12 Years of War of Terror Body Count: 1.3 Million?

STEALING OIL??? What the f..k you think Saddam invaded Kuwait for you dummy?
Because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world gave him the green light.
April Glaspie - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
STEALING OIL??? What the f..k you think Saddam invaded Kuwait for you dummy?
Because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world gave him the green light.
April Glaspie - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

From YOUR LINK!!! April Glaspie - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why don't you SHARE THE FACTS rather then the LINK which YOU said gave the USA gave him the green light?
AGAIN LIPs like you continually read headlines, 30 second sound bites but YOU don't read closer to the details!!!

When these purported transcripts were made public, Glaspie was accused of having given tacit approval for the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, which took place on August 2, 1990. It was argued that Glaspie's statements that "We have no opinion on your Arab-Arab conflicts" and that "the Kuwait issue is not associated with America" were interpreted by Saddam as giving free rein to handle his disputes with Kuwait as he saw fit.
It was also argued that Saddam would not have invaded Kuwait had he been given an explicit warning that such an invasion would be met with force by the United States.[2][3] Journalist Edward Mortimer wrote in the New York Review of Books in November 1990:

IDIOT LIPs like you seem to think that having NO opinion MEANS GO or a GREEN LIGHT! Dummies like you are so indiscriminate!

“ It seems far more likely that Saddam Hussein went ahead with the invasion because he believed the US would not react with anything more than verbal condemnation. That was an inference he could well have drawn from his meeting with US Ambassador April Glaspie on July 25, and from statements by State Department officials in Washington at the same time publicly disavowing any US security commitments to Kuwait, but also from the success of both the Reagan and the Bush administrations in heading off attempts by the US Senate to impose sanctions on Iraq for previous breaches of international law. ”

In September 1990, a pair of British journalists confronted Glaspie with the transcript of her meeting with Saddam Hussein, to which she replied that
"Obviously, I didn't think, and nobody else did, that the Iraqis were going to take all of Kuwait."[4]

In April 1991 Glaspie testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. She said that at the July 25 meeting she had "repeatedly warned Iraqi President Saddam Hussein against using force to settle his dispute with Kuwait." She also said that Saddam had lied to her by denying he would invade Kuwait. Asked to explain how Saddam could have interpreted her comments as implying U.S. approval for the invasion of Kuwait, she replied: "We foolishly did not realize he [Saddam] was stupid." In July 1991 State Department spokesperson Richard Boucher said at a press briefing:[5]

“ We have faith in Ambassador Glaspie's reporting. She sent us cables on her meetings based on notes that were made after the meeting. She also provided five hours or more of testimony in front of the Committee about the series of meetings that she had, including this meeting with Saddam Hussein. ”
The cables that Glaspie sent from Iraq about her meeting with Saddam are no longer classified.[4] Glaspie's cable on her meeting with Saddam reports that President George H.W. Bush "had instructed her to broaden and deepen our relations with Iraq." Saddam, in turn, offered "warm greetings" to Bush and was "surely sincere" about not wanting war, the cable said.[6]

NOTE to IDIOT LIPs like "georgephillip"!!!
Where WHERE in all of the above is there a direct, or even indirect tacit statement that would indicate to anyone who is not STUPID that the USA gave a
green light for the invasion? WHERE in all of the testimony was there ANY implied, eye wink, go ahead and invade Kuwait Iraq comments, etc???
NONE... ONLY as Glaspie has accurately assessed would people as "stupid" as Saddam make that gigantic leap of idiocy!
You want to do the same things we do now and just have a blue guy behind the steering wheel. Exactly what I said Obama would be in 2008, and what he has been since
Where did you get the idea I have ever supported Obama? The first thread I put up on USMB over five years ago dealt with the futility of "choosing" between Republican OR Democrat when selecting congressional candidates. Individuals from both major parties who supported attacking Iraq deserve to be prosecuted for war crimes including the Republicans who occupied the Executive Branch. (Is that what you find problematic?)

