10 main points in arab - israel conflict


Jan 31, 2012



The so-called "Palestinians" are mostly (children or grandchildren) of Arab immigration into Israel/Palestine (historic land of the Jews). Mainly, between the 1800s-1939.[1]

It was prompted by Zionists' cultivation [2] of the (mostly) deserted land.
The land was purchased with full money and it was mostly swampy (as Lloyd George said)[3] and as J. Hope Simpson's reported in 1930 "Palestine was a country saturated with malaria".[4]

Arab Muslim "Palestinians" (as polls show [5]) & Hezbollah[6], like the Arab leaders [7] in the 1948 [8] and 1967 [9] wars, seek its total destruction and advocate the genocide of Jews. (Those that cover for Arabists/Islamists genocidal campaign, somehow often phrase their argument using the "peace" slogan, for some reason).
When not able (yet) to carry out their ultimate goal. Ethnic cleansing (worse than mere apartheid) is "at least" what they demand in a so-called "Palestine State" vision. As in: June 1, 1967 by Ahmad Shukairy [10]; in Cairo on July 28, 2010 [11] & in Doha on May 28 2011 [12] by Mahmoud Abbas and in Washington D.C. on Sep. 13, 2011 by PLO's ambassador Maen Areikat.[13] Not to mention Jordan [14] / Palestinian Authority's official apartheid [15] laws prohibiting selling land to Jews - punishable by death).

Simply said. Israel has absolutely nothing against non-Terrorist, non-attackers Arabs/Muslims. In fact, Arabs, Muslims are (not only equal[16] and have reached high positions in Israeli society, but) even often treated with preferential treatment[17] in Israel system.

Any time you hear about "Palestinian civilians" being hurt. Remember who is behind it, who -so cruelly- uses them to tarnish Israel's image.[18] (Besides, simply manipulating numbers.[19] The same goes to Hezbollah,[20] Taliban or al-Qaeda's tactics against the West).

The one that hesitates and is in conflict of acting when seeing human shields is the underdog, small "David" against the "Goliath"[21] that exploits Israel's humane character to hit at its non-combatants civilians from among / or behind its own non-combatants. (Unfortunately the skewed image of who is the real powerful, causes confusion and anti-Israel bias, so rampant in the media).

Every goodwill sacrifice by Israel, including land-giving (to the 'Palestinians" who never actually "owned" or had any sovereignty in the area. So much for the "occupation" myth). Were/are interpreted as "weakness."(The Gaza example is typical. Where Israel gave it away to the Arabs in 2005.[22] The 'response' was increased violence, rise of Islamic-terrorist Hamas' popularity in Gaza's mainstream[23]).

Arab-Islamic racist and jihad campaign against Jews in the area dates back at least to the 1920s. Led by the Arab-Islamic anti-Jewish arch-bigot the Mufti, al-Husseini.[24] Such as the 1929 brutal massacre[25] (of non-Zionist Jews[26]), mass rape, mutilation of babies, and castration of old people[27] in Hebron. He who later on made a pact with A. Hitler[28] (despite Nazis' utter contempt for the Arab "race"[29]) and led the Muslim SS divisions to commit crimes against humanity upon Christians and Jews in the Baltic.[30] He intervened against rescuing Jewish children from E. Europe - thereby causing their mass deaths.[31] He was also behind the incitement of the 1941 Farhud pogrom in Iraq.[32] The Mufti called for a Jihad against: Britain, United States, the West and the Jews.[33] His ally, Jamal Husseini very active in Arab leadership and in the Arab Nazi cooperation, founded a Hitler-Youth type of young Arabs (Arab Nazi Party).[34]
The 'founding' of the conflict that early on, tells also about the true motivation of it all: bigotry.[35]

The demonization of Israel in international arena, began in the early 1960s[36] by the aide and henchman[37] of the Nazi Mufti, Ahmad Shukairy, who, in 1962 praised[38] and identified himself with Nazi groups[39] and in June 1967 called for a "holy war" jihad[40] against Israel and to "Throw the Jews into the sea." He was the first PLO chairman. Worth mentioning, while in 1957 he recognized that "Palestine" is but a part of Southern Syria,[41] he changed 360 degrees in 1963 to go along the invention of a separate 'Palestinian entity.'[42] Yet, still, PLO's original document shows the "fight" -1964- was for the sake of pan-Arabism.[43]

He was also -in 1961- the first to come up[44] with that bigoted "apartheid slur."[45] A tactic with 3 goals in mind: 1. Diversion from rampant Arab Islamic apartheid and racism on all minorities,[46] (including Islamic "Palestinian" anti-Christian persecution and Arab nations' anti-Arab-Palestinian policies ever since they have been told by their leaders to evacuate the area in 1948. And the Arab racist expulsion of nearly a Million Jewish refugees in the 1940s-1950s), oppression and crimes against its own people, 2. Hatred of the non-Arab, non-Muslim group, the Jews. 3. Rationalization of the genocide campaign).

