12 Hour Truce in Gaza

Ambassador Oren said it brilliantly today on think it was CNN (I watched many news channels so they kind blur together:)

"We can't bring our soldiers home, they're already home."

Before armchair quarterbacking things try to put yourself in Israel's position. They've not known a single year of peace since their inception in 1948. We in the US are sick of a dozen or so years of war in Iraq and Afganistan. But at least we don't have to worry about rockets and suicide bombers (knock on wood.) So if we did, try to imagine US response. That's all Israel's doing, fighting for it's very life. They can't withdraw and try to ignore it when their next door neighbors are the ones lobbing bombs in all over them. Imagine if Canada and Mexico were both openly hostile with the US, would we sit back and endure it, content with our bomb shelters each day when rockets come in, or would we fight back?
We would definitely retaliate; however, we would be hitting back against another sovereign state and that's not the case between Israel and Gaza. Israel is legally the occupying power of Gaza. That means Jews can not simultaneously occupy the territory and declare war upon those living there.

Israel denies Palestinians the right to govern and protect themselves while invoking the right to self defense at the same time. It's a conundrum and a violation of international law that Israel created to evade accountability.

You might check out this piece at the Nation for a little different spin on Israel and its Dahiya Doctrine for urban warfare:

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza?Debunked | The Nation
Hamas rejected a 4 hour extension proposed by Israel.

That doesn't matter to george. Hamas does no wrong in his eyes.
Hamas isn't deliberately targeting Israeli schools, hospitals, and children.
What makes Jews think they deserve all the land between the River and the sea?

No they only put weapons and ammo in those sites. They fire from those sites and force the civilians at gun point to stay in those sites.

So some propaganda artist like you can say this chit.

Spare me your faux outrage bud.
The IDF barbarians halted their invasion when they got about 2 miles into Gaza and lost a couple of dozen men.

They found out rather quickly that on the ground they were no match against the Hamas freedom fighters. .. :cool:
That doesn't matter to george. Hamas does no wrong in his eyes.
Hamas isn't deliberately targeting Israeli schools, hospitals, and children.
What makes Jews think they deserve all the land between the River and the sea?

No they only put weapons and ammo in those sites. They fire from those sites and force the civilians at gun point to stay in those sites.

So some propaganda artist like you can say this chit.

Spare me your faux outrage bud.
Spare me the Propaganda, Moshe.
How much ammo and how many sites?
Jews have bombed thousands of buildings in Gaza.
Did they all have weapons and ammo, Asshole?
Ignorant flap-flaps like you have probably never heard of the Dahiya Doctrine

"The Dahiya Doctrine is central to these operations and refers to Israel’s indiscriminate attacks on Lebanon in 2006. Maj. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot said that this would be applied elsewhere:

"What happened in the Dahiya quarter of Beirut in 2006 will happen in every village from which Israel is fired on. […] We will apply disproportionate force on it and cause great damage and destruction there. From our standpoint, these are not civilian villages, they are military bases."

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza?Debunked | The Nation
"Hamas isn't deliberately targeting Israeli schools, hospitals, and children."

Ma'alot massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Ma'alot massacre[1] occurred in May 1974 and involved a two-day hostage-taking of 115 people which ended in the deaths of over 25 hostages. It began when three armed members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)[2] entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son.[3] From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. The hostage-takers soon issued demands for the release of 23 Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons, or else they would kill the students. On the second day of the standoff, a unit of the Golani Brigade stormed the building. During the takeover, the hostage-takers killed children with grenades and automatic weapons. Ultimately, 25 hostages, including 22 children, were killed and 68 more were injured.[/b]

Avivim school bus massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Avivim school bus massacre was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school bus on May 22, 1970 in which 12 Israeli civilians were killed, nine of them children, and 25 were wounded. The attack took place on the road to Moshav Avivim, near Israel's border with Lebanon. Two bazooka shells were fired at the bus.[2] The attack was one of the first carried out by the PFLP-GC."

Major Terrorist Attacks in Israel

April 7, 2011 – An anti-tank missile fired from Gaza at a clearly-marked yellow Israeli school bus driving near the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council wounded an Israeli teenager and the bus driver. The boy, 16-year-old Daniel Viflic, later died from his wounds in the hospital.

August 31, 2010: Four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, were murdered when terrorists ambushed their car as they were driving near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, which coincided with the restarting of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington, D.C.

March 6, 2008: Eight men, seven of them teenagers, were killed when a Palestinian gunman entered the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and opened fire. The terrorist also wounded nine in the attack before he was killed at the scene.