Strawman. You have to read different sentences separately, you can't combine them. I said you support Democrats. I said Obama showed what I am saying is true by following the Republican Middle East policy and Democrats suddenly became supporters of that policy, as long as it was controlled by Obama, a Democrat. I never said you specifically support Obama
Please for the sake of rational discussion...
explain why you believe it was rational to kill over a million Iraqis for Saddam's failure to abide by treaty provisions he chose to ignore?

Because there never were over a million Iraqis KILLED by the USA!
That is your hatred of the USA showing and your love and compassion for the evil dictator!

Researchers estimated there were 405,000 excess Iraqi deaths attributable to the war through mid-2011.
They also attempted to account for deaths missed because families had fled the country, and estimated 55,805 total deaths, bringing the total to nearly 461,000.
About 70 percent of Iraq deaths from 2003-2011 were violent in nature, with most caused by gunshots, followed by car bombs and other explosions, said the study.
Coalition forces were blamed for 35 percent of violent deaths; militias were blamed for 32 percent.
The rest were either unknown (21 percent), criminals (11 percent) or Iraqi forces (one percent).
Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500 000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion New Study Says

CAN YOU do simple math??? 70% of the 405,000 (NOT YOUR BLOATED exaggerated 1 million!!!) or 283,500 were by gunshots, CAR BOMBS and other explosions.
35% falsely blaming Coalition forces for deaths where the militias used women and children as shields.
.. and this fact:
Military use of children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Saddam Hussein's regime maintained 'boot camps' of civilian youths between the ages of 12 and 17 that involved small arms training and Ba'athist political indoctrination according to the CSUCS. Iraqi opposition sources and the U.S. State Department reported that children who refused faced punishment. As well, the state incorporated children as young as ten into the Futuwahand Ashbal Saddam youth movements and then subjected them to military training, sometimes for 14 hours a day.[48] P. W. Singer has compared the groups to the Hitler Jugend.[24] In the Gulf War, 12-year-old boys fought for the Iraqi side with Kalashnikovs. Children also participated in the Iran-Iraq War.[48]

American forces fought children at Nasariya, Karbala, and Kirkuk in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[46] A January 2009 UN report on the post-war Iraqi occupation stated that the Iraqi insurgency has used children as combatants. The report noted, for example, a suicide bombing attack by a boy between 10 and 13 years old against Kirkuk's police commander. CNN.com called the findings "disturbing".[49] Coalition forces have been forced to take child insurgents as captives, which has led to a moral dilemma. The U.S. has shipped many of them into Abu Ghraib prison.[46]
NOTE to IDIOT LIPs like "georgephillip"!!!
Where WHERE in all of the above is there a direct, or even indirect tacit statement that would indicate to anyone who is not STUPID that the USA gave a
green light for the invasion? WHERE in all of the testimony was there ANY implied, eye wink, go ahead and invade Kuwait Iraq comments, etc???
Why don't you try reading the UN Charter; I suspect it would answer most of your infantile questions like the one above?
Charter of the United Nations Chapter VII Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression
Please for the sake of rational discussion...
explain why you believe it was rational to kill over a million Iraqis for Saddam's failure to abide by treaty provisions he chose to ignore?

Because there never were over a million Iraqis KILLED by the USA!
That is your hatred of the USA showing and your love and compassion for the evil dictator!

