13-14-15 year olds arrested for burglary in san francisco

Isn't it a terrible shame that St. Donald - wasn't able to implement any laws within a 4 years tenure, that would have Made America Great Again?
4 years playing golf, talking shit and lying his ass off - somehow didn't help to make a difference.
We actually did not have this rampant organized shoplifting when Trump was president. This was a goal of democrats. Rio de Janeiro had a rampant crime problem by feral children. We should solve it the way they solved it. Hunters and off duty cops hunted the children down and slaughtered them. It solved the problem.
We actually did not have this rampant organized shoplifting when Trump was president.
Shoplifting is already a big problem in ALL Western democratic countries since the past 25 years - simply due to ALL political parties, discouraging and disabling the prosecution of "minor" offenses. And obviously Trump didn't do anything about it - since there was absolutely no change in that matter during his 4 years tenure.
This was a goal of democrats.
It has never been a goal of democrats to provide or enact a "I don't care" or a "no responsibility" society - but it has been a continuous process in e.g. the USA since the 70's.
Enacted and provided for by ALL parties - additionally supported by a "questionable" education policy, again provided for by ALL parties. About which Trump also didn't do anything in his 4 years. That Lefty&Libs encourage and fully support a "I don't care" and "no responsibility" society is understood.

I would further remind you that in the past 53 years since 1970 - Republican led administrations reigned the USA for 31 years.
Rio de Janeiro had a rampant crime problem by feral children. We should solve it the way they solved it. Hunters and off duty cops hunted the children down and slaughtered them. It solved the problem.
If a superpower, a rich and "civilized" country such as the USA - can only come up with a policy as "to hunt down kids and slaughter them" - then the people should first hunt down and slaughter those politicians of ALL parties that are the cause for such a mindless statement. And these useless politicians of ALL parties include people like Trump - who as a President, totally failed in mending any of these detrimental issues.

dang the youngins are robbing san francisco. were there parents with them?: they learned it some where.
I'm shocked they arrested anyone at all. Not to worry, they'll be back out robbing again soon.
In Rio the citizens solved their juvenile criminal problem by hiring hunters to end the threat. Good solution.

dang the youngins are robbing san francisco. were there parents with them?: they learned it some where.
You know what the good book says in affect - Teach my little one's to sin, and it would be better to place a talent around the neck, and sink oneself to the bottom of the ocean.

Hamas is finding out the hard way.
You know what the good book says in affect - Teach my little one's to sin, and it would be better to place a talent around the neck, and sink oneself to the bottom of the ocean.

Hamas is finding out the hard way.
Netanyahu will too. Since he killed Palestinian children long before Oct. 7.

dang the youngins are robbing san francisco. were there parents with them?: they learned it some where.
It is what they didn't learn. You need a family, decent schools, streets without sht on them, no gangs of gays and drug users as you make your way to school.
It is what they didn't learn. You need a family, decent schools, streets without sht on them, no gangs of gays and drug users as you make your way to school.
What is it the chiildren of organized crimelords don't learn? What about the children of men like the bankers and stocbrokers who stole trillions? You guy run your mouths about people stealing pennies but make excuses for people stealing billions.
It is what they didn't learn. You need a family, decent schools, streets without sht on them, no gangs of gays and drug users as you make your way to school.
exactly . blacks dont talk about education in there homes nor do mexicans. they make up the gangs.

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