January 24, 2008: Two terrorists entered the Mekor Hayim High School Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and stabbed two students. The terrorists were killed by two of the counselors in the room. The Izaddin al-Kassam's Martyrs Brigades, the Hamas military wing, claimed responsibility for the attack.

literally scores more at link but think I've made my point. Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups attack schools, pregnant women, children indiscriminately and often, deliberately.
The IDF barbarians halted their invasion when they got about 2 miles into Gaza and lost a couple of dozen men.

They found out rather quickly that on the ground they were no match against the Hamas freedom fighters. .. :cool:
Elite Jews in Israel are caught between Cast Lead and the court of public opinion.
After 17 days of indiscriminate killing, Israel was losing the global PR battle.
They are waiting for protests to die down while trying to decide how to annex that two mile wide strip they've recently occupied.
If Bibi pulls out, he has Jews on his right who will leave his ruling coalition.
What happens if Lieberman comes next?
The IDF barbarians halted their invasion when they got about 2 miles into Gaza and lost a couple of dozen men.

They found out rather quickly that on the ground they were no match against the Hamas freedom fighters. .. :cool:

:lol: :lol:

Tell that to the over 200 dead Hamas scum who are burning in hell :cool:
The IDF barbarians halted their invasion when they got about 2 miles into Gaza and lost a couple of dozen men.

They found out rather quickly that on the ground they were no match against the Hamas freedom fighters. .. :cool:
Elite Jews in Israel are caught between Cast Lead and the court of public opinion.
After 17 days of indiscriminate killing, Israel was losing the global PR battle.
They are waiting for protests to die down while trying to decide how to annex that two mile wide strip they've recently occupied.
If Bibi pulls out, he has Jews on his right who will leave his ruling coalition.
What happens if Lieberman comes next?

Those against Israel will be against Israel even if the IDF stopped operations and re-tasked themselves to planting flowers and fruit trees in Gaza. Consequently, they, and those who support Israel don't care much about the PR side of things.
"Hamas isn't deliberately targeting Israeli schools, hospitals, and children."

Ma'alot massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Ma'alot massacre[1] occurred in May 1974 and involved a two-day hostage-taking of 115 people which ended in the deaths of over 25 hostages. It began when three armed members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)[2] entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son.[3] From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. The hostage-takers soon issued demands for the release of 23 Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons, or else they would kill the students. On the second day of the standoff, a unit of the Golani Brigade stormed the building. During the takeover, the hostage-takers killed children with grenades and automatic weapons. Ultimately, 25 hostages, including 22 children, were killed and 68 more were injured.[/b]

Avivim school bus massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Avivim school bus massacre was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school bus on May 22, 1970 in which 12 Israeli civilians were killed, nine of them children, and 25 were wounded. The attack took place on the road to Moshav Avivim, near Israel's border with Lebanon. Two bazooka shells were fired at the bus.[2] The attack was one of the first carried out by the PFLP-GC."

Major Terrorist Attacks in Israel

April 7, 2011 – An anti-tank missile fired from Gaza at a clearly-marked yellow Israeli school bus driving near the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council wounded an Israeli teenager and the bus driver. The boy, 16-year-old Daniel Viflic, later died from his wounds in the hospital.

August 31, 2010: Four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, were murdered when terrorists ambushed their car as they were driving near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, which coincided with the restarting of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington, D.C.

March 6, 2008: Eight men, seven of them teenagers, were killed when a Palestinian gunman entered the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and opened fire. The terrorist also wounded nine in the attack before he was killed at the scene.

January 24, 2008: Two terrorists entered the Mekor Hayim High School Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and stabbed two students. The terrorists were killed by two of the counselors in the room. The Izaddin al-Kassam's Martyrs Brigades, the Hamas military wing, claimed responsibility for the attack.

literally scores more at link but think I've made my point. Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups attack schools, pregnant women, children indiscriminately and often, deliberately.
Jews should stop stealing Arab land and water and using Arab children for target practice.

"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,156 Israelis and 7,810 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Not counting the current carnage in Gaza

Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000
The IDF barbarians halted their invasion when they got about 2 miles into Gaza and lost a couple of dozen men.

They found out rather quickly that on the ground they were no match against the Hamas freedom fighters. .. :cool:
Elite Jews in Israel are caught between Cast Lead and the court of public opinion.
After 17 days of indiscriminate killing, Israel was losing the global PR battle.
They are waiting for protests to die down while trying to decide how to annex that two mile wide strip they've recently occupied.
If Bibi pulls out, he has Jews on his right who will leave his ruling coalition.
What happens if Lieberman comes next?

