*11K Russians Dead A Month 2 Months In*

Wrong. Russia will not stop with Ukraine.
Without arming Ukraine and stopping Putin's land grabs there would be no end to his trying to restore the old USSR.
You can think you can throw Ukraine under the bus, but that is a non-starter. The Budapest Memorandum says that NATO will protect Ukraine.
I know you and joe xiden are not geniuses. Far from it.
Sure thing Nostradamus.
Very foolish. Apparently you WANT WWIII, but you’re too dumb to know it.
You're just an idiot.

The best way to avoid WWIII is to make sure all of the potential players understand there is no possible way of winning such a war and that starting it guarantees the destruction of your own country.
Sure thing Nostradamus.
One needed be Nostradamus to understand that Putin would not stop after Ukraine if the world turned a blind eye to his actions there.

All one needs is to be a student of history to understand that.

Tyrants bent on expansionism never stop until they are stopped by another nation or nations banding together in mutual defense.

If Ukraine was already a member of NATO Putin would never have dared to invade knowing the rest of NATO would land on his head like a mountain falling out of the sky.
You're just an idiot.

The best way to avoid WWIII is to make sure all of the potential players understand there is no possible way of winning such a war and that starting it guarantees the destruction of your own country.
Have you forgotten that Russia has a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons? Why do you want to provoke WWIII?
One needed be Nostradamus to understand that Putin would not stop after Ukraine if the world turned a blind eye to his actions there.

All one needs is to be a student of history to understand that.

Tyrants bent on expansionism never stop until they are stopped by another nation or nations banding together in mutual defense.

If Ukraine was already a member of NATO Putin would never have dared to invade knowing the rest of NATO would land on his head like a mountain falling out of the sky.
20 years in power and suddenly he’s transformed into Hitler…but only in the small propagandized minds of dumb Americans.
Have you forgotten that Russia has a huge arsenal of nuclear weapons? Why do you want to provoke WWIII?

How many times has Russia or the Soviet Union used them?

Putin isn't foolish enough to risk having his own country wiped off the map by introducing nuclear weapons.

I'm really sick of listening to and watching cowards bend over to nuclear blackmail.

If you want to prevent a wider, longer, bloodier war than stop this army now and do not allow Putin to succeed.

Otherwise history teaches us Ukraine will just be the first in a long list of countries he invades for their natural resources.
Just making a fool of yourself as usual.

What respected news outlets are not owned by corporations today in the US?
Lol. So you just admitted not knowing anything about independent media outlets. Typical. This is why you know only what the state wants you to know. Chickenhawk.
Lol. So you just admitted not knowing anything about independent media outlets. Typical. This is why you know only what the state wants you to know. Chickenhawk.

You failed to answer the question of course so I'll repeat it.

What respected news outlets are not owned by corporations today in the US?
You failed to answer the question of course so I'll repeat it.
False, false and false. Stop buying lies from dumb old Joe dummy.
Somehow American warmongers don’t know about this…of course they only believe government controlled media.

Ukraine: On patrol with the far-right National Militia

Ukraine: On patrol with the far-right National MilitiaClose

It's just over four years since the climax of the so-called Maidan revolution in Ukraine.

'Restoring order' far-right style
Some Americans see this guy in every leader the empire opposes. The empire loves them, but laughs at their stupidity and gullibility.
Just give up.

EVERYONE can see that you are a Russian stooge.

Hell you don't even pretend any more

It is Zelensky who is the US "stooge".
He obviously is being paid in order to harm Russia, even though it also totally harms and kills thousands of Ukrainians.
Sorry bout that,

1. Now Biden is dumb, but his advisers will keep him from sending in our troops.
2. Biden started this war, Ukrainians will end it.
3. I just revealed the plan to end it in 3 hours time.
4. Glass Onions gotta go.


Ukrainians do not have the numbers, weapons, or any particular skill or advantage.
They were good at ambushes with expensive US weapons, but will lose in the east, where the population will track their every movement.
It is Zelensky who is the US "stooge".
He obviously is being paid in order to harm Russia, even though it also totally harms and kills thousands of Ukrainians.
Sock puppet till the day you die

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