149 years ago today


Taxes are a part of every civilization. To call paying them slavery is a hyperbole and a half. It only serves to diminish the memory of the suffering those slaves endured.

Taxes are not very civilized when the combined Federal, state and local governments in the US collect over 40% of the GNP and a substantial part of that goes to redistribution. That is I earn the money and the government forcibly takes it from me and gives it to somebody else that was too sorry to earn it themselves. That is a form of uncivilized slavery no matter how you look at it.

A progressive tax system combined with a welfare like we have is as uncivilized as it gets.

A civilized country would not have a IRS that uses the power of the government to curtail a grassroots political movement like we see here in this country, by the way

Why Americans Hate Welfare BillMoyers.com
I would like to see welfare stopped for just one year (if we could somehow do so without affecting children) and see how many white people riot over not having it.
...Such a shame that in 100 years the parties switched positions, yet the conservatives continued to thwart American justice and ideals.
And yet, America has just given them back the Senate, while keeping the House, and with the Oval Office now in their sights, and, perhaps, in their reach.

Perhaps they're not quite the ogres you're portraying them to be?

I am Republican, and I am the first to admit these generally southern Republicans are not as filthy racists as were the grandfathers and fathers when they moved from the liberalizing and darker southern Democratic Party into the quickly growing conservative GOP throughout the 1970s and 1980s. The GOP today, like that of the Democratic party today, is not what it was in 1964.

However, to suggest that white racists are not more greatly represented in the southern GOP than the southern Dems is to ignore historical reality and honesty. The older racists are more and more dying off and the younger southern Republican generally considers race as stupid an issue as does their southern Democrat generally.
I would like to see welfare stopped for just one year (if we could somehow do so without affecting children) and see how many white people riot over not having it.

Good post but actually the problem is more than just welfare. it is all redistribution to include subsidies and bailouts.

The farmers probably would not riot but they would be pissed if their subsidies went away.

There are many environmental wacko firms and other inefficient businesses that suck at the teat of government with their subsidies.

Obama gave the banks a bailout before and I doubt he would ever have the guts to say no to them.

A civilized country would leave welfare up to the charity of its citizens and the local community like we did for many years and not be in the business of taking money from one person and giving to another. That is thievery and slavery all in one nice bundle. The 13th Amendment does not protect us from that form of slavery.

Wouldn't it be nice if the Bill of Rights protected us from the government taking our money and giving it to somebody else? We would have a real nice Constitutional Republic then, wouldn't we?
"A civilized country would [not] leave welfare up to the charity of its citizens and the local community like we did for many years . . ."
I would like to see welfare stopped for just one year (if we could somehow do so without affecting children) and see how many white people riot over not having it.

Good post but actually the problem is more than just welfare. it is all redistribution to include subsidies and bailouts.

The farmers probably would not riot but they would be pissed if their subsidies went away.

There are many environmental wacko firms and other inefficient businesses that suck at the teat of government with their subsidies.

Obama gave the banks a bailout before and I doubt he would ever have the guts to say no to them.

A civilized country would leave welfare up to the charity of its citizens and the local community like we did for many years and not be in the business of taking money from one person and giving to another. That is thievery and slavery all in one nice bundle. The 13th Amendment does not protect us from that form of slavery.

Wouldn't it be nice if the Bill of Rights protected us from the government taking our money and giving it to somebody else? We would have a real nice Constitutional Republic then, wouldn't we?
I think the problem of getting rid of welfare is that there are simply too many people. There is not enough industry/jobs to go around and due to our capitalistic society there inherently has to be poor people/consumers to buy the goods and services of the few wealthy capitalists. In such an environment the poorest of the poor will need to be subsidized by the masses via taxes to ensure some whim doesnt make people become stingy..
I think the problem of getting rid of welfare is that there are simply too many people. There is not enough industry/jobs to go around and due to our capitalistic society there inherently has to be poor people/consumers to buy the goods and services of the few wealthy capitalists. In such an environment the poorest of the poor will need to be subsidized by the masses via taxes to ensure some whim doesnt make people become stingy..

It is a self made problem.

The shitheads votes for Libtards to make sure that they get their welfare and then the Libtards screw up the economy by trying to redistribute wealth and then there are no jobs so they have to be on welfare.

The best thing a person could to have a good paying job is not vote for Liberals who destroy the economy.

Of course being on welfare is so much easier, isn't it?
Shut the libertarian crap, please.

It is the flipside of the coin to communism.
Shut the libertarian crap, please.

It is the flipside of the coin to communism.

If fiscal and personal responsibility is the flip side to communism then sign me up.
This is were you fall down. If you own no resources you are dependent on charity from the wealthy. Your job is not a given. If there are more people than jobs your only choice is to become a job giver (self employed) yourself or get on welfare. As a job seeker your frame of mind is conditioned almost from birth to work to make someone else wealthy. In the case you cannot locate a job suitable to feed yourself or family you are going to naturally see assistance as the easiest road to staying alive.
Freewill gave us the proof from his link that the Dixiecrats eventually became southern Republicans. This is so Freewill. Read the last sentence in the quote below.

