12 Years of War of Terror Body Count: 1.3 Million?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
How many more will have to die before Americans seriously consider prosecuting the Republicans AND Democrats who launched the War on Terror for war crimes?

"Executive Summary

"The purpose of this investigation is to provide as realistic an estimate as possible of the total body count in the three main war zones Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan during 12 years of ‘war on terrorism’.

"An extensive review has been made of the major studies and data published on the numbers of victims in these countries. This paper draws on additional information such as reports and statistics on military offensives and examines their completeness and plausibility. It applies interpolation to calculate the figures for those periods for which no information is available.

"Even now, 13 years after this war began, there has still been no equivalent study.

"This investigation comes to the conclusion that the war has, directly or indirectly, killed around 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, i.e. a total of around 1.3 million.

"Not included in this figure are further war zones such as Yemen.

"The figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the public, experts and decision makers are aware of and propagated by the media and major NGOs.

"And this is only a conservative estimate.

"The total number of deaths in the three countries named above could also be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is extremely unlikely."

The war on terror, like the war on drugs, poverty, cancer, etc...has no end. It will continue because the powers that be like it and most people can't see the fraud being committed.
the most basic rule of war is------GET THEM BEFORE THEY GET US. The number of enemy dead is actually a measure of the success of that program-----sad but true.
Furthermore it is not a crime. The real war has begun----Saudi Arabia has entered Yemen-----for the unconscious out there----that means ---functionally--Saudi Arabia has declared war on IRAN. ------see? the Saudis done it-------not DA JOOOOS
How many more will have to die before Americans seriously consider prosecuting the Republicans AND Democrats who launched the War on Terror for war crimes?

"Executive Summary

"The purpose of this investigation is to provide as realistic an estimate as possible of the total body count in the three main war zones Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan during 12 years of ‘war on terrorism’.

"An extensive review has been made of the major studies and data published on the numbers of victims in these countries. This paper draws on additional information such as reports and statistics on military offensives and examines their completeness and plausibility. It applies interpolation to calculate the figures for those periods for which no information is available.

"Even now, 13 years after this war began, there has still been no equivalent study.

"This investigation comes to the conclusion that the war has, directly or indirectly, killed around 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, i.e. a total of around 1.3 million.

"Not included in this figure are further war zones such as Yemen.

"The figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the public, experts and decision makers are aware of and propagated by the media and major NGOs.

"And this is only a conservative estimate.

"The total number of deaths in the three countries named above could also be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is extremely unlikely."

So ONLY the USA killed these 1.3 million people?
ALL of these were killed by USA military ?
NOT ONE was killed by a terrorist?
So ONLY the USA killed these 1.3 million people?
ALL of these were killed by USA military ?
NOT ONE was killed by a terrorist?
ONLY the USA committed "the supreme international crime" in the wake of 911:

"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil thing...to initiate a war of aggression...is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All of those who've died at the hands of "terrorists" since the US launched its "War on Terror" are part of that accumulated evil of the whole.
The war on terror, like the war on drugs, poverty, cancer, etc...has no end. It will continue because the powers that be like it and most people can't see the fraud being committed.
And most people have never heard of the Russell-Einstein Manifesto:
"Here, then, is the problem which we present to you, stark and dreadful and inescapable: Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?"

Statement The Russell-Einstein Manifesto Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs
So ONLY the USA killed these 1.3 million people?
ALL of these were killed by USA military ?
NOT ONE was killed by a terrorist?
ONLY the USA committed "the supreme international crime" in the wake of 911:

"The International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil thing...to initiate a war of aggression...is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"

War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

All of those who've died at the hands of "terrorists" since the US launched its "War on Terror" are part of that accumulated evil of the whole.

Too bad you haven't been one of them.