Researchers estimated there were 405,000 excess Iraqi deaths attributable to the war through mid-2011.
They also attempted to account for deaths missed because families had fled the country, and estimated 55,805 total deaths, bringing the total to nearly 461,000.
About 70 percent of Iraq deaths from 2003-2011 were violent in nature, with most caused by gunshots, followed by car bombs and other explosions, said the study.
Coalition forces were blamed for 35 percent of violent deaths; militias were blamed for 32 percent.
The rest were either unknown (21 percent), criminals (11 percent) or Iraqi forces (one percent).
Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500 000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion New Study Says

CAN YOU do simple math??? 70% of the 405,000 (NOT YOUR BLOATED exaggerated 1 million!!!) or 283,500 were by gunshots, CAR BOMBS and other explosions.
35% falsely blaming Coalition forces for deaths where the militias used women and children as shields.
.. and this fact:
Military use of children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Saddam Hussein's regime maintained 'boot camps' of civilian youths between the ages of 12 and 17 that involved small arms training and Ba'athist political indoctrination according to the CSUCS. Iraqi opposition sources and the U.S. State Department reported that children who refused faced punishment. As well, the state incorporated children as young as ten into the Futuwahand Ashbal Saddam youth movements and then subjected them to military training, sometimes for 14 hours a day.[48] P. W. Singer has compared the groups to the Hitler Jugend.[24] In the Gulf War, 12-year-old boys fought for the Iraqi side with Kalashnikovs. Children also participated in the Iran-Iraq War.[48]

American forces fought children at Nasariya, Karbala, and Kirkuk in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[46] A January 2009 UN report on the post-war Iraqi occupation stated that the Iraqi insurgency has used children as combatants. The report noted, for example, a suicide bombing attack by a boy between 10 and 13 years old against Kirkuk's police commander. CNN.com called the findings "disturbing".[49] Coalition forces have been forced to take child insurgents as captives, which has led to a moral dilemma. The U.S. has shipped many of them into Abu Ghraib prison.[46]
Please for the sake of rational discussion...
explain why you believe it was rational to kill over a million Iraqis for Saddam's failure to abide by treaty provisions he chose to ignore?

Because there never were over a million Iraqis KILLED by the USA!
That is your hatred of the USA showing and your love and compassion for the evil dictator!

Researchers estimated there were 405,000 excess Iraqi deaths attributable to the war through mid-2011.
They also attempted to account for deaths missed because families had fled the country, and estimated 55,805 total deaths, bringing the total to nearly 461,000.
About 70 percent of Iraq deaths from 2003-2011 were violent in nature, with most caused by gunshots, followed by car bombs and other explosions, said the study.
Coalition forces were blamed for 35 percent of violent deaths; militias were blamed for 32 percent.
The rest were either unknown (21 percent), criminals (11 percent) or Iraqi forces (one percent).
Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500 000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion New Study Says

CAN YOU do simple math??? 70% of the 405,000 (NOT YOUR BLOATED exaggerated 1 million!!!) or 283,500 were by gunshots, CAR BOMBS and other explosions.
35% falsely blaming Coalition forces for deaths where the militias used women and children as shields.
.. and this fact:
Military use of children - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Saddam Hussein's regime maintained 'boot camps' of civilian youths between the ages of 12 and 17 that involved small arms training and Ba'athist political indoctrination according to the CSUCS. Iraqi opposition sources and the U.S. State Department reported that children who refused faced punishment. As well, the state incorporated children as young as ten into the Futuwahand Ashbal Saddam youth movements and then subjected them to military training, sometimes for 14 hours a day.[48] P. W. Singer has compared the groups to the Hitler Jugend.[24] In the Gulf War, 12-year-old boys fought for the Iraqi side with Kalashnikovs. Children also participated in the Iran-Iraq War.[48]

American forces fought children at Nasariya, Karbala, and Kirkuk in the 2003 invasion of Iraq.[46] A January 2009 UN report on the post-war Iraqi occupation stated that the Iraqi insurgency has used children as combatants. The report noted, for example, a suicide bombing attack by a boy between 10 and 13 years old against Kirkuk's police commander. CNN.com called the findings "disturbing".[49] Coalition forces have been forced to take child insurgents as captives, which has led to a moral dilemma. The U.S. has shipped many of them into Abu Ghraib prison.[46]

Using facts on a dimocrap?

