$120,472 billion

I agree, stop the billion yearly in aid to Israel, while at the same time stopping the yearly 800 million to the Paliscumians, the yearly 3 billion to the Egyptians and Jordanians, and the 24 billion we've given to the Pakishitainis since 9-11. Let the chips fall where they may, and let's see who comes out on top.
So much cash sent to Israel.






Good Americans support Israel, and don't give a fuck about their own people.

And yet another failed attempt at demonising Israel by LYING about what they get, when the truth is Israel pays the US more than it receives as most of the money is in the form of loans. And as every one knows LOANS attract interest that must be paid. This also keeps many thousands of Americans employed in the defence and IT business, who would have been laid of many years ago if the ISLAMONAZI STOOGES had their way.

Care to explain why you LIED and tried to blame Israel for the homeless in the USA ?

"Loans" demand interest! America shouldn't need to borrow from anyone for any reason. We should be productive and powerful enough to be self-sustaining WITHOUT borrowing from anyone at all.

But America IS borrowing from China and the Jewish banking cartel for some, odd reason. Here's a tidbit of wisdom that many (most) folks totally overlook and/or ignore:

Proverbs 22:7, "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender."

Try again the US is issuing loans to Israel under treaties singed 25 years ago, and Israel is the only country in receipt of US aid that is forced to spend it in the US. The IMF know that this is a scam to allow the US to subsidise their industries without falling foul of International laws on subsidies.

Yes, Israel spends the money on US goods and services so it goes to generating jobs and tax dollars within the US. The loans are good business for the US.

Our tax money goes to Israel so they can buy US goods and it generates jobs so we can pay taxes and they can continue to buy goods, what a bunch of crap. Even if it were true, it stupid, its our money to begin with.

NOPE it is the governments, read your money and constitution for a full explanation. It is easier to take money than it is to take goods if you do not produce any goods. So the government gives you pieces of paper that can be exchanged for goods and services and promise to pay the person receiving the money the stated amount in gold. Now imagine what your overseas trade would be like if you did not have money ?
Ever thought that it is you with the problem due to your RACISM and NAZI JEW HATRED

By the way ... what "RACE" are the Jews?

Whoopi Goldberg (Jewish)

Paul Newman (Jewish)

Sammy Davis Jr. (Jewish)

Gwyneth Paltrow (Jewish)

Jeff Goldblum (Jewish)

Rashida Jones (Jewish)

Lenny Kravitz (Jewish)

Lisa Bonet (Jewish)

Kate Hudson (Jewish)

I shall patiently await your "educated" response!!!

Sami converted. Whoopie is not jewish. Kravitz is part jewish on his father's side. Bonet is jewish on her mother's side.
Jones is jewish on her mother's side.
So are they Jews or not? Is someone who practices Judaism a Jew? Is someone who has Jewish blood who practices Christianity or Atheism still a Jew?

To orthodox, they don't welcome converts. Mostly it depends on if you practice your faith or do you identify with the faith of your parents. You can be a jew by birth but not actually practice the faith. Some only observe holidays and high holy days.
Like any religion it depends on the individual and what feel inside.
You do not need to be a member of a synagogue to identify as a jew. You don't even have to be jewish to say your own prayer at the wall or leave a note. You don't have to be jewish to observe the holidays.
You can enter any house of worship no matter your professed faith and feel a connection to a higher power, something greater than yourself.

You decide your identity no matter who your DNA is from or what your were taught growing up.

Too make an aliyah or actually become an Israel as a jew is more complex. It is not just religious but legal qualifications involved.

So if I say something negative about someone who considers himself/herself to be a Jew but isn't accepted by Israel-proper then I'm not being anti-Semitic? That being the case then I wouldn't be anti-Semitic if I were to say something negative about an entire nation of people who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.D.? (Speaking about the Khazar Kingdom that converted to Judaism in the 8th Century but has no genetic relationship to biblical Israel).