You can never trust what comes out from an Arab "Palestinian" (or Hezbollah) source. After so many years and experiences of intentional lies, disinformation and even falsified images (including 'Muhammad al-Dura,' Jenin, Gaza beach family, etc.).[47]

Not only did Jews reside (in the area) centuries before the Arab invasion, but Jews never ceased completely from having a presence in Israel - Palestine.[48]


[1] Palestinian Fallacy - Op-Eds - Israel National News, http://www.mythsandfacts.com/conflict/7/palestinians.pdf, Jewish affairs - South African Jewish Board of Deputies - Google Books, Yom Kippur plus 100 days: the human side of the war and its aftermath, as ... - Harold H. Hart - Google Books, History lesson for Arab MKs - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews Palestine's lies and facts, Chicago Tribune - Jul 8, 1983
The massive Arab immigration into Palestine during the Mandate period accounts for roughly 75 percent of the supposedly "Palestinian" population present at the time of the partition in 1948 (Chicago Tribune, 1983)

[2] Meriden Record - May 24, 1939

[3] Palestine: Report on Immigration, Land Settlement and Development - UK Government report - Non-UN document (see attached also as PDF file at the end of the doc) (1 October 1930)

[4] PALESTINE. (Hansard, 17 November 1930)

[5] Poll Reveals 4 out of 5 Palestinians Support Hamas - Inside Israel - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com, Court asked to aid Gaza cancer patient - JPost - Israel, Palestinians Promote Genocide; NYTimes Silent | FrontPage Magazine

[6] Worse than war: genocide, eliminationism, and the ongoing assault on humanity - Daniel Jonah Goldhagen - Google Books, History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of ... - David Meir-Levi - Google Books, FPM - Hezbollah

[7] Armageddon: Appointment with Destiny - Grant R. Jeffrey - Google Books

[8] Arab Countries Reaction to the State of Israel | Palestine Facts

[9] University of Detroit Mercy law review - University of Detroit Mercy. School of Law - Google Books, Arab Threats Against Israel, Jihad and Genocide - Richard L. Rubenstein - Google Books

[10] Arab Threats Against Israel

[11] Beware Palestinian apartheid, Ynetnews

[12] Abbas’ Palestine: No Jews Allowed | FrumForum

[13] http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/...sraeli-jews-future-state-israel-PLO/50394882/

[14] For Zion's sake - Yehuda Zvi Blum - Google Books

[15] Death sentence to those who sell land to Jews

[16] Myths & Facts - Human Rights in Israel and the Territories

[17] SWU: Teaching Tools :: Hot Topics, Israeli-Arabs, Success is the best medicine - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News, http://www.sikkuy.org.il/english/docs/etinger1.doc, http://www.israpundit.com/archives/2004/01/apartheid_israe.php, I am Ashamed to be an Israeli (Dr. Steven Plaut) February, 2004, http://www.worldjewishnewsagency.org/steven_plaut_apr06.htm, Affirmative Action Instead of Ethics - Op-Eds - Israel National News, Dafka

[18] Congressional Record V. 148, Pt. 4, April 11, 2002 to April 24, 2002 - Congress - Google Books, Terrorism Documents of International and Local Control - Douglas C Lovelace - Google Books, The case for Israel - Alan M. Dershowitz - Google Books, Palestinians: Gunmen flee besieged mosque - Israel News, Ynetnews, http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=91609, Palestinians use human shield to halt Israeli air strike on militants' homes | World news | The Guardian, USATODAY.com, Hamas terrorists brag of hiding behind kids, House to vote on resolution supporting Israel - CNN, http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/13/w...m/news/2009/jan/08/hamas-palestinian-victims/, The Canadian Jewish News, Israel Proves Gaza Deaths Caused by Palestinian Terrorism, The World Turned Upside Down: The Global Battle Over God, Truth, and Power - Melanie Phillips - Google Books, http://www.terrorism-info.org.il/malam_multimedia/English/eng_n/pdf/hamas_e028.pdf, 'Hamas used kids as human shields' - JPost - Israel , Israeli NGO: Hamas 'used civilians as human shields' in Gaza - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News, Strong advocate of global human rights as new head of U.S. Congress Foreign Relations Committee | Asian Tribune

[19] Civilian casualties, Gaza and the pol... JPost, How Does Hamas Manipulate Casualty Numbers? | TheBlaze.com

[20] Congressional Record, V, 153, Part 7, April 18, 2007 to April 26, 2007 - Google Books, Hezbollah's human shields, Photos that damn Hezbollah | Herald Sun, Israel on Hezbollah's Human Shields | Video - ABC News

[21] Myths & Facts - The Palestinian Uprisings

[22] An American political scientist in Israel: from Athens to Jerusalem - Paul Eidelberg - Google Books, Congressional Record, V. 151, Pt. 15, September 8 to September 22, 2005 - Congress - Google Books

[23] Contemporary Israel: domestic politics, foreign policy, and security challenges - Robert Owen Freedman - Google Books

[24] Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam - David Dalin, John Rothmann, Alan Dershowitz - Google Books

