$15 Minimum Wage Is Speeding Up the ERA of Automation

Could we end automation by requiring Americans to work for free?
That's a GREAT idea...Imagine the profit margins.

Is your brain not functioning?......Few people with average intelligence would be unable to recognize an absurdity used to make a point....
So has your IQ been tested and the outcome that which resembles room temperature?

My IQ is in the top 2 percent of humanity. Where's yours?
First they will replace the cashiers. This won't be difficult
Protesters Aren t Going to Like How McDonald s is Reacting to Their Minimum Wage Concerns

Next they will get rid of the cooks. This was built in 2010, but I think $15 a hour will get it into play.
Burger Robot Poised to Disrupt Fast Food Industry - Singularity HUBSingularity HUB

Many Janitorial Jobs will be taken over by machines also.

So what jobs will be left:
(1) Loader of the Food into the burger maker. This could get automated also, but I think it will require a human.
(2) Machine Mechanic: Only 1-3 per location would probably be necessary. It would be a high pay position at least.
(3) IT Support: Ditto
(4) Janitor: I don't think a robot could do it all.
(5) Store Manager/Customer Service Rep: I could see a few working there.

Bottomline there will be far fewer workers in the fast food industry!
only problem is now I see lunch meat is 10 dollars a pound way to go inflation no matter how much they give us their just going to jack up the prices of everything and we're never going to get ahead.
"no matter how much they give us their just going to jack up the prices "...
Who is "we"?.....
"their"....did you mean "they're"......In that case, who is "they"?...
Only premium or specialty brand cold cuts are $10 plus per pound.....For example. Boars Head provisions, shipped down from the NY Metro area are expensive compared to local brands...Only in selected areas such as HI, AK, and perhaps some far flung places where shipping costs are reflected in the pricing..
BTW there is one other major factor affecting food prices.....Corn Ethanol subsidies....Corporate welfare for mega farms.....
So?.....What's stopping them from improving their education/skills so that they can earn more?..Nothing but themselves.

Yeah, then they could be like those adjunct professors... 25% of whom are on food stamps. I have to conclude you have no idea what a lot of the job market is like these days.

Haven't seen what?...Are you the sole decider on what's fair?....Why not pay everyone $100k per year? How about that nonsense?

Why do you want to argue a point not made? Living wage. Everyone should pay one. Done.

Pilots make ends meet. Have two friends that were Turbo Prop drivers. Just like everyone else, they gained experience and with that, their salaries increased...dramatically. In other words, they EARNED their increases.

Again, it strikes me that if you have gained the ability to fly a plane, that should already entitle you to a living wage.

What system sucks? The one where hiring managers get to select the best candidate for the position?.....Gee, must have missed that one....I guess you feel a job is 'owed' to whomever applies?

Guy, I've been around long enough to realize that hiring managers are sort of inept at their jobs. I realize who isn't going to last in a job pretty much the first day they start. How the hiring managers can't figure that out is befuddling. Seriously, 400 applicants, this is the one you picked?

Oh, try firing a person based solely on orientation. See what happens. That person would own the company.

Um, not really. First, they come up with excuses. In the case I mentioned, their official excuse was they were 'reorganizing the department'. Which we all immediately knew was bullshit. Secondly, suing a company is actually kind of a long process, and usually not worth it.

Oh...I get it....So if one does not feel comfortable with the gay lifestyle or simply has a religious or moral objection to said lifestyle is a 'bigot'?.....Boy, you have a lot to learn.
Never mind....Your brain is steel trap close minded.....

Yeah, guy, they are bigots. Just because they dress up their bigotry in vestments and call it "religion" doesn't make them any less bigots. Frankly, there's a whole lot of rules in the big book of Judean Fairy Tales they ignore. Selectively picking this one makes them bigots.

Question....With all the bitching and moaning you've done about the wealthy. employers , corporations, etc, why is it you never decided 'hey, fuck 'em. I'll start my own business and treat my people the way I see fit? Or have you not done this because you believe you'd become "one of them".....Or is being a worker bee your pathway to being able to remain a chronic complainer?....Because that's all you lefties have. Complaints. If you had nothing to complain about, your lives would be empty shells.

Guy, I don't tell rape victims to go out and buy a strap-on dildo and go rape someone else.

The rich need to treat the worker bees fairly. Frankly, if you want to use bees as an example, bees are perfectly communistic. Even the "Queen" really doesn't have a much better life. Seriously, all the poor thing does is lay eggs all day.

I really have no problem with people who have more skills making more. Doctors, Engineers, etc. I'm actually kind of good with that.