And no evidence of this fictitious group of people ever existing, it was taken from a work of fiction by a Jewish academic.
...see through you and your propaganda...

An interesting expression.

As Pro- Palestinians are pretty clear on what they want. No hidden agenda. No pretence.
Israelis out of Palestine and out of Palestinians affairs.

The only questions is how that should be done, and I think most agree that there needs to be active resistance of every sort - military included - but the main push has to be diplomatic and economic.

Though there may also be a question as to how far Israelis need to go to be 'out of Palestine'.
My preference would be the 1947 borders, but 1967 could do, in a pinch.

The problem is they define Palestine as including Israel, and that is where the problems arise. How would you and the rest of team Palestine react if the Jews stated that in view of the Palestinians demands they want no muslims in any part of Palestine.

Care to produce evidence of 1947 borders agreed by all parties, and then 1967 borders agreed by all parties

By the way ... what "RACE" are the Jews?

Whoopi Goldberg (Jewish)

Paul Newman (Jewish)

Sammy Davis Jr. (Jewish)

Gwyneth Paltrow (Jewish)

Jeff Goldblum (Jewish)

Rashida Jones (Jewish)

Lenny Kravitz (Jewish)

Lisa Bonet (Jewish)

Kate Hudson (Jewish)

I shall patiently await your "educated" response!!!

Sami converted. Whoopie is not jewish. Kravitz is part jewish on his father's side. Bonet is jewish on her mother's side.
Jones is jewish on her mother's side.
So are they Jews or not? Is someone who practices Judaism a Jew? Is someone who has Jewish blood who practices Christianity or Atheism still a Jew?

To orthodox, they don't welcome converts. Mostly it depends on if you practice your faith or do you identify with the faith of your parents. You can be a jew by birth but not actually practice the faith. Some only observe holidays and high holy days.
Like any religion it depends on the individual and what feel inside.
You do not need to be a member of a synagogue to identify as a jew. You don't even have to be jewish to say your own prayer at the wall or leave a note. You don't have to be jewish to observe the holidays.
You can enter any house of worship no matter your professed faith and feel a connection to a higher power, something greater than yourself.

You decide your identity no matter who your DNA is from or what your were taught growing up.

Too make an aliyah or actually become an Israel as a jew is more complex. It is not just religious but legal qualifications involved.

So if I say something negative about someone who considers himself/herself to be a Jew but isn't accepted by Israel-proper then I'm not being anti-Semitic? That being the case then I wouldn't be anti-Semitic if I were to say something negative about an entire nation of people who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.D.? (Speaking about the Khazar Kingdom that converted to Judaism in the 8th Century but has no genetic relationship to biblical Israel).

And no evidence of this fictitious group of people ever existing, it was taken from a work of fiction by a Jewish academic.

Arthur Koestler was a highly respected "Jewish" historian who grew up in that region of the world. Are you saying that you know more about his heritage and roots than he does? A bit arrogant of you -- don't you think? He presented his work as factual ... not fiction! There is absolutely NO REASON to believe that he, an Ashkenazi Jew, would lie to us for no apparent reason.
and what of arab/muslim attacks on the US? US has been involved for more than 50 yrs. Violence back then nearly sparked a global nuclear war before the Cuban crisis.

All started by US attacks and/or interference in Muslim affairs.
There were no such attacks before the US started playing daft bastards.

Yer, yer, yer, Barbary pirates - the last resort for fucking morons to try to prove Muslims started it.
...see through you and your propaganda...

An interesting expression.

As Pro- Palestinians are pretty clear on what they want. No hidden agenda. No pretence.
Israelis out of Palestine and out of Palestinians affairs.

The only questions is how that should be done, and I think most agree that there needs to be active resistance of every sort - military included - but the main push has to be diplomatic and economic.

Though there may also be a question as to how far Israelis need to go to be 'out of Palestine'.
My preference would be the 1947 borders, but 1967 could do, in a pinch.

