14 year old kills his bully

Children who are bullied perceive they are in a life or death situation...sometimes because they anticipate an extreme outcome to their bullying, and sometimes because they have been programmed to over-react as a method of self defense.

It doesn't matter, in their minds, they are in an extreme situation, and they do not necessarily discern that they might not be in danger at the moment they act against their bully.

Children who kill parents, for example, are often tried and convicted based on the fact that they plan out and/or kill their parents at a time when they AREN'T in danger.

But from the point of view of the child..they ARE in danger, all the time. Because that's what abuse does to kids. It makes them think they are always in danger.

People who think that bullies aren't aware that there's "no tolerance" policies that protect them are morons. Bullies of course are aware of just how and when to bully, and they are perfectly aware of when their victim's hands are tied.

Abusive domestic partners also figure this out.

The result is they will use the system against their victim...push them deliberately to the point where the victim strikes out..then they report the victim, and the victim is then further victimized by whatever system they are engaged in.
Timothy Crump, 14, sustained several stomach wounds in the attack by Noel Estevez, who was wielding a kitchen knife, police said.

Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’

I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

Good point. And when he goes to trial, the fact he took a knife to school will go against him. It's a tragic situation.
Yeah, and those people are called "survivors", lol.

Which people are survivors KG? The ones who kill themselves or the ones who kill others? Are you saying the boys who did the Columbine massacre are 'survivors' because they got back at their bullies?

The ones who defend themselves against bullies..the ones who will defend their property against theft..you get the picture.
Timothy Crump, 14, sustained several stomach wounds in the attack by Noel Estevez, who was wielding a kitchen knife, police said.

Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’

I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

When someone snaps, they do things they normally wouldn't. Pretty sure a kneed face doesn't feel good. And Timothy was probably a better fighter since he "fought a lot" according to witnesses. The kid had no choice and needed extra leverage against someone bigger and a better fighter than him.
Sorry, but I am "on the side" of Noel. Bullies get what they deserve.
Timothy Crump, 14, sustained several stomach wounds in the attack by Noel Estevez, who was wielding a kitchen knife, police said.

Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’

I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

Good point. And when he goes to trial, the fact he took a knife to school will go against him. It's a tragic situation.

Ok...imagine this. Just humor me.

You get punched, beat up, kicked, spit on, kneed in the face, pinched, yelled at, are afraid to leave your own house. You remember the pain of a punched nose, a black eye, a wedgy that hurts your gonads or vagina. You remember the embarassment, the aches, the pains. And you know you will get that all over again...and again...and again...and again. Because nobody has done anything to help you. So you suffer depression and want to kill yourself to make the pain go away, the fear, the sadness.
You don't do it though. You get caught. Or you chicken out. What if THAT hurts too?

So you take a knife and decide to protect yourself since nobody else will.

Nope. I don't blame him one bit. Enough is enough. Do you deliberately go looking to get punched in the face? Or do you do what you can to avoid that?

And that is the tragedy of kids who kill as a result of being mistreated. They usually end up in juvie, then in prison...
I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

Good point. And when he goes to trial, the fact he took a knife to school will go against him. It's a tragic situation.

Ok...imagine this. Just humor me.

You get punched, beat up, kicked, spit on, kneed in the face, pinched, yelled at, are afraid to leave your own house. You remember the pain of a punched nose, a black eye, a wedgy that hurts your gonads or vagina. You remember the embarassment, the aches, the pains. And you know you will get that all over again...and again...and again...and again. Because nobody has done anything to help you. So you suffer depression and want to kill yourself to make the pain go away, the fear, the sadness.
You don't do it though. You get caught. Or you chicken out. What if THAT hurts too?

So you take a knife and decide to protect yourself since nobody else will.

Nope. I don't blame him one bit. Enough is enough. Do you deliberately go looking to get punched in the face? Or do you do what you can to avoid that?

No one's blaming him, Gracie. I specifically said that before. However, that he took a knife to school will not help him in the trial. It will go against him. I have also posted that I don't think he should be tried as an adult. This is a sad event between two junveniles, two 14 year old boys. It is a tragic situation.
If the other guy was indeed a bully, a slap on the wrist followed by a slap on the back would suffice.

Yup - Suspension for bringing a knife to school is as severe a punishment as Noel should ever get. The school, teachers, security, police & parents all failed to protect Noel. He had to protect himself & was totally justified as a child, teen or adult.
If anyone should be arrested, it should be Timothy's parents. How can you live with a kid and NOT know they are beating up other kids?
Why don't any of you express regret that this had to happen?
To me, no one should ever regret standing up for themselves. We were not placed on this planet for other people to have someone that they can walk all over like a rug on the floor.

