13 year old girl jumps off overpass days after father posts 'public shaming' video

Mowing a lawn is not punishment, it's an income potential if you play it right..
That father will have to live with this for the rest of his life. Public shaming is not the way a responsible parent punishes his child. Kids arent designed to handle this kind of stuff.
^^^ I agree. It isn't anyone else's business anyways how the children are disciplined because them children are not anyone else's responsibility.

God bless you always!!!

Poor old Andy Warhol never knew how close he came to being a media prophet when he made the offhand comment that "everyone will have 15 minutes of fame". If the father was some sort of right wing NRA survivalist you can bet your ass(ets) that it would be all over the media. So it seems that the Dad was your vacant typical left wing Obama bumper sticking Starbucks jerk water Washingtonian. .
Social media has a lot of people out here with f@cked up priorities. Instead of disciplining children the thing now is to publicly shame your kids. As a parent this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. Inflicting pain and suffering is not good parenting. However parenting has become something "fantastic" in America.
Daughter called me from college a few weeks ago. She got curious and ate a "brownie", totally freaked out, and ended up in an ambulance on the way to the ER. It will wind up costing me a few grand.

Did I "shame" her? Fuck no. I told her that she was curious, these things happen, and she's not a bad person for it. It's how we learn and grow. Total support. I hate any adult who bullies any child for any reason.
As an American, I will say most Americans are really fucking stupid. Shaming your child publicity is not good parenting. It's a replacement for parenting.
I grew up in the family like that and I really know what I am speaking about. F@ck American parents.
That poor, poor girl. I hope she didn't suffer in death, as bad as she apparently suffered in life.
Poor old Andy Warhol never knew how close he came to being a media prophet when he made the offhand comment that "everyone will have 15 minutes of fame". If the father was some sort of right wing NRA survivalist you can bet your ass(ets) that it would be all over the media. So it seems that the Dad was your vacant typical left wing Obama bumper sticking Starbucks jerk water Washingtonian. .
I thought that was Barnum dude from Barnum and Bailey Circus.
I'm not a fan of public shaming cause I think it's a bit childish (I swear it took off after the "shame the dog/cat" meme), but I'm even less a fan of the cutting off the hair bit. At that age ones looks are a huge part of their life and very much tied to their emotional outlook, to do something like that is pretty extreme.

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