The problem is they define Palestine as including Israel, and that is where the problems arise. How would you and the rest of team Palestine react if the Jews stated that in view of the Palestinians demands they want no muslims in any part of Palestine.

Care to produce evidence of 1947 borders agreed by all parties, and then 1967 borders agreed by all parties


So you cant produce the evidence, why is that beetlebum. Could it be that the Palestinians have yet to negotiate mutual borders as laid down in UN res 242 which is now back in force after the P.A. signed the many charters in the UN.
Sami converted. Whoopie is not jewish. Kravitz is part jewish on his father's side. Bonet is jewish on her mother's side.
Jones is jewish on her mother's side.
So are they Jews or not? Is someone who practices Judaism a Jew? Is someone who has Jewish blood who practices Christianity or Atheism still a Jew?

To orthodox, they don't welcome converts. Mostly it depends on if you practice your faith or do you identify with the faith of your parents. You can be a jew by birth but not actually practice the faith. Some only observe holidays and high holy days.
Like any religion it depends on the individual and what feel inside.
You do not need to be a member of a synagogue to identify as a jew. You don't even have to be jewish to say your own prayer at the wall or leave a note. You don't have to be jewish to observe the holidays.
You can enter any house of worship no matter your professed faith and feel a connection to a higher power, something greater than yourself.

You decide your identity no matter who your DNA is from or what your were taught growing up.

Too make an aliyah or actually become an Israel as a jew is more complex. It is not just religious but legal qualifications involved.

So if I say something negative about someone who considers himself/herself to be a Jew but isn't accepted by Israel-proper then I'm not being anti-Semitic? That being the case then I wouldn't be anti-Semitic if I were to say something negative about an entire nation of people who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century A.D.? (Speaking about the Khazar Kingdom that converted to Judaism in the 8th Century but has no genetic relationship to biblical Israel).

And no evidence of this fictitious group of people ever existing, it was taken from a work of fiction by a Jewish academic.

Arthur Koestler was a highly respected "Jewish" historian who grew up in that region of the world. Are you saying that you know more about his heritage and roots than he does? A bit arrogant of you -- don't you think? He presented his work as factual ... not fiction! There is absolutely NO REASON to believe that he, an Ashkenazi Jew, would lie to us for no apparent reason.

No I am saying that he himself stated that his book was a work of fiction and that the Khazars never existed

As I said he wrote a work of fiction based on the works of other authors. Koestler used previous works by Abraham Poliak, Raphael Patai and Douglas Morton Dunlop as sources. His stated intent was to make antisemitism disappear by disproving its racial basis.

Later scientific studies prove conclusively that the novel is a work of fiction

A 2005 study by Nebel et al., based on Y chromosome polymorphic markers, showed that Ashkenazi Jews are more closely related to other Jewish and Middle Eastern groups than to the populations among whom they lived in Europe. However, 11.5% of male Ashkenazim were found to belong to Haplogroup R1a, the dominant Y chromosome haplogroup in Eastern Europeans, suggesting possible gene flow. Referencing The Thirteenth Tribe, the study's authors note that "Some authors argue that after the fall of their kingdom in the second half of the 10th century CE, the Khazar converts were absorbed by the emerging Ashkenazi Jewish community in Eastern Europe." They conclude: "However, if the R-M17 chromosomes in Ashkenazi Jews do indeed represent the vestiges of the mysterious Khazars then, according to our data, this contribution was limited to either a single founder or a few closely related men, and does not exceed ~ 12% of the present-day Ashkenazim".

The Thirteenth Tribe - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
and what of arab/muslim attacks on the US? US has been involved for more than 50 yrs. Violence back then nearly sparked a global nuclear war before the Cuban crisis.

All started by US attacks and/or interference in Muslim affairs.
There were no such attacks before the US started playing daft bastards.

Yer, yer, yer, Barbary pirates - the last resort for fucking morons to try to prove Muslims started it.

