$15 Minimum Wage Is Speeding Up the ERA of Automation


Actually, I believe he feels entitled to $15/hr. Otherwise, how could he afford to raise all his Mensa-bound offspring? (What is "frise", anyway?)
Because the concept of "living wage" is a fallacy...
It cannot be defined.

sure it can. What the cost of rent, food and transportation plus a percentage for creature comforts.


Here's the better question. Why are the rest of us subsidizing WalMart and McDonald's labor costs because they refuse to pay one. Because the working poor, they just refuse to fucking starve to death. They collect food stamps, section 8 and Medicaid.
Those costs are a 'choice'.....Creature comforts? Define those.
We are NOT subsidizing those company's labor costs because 95% of the workers DO NOT support anyone but themselves.
Straw man argument. Lib narrative.
Wal Mart is folliwing Amazon in automating bagging and packing.

Yet Amazon employees 120,000 people. So much for automation.
Oh?......If there were no automation, Amazon would employ twice that number.
This does not apply to Amazon as their distribution centers are staffed by semi skilled and skilled workers. There are no positions for the fast food type worker.
First they will replace the cashiers. This won't be difficult
Protesters Aren t Going to Like How McDonald s is Reacting to Their Minimum Wage Concerns

Next they will get rid of the cooks. This was built in 2010, but I think $15 a hour will get it into play.
Burger Robot Poised to Disrupt Fast Food Industry - Singularity HUBSingularity HUB

Many Janitorial Jobs will be taken over by machines also.

So what jobs will be left:
(1) Loader of the Food into the burger maker. This could get automated also, but I think it will require a human.
(2) Machine Mechanic: Only 1-3 per location would probably be necessary. It would be a high pay position at least.
(3) IT Support: Ditto
(4) Janitor: I don't think a robot could do it all.
(5) Store Manager/Customer Service Rep: I could see a few working there.

Bottomline there will be far fewer workers in the fast food industry!

Automation is a far as it's going to get until someone teaches a machine to think.

According to the company that makes it, the burger maker robot won't make burgers.

Mechanic, no way.

IT Support: That's a good one. With wireless offices I can see less jobs in installation, but fixing a problem requires diagnosis, which requires the human brain.

Janitor: No way

Store Manager/Customer Service Rep: No way. There are machine that will assist the human, but will not replace them.

McDonalds will pay their employees more. The profit in fast food is huge, now they have to share...Boo Hoo!
"The profit in fast food is huge"....
It is? Prove it...
I think you're spouting nonsense.

Why would a franchisee invest millions if it didn't?
Millions?......I told you ten thousand times not exaggerate.
I asked for proof. Not hyperbole
Automation can cut costs but it also can HAVE some costs.

I was in a shop at Manchester Airport yesterday and tried to buy a packaged sandwich and bottle of water. There were numerous robot tills and one with a person attending. The person would not handle transactions, only tell those approaching to use one of the machines. So I left what would have been my purchases on her counter and went next door to buy. Sometimes customers just don't want to deal with a machine so business will be lost to competitors unless there are no un-automated competitors.

There was quite a bit of merchandise stacked up on that counter so it seems I wasn't the only intransigent bastard who wouldn't play.
On the other hand....If I have to go into the store to pay for gas, I go to another station. If a station does not have pay at the pump, I leave.
So I guess if a machine can do the job at the equivalent of a dollar an hour,

American workers will be expected to work for 99 cents.

And conservatives couldn't be happier.

Yeah, i'll never get them rooting for Americans to make less money and be unemployed. Their hateful greed has driven them mad. More Americans poor and unemployed will not be a good thing.

They won't just magically disappear. They'll still be here and will have to be dealt with. There's a whole lotta flaws in their Robot-Revolution fantasy.
I cannot believe there are people such as yourself who call themselves "intelligent" that believe this nonsense.
Ypu're not thinking this through.
Let's say for a moment that the min wage for these no skill fast food and service workers are given these federally mandated wages.....Just what do you think skilled and educated workers who have busted their asses to get to the wage levels which they EARNED are going to say about this?
Do you think they will just sit there and go "uhh, ok. Now the guy that flips burgers in a fast food joint is making almost as much as me"....
Do you not think those people are going to demand a wage increase in proportion to the new wage?...