The only good terrorist is indeed a dead one.
the most basic rule of war is------GET THEM BEFORE THEY GET US. The number of enemy dead is actually a measure of the success of that program-----sad but true.
Furthermore it is not a crime. The real war has begun----Saudi Arabia has entered Yemen-----for the unconscious out there----that means ---functionally--Saudi Arabia has declared war on IRAN. ------see? the Saudis done it-------not DA JOOOOS
Too bad you haven't been one of them.

The only good terrorist is indeed a dead one.
Start here:

"The accounting of the financial cost of the nearly decade-long Iraq War will go on for years, but a recent analysis has shed light on the companies that made money off the war by providing support services as the privatization of what were former U.S. military operations rose to unprecedented levels."
FOCUS Cheney s Halliburton Made 39.5 Billion on Iraq War
Too bad you haven't been one of them.

The only good terrorist is indeed a dead one.
Start here:

"The accounting of the financial cost of the nearly decade-long Iraq War will go on for years, but a recent analysis has shed light on the companies that made money off the war by providing support services as the privatization of what were former U.S. military operations rose to unprecedented levels."
FOCUS Cheney s Halliburton Made 39.5 Billion on Iraq War

YOU FU...K dummy idiots!@!!

The company was given $39.5 billion in Iraq-related contracts over the past decade, with many of the deals given without any bidding from competing firms, such as a $568-million contract renewal in 2010 to provide housing, meals, water and bathroom services to soldiers, a deal that led to a Justice Department lawsuit over alleged kickbacks, as reported by Bloomberg.

DO YOU know the difference between GROSS REVENUE and the idiot statement "Halliburton Made 39.5 billion???::::!!

GEEZ... Halliburton GROSS REVENUE!!!
GROSS REVENUE!!! $39.5 billion out of WHICH THEY PAID salaries, overhead, taxes, rent, goods, etc... making a NET Profit!!!
DO YOU UNDERSTAND that $39.5 billion over 10 years is $3.9 billion per year...
BASED ON THIS latest statement:

Total revenue was $32.9 billion for the full year 2014,
Total operating income was $5.1 billion for 2014,
WHAT IS THE NET INCOME by dividing $5.1 billion by $32.9 billion gross revenue or net profit: 15.5%!!!
So based on the $3.95 billion per year for 10 years HALLIBURTON MADE: $612 MILLION NOT $39.5 BILLION!
I really can't stand idiots like YOU that don't know the basic difference between GROSS REVENUE and "MAKING" a net profit!
Total revenue was $32.9 billion for the full year 2014,
Total operating income was $5.1 billion for 2014,
WHAT IS THE NET INCOME by dividing $5.1 billion by $32.9 billion gross revenue or net profit: 15.5%!!!
So based on the $3.95 billion per year for 10 years HALLIBURTON MADE: $612 MILLION NOT $39.5 BILLION!
I really can't stand idiots like YOU that don't know the basic difference between GROSS REVENUE and "MAKING" a net profit!
Depends on the definition of "made" doesn't it, LIP? The headline "Haliburton Made $39.5 billion on Iraq War" doesn't claim Haliburton earned that much in net profit; it states a fact: Haliburton received $39.5 billion for their help in murdering a million Iraqis. so far. Instead of getting your panties bunched up over financial trivia you should be asking why anyone should "earn" any GROSS REVENUE from mass murder. But that would be asking too much of corporate squeals like you (and Dick)
"As private enterprise entered the war zone at unprecedented levels, the amount of corruption ballooned, even if most contractors performed their duties as expected.

"According to the bipartisan Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan, the level of corruption by defense contractors may be as high as $60 billion.

"Disciplined soldiers that would traditionally do many of the tasks are commissioned by private and publicly listed companies.

"Even without the graft, the costs of paying for these services are higher than paying governement employees or soldiers to do them because of the profit motive involved.

"No-bid contracting - when companies get to name their price with no competing bid - didn't lower legitimate expenses. (Despite promises by President Barack Obama to reel in this habit, the trend toward granting favored companies federal contracts without considering competing bids continued to grow, by 9 percent last year, according to the Washington Post.)"