1984 Pan Am flight blown up by ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST bomb, prior to this there were many TERRORIST ATTACKS on Western civilians by ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS in Lebanon. Want to change your story ?
I've been saying it for years: America needs to clean up her own messes before messing around with the problems occurring half way around the globe.

I sent my sister an "e-Card" for her birthday the other day. We emailed back and forth and were having a nice conversation when I made a HUGE mistake. I dared to criticize our government for pandering to special interest groups ... including Israel. She brought our conversation to an abrupt halt and hasn't spoken to me since. The moral to my little story is that Americans (especially "fundamentalist" "Christians") have become an idolatrous bunch. They literally WORSHIP the term "Israeli" as if it is a god of sorts. You can criticize Ireland, France, Brazil, or Uganda and nobody will blink an eye but say one thing negative about Israel and you'll see a human being turn into a rabid dog full of wrath. It's a true phenomenon.

Ever thought that it is you with the problem due to your RACISM and NAZI JEW HATRED

By the way ... what "RACE" are the Jews?

Whoopi Goldberg (Jewish)

Paul Newman (Jewish)

Sammy Davis Jr. (Jewish)

Gwyneth Paltrow (Jewish)

Jeff Goldblum (Jewish)

Rashida Jones (Jewish)

Lenny Kravitz (Jewish)

Lisa Bonet (Jewish)

Kate Hudson (Jewish)

I shall patiently await your "educated" response!!!

Sami converted. Whoopie is not jewish. Kravitz is part jewish on his father's side. Bonet is jewish on her mother's side.
Jones is jewish on her mother's side.

I've been saying it for years: America needs to clean up her own messes before messing around with the problems occurring half way around the globe.

I sent my sister an "e-Card" for her birthday the other day. We emailed back and forth and were having a nice conversation when I made a HUGE mistake. I dared to criticize our government for pandering to special interest groups ... including Israel. She brought our conversation to an abrupt halt and hasn't spoken to me since. The moral to my little story is that Americans (especially "fundamentalist" "Christians") have become an idolatrous bunch. They literally WORSHIP the term "Israeli" as if it is a god of sorts. You can criticize Ireland, France, Brazil, or Uganda and nobody will blink an eye but say one thing negative about Israel and you'll see a human being turn into a rabid dog full of wrath. It's a true phenomenon.

Ever thought that it is you with the problem due to your RACISM and NAZI JEW HATRED

By the way ... what "RACE" are the Jews?

Whoopi Goldberg (Jewish)

Paul Newman (Jewish)

Sammy Davis Jr. (Jewish)

Gwyneth Paltrow (Jewish)

Jeff Goldblum (Jewish)

Rashida Jones (Jewish)

Lenny Kravitz (Jewish)

Lisa Bonet (Jewish)

Kate Hudson (Jewish)

I shall patiently await your "educated" response!!!

Sami converted. Whoopie is not jewish. Kravitz is part jewish on his father's side. Bonet is jewish on her mother's side.
Jones is jewish on her mother's side.

quite sure Whoopi is Jewish according to this article:Whoopi Goldberg I m Jewish and I talk to God The Jewish Chronicle
I've been saying it for years: America needs to clean up her own messes before messing around with the problems occurring half way around the globe.

I sent my sister an "e-Card" for her birthday the other day. We emailed back and forth and were having a nice conversation when I made a HUGE mistake. I dared to criticize our government for pandering to special interest groups ... including Israel. She brought our conversation to an abrupt halt and hasn't spoken to me since. The moral to my little story is that Americans (especially "fundamentalist" "Christians") have become an idolatrous bunch. They literally WORSHIP the term "Israeli" as if it is a god of sorts. You can criticize Ireland, France, Brazil, or Uganda and nobody will blink an eye but say one thing negative about Israel and you'll see a human being turn into a rabid dog full of wrath. It's a true phenomenon.

Ever thought that it is you with the problem due to your RACISM and NAZI JEW HATRED

By the way ... what "RACE" are the Jews?