Why not demand a wage increase? Good for them. If they don't do it for themselves, who else will? You think businesses give a shit about their workers' struggles? I can assure you they don't. They'll lay their own Mothers off if they think they'll make an extra buck out of it. The world is rough, it sure ain't fair. Sometimes you have to demand yours. Businesses aren't gonna give you anything.
Oh puhleeze......
Demand......Why? Just because?...
You" I demand a wage increase"
Boss: "Excuse me?"
You: " I want more money. You should pay me more"
Boss: "when you can prove to me you've earned a pay raise, come back and see me".
You: "That's not going to work for me"
Boss: "then you are free to explore other employment options. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Conversation ended
Those costs are a 'choice'.....Creature comforts? Define those.
We are NOT subsidizing those company's labor costs because 95% of the workers DO NOT support anyone but themselves.
Straw man argument. Lib narrative.

Um, yeah, we are. 40% of food stamp recipients households have jobs. So do section 8 housing and Medicaid recipients.
Oh puhleeze......
Demand......Why? Just because?...
You" I demand a wage increase"
Boss: "Excuse me?"
You: " I want more money. You should pay me more"
Boss: "when you can prove to me you've earned a pay raise, come back and see me".
You: "That's not going to work for me"
Boss: "then you are free to explore other employment options. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Conversation ended

How that conversation should go.

Government: "Sorry, you should pay him more. NOw do so or I come back with my buddies, OSHA, IRS and EEOC."
Oh puhleeze......
Demand......Why? Just because?...
You" I demand a wage increase"
Boss: "Excuse me?"
You: " I want more money. You should pay me more"
Boss: "when you can prove to me you've earned a pay raise, come back and see me".
You: "That's not going to work for me"
Boss: "then you are free to explore other employment options. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Conversation ended

How that conversation should go.

Government: "Sorry, you should pay him more. NOw do so or I come back with my buddies, OSHA, IRS and EEOC."
Yeah sure....
Ok genius....So how does a simple one on one exchange between an employee and and employer wind up in the laps of bureaucrats?
Answer? It doesn't....Until all US based business is nationalized, examples as in your reply are moot.
Wages are EARNED.....Pay raises are the result of MERIT.....
Yeah sure....
Ok genius....So how does a simple one on one exchange between an employee and and employer wind up in the laps of bureaucrats?
Answer? It doesn't....Until all US based business is nationalized, examples as in your reply are moot.
Wages are EARNED.....Pay raises are the result of MERIT.....

It ends up there when you pass fair wage laws.

And frankly, I just don't want to hear this merit bullshit. I've seen people promoted for sleeping with the boss, I've seen people fired for being gay, and we have Airline pilots and professors on food stamps because the mutli-billion dollar operations they work for find ways to cheat them.
Yeah sure....
Ok genius....So how does a simple one on one exchange between an employee and and employer wind up in the laps of bureaucrats?
Answer? It doesn't....Until all US based business is nationalized, examples as in your reply are moot.
Wages are EARNED.....Pay raises are the result of MERIT.....

It ends up there when you pass fair wage laws.

And frankly, I just don't want to hear this merit bullshit. I've seen people promoted for sleeping with the boss, I've seen people fired for being gay, and we have Airline pilots and professors on food stamps because the mutli-billion dollar operations they work for find ways to cheat them.
We have fair wage laws.
Sleeping with the boss is so 1980's....
One performs. One earns.....
Commercial pilots on food stamps? Wow....True a rookie right seat driver for a regional carrier in a puddle jumper may struggle to get over $25k....But that is for 80 hours max per month....Also, those drivers who want to move up, request sim time to get rated for turbines( jets)...
Cheat?...Don't insert your poor work history into the careers of others.
Fired for being gay? Not anymore. In fact is easier to get fired for expressing one's views that working alongside gays is grounds for instant termination...without due process.
And it is YOUR SIDE's dream of all encompassing PC that deliberately make members of non PC groups uncomfortable.
Cut the crap....
Oh...Define "fair wage".....And don't give me this crap about 'creature comforts".....
We have fair wage laws.
Sleeping with the boss is so 1980's....
One performs. One earns.....

Yeah, haven't seen it yet, and I've worked for multi-national corporations.

Commercial pilots on food stamps? Wow....True a rookie right seat driver for a regional carrier in a puddle jumper may struggle to get over $25k....But that is for 80 hours max per month....Also, those drivers who want to move up, request sim time to get rated for turbines( jets)...

Guy, if I'm in a metal tube propelled by a flammable liquid, I don't want the guy flying it to be selling his blood plasma because he can't make ends meet.