[25] Jihad and Jew-hatred: Islamism, Nazism and the roots of 9/11 - Matthias Küntzel - Google Books, Those Origins, Those Claims - S.merry - Google Books

[26] Jihad and Genocide - Richard L. Rubenstein - Google Books

[27] Jerold S. Auerbach: Remembering the Hebron Massacre - WSJ.com

[28] The Mufti of Jerusalem: Al-Hajj Amin al-Husayni and the Palestinian National ... - Philip Mattar - Google Books, Nazi Palestine: The Plans for the Extermination of the Jews in Palestine - Klaus-Michael Mallmann, Martin Cüppers - Google Books

[29] War aims in the second world war: the war aims of the major belligerents ... - Victor Rothwell - Google Books

[30] Islamic Economics and the Final Jihad: The Muslim Brotherhood to the Leftist ... - David J. Jonsson - Google Books

[31] Not to Forget, Impossible to Forgive: Poignant Reflections on the Holocaust - Moshe Avital - Google Books

[32] The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust - Edwin Black - Google Books, The Farhud, the Mufti inspired Krystallnacht in Iraq, 1941

[33] Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam - David Dalin, John Rothmann, Alan Dershowitz - Google Books

[34] Armies of the young: child soldiers in war and terrorism - David M. Rosen - Google Books

[35] Daniel Schwammenthal: Arab-Nazi Collaboration Is a Taboo Topic in the West. - WSJ.com

[36] http://www.policyarchive.org/handle/10207/bitstreams/11386.pdf

[37] Congressional record: proceedings and debates of the ... Congress - United States. Congress - Google Books

[38] Israel-Latin American relations - Edy Kaufman, Yoram Shapira, Joel Barromi - Google Books

[39] The re-emergence of fascism - Dennis Eisenberg - Google Books

[40] Herald-Journal - Google News Archive Search, FOREIGN AFFAIRS - FOREIGN AFFAIRS - The Lessons of Hate - Op-Ed - NYTimes.com

[41] Rights of the Jewish People to*a Sovereign State in their Historic Homeland - Dore Gold and Jeff Helmreich

[42] Congress bi-weekly - American Jewish Congress - Google Books

[43] The Original Palestine National Charter

[44] Middle East Record Volume 2, 1961 - Yitzhak Oron, Ed. - Google Books

[45] http://www.cjnews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7936&Itemid=86, AfricanCrisis, Debunking Apartheid Slurs | HonestReporting, CAMERA: Jimmy Carter Man from Plains, Black Students Blast the "Israeli Apartheid" Slur | JewPI | Activity | Faceshuk, IFCJ: The "Israel Apartheid" Lie, WJC head urges Zuma to denounce unfair '... JPost - International, http://mail.worldjewishcongress.org/media_press_articles_2009/090831_jpost.shtml, Hate-Fest, Starring Jane Fonda - Op-Eds - Israel National News, Fundamentally Freund - Michael Freund (page 3) - Blogs - Israel National News, Delegitimization, Israeli Response: Accusations of Apartheid Slur Israel | WBEZ, Worldview - Israeli Response: Accusations of Apartheid Slur Israel, Aftershock: anti-zionism and anti-semitism - David Matas - Google Books, 'Lobby' Lies Make a Comeback | The Jewish Exponent, http://hnn.us/roundup/entries/35557.html, SPME: Gil Troy: Emboldening the Anti-Semites -, israel-academia-monitor.com - General Articles, Israpundit » Blog Archive » Combatting the charge of Israel as a racist state, Apartheid slur is an insult to Israelis.(News) - Search results from HighBeam Research, 'Vicious slur' demonizes Israel | Ontario News24:Ontario Latest News, Articles: Israel and the Apartheid Slur, New York Times: Israel and the Apartheid Slander

[46] South African Charge of Israeli Apartheid Rings Hollow :: Stonegate Institute, Let's launch 'Arab Apartheid Week... JPost - Opinion - Columnists

[47] The Second Draft, Pallywood: A History | Augean Stables, PALLYWOOD - Palestinian Media fraud Industry, Take A Pen reveals

[48] Fast Facts on the Middle East Conflict - Randall Price - Google Books, Continuous Jewish Presence in the Holy Land
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Just a thought.
Ya might wanna consider using multiple sources considering yours just might be slightly biased, just slightly........ :cool:
FYI There's a lot of more sources about most palestinians being nothing but Arab immigrants.
Just a thought.
Ya might wanna consider using :
asides from sheer lies in palestinian media (like Muhammad al-Dura and the rest), its "authority" also threatens western journalists who are not "reporting" their view...
Jimmy Carter who was paid by the Arab lobby, never realized he promotes infamous pro-genocide Ahmad Shukairy's invention.
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Jimmy Carter who was paid by the Arab lobby, never realized he promotes infamous pro-genocide Ahmad Shukairy's invention.
Look at the mess Carter crreated now in Iran. Besides its oppression upon millions of its people, the menace to Europe [via the missiles range], its neighbours [who all prefer that the Zionists do their job of removing the nukes...] and far beyond. Any wonder Carter is being named the 'worst ex-president?'
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