Whoopi Goldberg (Jewish)

Paul Newman (Jewish)

Sammy Davis Jr. (Jewish)

Gwyneth Paltrow (Jewish)

Jeff Goldblum (Jewish)

Rashida Jones (Jewish)

Lenny Kravitz (Jewish)

Lisa Bonet (Jewish)

Kate Hudson (Jewish)

I shall patiently await your "educated" response!!!

Sami converted. Whoopie is not jewish. Kravitz is part jewish on his father's side. Bonet is jewish on her mother's side.
Jones is jewish on her mother's side.
So are they Jews or not? Is someone who practices Judaism a Jew? Is someone who has Jewish blood who practices Christianity or Atheism still a Jew?

Excellent quest. , one I have been trying to get an answer for the last few weeks, who are the Jews, those who practice Judaism, those from Judea, or what, we know from the history there were many different sects of Jews and the Israelites scattered. They all interbred as well.
1984 Pan Am flight blown up by ISLAMONAZI TERRORIST bomb, prior to this there were many TERRORIST ATTACKS on Western civilians by ISLAMONAZI TERRORISTS in Lebanon. Want to change your story ?

Gadaffi was retaliating for US arms gifts to Israel.
I disagree with his methods, he should have stuck to US military targets.
We could build a huge wall along the southern border

With $120 billion? I mean the government spent nearly a $1.2 billion on a freaking website.

we could redistribute the cash back into the pockets of American taxpayers which would give us all more buying power thus helping our domestic economy

John Maynard Keynes would be proud of you.

Better to use the money domestically than to just give it to whomever begs the loudest. Let China, Great Britain, France, Japan, Germany, or someone else fund the endless war in the Mideast. We have more than enough problems to contend with right her in the good ol' USA. Many of our bridges and roads are in decay. Our economy is still limping along and could use some help. We're still too dependent on foreign energy sources when we have more than enough to sustain us for more than a century right in our own land.

If Israel is "God's chosen people" then they can rely more on Him and less on us.
I've been saying it for years: America needs to clean up her own messes before messing around with the problems occurring half way around the globe.

I sent my sister an "e-Card" for her birthday the other day. We emailed back and forth and were having a nice conversation when I made a HUGE mistake. I dared to criticize our government for pandering to special interest groups ... including Israel. She brought our conversation to an abrupt halt and hasn't spoken to me since. The moral to my little story is that Americans (especially "fundamentalist" "Christians") have become an idolatrous bunch. They literally WORSHIP the term "Israeli" as if it is a god of sorts. You can criticize Ireland, France, Brazil, or Uganda and nobody will blink an eye but say one thing negative about Israel and you'll see a human being turn into a rabid dog full of wrath. It's a true phenomenon.

Ever thought that it is you with the problem due to your RACISM and NAZI JEW HATRED

By the way ... what "RACE" are the Jews?

Whoopi Goldberg (Jewish)

Paul Newman (Jewish)

Sammy Davis Jr. (Jewish)

Gwyneth Paltrow (Jewish)

Jeff Goldblum (Jewish)

Rashida Jones (Jewish)

Lenny Kravitz (Jewish)

Lisa Bonet (Jewish)

Kate Hudson (Jewish)

I shall patiently await your "educated" response!!!

Sami converted. Whoopie is not jewish. Kravitz is part jewish on his father's side. Bonet is jewish on her mother's side.
Jones is jewish on her mother's side.
So are they Jews or not? Is someone who practices Judaism a Jew? Is someone who has Jewish blood who practices Christianity or Atheism still a Jew?

Excellent quest. , one I have been trying to get an answer for the last few weeks, who are the Jews, those who practice Judaism, those from Judea, or what, we know from the history there were many different sects of Jews and the Israelites scattered. They all interbred as well.

No two people will give you the same answer. All these sheeple know for certain is that if you say anything negative about Israel then you are a "Nazi." That's all they've got. They've been so thoroughly brainwashed by the mainstream media and the mainstream "Christian" church that they actually believe it. Facts be damned.

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