FOCUS Cheney s Halliburton Made 39.5 Billion on Iraq War

Neoconservatives promised a three week "cakewalk" in Iraq, costing $70 billion and paid for entirely with Iraqi oil revenue. After 8 long years and with a total projected cost of $3,000 billion, the US military "left" Iraq, and neocons moved on to Libya, Syria, Iran,

And Ukraine.
Total revenue was $32.9 billion for the full year 2014,
Total operating income was $5.1 billion for 2014,
WHAT IS THE NET INCOME by dividing $5.1 billion by $32.9 billion gross revenue or net profit: 15.5%!!!
So based on the $3.95 billion per year for 10 years HALLIBURTON MADE: $612 MILLION NOT $39.5 BILLION!
I really can't stand idiots like YOU that don't know the basic difference between GROSS REVENUE and "MAKING" a net profit!
Depends on the definition of "made" doesn't it, LIP? The headline "Haliburton Made $39.5 billion on Iraq War" doesn't claim Haliburton earned that much in net profit; it states a fact: Haliburton received $39.5 billion for their help in murdering a million Iraqis. so far. Instead of getting your panties bunched up over financial trivia you should be asking why anyone should "earn" any GROSS REVENUE from mass murder. But that would be asking too much of corporate squeals like you (and Dick)

Perception means everything especially LIPs!!!!
They ONLY read headlines, 30 seconds and when you consider MSM writes/shows headlines/stories to grab that 30 second attention span who care whether
the word is "MADE" and perceived by LIPs like you as PROFIT...oh... that EVIL Profit!!!

And the next idiotic statement from you is ASSUMING there WAS MASS MURDER committed especially by a support organization like Halliburton!
They feed troops. Maintained equipment BUT NOT ONE Haliburton or US soldier committed ANYTHING equal to "MASS Murder"!
YOU want "MASS Murder" illustration look at these pictures of Kurds GASSED by the guy you would have loved to keep in power!
THIS IS MASS murder and your hero did it to
1988: Thousands die in Halabja gas attack
Thousands of people are reported to have been killed and many others injured in a poison gas attack on a Kurdish city in northern Iraq.
Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 5.51.29 PM.png

Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 5.51.14 PM.png

But of course being the SADDAM lover you would have wanted to see MORE deaths like these rather then "Liberate Iraq" as the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act signed by Clinton called for and was executed by Bush!
Total revenue was $32.9 billion for the full year 2014,
Total operating income was $5.1 billion for 2014,
WHAT IS THE NET INCOME by dividing $5.1 billion by $32.9 billion gross revenue or net profit: 15.5%!!!
So based on the $3.95 billion per year for 10 years HALLIBURTON MADE: $612 MILLION NOT $39.5 BILLION!
I really can't stand idiots like YOU that don't know the basic difference between GROSS REVENUE and "MAKING" a net profit!
Depends on the definition of "made" doesn't it, LIP? The headline "Haliburton Made $39.5 billion on Iraq War" doesn't claim Haliburton earned that much in net profit; it states a fact: Haliburton received $39.5 billion for their help in murdering a million Iraqis. so far. Instead of getting your panties bunched up over financial trivia you should be asking why anyone should "earn" any GROSS REVENUE from mass murder. But that would be asking too much of corporate squeals like you (and Dick)

Perception means everything especially LIPs!!!!
They ONLY read headlines, 30 seconds and when you consider MSM writes/shows headlines/stories to grab that 30 second attention span who care whether
the word is "MADE" and perceived by LIPs like you as PROFIT...oh... that EVIL Profit!!!