Cheat?...Don't insert your poor work history into the careers of others.

Actually, after having written 350 resumes for other people, I'd probably rate my history as superior to others. College educated, veteran, 20 years in my feild...and frankly, the system sucks.

Fired for being gay? Not anymore. In fact is easier to get fired for expressing one's views that working alongside gays is grounds for instant termination...without due process.

yes, if you are working alongside gays, you can be instantly terminated... uh, what? Incidently, 32 states provide NO workplace protection for gay employees and the federal government doesn't either.

And it is YOUR SIDE's dream of all encompassing PC that deliberately make members of non PC groups uncomfortable.

You mean.. bigots? Guy, I want the bigots to be uncomfortable.
Those costs are a 'choice'.....Creature comforts? Define those.
We are NOT subsidizing those company's labor costs because 95% of the workers DO NOT support anyone but themselves.
Straw man argument. Lib narrative.

Um, yeah, we are. 40% of food stamp recipients households have jobs. So do section 8 housing and Medicaid recipients.
So?.....What's stopping them from improving their education/skills so that they can earn more?..Nothing but themselves.
We have fair wage laws.
Sleeping with the boss is so 1980's....
One performs. One earns.....

Yeah, haven't seen it yet, and I've worked for multi-national corporations.

Commercial pilots on food stamps? Wow....True a rookie right seat driver for a regional carrier in a puddle jumper may struggle to get over $25k....But that is for 80 hours max per month....Also, those drivers who want to move up, request sim time to get rated for turbines( jets)...

Guy, if I'm in a metal tube propelled by a flammable liquid, I don't want the guy flying it to be selling his blood plasma because he can't make ends meet.

Cheat?...Don't insert your poor work history into the careers of others.

Actually, after having written 350 resumes for other people, I'd probably rate my history as superior to others. College educated, veteran, 20 years in my feild...and frankly, the system sucks.

Fired for being gay? Not anymore. In fact is easier to get fired for expressing one's views that working alongside gays is grounds for instant termination...without due process.

yes, if you are working alongside gays, you can be instantly terminated... uh, what? Incidently, 32 states provide NO workplace protection for gay employees and the federal government doesn't either.

And it is YOUR SIDE's dream of all encompassing PC that deliberately make members of non PC groups uncomfortable.

You mean.. bigots? Guy, I want the bigots to be uncomfortable.
Haven't seen what?...Are you the sole decider on what's fair?....Why not pay everyone $100k per year? How about that nonsense?
Pilots make ends meet. Have two friends that were Turbo Prop drivers. Just like everyone else, they gained experience and with that, their salaries increased...dramatically. In other words, they EARNED their increases.
What system sucks? The one where hiring managers get to select the best candidate for the position?.....Gee, must have missed that one....I guess you feel a job is 'owed' to whomever applies?
Oh, try firing a person based solely on orientation. See what happens. That person would own the company.
Oh...I get it....So if one does not feel comfortable with the gay lifestyle or simply has a religious or moral objection to said lifestyle is a 'bigot'?.....Boy, you have a lot to learn.
Never mind....Your brain is steel trap close minded.....
Question....With all the bitching and moaning you've done about the wealthy. employers , corporations, etc, why is it you never decided 'hey, fuck 'em. I'll start my own business and treat my people the way I see fit? Or have you not done this because you believe you'd become "one of them".....Or is being a worker bee your pathway to being able to remain a chronic complainer?....Because that's all you lefties have. Complaints. If you had nothing to complain about, your lives would be empty shells.
First they will replace the cashiers. This won't be difficult
Protesters Aren t Going to Like How McDonald s is Reacting to Their Minimum Wage Concerns

Next they will get rid of the cooks. This was built in 2010, but I think $15 a hour will get it into play.
Burger Robot Poised to Disrupt Fast Food Industry - Singularity HUBSingularity HUB

Many Janitorial Jobs will be taken over by machines also.

So what jobs will be left:
(1) Loader of the Food into the burger maker. This could get automated also, but I think it will require a human.
(2) Machine Mechanic: Only 1-3 per location would probably be necessary. It would be a high pay position at least.
(3) IT Support: Ditto
(4) Janitor: I don't think a robot could do it all.
(5) Store Manager/Customer Service Rep: I could see a few working there.

Bottomline there will be far fewer workers in the fast food industry!
only problem is now I see lunch meat is 10 dollars a pound way to go inflation no matter how much they give us their just going to jack up the prices of everything and we're never going to get ahead.

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