I have a HUGE problem with the parasites on Wall Street, who make nothing and create nothing, profiting off the labor of others and finding new ways to cheat them.

Joe...What's this have to do with automation replacing people?.....

Not a thing. Automation will never replace people. I know this is a wet dream that the Corporatists have. But it never happens. They usually end up just getting an employee whose job it is to tend that machine or do that machine's work...
So?.....What's stopping them from improving their education/skills so that they can earn more?..Nothing but themselves.

Yeah, then they could be like those adjunct professors... 25% of whom are on food stamps. I have to conclude you have no idea what a lot of the job market is like these days.

Haven't seen what?...Are you the sole decider on what's fair?....Why not pay everyone $100k per year? How about that nonsense?

Why do you want to argue a point not made? Living wage. Everyone should pay one. Done.

Pilots make ends meet. Have two friends that were Turbo Prop drivers. Just like everyone else, they gained experience and with that, their salaries increased...dramatically. In other words, they EARNED their increases.

Again, it strikes me that if you have gained the ability to fly a plane, that should already entitle you to a living wage.

What system sucks? The one where hiring managers get to select the best candidate for the position?.....Gee, must have missed that one....I guess you feel a job is 'owed' to whomever applies?

Guy, I've been around long enough to realize that hiring managers are sort of inept at their jobs. I realize who isn't going to last in a job pretty much the first day they start. How the hiring managers can't figure that out is befuddling. Seriously, 400 applicants, this is the one you picked?

Oh, try firing a person based solely on orientation. See what happens. That person would own the company.

Um, not really. First, they come up with excuses. In the case I mentioned, their official excuse was they were 'reorganizing the department'. Which we all immediately knew was bullshit. Secondly, suing a company is actually kind of a long process, and usually not worth it.

Oh...I get it....So if one does not feel comfortable with the gay lifestyle or simply has a religious or moral objection to said lifestyle is a 'bigot'?.....Boy, you have a lot to learn.
Never mind....Your brain is steel trap close minded.....

Yeah, guy, they are bigots. Just because they dress up their bigotry in vestments and call it "religion" doesn't make them any less bigots. Frankly, there's a whole lot of rules in the big book of Judean Fairy Tales they ignore. Selectively picking this one makes them bigots.

Question....With all the bitching and moaning you've done about the wealthy. employers , corporations, etc, why is it you never decided 'hey, fuck 'em. I'll start my own business and treat my people the way I see fit? Or have you not done this because you believe you'd become "one of them".....Or is being a worker bee your pathway to being able to remain a chronic complainer?....Because that's all you lefties have. Complaints. If you had nothing to complain about, your lives would be empty shells.

Guy, I don't tell rape victims to go out and buy a strap-on dildo and go rape someone else.

The rich need to treat the worker bees fairly. Frankly, if you want to use bees as an example, bees are perfectly communistic. Even the "Queen" really doesn't have a much better life. Seriously, all the poor thing does is lay eggs all day.

I really have no problem with people who have more skills making more. Doctors, Engineers, etc. I'm actually kind of good with that.

I have a HUGE problem with the parasites on Wall Street, who make nothing and create nothing, profiting off the labor of others and finding new ways to cheat them.

Joe...What's this have to do with automation replacing people?.....

Not a thing. Automation will never replace people. I know this is a wet dream that the Corporatists have. But it never happens. They usually end up just getting an employee whose job it is to tend that machine or do that machine's work...
I have to admit every person that I've ever seen fired and then sue the company sure they had a. Sure they were picked on sure it wasn't fair but what pussies life isn't fair if they don't want you there pick your s*** up and go get a new job
I have to admit every person that I've ever seen fired and then sue the company sure they had a. Sure they were picked on sure it wasn't fair but what pussies life isn't fair if they don't want you there pick your s*** up and go get a new job

Wasn't what we were talking about here.
So?.....What's stopping them from improving their education/skills so that they can earn more?..Nothing but themselves.

Yeah, then they could be like those adjunct professors... 25% of whom are on food stamps. I have to conclude you have no idea what a lot of the job market is like these days.

Haven't seen what?...Are you the sole decider on what's fair?....Why not pay everyone $100k per year? How about that nonsense?

Why do you want to argue a point not made? Living wage. Everyone should pay one. Done.

Pilots make ends meet. Have two friends that were Turbo Prop drivers. Just like everyone else, they gained experience and with that, their salaries increased...dramatically. In other words, they EARNED their increases.

Again, it strikes me that if you have gained the ability to fly a plane, that should already entitle you to a living wage.

