100% video proof of radical muslim terrorist training camps in America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Imagine where the soulless killers are at this stage of 2017, Imagine how much training has taken place and how many more have been recruited by now. But hey don't worry it's all a conspiracy . lmao

And save your direct attacks to me, I didn't make the title the video poster did. So go take your bs ignorance to the one who named the video.

Imagine where the soulless killers are at this stage of 2017, Imagine how much training has taken place and how many more have been recruited by now. But hey don't worry it's all a conspiracy . lmao

And save your direct attacks to me, I didn't make the title the video poster did. So go take your bs ignorance to the one who named the video.

run forest run !!

I think we've gravely underestimated the magnitude of shit fermenting in conservatives pants, getting spewed out constantly as if from a fire hose
Uf Dah, I sure hope we can trust our government to keep people safe... Gotta admit if Trump wasn't in office now I'd be skerd, but at least now there's some hope they're being watched closely.

Yea I'm woman enough to admit that its dangerous and frightening to allow ISIS groups to actively train in the US...

Imagine where the soulless killers are at this stage of 2017, Imagine how much training has taken place and how many more have been recruited by now. But hey don't worry it's all a conspiracy . lmao

And save your direct attacks to me, I didn't make the title the video poster did. So go take your bs ignorance to the one who named the video.

yes. thank you for confirming it.
It's really funny when these terrorists blow up buildings and kill people... Do liberals take anything /real/ serious, or are their only "real" concerns related to minor problems like "words hurt," "pronouns," and "I don't like your opinion"?
Trump's been President for 2 weeks now, and he's allowing these terrorist training camps to exist despite this irrefutable PROOF??? He must be a secret Muslim!!!!! :mad:
True. I need to have patience that he'll oust them under various sedition and perhaps related immigration laws...
True. I need to have patience that he'll oust them under various sedition and perhaps related immigration laws...
If he doesn't and the communities attacked by the OP remain peaceful as they have for decades, what will your response be?

Imagine where the soulless killers are at this stage of 2017, Imagine how much training has taken place and how many more have been recruited by now. But hey don't worry it's all a conspiracy . lmao

And save your direct attacks to me, I didn't make the title the video poster did. So go take your bs ignorance to the one who named the video.

Here's more proof of them practicing attack techniques to be used at major ports.
Peaceful? It depends if they are teaching ISIS or not, because there's a big fucking difference between "ISIS Training Camps" and "Muslim Centers" -- YUUUUUGE difference...
I think we've gravely underestimated the magnitude of shit fermenting in conservatives pants, getting spewed out constantly as if from a fire hose

That's ironic as well as hilarious coming from a stupid fuck like you that
I think we've gravely underestimated the magnitude of shit fermenting in conservatives pants, getting spewed out constantly as if from a fire hose[/QUOTE

That's fucking hilarious and ironic come from a leftard that believes (along with all the other commie snowflakes) that Trump is the second coming of Adolf Hitler and thus must riot and attack people.
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Imagine where the soulless killers are at this stage of 2017, Imagine how much training has taken place and how many more have been recruited by now. But hey don't worry it's all a conspiracy . lmao

And save your direct attacks to me, I didn't make the title the video poster did. So go take your bs ignorance to the one who named the video.

If militia members and the sovereignty movement were doing the same thing around the US, what would your reaction be?

Although this report concerns me greatly, for now, I don't think it requires any action on the part of Big Brother, especially if the folks involved in these organizations were born here or are US citizens.

See, the thing is, what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge pisses me the fuck off. I'm not a hypocrit. I love the freedom and the philosophy guaranteed by the Constitution.

I also have faith in the American people.

Did you know that if you took all of the deer hunters in Wisonsin, Michigan and Pennsylavannia, and put them together, they would out number the second largest army, which I believe is the Russian army?

There is a reason the Japanese never even considered invading us during WWII.

I don't give a shit about our police state like government, I care about our people. I'd just love to see these radical religious dirt bags try to get violent and draw first blood.

The only numbers quoted in this report were what, 3000? Are you fucking kidding me?

I did a search for number of deer hunters opening week.

Came up with these two hits.

Minnesota deer hunters register 54,000 deer on opening weekend

And in Missiouri. . . .

Over 96,000 deer killed on opening weekend
And that is in ONE WEEKEND. Try to remember, FOX news is a member of the CFR, and they are trying to instill fear into you to make you give up your rights, or make you encourage a police state. You don't need the government to protect you. We're Americans, we'll do just fine if these wacko's get uppity.

In fact, it is the government you need to worry about. If the government ever gets gets aggressive about enforcing it's will, who knows, these "Islamo-facists" just might form a temporary alliance to help secure your right to individual sovereignty and freedom. Lord Jesus knows, these Muslims will never be a legitimate threat to the practice of Christianity or life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness in this land. For if they dared try, they would be wiped out by Christmas by the locals.


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