Those against Israel will be against Israel even if the IDF stopped operations and re-tasked themselves to planting flowers and fruit trees in Gaza. Consequently, they, and those who support Israel don't care much about the PR side of things.
Israel can lift its blockade of Gaza and allow the free flow of commerce to resume unless it prefers to continue its policy of "creeping annexation" in pursuit of all the land between the River and the sea. I'm old enough to remember when White South Africans and those who supported them also didn't care much about global PR.
Hamas has definitely won the international PR battle and exposed Israel to the world as a genocidal state ruled by murderous psychopaths. .. :cool:

Lol I love it when Muslims claim victory even when their side is losing the battle in every way possible :lol:

Now lets hope we hear about more Hamas deaths tonight :thup:
"Hamas isn't deliberately targeting Israeli schools, hospitals, and children."

Ma'alot massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Ma'alot massacre[1] occurred in May 1974 and involved a two-day hostage-taking of 115 people which ended in the deaths of over 25 hostages. It began when three armed members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)[2] entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son.[3] From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. The hostage-takers soon issued demands for the release of 23 Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons, or else they would kill the students. On the second day of the standoff, a unit of the Golani Brigade stormed the building. During the takeover, the hostage-takers killed children with grenades and automatic weapons. Ultimately, 25 hostages, including 22 children, were killed and 68 more were injured.[/b]

Avivim school bus massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Avivim school bus massacre was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school bus on May 22, 1970 in which 12 Israeli civilians were killed, nine of them children, and 25 were wounded. The attack took place on the road to Moshav Avivim, near Israel's border with Lebanon. Two bazooka shells were fired at the bus.[2] The attack was one of the first carried out by the PFLP-GC."

Major Terrorist Attacks in Israel

April 7, 2011 – An anti-tank missile fired from Gaza at a clearly-marked yellow Israeli school bus driving near the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council wounded an Israeli teenager and the bus driver. The boy, 16-year-old Daniel Viflic, later died from his wounds in the hospital.

August 31, 2010: Four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, were murdered when terrorists ambushed their car as they were driving near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, which coincided with the restarting of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington, D.C.

March 6, 2008: Eight men, seven of them teenagers, were killed when a Palestinian gunman entered the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and opened fire. The terrorist also wounded nine in the attack before he was killed at the scene.

January 24, 2008: Two terrorists entered the Mekor Hayim High School Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and stabbed two students. The terrorists were killed by two of the counselors in the room. The Izaddin al-Kassam's Martyrs Brigades, the Hamas military wing, claimed responsibility for the attack.

literally scores more at link but think I've made my point. Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups attack schools, pregnant women, children indiscriminately and often, deliberately.
Jews should stop stealing Arab land and water and using Arab children for target practice.

"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,156 Israelis and 7,810 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Not counting the current carnage in Gaza

Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000

Carnage..........Next door in Syria over a 100,000 dead at least. Same in Iraq as ISIS is butchering the northern population of Iraq. Thousands dying in Africa due to Islamic persecution. Libya the same.

In Mexico and Central America the body count is approximately 100,000 due to the drug Wars.

Again, you are a Cheer Leader for Hamas and Terror groups.
Elite Jews in Israel are caught between Cast Lead and the court of public opinion.
After 17 days of indiscriminate killing, Israel was losing the global PR battle.
They are waiting for protests to die down while trying to decide how to annex that two mile wide strip they've recently occupied.
If Bibi pulls out, he has Jews on his right who will leave his ruling coalition.
What happens if Lieberman comes next?

Those against Israel will be against Israel even if the IDF stopped operations and re-tasked themselves to planting flowers and fruit trees in Gaza. Consequently, they, and those who support Israel don't care much about the PR side of things.
Israel can lift its blockade of Gaza and allow the free flow of commerce to resume unless it prefers to continue its policy of "creeping annexation" in pursuit of all the land between the River and the sea. I'm old enough to remember when White South Africans and those who supported them also didn't care much about global PR.

I'm all for lifting the blockade under the condition that Gaza is completely demilitarized .
What do you think?
the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)[2] entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son.[3] From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. The hostage-takers soon issued demands for the release of 23 Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons, or else they would kill the students. On the second day of the standoff, a unit of the Golani Brigade stormed the building. During the takeover, the hostage-takers killed children with grenades and automatic weapons. Ultimately, 25 hostages, including 22 children, were killed and 68 more were injured.[/b]

Thus, Israel fights for the exitance of Israel. Did those that lived on what is now Israel, and was in history Israel, ever form a nation, so that claims to real property could create a chain of title? I have never read of any such acts on the part of Palestinians. In fact, Arafat was born in Egypt, long before 1948.