What system sucks? The one where hiring managers get to select the best candidate for the position?.....Gee, must have missed that one....I guess you feel a job is 'owed' to whomever applies?

Guy, I've been around long enough to realize that hiring managers are sort of inept at their jobs. I realize who isn't going to last in a job pretty much the first day they start. How the hiring managers can't figure that out is befuddling. Seriously, 400 applicants, this is the one you picked?

Oh, try firing a person based solely on orientation. See what happens. That person would own the company.

Um, not really. First, they come up with excuses. In the case I mentioned, their official excuse was they were 'reorganizing the department'. Which we all immediately knew was bullshit. Secondly, suing a company is actually kind of a long process, and usually not worth it.

Oh...I get it....So if one does not feel comfortable with the gay lifestyle or simply has a religious or moral objection to said lifestyle is a 'bigot'?.....Boy, you have a lot to learn.
Never mind....Your brain is steel trap close minded.....

Yeah, guy, they are bigots. Just because they dress up their bigotry in vestments and call it "religion" doesn't make them any less bigots. Frankly, there's a whole lot of rules in the big book of Judean Fairy Tales they ignore. Selectively picking this one makes them bigots.

Question....With all the bitching and moaning you've done about the wealthy. employers , corporations, etc, why is it you never decided 'hey, fuck 'em. I'll start my own business and treat my people the way I see fit? Or have you not done this because you believe you'd become "one of them".....Or is being a worker bee your pathway to being able to remain a chronic complainer?....Because that's all you lefties have. Complaints. If you had nothing to complain about, your lives would be empty shells.

Guy, I don't tell rape victims to go out and buy a strap-on dildo and go rape someone else.

The rich need to treat the worker bees fairly. Frankly, if you want to use bees as an example, bees are perfectly communistic. Even the "Queen" really doesn't have a much better life. Seriously, all the poor thing does is lay eggs all day.

I really have no problem with people who have more skills making more. Doctors, Engineers, etc. I'm actually kind of good with that.

I have a HUGE problem with the parasites on Wall Street, who make nothing and create nothing, profiting off the labor of others and finding new ways to cheat them.

Joe...What's this have to do with automation replacing people?.....

Not a thing. Automation will never replace people. I know this is a wet dream that the Corporatists have. But it never happens. They usually end up just getting an employee whose job it is to tend that machine or do that machine's work...
Joe automation has been replacing people since the 80's I know several lights out factory's on 2nd and 3rd shift. The technology works today and continues to get better.
So I guess if a machine can do the job at the equivalent of a dollar an hour,

American workers will be expected to work for 99 cents.

And conservatives couldn't be happier.

Yeah, i'll never get them rooting for Americans to make less money and be unemployed. Their hateful greed has driven them mad. More Americans poor and unemployed will not be a good thing.

They won't just magically disappear. They'll still be here and will have to be dealt with. There's a whole lotta flaws in their Robot-Revolution fantasy.
I cannot believe there are people such as yourself who call themselves "intelligent" that believe this nonsense.
Ypu're not thinking this through.
Let's say for a moment that the min wage for these no skill fast food and service workers are given these federally mandated wages.....Just what do you think skilled and educated workers who have busted their asses to get to the wage levels which they EARNED are going to say about this?
Do you think they will just sit there and go "uhh, ok. Now the guy that flips burgers in a fast food joint is making almost as much as me"....
Do you not think those people are going to demand a wage increase in proportion to the new wage?...

Why not demand a wage increase? Good for them. If they don't do it for themselves, who else will? You think businesses give a shit about their workers' struggles? I can assure you they don't. They'll lay their own Mothers off if they think they'll make an extra buck out of it. The world is rough, it sure ain't fair. Sometimes you have to demand yours. Businesses aren't gonna give you anything.
Oh puhleeze......
Demand......Why? Just because?...
You" I demand a wage increase"
Boss: "Excuse me?"
You: " I want more money. You should pay me more"
Boss: "when you can prove to me you've earned a pay raise, come back and see me".
You: "That's not going to work for me"
Boss: "then you are free to explore other employment options. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Conversation ended

They don't care about their workers' struggles. Like i said, they'd lay their own mothers off if they saw an extra buck in it. So, workers should demand theirs. Why not? The world just isn't fair. You have to fight for what you want. Because the harsh reality is, no one cares about your problems. It's all on you.
mcD workers.jpg
Joe automation has been replacing people since the 80's I know several lights out factory's on 2nd and 3rd shift. The technology works today and continues to get better.

And do those machines run themselves, or do they need someone to operate them, then someone else to check the quality of the parts coming off the line to make sure they aren't screwed up?
Hamburgers and/or Minimum Wage?

