10 years after Vatican reform, Legion in new abuse crisis


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
The administrator of the elite Catholic school in Cancun, Mexico, used to take the girls out of class and send them to the chapel, where the priest from the Legion of Christ religious order would sexually abuse them.

“As some were reading the Bible, he would rape the others in front of them, little girls aged 6 to 8 or 9,” said one of his victims, Ana Lucia Salazar, now a 36-year-old Mexican television host and mother of three.

“Afterward, nothing was the same, nothing went back to the way it was,” she said through tears at her home in Mexico City.

Salazar’s horrific story, which has been corroborated by other victims and the Legion itself, has sparked a new credibility crisis for the once-influential order, 10 years after the Holy See took it over after determining that its founder was a pedophile.

10 years after Vatican reform, Legion in new abuse crisis

What can you say? Astonishing? Amazing? Disgusting?

And what of the continuing of crap?
Priests need to be able to fuck.
Thats my opinion.
If married men were never pedophiles, that statement would make perfect sense.
19000 victims in 70 years and I would bet more than that didnt even say anything.
Lets compare priests to carpenters. Or hedge fubd managers. Or politicians. Or any other job.
Lets see how many pedophiles from each seperate career.
The administrator of the elite Catholic school in Cancun, Mexico, used to take the girls out of class and send them to the chapel, where the priest from the Legion of Christ religious order would sexually abuse them.

“As some were reading the Bible, he would rape the others in front of them, little girls aged 6 to 8 or 9,” said one of his victims, Ana Lucia Salazar, now a 36-year-old Mexican television host and mother of three.

“Afterward, nothing was the same, nothing went back to the way it was,” she said through tears at her home in Mexico City.

Salazar’s horrific story, which has been corroborated by other victims and the Legion itself, has sparked a new credibility crisis for the once-influential order, 10 years after the Holy See took it over after determining that its founder was a pedophile.

10 years after Vatican reform, Legion in new abuse crisis

What can you say? Astonishing? Amazing? Disgusting?

And what of the continuing of crap?

The Left wing Pope is too busy giving sermons about the evils of building walls and global warming to be concerned with this or with abortion, which the Catholic church views as mass genocide.

Then again, they were silent during the Holocaust as well.

That is what happens when you combine the politics of man with the church. Christ warned us about this.

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