Why he didn't just fight back with his hands?
Sadly hands are not enough sometimes and when people make it as clear as glass that they are that much of a threat to another person and I believe that Timothy was that much of a threat, then I don't blame Noel for being what I like to call thorough. :) :) :)

God bless you two and him always!!! :) :) :)

Timothy Crump, 14, sustained several stomach wounds in the attack by Noel Estevez, who was wielding a kitchen knife, police said.

Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’

I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

From the article;
A neighbor said Noel had been tormented by the victim.
“They come to his building screaming up at his window, ‘We’re going to catch you,’ ” said neighbor Stephany Arroyo.
“Every day, they come.”

Sounds like it wasn't just Timothy bullying him. He may have brought the knife to his first day back to school to protect himself from multiple aggressors... Also, it sounded like Timothy was lying wait for Noel to come out of the school;
Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’
I consider this justification. Noel did not go out of his way to "hunt down" Timothy.
Timothy Crump, 14, sustained several stomach wounds in the attack by Noel Estevez, who was wielding a kitchen knife, police said.

I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

From the article;
A neighbor said Noel had been tormented by the victim.
“They come to his building screaming up at his window, ‘We’re going to catch you,’ ” said neighbor Stephany Arroyo.
“Every day, they come.”

Sounds like it wasn't just Timothy bullying him. He may have brought the knife to his first day back to school to protect himself from multiple aggressors... Also, it sounded like Timothy was lying wait for Noel to come out of the school;
Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’
I consider this justification. Noel did not go out of his way to "hunt down" Timothy.
I acknowledge that Noel did indeed act in self defense, however he did so with a weapon which should not have been in his possession, especially at school. Nowadays any student bringing any type of weapon to school gets no sympathy from me. He had other options, if school officials did nothing, then go directly to the school superintendent, or the school board, and demand that the kid doing the bullying to be transferred to another school. As a last resort, if that didn't work, then Noel could have transferred to another school.
I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

From the article;

Sounds like it wasn't just Timothy bullying him. He may have brought the knife to his first day back to school to protect himself from multiple aggressors... Also, it sounded like Timothy was lying wait for Noel to come out of the school;
Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’
I consider this justification. Noel did not go out of his way to "hunt down" Timothy.
I acknowledge that Noel did indeed act in self defense, however he did so with a weapon which should not have been in his possession, especially at school. Nowadays any student bringing any type of weapon to school gets no sympathy from me. He had other options, if school officials did nothing, then go directly to the school superintendent, or the school board, and demand that the kid doing the bullying to be transferred to another school. As a last resort, if that didn't work, then Noel could have transferred to another school.

Cut and run.

I don't think the kid was registered Democrat so probably never had been taught the party mantra.

Or maybe he did hear it but thought it meant what it actually says rather than the party dictate to grovel and scram. After all. there's an entire presidency based on that.
Maybe the teachers should start caring? Tell the bully to stop and punish the son of a bitch. Maybe it might save his life in the long run.

Teachers used to do just that. Then after they got reprimanded or fired for speaking sharply to a few of the little bastards they just dummied up, let nature take its course, put in the time, and retired at the earliest possible moment.
I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

From the article;

Sounds like it wasn't just Timothy bullying him. He may have brought the knife to his first day back to school to protect himself from multiple aggressors... Also, it sounded like Timothy was lying wait for Noel to come out of the school;
Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’
I consider this justification. Noel did not go out of his way to "hunt down" Timothy.
I acknowledge that Noel did indeed act in self defense, however he did so with a weapon which should not have been in his possession, especially at school. Nowadays any student bringing any type of weapon to school gets no sympathy from me. He had other options, if school officials did nothing, then go directly to the school superintendent, or the school board, and demand that the kid doing the bullying to be transferred to another school. As a last resort, if that didn't work, then Noel could have transferred to another school.

Bullshit - Noel did everything necessary to prevent the attacks. These thugs were even taunting him at home. He & His parents pay taxes therefore he has every right to go to that school those taxes pay for. He was also entitled to police & security those taxes paid for. All the school authorities knew he was being attacked, but they failed to prevent it. You don't have to move because a criminal says so or tries to drive you off. Noel has a right to stand his ground, protect himself & his property regardless of how you feel about it.

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