NOTE to IDIOT LIPs like "georgephillip"!!!
Where WHERE in all of the above is there a direct, or even indirect tacit statement that would indicate to anyone who is not STUPID that the USA gave a
green light for the invasion? WHERE in all of the testimony was there ANY implied, eye wink, go ahead and invade Kuwait Iraq comments, etc???
Why don't you try reading the UN Charter; I suspect it would answer most of your infantile questions like the one above?
Charter of the United Nations Chapter VII Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace Breaches of the Peace and Acts of Agression

WHY would the UN charter make ANY reference to getting a GREEN LIGHT to invade Kuwait which is exactly what YOU SAID?
There was never any mention by Glaspie directly saying "Saddam the USA gives you a green light to invade Kuwait"... nor were there any transcripts that
indicated Glaspie or any other US official told Saddam..."Hey go ahead invade Kuwait... we won't stop you"!!
So why are referencing ANY external source to validate your absolutely ridiculous statement:
"Because the greatest purveyor of violence in the world gave him the green light."

What a stupid inane comment which is totally indicative of a USA hater and more importantly classic example of LIP intelligence shrift!
Please for the sake of rational discussion...
explain why you believe it was rational to kill over a million Iraqis for Saddam's failure to abide by treaty provisions he chose to ignore?

Removes them from the gene pool?

Here are several people examples of Saddam's handiwork gassing Kurds. And thankfully the evil person that did these mass murdering is gone!

Screen Shot 2015-03-27 at 9.19.25 AM.png
Removes them from the gene pool?

Cry me a fucking river, bitch.

You want to end shit like that? Then stop taking sides with the scummiest scumbag motherfuckers to ever disgrace the planet's surface.

I'm going to explain this to you ONE TIME....

The United States of America Pacified Europe.

We pacified East Asia.

We are a peace-loving Nation

We were on our way to pacifying SW Asia until the Cocksucker in Chief precipitously pulled our troops out of Iraq because -- butthurt.

Bill the rapist Clinton allowed al Qaeda and a half dozen other terrorist groups to grow and multiply

Iran and Iraq were both peaceful until Jimmy the scumbag Carter walked away from an Ally named Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and allowed goat-fuckers to hold our Citizens hostage for 444 days.....


You probably weren't even born at that time.

Then to top things off, the scumbag piece of fucking shit Carter even refused to allow the Shah to set foot in the US until he was on his deathbed.... because -- butthurt.

The United States of America does NOT start Wars or Conflicts with other Nations. We end them, then we pacify them.

We teach them how to live in peace, how to install democracy as their political system and Capitalism as their economic system because Capitalism is the ONLY economic system that will support a free people and a 'democracy'

Did you know that there has never been a War between two democracies? Of course not, you're a dimocrap.

You're upset with all the War casualties? Then support people that know how to end Wars with the proper results.

The only way your side knows how to end a War is to surrender and leave the fucking mess for the next guy.

And boy do we ever have a mess for the next guy after the Lying Cocksucker is gone.

I'd explain more to you but it would be like trying to explain Quantum Mechanics to someone who has't mastered High School Algebra yet.

Grow up

dimocraps are the scum of the earth
I said you support Democrats.
That's your mistake.
I don't support Democrats when it comes to eternal war.

Word games. You keep changing the context of what I said.

I said you support Democrats in general. You don’t attack them on this because you support them in general, you just attack Republicans with this. I did not say you support Democrats ON THIS. I just said you support Democrats.

Again, that shows this isn’t a real issue to you. If you did, you would like me oppose both parties on this. You rate socialism as more important, so you give the Democrats a pass and are silent and just attack Republicans. That’s fine, you can chose your priorities. But be honest, this isn’t that big a deal to you.
Removes them from the gene pool?

Cry me a fucking river, bitch.

You want to end shit like that? Then stop taking sides with the scummiest scumbag motherfuckers to ever disgrace the planet's surface.

I'm going to explain this to you ONE TIME....

The United States of America Pacified Europe.

We pacified East Asia.

