Those of us who have have been glad to have been in them. Things were a lot better for the country as a whole when union membership was higher. The economy was better, for one, because middle class Americans were paid better. It's not all about the "job providers."
Dr. Smith is big on asking people to defend things which weren't said.

LOL really?? Like what?? got anything specific? This loser above claims he didn't complain about these things but he defended the posts of those who did so i aked him questions about what was said and he couldn;t be bothered to answer a few simple questions even as he came at me to defend another whom I questioned.

So what did I ask you to dfend that wasn't said??

Previously you posted a link and unlike you I actually read the WHOLE article that you linked to and in your own link it said that walker "added" to the numbers for the debt. You response was to call me names and claim that he used correct math even thought you fialed to show how the previous version was wrong when asked.

You people are so sad. You post nonsensical drivel on a this board and when it gets called out for what it is you attack the messener and then run away. Then you cower in the corner and wait to chime in and continue to attack the messenger who dared point out the flaws in your arguments in the hopes that some of the other losers will chime in and back you up in your baseless personal attacks. LOL

I never called you names. Wellllll ... I did in the Flame Zone .... but only because you already accused me of calling you names when I hadn't.

Look, I'm sorry that you cannot read very well. Sorry that you don't understand context. Sorry that you take an article rebutting the claim you try to make as confirmation of the claim you try to make.

Sorry that you that you screw up threads by acting like you have a clue and everyone else doesn't, when the opposite is true.

Here ... this is where I called you names. http://www.usmessageboard.com/the-flame-zone/203997-this-dweeb-said-i-was-calling-them-names.html

I didn't call you names in the threads where you accused me of it. Just there in the Flame Zone to vent because it was pointless to try to talk to you since you have such poor reading comprehension and a propensity to accuse people of things which never happened.

His daughter makes $36K in nine months. Not even for a full year. That doesn't count any money they make from summer employment which thousands do. That is NOT an underpaid job.
Not what I was asking. He said, "So what the lot of the posters want is teachers to take a large pay cut, no benefits" and "In no way do I see her being overpaid making $36,000 a year. But some here do."

I wanted to know who was saying teachers should take a pay cut and get no benefits, and who was saying they're overpaid.

He hasn't answered. Must be one of those things that "everybody knows", which is leftist code for "I believe it with nothing to back it up."

Hey I ran into that same problem with rightwingers. They said outrageous things so I questioned them on the and was told it "common knowledge" or something along those lines and then they failed or outright refused to substantiate their claims.

Amelia for instance tried in another thread to claim the budget numbers that walker faced were common knowledge but I asked her for a link anyway. She finally provides one and what do you know, her own article admits that walker's adminstration added to the number by passing taxcuts and halting cuts proposed by the previous adminstration. After I pointed that out to her she called me names and ran away. In this thread she tried to post a link to a blog to counter the factcheck article she cited previously. It was hilarious and that is one of the primary reasons I ask for proof. Most of the time rightwingers don't have it.

So, It looks like rightwingers are using the same code. LOL
Stop with the straw man shit.
Do you think it is right for public employees to be permitted to save up unlimited amounts of sick and vacation time and be paid for it when they retire? No one in the private sector gets that.

Back in the day, there were union contracts with such provisions. Probably not now, though.

Do you think it correct that just because a person works a government job their ENTIRE family get free or very low cost health insurance?
Do you think it just for the above to be ENTIRELY funded by the taxpayers with little or no contribution from the employee?

If you're referring to Wisconsin, unions offered to negotiate contract changes. Walker eliminated collective bargaining.

Do you think it correct for public sector workers to be paid far above market rate levels?
Some on your side claim that the taxpayers want public workers to be paid less, that they are "less then normal people".
No ...That is NOT the case at all.

What are market rates? Minimum wage? If a union negotiates with a company to pay higher wages, is that the union's fault? No. It's a bargain struck between the workers and management.

What we want is to stop the unions from getting EVERYTHING they want. To stop the conflict of interest. We want the public workers to actually pay their dues out of pocket rather than have them auto deducted from their pay. We also want them to have a choice as to whether or not they wish to join the union. We want stop them from giving away the store just because the politicians can simply increase taxes and then run away from any responsibility.

Negotiations determine contracts. As for dues deductions, if they're deducted out of their pay, it's still paid. Conflict of interest? There is none.

Choice to join? Everyone does. It's the law.
We just want a level playing field. Pubic workers wages and benefits should mirror those in the private sector. No better. No worse.

There is a level playing field. The unions are the employees' reps. Let the changes be negotiatiated instead of pulling a Scott Walker.
Dr. Smith is big on asking people to defend things which weren't said.

LOL really?? Like what?? got anything specific? This loser above claims he didn't complain about these things but he defended the posts of those who did so i aked him questions about what was said and he couldn;t be bothered to answer a few simple questions even as he came at me to defend another whom I questioned.

So what did I ask you to dfend that wasn't said??

Previously you posted a link and unlike you I actually read the WHOLE article that you linked to and in your own link it said that walker "added" to the numbers for the debt. You response was to call me names and claim that he used correct math even thought you fialed to show how the previous version was wrong when asked.

You people are so sad. You post nonsensical drivel on a this board and when it gets called out for what it is you attack the messener and then run away. Then you cower in the corner and wait to chime in and continue to attack the messenger who dared point out the flaws in your arguments in the hopes that some of the other losers will chime in and back you up in your baseless personal attacks. LOL

I never called you names. Wellllll ... I did in the Flame Zone .... but only because you already accused me of calling you names when I hadn't.

UH the moment I dared question you over your beliefs about the wi budget you insulted me and my intelligence as you claimed the number was "common knowledge".

Look, I'm sorry that you cannot read very well.

and yet my reading comprehension is just fine. In fact I read your source more thoroughly than you did. :)

Sorry that you don't understand context.

what context are you referring to?? Specifics please?

Sorry that you take an article rebutting the claim you try to make as confirmation of the claim you try to make.

Care to explain? You falsey accused me of claiming that walker created the hole entirely because I claimed that his taxcuts contributed to the number which they did. However, I never made the claim that he created the entire hole and eventually you admitted that your allegation was false. You presented the number 3.6 billion claiming it was common knowledge so I asked you for a link. Then after you provided one and I took the time to read it and I found this from your own source

Walker’s new team revised Doyle’s report in February, estimating the shortfall at $3.6 billion for the biennium.

How did they arrive at that? Was it just a matter of reversing some of Doyle’s assumptions?

Not entirely.

Walker’s package of tax cuts for business and people with health savings accounts, added another $140 million to the projected shortfall -- that’s lost revenue to the state treasury. The cuts were approved in January shortly after he took office.

And the administration added back $1.2 billion in social service spending based on what they say is need that can’t be ignored in the Medicaid entitlement program. That was included in a memo from Budget Director Brian Hayes to the secretary of the Department of Administration, his boss.

The Walker estimate also scrapped the $800 million that Doyle’s aides had included for prospective cuts.
While in office, Doyle asked many agencies -- but not nearly all -- to freeze their budget requests at this year’s level. Those were submitted by his appointees. Under the adjustments by Walker’s appointees, those requests add up to a much larger number.

PolitiFact Wisconsin | Wisconsin state Rep. Mark Pocan says Gov. Scott Walker

Then after I questioned you on this you started attacking me personally and refused to even address your own source. You even went so far as to cite a blog in an attempt toi counter the info from the factcheck site that you cited originally.

So tell me how am I taking that the wrong way?? What did i take out of context? It clearly says that actions taken by walker's administration added to the projected deficit. so how am I wrong to make the same claims as your source?

Do you have anything real to offer??

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