15,000 Fentanyl Pills Disguised as Nerds and Skittles

I thunk I might head to the casino tomorrow evening...maybe the machines will be giving out some "candy" :)

Here's a helpful hint, casinos are usually all trick and no treat and that's exactly why I don't gamble myself. Of course I bought my own candy, but it's just not as fun as begging for it and then getting what you wanted. :sigh2:(Unless you trick-or-treat (ed) at houses like these.)

Here's a helpful hint, casinos are usually all trick and no treat

I know...but it's a way for me to hide from halloween. My dog used to love halloween. I told her it was the night everybody came to give her kisses. She would wait at the door and kiss every kid who knocked :D

I miss that old dog!
I know...but it's a way for me to hide from halloween.

You can't hide from Halloween because sooner or later it's going to come out and get you!!! :eek: Just like the Halloween candy, donuts and cake I have waiting for me. It's all been taunting me non-stop for quite a while now. o_O
Well I won the battle against all of my Halloween sweets, but now I have to wait a few weeks for Turkey Day. It never ends.:sigh2:
With over 20+Years working in San Francisco's Tenderloin, let me say this whole fucking story is Reich Wing Propaganda. No pusher is going to give their product away, they sell the product. And last but never least, no repeat NO Bay Area Law Enforcement Agency reported any child receivng fen-fen based candy.

I realize that brain dead MAGA MAGGOTS, you pitiful people live for the newest non-fact based bull shit story, but do eveybody a favor and give what laughinly passes for you brain a rest.
So, I guess it turns out the idea of children getting Fentanyl candy was more alarmist pearl clutching just like I said.
Welp, I'm back from the casino...I ended up up $80.

Better than losing I guess

Now that Halloween's over that's something to be thankful for as we have moved onto the next holiday. :D

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