14 year old kills his bully

From the article;

Sounds like it wasn't just Timothy bullying him. He may have brought the knife to his first day back to school to protect himself from multiple aggressors... Also, it sounded like Timothy was lying wait for Noel to come out of the school;

I consider this justification. Noel did not go out of his way to "hunt down" Timothy.
I acknowledge that Noel did indeed act in self defense, however he did so with a weapon which should not have been in his possession, especially at school. Nowadays any student bringing any type of weapon to school gets no sympathy from me. He had other options, if school officials did nothing, then go directly to the school superintendent, or the school board, and demand that the kid doing the bullying to be transferred to another school. As a last resort, if that didn't work, then Noel could have transferred to another school.

Bullshit - Noel did everything necessary to prevent the attacks. These thugs were even taunting him at home. He & His parents pay taxes therefore he has every right to go to that school those taxes pay for. He was also entitled to police & security those taxes paid for. All the school authorities knew he was being attacked, but they failed to prevent it. You don't have to move because a criminal says so or tries to drive you off. Noel has a right to stand his ground, protect himself & his property regardless of how you feel about it.
I'm all for protecting my family or my property with whatever force is required. If at home, and an intruder threatens my family, I will shoot him with a gun that is legally in my possession. This kid however knew better than to bring any weapon of any type to school, especially with all the recent school shootings. If he had a beef with the bully, settle it outside of school grounds. By bringing the knife to school, he was endangering the lives of other students. The whole world doesn't just revolve around him.
Timothy Crump, 14, sustained several stomach wounds in the attack by Noel Estevez, who was wielding a kitchen knife, police said.

Noel “came out of school and Timothy just cracked him in the head and then kneed his face,” said Saibo Sillah, who knew both boys. “Then Noel stabbed Timothy.’’

I realize that the boy acted in self defense, however what was a 14 year old doing with a kitchen knife at school? Why he didn't just fight back with his hands? He was dealing with another 14 year old boy here, not an armed gang. There was no need to bring a knife into the picture.

Maybe Timothy was twice his size. Maybe he was just tougher, stronger, or crazier, & Noel KNEW he had no chance in a fight. Maybe he just wanted to be SURE that it ended. Honestly...I have absolutely no problem with what happened, except that Timothy more than likely did not suffer enough.
I acknowledge that Noel did indeed act in self defense, however he did so with a weapon which should not have been in his possession, especially at school. Nowadays any student bringing any type of weapon to school gets no sympathy from me. He had other options, if school officials did nothing, then go directly to the school superintendent, or the school board, and demand that the kid doing the bullying to be transferred to another school. As a last resort, if that didn't work, then Noel could have transferred to another school.

Bullshit - Noel did everything necessary to prevent the attacks. These thugs were even taunting him at home. He & His parents pay taxes therefore he has every right to go to that school those taxes pay for. He was also entitled to police & security those taxes paid for. All the school authorities knew he was being attacked, but they failed to prevent it. You don't have to move because a criminal says so or tries to drive you off. Noel has a right to stand his ground, protect himself & his property regardless of how you feel about it.
I'm all for protecting my family or my property with whatever force is required. If at home, and an intruder threatens my family, I will shoot him with a gun that is legally in my possession. This kid however knew better than to bring any weapon of any type to school, especially with all the recent school shootings. If he had a beef with the bully, settle it outside of school grounds. By bringing the knife to school, he was endangering the lives of other students. The whole world doesn't just revolve around him.

Are you SERIOUSLY this naive? If he's unarmed, he's either dead or pounded to a pulp...again. And it will happen-again-as soon as he goes back, probably (AGAIN!) the first day...unless he decides it's not worth it and hangs himself first. He did absolutely nothing wrong.
Teen stabs ?bully? to death in schoolyard | New York Post

Since he isn't lgbt libs want him tried as an adult

Nowhere in that article does it say that he is to be tried as an adult.

This is a tragedy and, personally, I think all charges should be dismissed and the kid should go for mandatory counseling to help him get through the obvious emotional trauma he was subjected to.

