12-year-old black kid has police called on him for mowing a lawn

This is the crap that pisses me off, they could have went out told Reggie and Austin that they were in their yard or told the neighbor, but to call the police? Pretty stupid, ignorant and they should be fined for being dumb asses.
Something that is often overlooked in these news stories is that 911 was create in order to respond to actual EMERGENCIES. Far too many of these incidents that are making the news have nothing to do with an emergency of any nature and are an abuse of our first responders and their dispatchers time, in my opinion.

Did the lady use 911 to call the police? I can’t find anything that says she did or didn’t. She seems to be a wicked woman and hates all kids. Some people are just mean.
I saw this on the news a few days ago. If I heard the story right, the kid at one point went onto another person's property and they got mad at him. Maybe they should have told him "Thank you." for his service and said that they were proud of him for not being too lazy to work for the money that he was out there trying to score.

God bless you and him always!!!

But .....but .....but there’s no more racism in America. It’s all in liberal’s minds.
No, it is the libs practicing it-


United States
975 of 975 precincts
President/vice president
Jill Stein and Ajamu Baraka (G) 5,026
Donald Trump and Michael R. Pence (R) 179,894
Richard Duncan and Ricky Johnson 1,810
Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine 383,974
Gary Johnson and William Weld 12,526

Tom Connors 10,542
Joseph Demare (G) 10,201
Rob Portman* (R) 217,137
Scott Rupert 6,695
Ted Strickland (D) 316,138
just like the Starbucks '''''''racial'''' incident --they CAN"T prove it was racially motivated
There are a lot of integral factoids that partisan journalist like to leave out in order to support their narrative... Lol, wouldn't be surprised if the neighbor was a 90 yo black woman.

Well I assume they were white Evangelicals gun packing freaks afraid of their shadows.
considering blacks commit:
murder at over 4 times the rate of whites
rape at over 2 times the rate
hate crimes at over 2 times the rate
crime at much higher rates
--it is only wise and smart to be more leery of blacks than of whites

Lets have some links to prove your point.
I personally am not going to bother pulling up stats re. the African American population as whatever it is, is. As citizens, carte' blanche' to them in choosing their own path in the choices that they take and the mistakes they make. What I will share with you are some stats on illegal Nation crashers.
'a full 32 percent of federal prisoners are aliens, and over 90 percent of those are in the country illegally.'
32% of Federal Inmates Are Aliens

As Jessica Vaughan wrote in 2017:
These statistics ... confirm what every law enforcement agency in America already knows: Border security and immigration enforcement serve an important public safety function and cooperation between state, local, and federal law enforcement officers is essential to ensuring that deportable criminal aliens are removed from the country instead of released back into our communities. Further, these statistics undercut the argument of sanctuary policy proponents who argue that immigrants are more law-abiding than Americans and that they do not contribute to crime problems in our communities.

I submit that If one is truly empathetic to the plight of these children at the border protest the following;

- the near zero adoption policy by many many countries with abandoned children, desperately wanted by Americans
- 'rape trains' headed north to the border
- the lack of incentivization by the left for the reunification of these families, in their country of origin (consistent with our laws)
- the lack of volunteerism, charitable philanthropy by the clamoring left to invest in countries like Guatemala, El Salvador and the like, providing an impetus for staying put with a better life
- the refusal by gubernatorial hopeful & front runner, Adam Putnam (2 days ago) to take a stand against e-verify (one example, but countless others in both parties)
- the overt lobbying and open check books by big business (both parties, including the Koch brothers, Zuckerberg, Bezos etc. etc.) to ensure a steady stream of cheep labor, legal and illegal
- the flooded labor market with cheep labor competing for a finite number of jobs
- the exorbitant entitlements going to all aspects of illegal & legal immigration (LE, healthcare, schooling, food, housing)

Boy O boy, could I keep going on this; I do know, however, that many have tuned out already... So I'll get off my soap box for a spell.
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whites get police called on them also for no reason--so what???!
From the things I've seen you post, you appear to get your rights violated a lot and you seem to just accept this as the way things are?
I'm white --whites are the bad guys..we don't get rights violated
...yes, I was walking to work....it was about 10 degrees out...530 am--and a cop stalked me
....another time, I was riding my bike home and a lady cop asked what was in my book bag.....it looked ''big''/funny cause I had a big piece of wood in it I was going to fix something at home with it
...but I'm WHITE!!
....I wasn't a jackass..I was common sense polite/NORMAL/not aggressive..not arrogant...not hateful....I was talking civilly --politely and she was also
No evidence the call was made because the boy is black, but I guess since a white person called the police on a black person, it MUST be racism, right? You know who thinks like that? Actual racists.
But .....but .....but there’s no more racism in America. It’s all in liberal’s minds.

Of course there’s still racism, but that doesn’t mean just bc a black person gets the police called on them for a stupid reason that the motivation behind the call was skin color. Making a judgement like that means you’re using skin color as the primary determinant to assess a situation, which in and of itself is racist.
I bet the black kid was just mowing a lawn as an excuse to case her house. Did anyone even check if someone actually hired him?
Who knew mowing while Black was enough to get the cops called?
WTF is he doing working? Don't Government give him enough to party on without working?
Look at this...a young lad is working to raise money and because of his race, he is STILL denigrated. Don't understand why trumpanzees get such an unfair rep for being racist.

Except you have no idea if the call was made bc of the kid’s race. You’re assuming it must have been bc he’s black, which actually makes YOU the one judging by skin color, which is what racists do.
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There are a lot of integral factoids that partisan journalist like to leave out in order to support their narrative... Lol, wouldn't be surprised if the neighbor was a 90 yo black woman.

Well I assume they were white Evangelicals gun packing freaks afraid of their shadows.

Bc you’re racist yourself. Deny it all you want but it’s all right there, you thinking the asshole who called the cops must be white bc the kid is black - using skin color as the primary determinant to assess a situation, which is racist thinking.

Primary definition of racism via Merriam-Webster: “a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race”
But .....but .....but there’s no more racism in America. It’s all in liberal’s minds.
please prove the cops were called for racism
if you can't, you are full of crap
I'm waiting
A white woman called police on a black 12-year-old who was mowing grass

It scares me that the sum of your reasoning is, “It’s racially motivated bc the caller was white.” Do you not see that you’re coming to a conclusion based on nothing else besides the skin color of those involved? And you have the gall to call others racist? You’re the one prioritizing skin color, thinking it’s more important that anything else.

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