10/2020: Solar is now ‘Cheapest Electricity in History’, confirms IEA

I keep reading that "subsidies" are the reason we are seeing Solar and Wind/Renewables.
this is False and has been for several YEARS.
and why it was 2/3 of spending in 2016 and up to 85% in 2021.
The Right Wingers (and even some Green supporters) are living in 2010.

FORBES - the Conservative Business Magazine. 2019

Renewable Energy Is Now The Cheapest Option - Even Without Subsidies

James Ellsmoor
Jun 15, 2019


Note the ldiot TROLL ToadStoolParrot below with an EMPTY Counterclaim.
His usual.
how is it cheaper? cheaper for who?
elektra said:
I see no link in response to my post.​
You make big claims with zero proof.​
And again, quit trolling. You just had another chance to refute what I say but as always you do not.​

See this?
elektra get electrocuted.
He blatantly makes false claims and Lies.
elektra said:
I see no link in response to my post.​
You make big claims with zero proof.​
And again, quit trolling. You just had another chance to refute what I say but as always you do not.​

See this?
elektra get electrocuted.
He blatantly makes false claims and Lies.
Still no link
I've done the work
Nothing since you were 10 yrs old you 12 IQ clown.

Funny how you feel a need to personally attack those that don't conform to your beliefs.

If AGW was not true, how would that fact change your positions on policy?
Funny how you feel a need to personally attack those that don't conform to your beliefs.

If AGW was not true, how would that fact change your positions on policy?
I personally attack because you are a DISHONEST debater with NO facts ever posted!

When/IF you bring evidence AGW isn't true, I'll let you know.
In the meantime you just DENY the evidence I've posted it is.!!
I've made Hundreds/thousands of documented posts and many thread starts it IS true.

You just deny/BS.
You are so DISHONEST/Dum!
Last edited:
I personally attack because you are a DISHONEST debater with NO facts ever posted!

I've posted several facts, some of which refuted assumptions you made.

When you bring evidence AGW isn't true, I'll let you know.
In the meantime you just DENY the evidence I've posted it is.!!
I've made Hundreds/thousands of documented posts and many thread starts it IS true.
You are so DISHONEST/Dum!

If AGW was suddeny not an issue, would that change your policy positions on anything significant?
Not if you include the cost of battery backup it isn’t.
Solar isn't the only renewable and the wind blows often enough that it's now going gangbusters across the country. (esp Red States)
Offshore, the prairies, Farms, Ranches, are going gung ho!.. and farmers are making big bucks to dot their fields with them.
Highly popular.
One reason THEE Oil State Texas lead the country by TRIPLE in new renewable generation capacity last year.
I think they can do the math.
Everyone is winning except mentally ill one-line message board Trolls like you.
Thx for the bump in a game I've always told you you can't win.
You're my bump bltch.
Solar isn't the only renewable and the wind blows often enough that it's now going gangbusters across the country. (esp Red States)
Offshore, the prairies, Farms, Ranches, are going gung ho!.. and farmers are making big bucks to dot their fields with them.
Highly popular.
One reason THEE Oil State Texas lead the country by TRIPLE in new renewable generation capacity last year.
I think they can do the math.
Everyone is winning except mentally ill one-line message board Trolls like you.
Thx for the bump in a game I've always told you you can't win.
You're my bump bltch.
how much did the texan's electric bills go down?
Solar isn't the only renewable and the wind blows often enough that it's now going gangbusters across the country. (esp Red States)
Offshore, the prairies, Farms, Ranches, are going gung ho!.. and farmers are making big bucks to dot their fields with them.
Highly popular.
One reason THEE Oil State Texas lead the country by TRIPLE in new renewable generation capacity last year.
I think they can do the math.
Everyone is winning except mentally ill one-line message board Trolls like you.
Thx for the bump in a game I've always told you you can't win.
You're my bump bltch.
And neither will replace fossil fuels without battery backup.
I'm confused as to why you seem to think that's a showstopper.
Cost for one. Mining rate of lithium for another. But my main grievance is the dishonesty in not being transparent about what it will take to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar. It can’t be practically done and if it were it would be unreliable as hell. It’s an intermittent low energy density technology.
Cost for one. Mining rate of lithium for another. But my main grievance is the dishonesty in not being transparent about what it will take to replace fossil fuels with wind and solar. It can’t be practically done and if it were it would be unreliable as hell. It’s an intermittent low energy density technology.
It has already replaced 20% of the US energy supply. If its so undoable, how is it that it's getting done?
It has already replaced 20% of the US energy supply. If its so undoable, how is it that it's getting done?
It wasn’t done free is the discussion.

You provide the monthly bills that dropped?
It wasn’t done free is the discussion.

You provide the monthly bills that dropped?
Who the fuck ever said it would be free? And, FYI, my FP&L bills HAVE gone down almost entirely due to their addition of significant solar PV to their grid.
It has already replaced 20% of the US energy supply. If its so undoable, how is it that it's getting done?
How much of that has stored energy backup? Because until then it’s not replacing fossil fuels, it’s relying on fossil fuels.
Textbook dunning effect. :clap:
It's the Dunning-Kruger effect and it's not typically someone insulting someone else's intelligence but rather claiming that they know better. You claiming that the world will begin cooling within 30 years disputing the world's climatologists is much more of a Dunning-Kruger behavior than anything Abu Afak is doing by saying you have a low IQ.

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