12 Years A Slave.....


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
.......is on HBO tonight.

Saw it in the theater.....thought it was OK. Not the greatest film ever. It wasn't as good as Jango Unchained in my book. But......it's worth a look.
In all seriousness, it was a great movie. I can't remember where, but I remember hearing people say that it won Academy Awards because of political correctness. No! It was really that good of a movie, and deserves every award it received.
In all seriousness, it was a great movie. I can't remember where, but I remember hearing people say that it won Academy Awards because of political correctness. No! It was really that good of a movie, and deserves every award it received.

It was a very good movie. I recall it being discussed in this forum before, and there were actually some who were ignorant enough to think it was "divisive" for being based on slavery. What I got out of it was that it was a great human interest story and showed how determined he was to return home to his family. And for those who weren't paying attention and only focused on the word "slavery" in the title, it was the character played by Brad Pitt who helped him return home by getting word to his friends that he was being held captive.
Now lets make a 2 hour movie about black people raping, robbing, assaulting and killing white people. Do you think Hollywood would be interested in that? We can title it "its 2014, not 1800".

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