I was bullied as a kid in elementary school in the early '80s because the kids found out that my parents were getting divorced which was a big deal back then. For months, I was chased home after school by older kids. I was forced to run through a series of back yards to avoid them. Occasionally they would catch me and beat the shit out of me.

I told my parents eventually and they told the school. The schools position was "boys will be boys and your kid needs to learn how to adapt." Adapt I did. A a few days later, I decided I had enough and walked home on the street like everyone else and they they were. All 5 assholes coming for me. I spied a rather large but wieldable tree limb that was put on the street for pickup, and as my aggressors approached, I picked it up and told them to leave me alone and they just laughed and came at me. I proceeded to mercilessly dispense justice with the tree limb. The net result was two kids in the hospital one with a broken wrist and another with a major concussion and the rest had minor injuries.

Now here is the fucked up part. These kids parents were notified by both my mother and the school about the situation prior to this. This made no difference. A group of "concerned" parents lobbied to have me expelled from school though the incident occurred off school property. The juvenile division of the local police charged me with aggravated assault. I was labeled a troublemaker and they blamed my parents because their marriage was failing. They blamed me for being violent and unreasonable and that I should have tried to talk to my tormentors which was not possible. They said I went to far defending myself from 5 kids who all lied and said I just attacked them out of nowhere.

Eventually, the chaos died down and I was allowed to stay at school. My parents had to pay for the two kid's hospital bills which induced my Irish, patriarchal, violent father to beat the ever loving shit out of me multiple times over the course of several weeks and the police dropped the charges and forced me to see a social worker at school for the remainder of 4th grade.

What pisses me off is that, today, it seems the favor is still with the bully. When the victim finally stands up for him or her self, they get labeled as troubled miscreant even when they try to do the right thing.. This even with all the national attention it has gotten. So sad. It is as if we have become a bully culture.
Timothy went to school EVERY DAY with a deadly weapon. His fists.
Noel did what he had to do. Kudos to him. And I sure as hell hope he doesn't serve time because he did stand his ground.
I acknowledge that Noel did indeed act in self defense, however he did so with a weapon which should not have been in his possession, especially at school. Nowadays any student bringing any type of weapon to school gets no sympathy from me. He had other options, if school officials did nothing, then go directly to the school superintendent, or the school board, and demand that the kid doing the bullying to be transferred to another school. As a last resort, if that didn't work, then Noel could have transferred to another school.

Bullshit - Noel did everything necessary to prevent the attacks. These thugs were even taunting him at home. He & His parents pay taxes therefore he has every right to go to that school those taxes pay for. He was also entitled to police & security those taxes paid for. All the school authorities knew he was being attacked, but they failed to prevent it. You don't have to move because a criminal says so or tries to drive you off. Noel has a right to stand his ground, protect himself & his property regardless of how you feel about it.
I'm all for protecting my family or my property with whatever force is required. If at home, and an intruder threatens my family, I will shoot him with a gun that is legally in my possession. This kid however knew better than to bring any weapon of any type to school, especially with all the recent school shootings. If he had a beef with the bully, settle it outside of school grounds. By bringing the knife to school, he was endangering the lives of other students. The whole world doesn't just revolve around him.

Over-hyped recent school shootings does mean Noel carrying a knife to protect himself endangered all the other students. Only his attackers were in danger if they harmed him again. The school failed to protect him or detect weapons. They knew the problems as well as all the parents. They should not punish Noel & he should be protected from all criminal & civil action. Most states have such laws protecting people who stand their ground or defend themselves. But then again this happened in New York so who knows with that place.
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Liberals want the nation flooded with latinos. This is what you get. It's a war and children are fighting it.

Don Tyson and Gov. Mike Huckabee was no liberal..yet they brought in a Mexican Consulate to Little Rock and leased it to them for 1 dollar a year...

Gov. Mike Huckabee WAS a Liberal..before he discovered a way to get on the Fox payroll.
I strongly dislike bullies, and will not tolerate them. Whether this was murder or self-defense I don't know. If I were bullied over the course of months, I'd used a stun-gun and turn him into a eunuch. That, I think, would be a sharper punishment for the bully. :badgrin::D

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