15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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The Big Bang...the universe came for an expansion of condensed matter.
Implausible. Sorry. There was no matter (locally anyway) for a long while after the Bang. Too hot. What makes sense is a sudden massive release of energy due to an inevitable coupling of long built up magnetic and dielectric fields.
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One group believes life was created by a supreme being, the other group believes life was created by a giant explosion. Fun stuff.
Scientific theories and laws always remain distinct.
From each other? if so that means evolution can never be a law of science? it will forever be just a theory? how is that decided? is there a trigger mechanism that decides that? or an opinion? or does each get categorized based on some scientific protocol?
Read the link.
In fact, facts, theories and laws — as well as hypotheses — are separate parts of the scientific method. Though they may evolve, they aren't upgraded to something else.
The Big Bang...the universe came for an expansion of condensed matter.
Implausible. Sorry. There was no matter (locally anyway) for a long while after the Bang. Too hot. What makes sense is a sudden massive release of energy due to an inevitable coupling of long built up magnetic and dielectric fields.
Matter can be neither be created nor destroyed.
A 1st grader is taught this.
This part 3 regarding the Evolutionist and his misconceptions: 15 Answers to Evolutionist Misconceptions (Part 3) | Biblical Science Institute

Religionists have a problem with retreating to magic and supernaturalism as answers to contingent reality because magic and supernaturalism don’t actually address the questions.

Religionists such as Lisle who are associated with charlatans at AIG would do well to offer something more than “.... it’s supernatural”.

So how do you explain the starlight problem when you believe in a 6-day creation 6000 years ago? Lisle’s solution is simple: “creation was supernatural, therefore cannot be understood scientifically.” So the inerrancy of the Bible is actually an axiom. He even published a paper in AiG’s “Answers Research Journal” claiming to have a more sophisticated solution and emphasizing that critics should have an open mind. The argument in the paper is: “The Bible must be true. Genesis says the stars were created simultaneously, on Day Four, 6000 years ago. This conflicts with relativity. Therefore relativity is wrong. Therefore The Bible must be true.” Even the dimmest student would spot the problem here, but Lisle proudly points out that “So far, no one has published in a peer-reviewed journal any criticism of this model.” [hat tip Rationalwiki]. It’s all like the weirdest sort of Alex Jones conspiracy, really – anything is taken to confirm the preheld view, even when it’s evidence against it.
This part 3 regarding the Evolutionist and his misconceptions: 15 Answers to Evolutionist Misconceptions (Part 3) | Biblical Science Institute

Religionists have a problem with retreating to magic and supernaturalism as answers to contingent reality because magic and supernaturalism don’t actually address the questions.

Religionists such as Lisle who are associated with charlatans at AIG would do well to offer something more than “.... it’s supernatural”.

So how do you explain the starlight problem when you believe in a 6-day creation 6000 years ago? Lisle’s solution is simple: “creation was supernatural, therefore cannot be understood scientifically.” So the inerrancy of the Bible is actually an axiom. He even published a paper in AiG’s “Answers Research Journal” claiming to have a more sophisticated solution and emphasizing that critics should have an open mind. The argument in the paper is: “The Bible must be true. Genesis says the stars were created simultaneously, on Day Four, 6000 years ago. This conflicts with relativity. Therefore relativity is wrong. Therefore The Bible must be true.” Even the dimmest student would spot the problem here, but Lisle proudly points out that “So far, no one has published in a peer-reviewed journal any criticism of this model.” [hat tip Rationalwiki]. It’s all like the weirdest sort of Alex Jones conspiracy, really – anything is taken to confirm the preheld view, even when it’s evidence against it.
Because Erev does not mean Evening and Boker does not mean Morning.
Erev is an unresolved Mixture and Boker is Clarity.
There was also no sun until the 4th day so no one knows how long the 3 cycles of Mixture and Clarity were.
This part 3 regarding the Evolutionist and his misconceptions: 15 Answers to Evolutionist Misconceptions (Part 3) | Biblical Science Institute

Religionists have a problem with retreating to magic and supernaturalism as answers to contingent reality because magic and supernaturalism don’t actually address the questions.

Religionists such as Lisle who are associated with charlatans at AIG would do well to offer something more than “.... it’s supernatural”.

