146 Millions American Doing Jobs American will not do.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
146 Millions American Doing Jobs American will not do.

Working, but still poor
Why is it that millions of Americans who have jobs can’t make ends meet?
By The Week Staff | January 30, 2013

Who are the working poor?
….retail clerks at chains like Wal-Mart, fast-food workers, dishwashers, customer assistance representatives, home health-care aides, factory workers, and farm laborers. Some 46.2 million Americans now live in families where someone is working but earning less than the poverty line: $11,702 a year for an individual or $23,021 for a family of four.
…there are more than 146 million Americans in the poor-but-working class.

Where do they live and work?
About half the working poor are white, mostly living in the South or Southwest.
…typical worker eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit, a tax break for low-income workers, has an adjusted gross income of $13,900. Since the Great Recession of 2008, about 60 percent of the jobs created in the U.S. have been low-wage ones. One out of four Americans now earns less than $10 an hour.

Do the working poor pay taxes?
They pay federal payroll taxes and sales taxes at the same rate as more affluent Americans, but they do not pay federal income taxes……..low incomes qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit and often the Child Tax Credit.

Why not simply get a better job?
The best way out of low-paying work is to get a good higher education. But most of the working poor come from struggling communities where schools are not well financed, and kids who attend bad elementary and high schools are far less likely to attend college. Even today, only 30 percent of Americans get college degrees.

How taxpayers subsidize Wal-Mart.
Walmart is the largest private employer in the U.S.—and has the most workers on public assistance…..designed to force full-time workers to downgrade their status to part-time, so they would not qualify for health insurance or other benefits. The result is that hundreds of thousands of Walmart employees rely on state benefits or Medicaid.

The Week, 2013-02-08
Under ObamaAmnesty and chain migration (family reunification) there will be millions more Illegal Aliens taking those low wage jobs from Americans. Creating millions more unemployed. GOD help work poor class Americans because no one else will.

Jobs Americans will not do. A fabrication by the Left Wing supporters of ObamaAmnesty
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If you're a citizen of the wealthiest nation in the world (born legally to legal citizens) with all of the opportunities that this wonderful country presents to you... a free education, welfare if you have no income, reliable emergency help (911), reliable and consistent electricity and water, etc... If with all those advantages you can't compete with an illegal migrant from a country torn apart by drugs, despotism, cartels, communism, lack of infrastructure, etc...

Then do you deserve that job over them? Who is more American? You who failed when you had all the advantages in the world? Or the person who risked all to cross into this country and achieve something?

People here legally - either were born in this country and had opportunity handed to them, or they immigrated legally to this country because they achieved enough to have the money and capability to move here.

And guess what, the latter of that last paragraph are not working at Wal-Mart. So I would argue that Americans who lose their "job Americans won't do" deserve the opportunity of that job more than the person born into this country who threw it away. Hmph
If you're a citizen of the wealthiest nation in the world (born legally to legal citizens) with all of the opportunities that this wonderful country presents to you... a free education, welfare if you have no income, reliable emergency help (911), reliable and consistent electricity and water, etc... If with all those advantages you can't compete with an illegal migrant from a country torn apart by drugs, despotism, cartels, communism, lack of infrastructure, etc...

Then do you deserve that job over them? Who is more American? You who failed when you had all the advantages in the world? Or the person who risked all to cross into this country and achieve something?

People here legally - either were born in this country and had opportunity handed to them, or they immigrated legally to this country because they achieved enough to have the money and capability to move here.

And guess what, the latter of that last paragraph are not working at Wal-Mart. So I would argue that Americans who lose their "job Americans won't do" deserve the opportunity of that job more than the person born into this country who threw it away. Hmph

$17 trillion in debt and rising?
Free education if you lived in pre-war iraq. WE shot the hell out of that didn't we.
A great discription of what is happening in this country caused by illegal immigraton, gangs and drugs and drug cartels operation throughout this country.
You are falling for the left wing garbage feed to you.
More than 30 million Americans are living just above the poverty line. These near poor are often defined as having incomes of up to 1.5 times the poverty threshold.
They are more likely to be white than those in poverty, according to a CNNMoney analysis of Census Bureau data. They are more likely to be elderly. They are more than three times as likely to work full-time, year-round. And they are more likely not to receive help from the government.
30 million Americans on the edge of poverty - Oct. 24, 2012

50 million Americans living in poverty.
1.6 million homeless children.
3.5 million homeless Americans.
12.5 million unemployed Americans.
1.6 million veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan have sought disability ...
Americans moving to Mexico looking for work.
Mexico unemployment rate at 4.5%. All time high.
If you're a citizen of the wealthiest nation in the world (born legally to legal citizens) with all of the opportunities that this wonderful country presents to you... a free education, welfare if you have no income, reliable emergency help (911), reliable and consistent electricity and water, etc... If with all those advantages you can't compete with an illegal migrant from a country torn apart by drugs, despotism, cartels, communism, lack of infrastructure, etc...

Then do you deserve that job over them? Who is more American? You who failed when you had all the advantages in the world? Or the person who risked all to cross into this country and achieve something?

People here legally - either were born in this country and had opportunity handed to them, or they immigrated legally to this country because they achieved enough to have the money and capability to move here.

And guess what, the latter of that last paragraph are not working at Wal-Mart. So I would argue that Americans who lose their "job Americans won't do" deserve the opportunity of that job more than the person born into this country who threw it away. Hmph

$17 trillion in debt and rising?
Free education if you lived in pre-war iraq. WE shot the hell out of that didn't we.
A great discription of what is happening in this country caused by illegal immigraton, gangs and drugs and drug cartels operation throughout this country.
You are falling for the left wing garbage feed to you.

OK, I'm missing something here. Aren't you arguing the left wing agenda. How are you not?
If you're a citizen of the wealthiest nation in the world (born legally to legal citizens) with all of the opportunities that this wonderful country presents to you... a free education, welfare if you have no income, reliable emergency help (911), reliable and consistent electricity and water, etc... If with all those advantages you can't compete with an illegal migrant from a country torn apart by drugs, despotism, cartels, communism, lack of infrastructure, etc...

Then do you deserve that job over them? Who is more American? You who failed when you had all the advantages in the world? Or the person who risked all to cross into this country and achieve something?

People here legally - either were born in this country and had opportunity handed to them, or they immigrated legally to this country because they achieved enough to have the money and capability to move here.

And guess what, the latter of that last paragraph are not working at Wal-Mart. So I would argue that Americans who lose their "job Americans won't do" deserve the opportunity of that job more than the person born into this country who threw it away. Hmph

$17 trillion in debt and rising?
Free education if you lived in pre-war iraq. WE shot the hell out of that didn't we.
A great discription of what is happening in this country caused by illegal immigraton, gangs and drugs and drug cartels operation throughout this country.
You are falling for the left wing garbage feed to you.

OK, I'm missing something here. Aren't you arguing the left wing agenda. How are you not?

I give the fuck up. You missed the entire point.:confused:

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