We are a peace-loving Nation

We were on our way to pacifying SW Asia until the Cocksucker in Chief precipitously pulled our troops out of Iraq because -- butthurt.

Bill the rapist Clinton allowed al Qaeda and a half dozen other terrorist groups to grow and multiply

Iran and Iraq were both peaceful until Jimmy the scumbag Carter walked away from an Ally named Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi and allowed goat-fuckers to hold our Citizens hostage for 444 days.....


You probably weren't even born at that time.

Then to top things off, the scumbag piece of fucking shit Carter even refused to allow the Shah to set foot in the US until he was on his deathbed.... because -- butthurt.

The United States of America does NOT start Wars or Conflicts with other Nations. We end them, then we pacify them.

We teach them how to live in peace, how to install democracy as their political system and Capitalism as their economic system because Capitalism is the ONLY economic system that will support a free people and a 'democracy'

Did you know that there has never been a War between two democracies? Of course not, you're a dimocrap.

You're upset with all the War casualties? Then support people that know how to end Wars with the proper results.

The only way your side knows how to end a War is to surrender and leave the fucking mess for the next guy.

And boy do we ever have a mess for the next guy after the Lying Cocksucker is gone.

I'd explain more to you but it would be like trying to explain Quantum Mechanics to someone who has't mastered High School Algebra yet.

Grow up

dimocraps are the scum of the earth

THANK YOU so very much for such a great summation of our GREAT NATION.
THANK YOU for explaining to these really grossly uniformed LIPs that BECAUSE the USA is place where more exceptional people who want the freedom
to be exceptional clamor and claw their way to come to the USA LEGALLY and become Americans!
LIPs like the ones you address have been so brainwashed by the MSM that's sole business is to make the USA out to be the bad guys they believe that shit!
You want to end shit like that? Then stop taking sides with the scummiest scumbag motherfuckers to ever disgrace the planet's surface.
That would be YOUR side, Killer.
The greatest purveyor of violence in the world has been responsible for the MURDER of millions of civilians from Korea to Kandahar over the past sixty years, and brain-dead shit like you justify the killing on the basis of an accident of birth. You want a close-up of the scummiest mother-fuckers on planet earth? Check your closest reflective surface.
How many more will have to die before Americans seriously consider prosecuting the Republicans AND Democrats who launched the War on Terror for war crimes?

"Executive Summary

"The purpose of this investigation is to provide as realistic an estimate as possible of the total body count in the three main war zones Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan during 12 years of ‘war on terrorism’.

"An extensive review has been made of the major studies and data published on the numbers of victims in these countries. This paper draws on additional information such as reports and statistics on military offensives and examines their completeness and plausibility. It applies interpolation to calculate the figures for those periods for which no information is available.

"Even now, 13 years after this war began, there has still been no equivalent study.

"This investigation comes to the conclusion that the war has, directly or indirectly, killed around 1 million people in Iraq, 220,000 in Afghanistan and 80,000 in Pakistan, i.e. a total of around 1.3 million.

"Not included in this figure are further war zones such as Yemen.

"The figure is approximately 10 times greater than that of which the public, experts and decision makers are aware of and propagated by the media and major NGOs.

"And this is only a conservative estimate.

"The total number of deaths in the three countries named above could also be in excess of 2 million, whereas a figure below 1 million is extremely unlikely."


When did declaring war on people who have declared war on you become a war crime? Are you high or something? Self defense is now a crime?
I said you support Democrats in general.
In comparison to who? I've consistently posted Democrats depend on the same 1% of Americans to fund their election campaigns and retirements as Republicans. Would that be the same 1% you belong/aspire to?
When did declaring war on people who have declared war on you become a war crime? Are you high or something? Self defense is now a crime?
When did the US declare war on Saudi Arabia? Fifteen Saudi nationals launch attacks on New York and DC as part of a conspiracy likely funded by Saudi royals and YOU declare war on Iraq?


Because Saudi Arabia and Iraq share a religion?

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