So how do you explain the starlight problem when you believe in a 6-day creation 6000 years ago? Lisle’s solution is simple: “creation was supernatural, therefore cannot be understood scientifically.” So the inerrancy of the Bible is actually an axiom. He even published a paper in AiG’s “Answers Research Journal” claiming to have a more sophisticated solution and emphasizing that critics should have an open mind. The argument in the paper is: “The Bible must be true. Genesis says the stars were created simultaneously, on Day Four, 6000 years ago. This conflicts with relativity. Therefore relativity is wrong. Therefore The Bible must be true.” Even the dimmest student would spot the problem here, but Lisle proudly points out that “So far, no one has published in a peer-reviewed journal any criticism of this model.” [hat tip Rationalwiki]. It’s all like the weirdest sort of Alex Jones conspiracy, really – anything is taken to confirm the preheld view, even when it’s evidence against it.
Because Erev does not mean Evening and Boker does not mean Morning.
Erev is an unresolved Mixture and Boker is Clarity.
There was also no sun until the 4th day so no one knows how long the 3 cycles of Mixture and Clarity were.
Because this is not the religion forum, you can argue that elsewhere.
This part 3 regarding the Evolutionist and his misconceptions: 15 Answers to Evolutionist Misconceptions (Part 3) | Biblical Science Institute

Religionists have a problem with retreating to magic and supernaturalism as answers to contingent reality because magic and supernaturalism don’t actually address the questions.

Religionists such as Lisle who are associated with charlatans at AIG would do well to offer something more than “.... it’s supernatural”.

So how do you explain the starlight problem when you believe in a 6-day creation 6000 years ago? Lisle’s solution is simple: “creation was supernatural, therefore cannot be understood scientifically.” So the inerrancy of the Bible is actually an axiom. He even published a paper in AiG’s “Answers Research Journal” claiming to have a more sophisticated solution and emphasizing that critics should have an open mind. The argument in the paper is: “The Bible must be true. Genesis says the stars were created simultaneously, on Day Four, 6000 years ago. This conflicts with relativity. Therefore relativity is wrong. Therefore The Bible must be true.” Even the dimmest student would spot the problem here, but Lisle proudly points out that “So far, no one has published in a peer-reviewed journal any criticism of this model.” [hat tip Rationalwiki]. It’s all like the weirdest sort of Alex Jones conspiracy, really – anything is taken to confirm the preheld view, even when it’s evidence against it.
Because Erev does not mean Evening and Boker does not mean Morning.
Erev is an unresolved Mixture and Boker is Clarity.
There was also no sun until the 4th day so no one knows how long the 3 cycles of Mixture and Clarity were.
Because this is not the religion forum, you can argue that elsewhere.
I’m not the one who initiated a subject that is easily answered by a verse.
Matter can be neither be created nor destroyed.
A 1st grader is taught this.
Thus the grave need for 2nd grade.
Your desperation does not resolve the issue that every physicist is vainly dealing with...
Eternal matter.
Clearly your desperation, not mine. Like every "creation science" peddler you try to force "isolated" or "closed" system thermodynamic fantasy upon open system reality, plus you ignore mass/energy equivalence.
There was no matter (locally anyway) for a long while after the Bang. Too hot.
^A cosmological fact only the equivalent of a 1st grader would presume to argue with at this point.
380, 000 years: when the nearly uniform soup cooled to about 3000 Kelvin, atoms formed nuclei and electrons. Photons ceased to scatter and streamed through space unhindered, turning the prior opaque universe into one with visible light.
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Matter can be neither be created nor destroyed.
A 1st grader is taught this.
Thus the grave need for 2nd grade.
Your desperation does not resolve the issue that every physicist is vainly dealing with...
Eternal matter.
Clearly your desperation, not mine. Like every "creation science" peddler you try to force "isolated" or "closed" system thermodynamic fantasy upon open system reality, plus you ignore mass/energy equivalence.
There was no matter (locally anyway) for a long while after the Bang. Too hot.
^A cosmological fact only the equivalent of a 1st grader would presume to argue with at this point.
380, 000 years: when the nearly uniform soup cooled to about 3000 Kelvin, atoms formed nuclei and electrons. Photons ceased to scatter and streamed through space unhindered, turning the prior opaque universe into one with visible light.
Where does this confirm your statement that matter appeared spontaneously?
Unless you think atoms aren’t matter.
Where does this confirm your statement that matter appeared spontaneously?
First quote me stating "that matter appeared spontaneously" or, better yet, just ask what you'd really like me to clarify.. Like "What is an atom" and how that might relate to when widely recognizable "matter" first appeared in our Universe? For those answers -- try actually reading my previous posts.
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