12 Hour Truce in Gaza

Save it. We are well versed in your lies. Hamas probably should have extended the truce.
You mean the truce the Jews used to continue neutralizing "terror" tunnels in Gaza?

Have you figured out why Jews kill kids for land yet?


:eusa_boohoo:, etc..., etc..., etc...
The tunnels weren't there prior to Israel's belligerent occupation of Gaza, were they?

End the occupation of Palestine!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhC54ap6E_o]Operation Protective Edge: Second Week in Review - YouTube[/ame]
Of course you want them to watch the IDF, it's all over your propaganda. International forces have went into the area and tried to help achieve a Peaceful solution to the Wars only to be killed by the same ones who want the destruction of Israel. Beirut and the Marines were part of that attempt, only to die at the hands of the Radical Muslim groups.

Their Charters and Ideologies have turned the entire Middle East and Africa into battlefields and only incompetent people would see it as otherwise. Unless they are part of it George.

Who are you really George as you spam this site with the propaganda of the Radical Islamists...........
I picked the IDF because they've killed more innocent children in Palestine than anyone since the Crusaders, at least. If you honestly believe those Marines in Beirut were there as "peacekeepers" and not as active participants in a civil war instigated by the IDF, you probably think radical Islam is the biggest problem in the Middle East today.

You're dead wrong.
Just as dead as those 220 Marines in 1983
The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World hasn't changed since Martin King called it out one year to the day before it murdered him in Memphis.

The U-S-A is at the root of all the killing you mentioned in your earlier post and then some; Israel is its cop on the beat in the Middle East.

Go ahead and blame the victims; that's exactly what those who get rich from killing children want their slaves to think.

Save your self righteousness for someone who cares what you think. Saying I'm a slave as I watch the Middle East go up in flames, from assholes who kill only because someone told them their religion is better than others. Which is currently Muslim on Muslim killing.........................

They are slaughtering each other now...........

And you pick Israel as the problem in the region instead of a bunch of inbreed 7th Century Islamists..........

That is your problem and not mine.
How does the level of violence in Iraq and Syria today compare with February 2003?

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said.

"'But there was more.'

"'This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran."

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I picked the IDF because they've killed more innocent children in Palestine than anyone since the Crusaders, at least. If you honestly believe those Marines in Beirut were there as "peacekeepers" and not as active participants in a civil war instigated by the IDF, you probably think radical Islam is the biggest problem in the Middle East today.

You're dead wrong.
Just as dead as those 220 Marines in 1983
The Greatest Purveyor of Violence in the World hasn't changed since Martin King called it out one year to the day before it murdered him in Memphis.

The U-S-A is at the root of all the killing you mentioned in your earlier post and then some; Israel is its cop on the beat in the Middle East.

Go ahead and blame the victims; that's exactly what those who get rich from killing children want their slaves to think.

Save your self righteousness for someone who cares what you think. Saying I'm a slave as I watch the Middle East go up in flames, from assholes who kill only because someone told them their religion is better than others. Which is currently Muslim on Muslim killing.........................

They are slaughtering each other now...........

And you pick Israel as the problem in the region instead of a bunch of inbreed 7th Century Islamists..........

That is your problem and not mine.
How does the level of violence in Iraq and Syria today compare with February 2003?

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said.

"'But there was more.'

"'This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran."

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is currently going on those countries.........................

And who is doing so.............................

Then get back to me......................

Currently around 200 violent situations/Wars in the World due to Radical Islam.........

Lets just ignore all of that shall we............

This video appears to be standard hasbara agitprop.
Let's get more specific.
Do you recall the account from Wednesday July 16 about the four Palestinians cousins playing on a QUIET Gaza beach in front of a hotel filled with international journalists?

An IDF gunboat fired two shells AT THE CHILDREN, killing one CHILD with the first.

Thirty seconds later, the heroic Jews reloaded and fired a second shell at the running survivors on the beach, KILLING THREE MORE CHILDREN.

This is what Jews do every week in Gaza.

That's why there are tunnels.
The world's zionist juden will now be seen as the ultimate hypocrites for continually bringing up the so called Holocaust they claim happened in Germany.

While at the same time committing a real holocaust against the Palestinian people. ... :doubt:

Claimed happened? What is it you gain from denying its happening?
I really resent your use of the word claimed. My uncle was one of those shot down in his service to help stop the atrocities to the Jews.
He was imprisoned and was forced into the Death March there.
The only democracy in the Middle East?
Not for long, apparently.

"Last night one could see how Israel officially has given up the charade of democracy. I saw it in the city of Haifa. Two thousands hooligans came well-armed with stones and bottles that were hurled at the (anti-war) demonstrators from the very beginning.

"They were invited there by local politicians.

"The police did not only standby, but helped the mob by cordoning the demonstrators so that they could not move out of the firing zone. The media covering the event saluted the thugs for finally standing for the nation in its hour of need.

"The scenes were reminiscent from the last days of the Wiemar republic."

Jews in Israel are among the most devout racists in the entire Middle East.

It's time for the US to renounce the Kosher Jim Crow.

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