Although the Dixiecrats immediately dissolved after the 1948 election, their impact lasted much longer. Many white voters who initially cast Dixiecrat ballots gravitated back toward the Democratic Party only grudgingly, and they remained nominal Democrats at best. Ultimately, the Dixiecrat movement paved the way for the rise of the modern Republican Party in the South. Many former Dixiecrat supporters eventually became Republicans, as was highlighted by Strom Thurmond's conversion in the 1960s
Dixiecrats New Georgia Encyclopedia

As always RWer, I am always up front and honest. I don't claim to be one thing when really quite to opposite. There is no doubt that MANY people got fed up with the democrat party, especially the one in the south and left. Were many of them ex-dixiecrats, maybe. Did any of those who left change the Republican platform, not one bit. The Republican party has always supported equal right, their record is unblemished, not like that of your democrat party.

If you leave no one is going to us the law to try and return you to your owner. Again having to pay tax like every other wage or income earner is not being a slave.

Being forced to give money to the state to be redistributed to a bunch of welfare queens is a form of slavery no matter how you look at it. The welfare queens are the ones that employ the slave master through the electorate system. They elect shitheads like Obama to steal the money for them. Thievery by the government is just as rampant and abusive as any other thievery.

The only difference is that if your resist the slavery Instead of being whipped you are thrown in jail or have your property confiscated. You are even advocating exile if someone doesn't want to have their labor stolen by the state.

Nobody would complain too much if the government took money from us to provide minimal collective services like defense, courts, police etc. However, when our money is taken from us and then given to somebody else through welfare, bailouts, subsidies and entitlements then that is pretty much thievery and thievery of labor is slavery.

The 13th Amendment to the Constitution doesn't mean jackshit as it pertains to the government. All it means is that we can't own slaves but it doesn't prevent the government from enslaving us.

Taxes are a part of every civilization. To call paying them slavery is a hyperbole and a half. It only serves to diminish the memory of the suffering those slaves endured.

I do somewhat agree but think about it, who owns your home? If you have a mortgage then the bank owns your home. If not then stop paying property taxes and see how long you own your home.

southern strategy. 100% republican support.

BS untrue arguments, 100 percent left wing.

southern strategy. 100% republican support.

BS untrue arguments, 100 percent left wing.
Thats not what 2 of the GOP party leaders said when they admitted to the southern strategy. Got a answer for that one?



Too bad you cant debunk something people already admitted to.

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy Mediaite

USATODAY.com - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics


southern strategy. 100% republican support.

BS untrue arguments, 100 percent left wing.
Thats not what 2 of the GOP party leaders said when they admitted to the southern strategy. Got a answer for that one?



Too bad you cant debunk something people already admitted to.

RNC Chair Michael Steele Confesses to Race-Based Southern Strategy Mediaite

USATODAY.com - GOP We were wrong to play racial politics

I don't know why they said what they said so yes, I can't debunk what they said. All I can do is link you to truth not what those two think. Maybe they took a sip of the liberal kool aid, I don't know. What I do know is that if the racists left the democrat party for the Republican party it wasn't over race.
Freewill gave us the proof from his link that the Dixiecrats eventually became southern Republicans. This is so Freewill. Read the last sentence in the quote below.

Although the Dixiecrats immediately dissolved after the 1948 election, their impact lasted much longer. Many white voters who initially cast Dixiecrat ballots gravitated back toward the Democratic Party only grudgingly, and they remained nominal Democrats at best. Ultimately, the Dixiecrat movement paved the way for the rise of the modern Republican Party in the South. Many former Dixiecrat supporters eventually became Republicans, as was highlighted by Strom Thurmond's conversion in the 1960s
Dixiecrats New Georgia Encyclopedia

As always RWer, I am always up front and honest. I don't claim to be one thing when really quite to opposite. There is no doubt that MANY people got fed up with the democrat party, especially the one in the south and left. Were many of them ex-dixiecrats, maybe. Did any of those who left change the Republican platform, not one bit. The Republican party has always supported equal right, their record is unblemished, not like that of your democrat party.

Thank you for telling the truth.

I will do so. I am a Republican who knows our national history. Not all the Republicans supported the 13th Amendment, as you well know, in Congress, but enough did, thank heavens. Not all Republicans opposed the Negrophobia that crossed the nation after reconstruction. I know that many southern Democratic conservatives moved into the GOP, as you do know, also.

The blacks are not almost to a person supporting the Demos because of the likes of you and me.

They despise and hate the part our party that is still anti-black. We read their damnable contents here and elsewhere.

We did great in reaching out to women and minorities this last election season. If we keep doing that, as the older haters on our side die out, we will remain on the right path.

And we must keep pointing out Democratic racism without ignoring our own.
Shut the libertarian crap, please.

It is the flipside of the coin to communism.

If fiscal and personal responsibility is the flip side to communism then sign me up.
This is were you fall down. If you own no resources you are dependent on charity from the wealthy. Your job is not a given. If there are more people than jobs your only choice is to become a job giver (self employed) yourself or get on welfare. As a job seeker your frame of mind is conditioned almost from birth to work to make someone else wealthy. In the case you cannot locate a job suitable to feed yourself or family you are going to naturally see assistance as the easiest road to staying alive.

Sorry but you have a very distorted views of things.

Successful people make their own destiny. Sorry people sit on their ass and blame other people for their failures.

If you have this mentality from birth that you are a victim because somebody else has more than you then it is no wonder you never amount to anything.

Here in the US the economy isn't growing and producing enough jobs because we have elected progressive idiots that have screwed up the economy.

The best way to stay out of poverty is not elect dumbasses like Obama that fvck everything up.

This socialist mindset that somehow we are entitled to a living because we are alive is pathetic and disastrous to our nation. Seems like you have bought into that fantasy.

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