And Abbas was born in Galilee:

The Jewish population of Galilee increased significantly following their expulsion from Spain and welcome from the Ottoman Empire. The community for a time made Safed an international center of cloth weaving and manufacturing, as well as a key site for Jewish learning.[9] Today it remains one of Judaism's four holy cities and a center for kabbalah.

In the mid-18th century, Galilee was caught up in a struggle between the Bedouin leader Dhaher al-Omar and the Ottoman authorities who were centred in Damascus. Dhaher ruled Galilee for 25 years until Ottoman loyalist Jezzar Pasha conquered the region in 1775.

In 1831 the Galilee, a part of Ottoman Syria, switched hands from Ottomans to Ibrahim Pasha of Egypt until 1840. During this period aggressive social and politic policies were introduced, which led to a violent 1834 Arab revolt. In the process of this revolt the Jewish community of Sefad was greatly reduced, in the event of Safed Plunder by the rebels. The Arab rebels were subsequently defeated by the Egyptian troops, though in 1838 the Druze of Galilee led another uprising. In 1834 and 1837 major earthquakes leveled most of the towns, resulting in great loss of life. 1866 saw the founding of the Galilee's first hospital—the Nazareth Hospital, under the leadership of American-Armenian missionary Dr. Kaloost Vartan, assisted by German missionary John Zeller.


With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions, but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[19] In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[19][20]

Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamic group Mujama al-Islamiya, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[19]

Yitzhak Segev, the acting governor of Gaza in 1979, said he had no illusions about Yassin's intentions, having watched an Islamist movement topple the Shah as Israel's military attache in Iran. However, according to Segev, Yassin and his charity were "100% peaceful" towards Israel during this time, and Segev and other Israeli officials feared being viewed as an enemy of Islam. Segev maintained regular contact with Yassin, met with him around a dozen times, and arranged for Yassin to be taken to Israel for hospital treatment.[19]

Also, Segev said, Fatah was "our main enemy."[19][21] Islamists frequently attacked secular and leftist Palestinian movements, including Fatah, but the Israeli military avoided getting involved in those quarrels.[19] It stood aside, for example, when Mujama al-Islamiya activists stormed the Red Crescent charity's headquarters in Gaza, but Segev did send soldiers to prevent the burning down of the home of the head of the organization.[19]

Where any valid claims to the land, claims more concrete that the Eyptians, Assayrians, Ottoman Empire? Only Israel has a true history on that land, the Palestinians stayed there in between trying to be part of other Arab nations, until expelled.
Last edited:
"Hamas isn't deliberately targeting Israeli schools, hospitals, and children."

Ma'alot massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Ma'alot massacre[1] occurred in May 1974 and involved a two-day hostage-taking of 115 people which ended in the deaths of over 25 hostages. It began when three armed members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)[2] entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son.[3] From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. The hostage-takers soon issued demands for the release of 23 Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons, or else they would kill the students. On the second day of the standoff, a unit of the Golani Brigade stormed the building. During the takeover, the hostage-takers killed children with grenades and automatic weapons. Ultimately, 25 hostages, including 22 children, were killed and 68 more were injured.[/b]

Avivim school bus massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Avivim school bus massacre was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school bus on May 22, 1970 in which 12 Israeli civilians were killed, nine of them children, and 25 were wounded. The attack took place on the road to Moshav Avivim, near Israel's border with Lebanon. Two bazooka shells were fired at the bus.[2] The attack was one of the first carried out by the PFLP-GC."

Major Terrorist Attacks in Israel

April 7, 2011 – An anti-tank missile fired from Gaza at a clearly-marked yellow Israeli school bus driving near the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council wounded an Israeli teenager and the bus driver. The boy, 16-year-old Daniel Viflic, later died from his wounds in the hospital.

August 31, 2010: Four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, were murdered when terrorists ambushed their car as they were driving near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, which coincided with the restarting of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington, D.C.

March 6, 2008: Eight men, seven of them teenagers, were killed when a Palestinian gunman entered the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and opened fire. The terrorist also wounded nine in the attack before he was killed at the scene.

January 24, 2008: Two terrorists entered the Mekor Hayim High School Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and stabbed two students. The terrorists were killed by two of the counselors in the room. The Izaddin al-Kassam's Martyrs Brigades, the Hamas military wing, claimed responsibility for the attack.

literally scores more at link but think I've made my point. Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups attack schools, pregnant women, children indiscriminately and often, deliberately.
Jews should stop stealing Arab land and water and using Arab children for target practice.