And the next idiotic statement from you is ASSUMING there WAS MASS MURDER committed especially by a support organization like Halliburton!
They feed troops. Maintained equipment BUT NOT ONE Haliburton or US soldier committed ANYTHING equal to "MASS Murder"!
YOU want "MASS Murder" illustration look at these pictures of Kurds GASSED by the guy you would have loved to keep in power!
THIS IS MASS murder and your hero did it to
1988: Thousands die in Halabja gas attack
Thousands of people are reported to have been killed and many others injured in a poison gas attack on a Kurdish city in northern Iraq.
View attachment 38598
View attachment 38599
But of course being the SADDAM lover you would have wanted to see MORE deaths like these rather then "Liberate Iraq" as the 1998 Liberation of Iraq act signed by Clinton called for and was executed by Bush!
No sane person considers a murdering dictator like Saddam, a benevolent and admirable leader. Making the foolish accusation that those of us who condemn the Iraq intervention, must "love" Saddam, would seem to indicate an inability to think and comprehend.

What you fail to understand is the US gov can't slay all the world's bad guys...it will bankrupt the nation and result in a tyrannical government at home...and the consequence of the US gov intervention was the horrific deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians, resulting in a once stable nation, descending into a murderous death spiral.

How can anyone believe conditions in Iraq today are better than when Saddam ruled?

War is the power of the STATE...always will be.
How many more will have to die before Americans seriously consider prosecuting the Republicans AND Democrats who launched the War on Terror for war crimes?

"Executive Summary

"The purpose of this investigation is to provide as realistic an estimate as possible of the total body count in the three main war zones Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan during 12 years of ‘war on terrorism’.

"An extensive review has been made of the major studies and data published on the numbers of victims in these countries. This paper draws on additional information such as reports and statistics on military offensives and examines their completeness and plausibility. It applies interpolation to calculate the figures for those periods for which no information is available.

"Even now, 13 years after this war began, there has still been no equivalent study.

"This investigation comes to the conclusion that the war has, directly or indirectly, killed around 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, i.e. a total of around 1.3 million.

"Not included in this figure are further war zones such as Yemen.

"The figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the public, experts and decision makers are aware of and propagated by the media and major NGOs.

"And this is only a conservative estimate.

"The total number of deaths in the three countries named above could also be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is extremely unlikely."

So ONLY the USA killed these 1.3 million people?
ALL of these were killed by USA military ?
NOT ONE was killed by a terrorist?

Oh don't worry. He won't look up the stats telling everyone how many people these terrorists have killed. He just wants to let everyone know how many the USA has killed in the war on terror.

Of course if there were no war on terror then the jihadists would kill many more because with no war on terror no one will bother to hunt them down.

Kinda sorta funny that the idiot OP doesn't talk about that.
YOU want "MASS Murder" illustration look at these pictures of Kurds GASSED by the guy you would have loved to keep in power!
THIS IS MASS murder and your hero did it to
1988: Thousands die in Halabja gas attack
Where did Saddam obtain some of the precursors used to make the poison gas he used at Halabja in 1988?

Do you think the Gipper made a mistake by removing Iraq from the State Department's list of State Sponsors of Terrorism?

Your country has been the greatest purveyor of violence in the world for generations, and all you can find to whine about is Halabja?

Read more.
How many more will have to die before Americans seriously consider prosecuting the Republicans AND Democrats who launched the War on Terror for war crimes?

"Executive Summary

"The purpose of this investigation is to provide as realistic an estimate as possible of the total body count in the three main war zones Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan during 12 years of ‘war on terrorism’.

"An extensive review has been made of the major studies and data published on the numbers of victims in these countries. This paper draws on additional information such as reports and statistics on military offensives and examines their completeness and plausibility. It applies interpolation to calculate the figures for those periods for which no information is available.

"Even now, 13 years after this war began, there has still been no equivalent study.

"This investigation comes to the conclusion that the war has, directly or indirectly, killed around 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, i.e. a total of around 1.3 million.

"Not included in this figure are further war zones such as Yemen.

"The figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the public, experts and decision makers are aware of and propagated by the media and major NGOs.

"And this is only a conservative estimate.

"The total number of deaths in the three countries named above could also be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is extremely unlikely."


And yet you let one of the two parties who led us into that mess off the hook, showing that it's just a hack partisan issue for you and you actually don't have a problem with any of it

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