For those fast food employees striking for $15 an hour, let's do some math!

At $15 an hour Johnny Fry-Boy could make $31,200 annually.

An E1 (Private)in the military makes $18,378 annually.

An E5 (Sergeant), 8 years of service, only makes $35,067 annually.

You say, LaTisha McBurger flipper, that you deserve as much as those getting shot at, deploying for months in hostile environments; putting their collective asses on the line every day protecting your un-skilled butt!?

Here's the deal, Baconator, you are working in a job designed for a kid in high school, who is learning how to work; earning enough for gas, and hanging out with their equally goofy high school pals.

If you've chosen this as your life long profession, you have failed.

If you don't want minimum wage, then don't have minimum skills.
Hamburgers and/or Minimum Wage?

For those fast food employees striking for $15 an hour, let's do some math!

At $15 an hour Johnny Fry-Boy could make $31,200 annually.

An E1 (Private)in the military makes $18,378 annually.

An E5 (Sergeant), 8 years of service, only makes $35,067 annually.

I got to stop you right there, guy.

A private E-1 only make 18K as his BASE salary. He also gets combat pay if he's deployed to a war zone. If he's not living in barracks, he gets a housing allowance. If he's not eating at the Mess Hall every day, he is given a "Separate Rations" allotment. (If he gets the Sep Ration allotment and still eats at the mess hall, the Mess Sergeant is required to have him pay for his meal.) He also gets an alotment if he has dependents, one to pay for his uniform replacements beyond what he was originally issued. Not to mention he gets free medical care FOR LIFE and is eligible for tuition.

In short, you count up all the benefits and allotments, he is make a LOT more than the $15.00 an hour.
Joe automation has been replacing people since the 80's I know several lights out factory's on 2nd and 3rd shift. The technology works today and continues to get better.

And do those machines run themselves, or do they need someone to operate them, then someone else to check the quality of the parts coming off the line to make sure they aren't screwed up?
Of course they do. But that's two people where there may have been ten people. There will still be employees, just way fewer of them and very well paid.
Joe automation has been replacing people since the 80's I know several lights out factory's on 2nd and 3rd shift. The technology works today and continues to get better.

And do those machines run themselves, or do they need someone to operate them, then someone else to check the quality of the parts coming off the line to make sure they aren't screwed up?
it's called lights out for a reason, everything is automated, all the way to shipping.

With Q.C., molding machines have monitoring systems you can set up, it can kick the bad parts off from the good, some company's also weigh every part and also their is vision systems that's been around since the early 90s.I have an app for phone, that I know before I even walk in the factory which of the 32 machines are running and what they are down for.
This is horrifying.. automation won't just affect fast food workers, and I am appalled that people are celebrating that millions will lose their employment, and then, the same people will be against them getting on the oh so horrid "food stamps" from the devil (I've seen rhetoric like this..) Yes, we've survived automation in the past, but nothing even close to the scale of what is coming, current economic models are not build to handle such automation, especially when the machines will literally be independent, apart from small amounts of maintenance, but even then, it's only a matter of time before we have machines doing the maintenance on other machines. It amazes me how labor has been crushed for the interests of capital, the dramatic shift that has happened, and continues to happen, it horrifies me, and I am disgusted.
Of course they do. But that's two people where there may have been ten people. There will still be employees, just way fewer of them and very well paid.

And more stressed out... because, hey, that's the American way.
it's called lights out for a reason, everything is automated, all the way to shipping.

With Q.C., molding machines have monitoring systems you can set up, it can kick the bad parts off from the good, some company's also weigh every part and also their is vision systems that's been around since the early 90s.I have an app for phone, that I know before I even walk in the factory which of the 32 machines are running and what they are down for.

guy, I deal with bad quality issues every day, usually something that got off someones' assembly line and into my warehouse. Maybe we need more people doing it right.
If automation can do the job, it will
Regardless if it pays $7 or $15

We have seen this for over a hundred years
it's called lights out for a reason, everything is automated, all the way to shipping.

With Q.C., molding machines have monitoring systems you can set up, it can kick the bad parts off from the good, some company's also weigh every part and also their is vision systems that's been around since the early 90s.I have an app for phone, that I know before I even walk in the factory which of the 32 machines are running and what they are down for.

guy, I deal with bad quality issues every day, usually something that got off someones' assembly line and into my warehouse. Maybe we need more people doing it right.
humans are doing it, machines don't make mistakes if they are programmed right. I thought you said you worked downtown in a office? Anyways keyence vision systems work great now, easy to teach


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