"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,156 Israelis and 7,810 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Not counting the current carnage in Gaza

Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000

Carnage..........Next door in Syria over a 100,000 dead at least. Same in Iraq as ISIS is butchering the northern population of Iraq. Thousands dying in Africa due to Islamic persecution. Libya the same.

In Mexico and Central America the body count is approximately 100,000 due to the drug Wars.

Again, you are a Cheer Leader for Hamas and Terror groups.

George only cares when Jews are involved...
Hamas has definitely won the international PR battle and exposed Israel to the world as a genocidal state ruled by murderous psychopaths. .. :cool:
And US voters should remember their congressional response to Israel's murderous psychopaths next November. Something else that can't be corrected by "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat in the voting booth.
The world's zionist juden will now be seen as the ultimate hypocrites for continually bringing up the so called Holocaust they claim happened in Germany.

While at the same time committing a real holocaust against the Palestinian people. ... :doubt:
"Hamas isn't deliberately targeting Israeli schools, hospitals, and children."

Ma'alot massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Ma'alot massacre[1] occurred in May 1974 and involved a two-day hostage-taking of 115 people which ended in the deaths of over 25 hostages. It began when three armed members of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP)[2] entered Israel from Lebanon. Soon afterwards they attacked a van, killing two Israeli Arab women while injuring a third and entered an apartment building in the town of Ma'alot, where they killed a couple and their four-year-old son.[3] From there, they headed for the Netiv Meir Elementary School, where they took more than 115 people (including 105 children) hostage on 15 May 1974, in Ma'alot. Most of the hostages were teenagers from a high school in Safad on a Gadna field trip spending the night in Ma'alot. The hostage-takers soon issued demands for the release of 23 Palestinian militants from Israeli prisons, or else they would kill the students. On the second day of the standoff, a unit of the Golani Brigade stormed the building. During the takeover, the hostage-takers killed children with grenades and automatic weapons. Ultimately, 25 hostages, including 22 children, were killed and 68 more were injured.[/b]

Avivim school bus massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The Avivim school bus massacre was a terrorist attack on an Israeli school bus on May 22, 1970 in which 12 Israeli civilians were killed, nine of them children, and 25 were wounded. The attack took place on the road to Moshav Avivim, near Israel's border with Lebanon. Two bazooka shells were fired at the bus.[2] The attack was one of the first carried out by the PFLP-GC."

Major Terrorist Attacks in Israel

April 7, 2011 – An anti-tank missile fired from Gaza at a clearly-marked yellow Israeli school bus driving near the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council wounded an Israeli teenager and the bus driver. The boy, 16-year-old Daniel Viflic, later died from his wounds in the hospital.

August 31, 2010: Four Israelis, including a pregnant woman, were murdered when terrorists ambushed their car as they were driving near Kiryat Arba in the West Bank. Hamas claimed responsibility for the attack, which coincided with the restarting of Israeli-Palestinian peace talks in Washington, D.C.

March 6, 2008: Eight men, seven of them teenagers, were killed when a Palestinian gunman entered the Merkaz HaRav Yeshiva in Jerusalem and opened fire. The terrorist also wounded nine in the attack before he was killed at the scene.

January 24, 2008: Two terrorists entered the Mekor Hayim High School Yeshiva in Kfar Etzion, south of Jerusalem, and stabbed two students. The terrorists were killed by two of the counselors in the room. The Izaddin al-Kassam's Martyrs Brigades, the Hamas military wing, claimed responsibility for the attack.

literally scores more at link but think I've made my point. Hamas and other Palestinian terror groups attack schools, pregnant women, children indiscriminately and often, deliberately.
Jews should stop stealing Arab land and water and using Arab children for target practice.

"Israelis and Palestinians Killed
in the Current Violence

At least 1,156 Israelis and 7,810 Palestinians
have been killed since September 29, 2000."

Not counting the current carnage in Gaza

Israelis and Palestinians Killed since 9/29/2000

Carnage..........Next door in Syria over a 100,000 dead at least. Same in Iraq as ISIS is butchering the northern population of Iraq. Thousands dying in Africa due to Islamic persecution. Libya the same.

In Mexico and Central America the body count is approximately 100,000 due to the drug Wars.

Again, you are a Cheer Leader for Hamas and Terror groups.
Arms sales.
Oil Sales.
Profits from illegal drugs.
Are you sure you want to bring Wall Street and the US Government into this thread?

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