$15 Minimum Wage Is Speeding Up the ERA of Automation

This is horrifying.. automation won't just affect fast food workers, and I am appalled that people are celebrating that millions will lose their employment, and then, the same people will be against them getting on the oh so horrid "food stamps" from the devil (I've seen rhetoric like this..) Yes, we've survived automation in the past, but nothing even close to the scale of what is coming, current economic models are not build to handle such automation, especially when the machines will literally be independent, apart from small amounts of maintenance, but even then, it's only a matter of time before we have machines doing the maintenance on other machines. It amazes me how labor has been crushed for the interests of capital, the dramatic shift that has happened, and continues to happen, it horrifies me, and I am disgusted.
So according to you, we should be building roads by hand. Not using robots to make automobiles. Eliminate all the machines that speed production. Get rid of computers.....
"MIllions"?.....Jesus Christ..
Go sell your straw man 1950's mentality somewhere else.
Why not demand a wage increase? Good for them. If they don't do it for themselves, who else will? You think businesses give a shit about their workers' struggles? I can assure you they don't. They'll lay their own Mothers off if they think they'll make an extra buck out of it. The world is rough, it sure ain't fair. Sometimes you have to demand yours. Businesses aren't gonna give you anything.
Oh puhleeze......
Demand......Why? Just because?...
You" I demand a wage increase"
Boss: "Excuse me?"
You: " I want more money. You should pay me more"
Boss: "when you can prove to me you've earned a pay raise, come back and see me".
You: "That's not going to work for me"
Boss: "then you are free to explore other employment options. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Conversation ended

They don't care about their workers' struggles. Like i said, they'd lay their own mothers off if they saw an extra buck in it. So, workers should demand theirs. Why not? The world just isn't fair. You have to fight for what you want. Because the harsh reality is, no one cares about your problems. It's all on you.
Who is "they".....
Define "fight"....
How about just doing what generations of other workers have done....That would be , for example, get an education. Learn a trade. Make one's self more valuable to their employer.
Move on to another company that is willing to pay them a higher wage....
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008 we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Those people had trades, had education, they had been valuable to their employers for decades.......yet they were still told their services were no longer necessary
Obama told us this would be "the new normal"..Pelosi said :"embrace the suck"...
Stop whining.
I have a feeling you pulled that one out of your ass

Got a credible source?
it's called lights out for a reason, everything is automated, all the way to shipping.

With Q.C., molding machines have monitoring systems you can set up, it can kick the bad parts off from the good, some company's also weigh every part and also their is vision systems that's been around since the early 90s.I have an app for phone, that I know before I even walk in the factory which of the 32 machines are running and what they are down for.

guy, I deal with bad quality issues every day, usually something that got off someones' assembly line and into my warehouse. Maybe we need more people doing it right.
That goes to the person or people responsible for programming the machines that make the parts or finished product. Your QC people should be on the floor making sure that the stuff is ready to go before it gets to you. As a shipper, it's really none of your business.
Oh puhleeze......
Demand......Why? Just because?...
You" I demand a wage increase"
Boss: "Excuse me?"
You: " I want more money. You should pay me more"
Boss: "when you can prove to me you've earned a pay raise, come back and see me".
You: "That's not going to work for me"
Boss: "then you are free to explore other employment options. Now, is there anything else you'd like to discuss?"
Conversation ended

They don't care about their workers' struggles. Like i said, they'd lay their own mothers off if they saw an extra buck in it. So, workers should demand theirs. Why not? The world just isn't fair. You have to fight for what you want. Because the harsh reality is, no one cares about your problems. It's all on you.
Who is "they".....
Define "fight"....
How about just doing what generations of other workers have done....That would be , for example, get an education. Learn a trade. Make one's self more valuable to their employer.
Move on to another company that is willing to pay them a higher wage....
During the Great Bush Recession of 2008 we were losing 700,000 jobs a month. Those people had trades, had education, they had been valuable to their employers for decades.......yet they were still told their services were no longer necessary
Obama told us this would be "the new normal"..Pelosi said :"embrace the suck"...
Stop whining.
I have a feeling you pulled that one out of your ass

Got a credible source?
Obama s Unemployment New Normal Foretells A Lost Decade - Forbes
A quick look at the BLS Household Survey showed that, rather than being bad, December was actually a better-than-average month in President Obama’s “new normal” economy. This is not a huge accomplishment, given that “Obama’s new normal” comprises slow GDP growth, a stagnant jobs market, and falling real household incomes.
You do realize the last quarter showed a negative 0.7% GDP growth rate? If this quarter comes up short, it's technically a recession. Who needs THAT?
Ok...Pelosi was referring to the federal budget when she used 'embrace the suck'...Not related to the economy
If automation can do the job, it will
Regardless if it pays $7 or $15

We have seen this for over a hundred years


If employees agree to work for $3 an hour, McDonalds won't put those machines in?
heard McDonalds have been using them in Europe for a few year's now, they have a high labor wage, right now with our minimum wage the way it is not worth the investment but raise it, then it will become worth the investment.simple as that.

Guess what?

Having a human take your order will disappear regardless of how little McDonalds pays them
A majority of customers have things called smartphones. All you need is an app and you can call up your order and pay for it before you leave your car
McDonalds is automating everything from the french fry cooker to the coffee machines

Keeping the minimum wage down will not stop that
If automation can do the job, it will
Regardless if it pays $7 or $15

We have seen this for over a hundred years


If employees agree to work for $3 an hour, McDonalds won't put those machines in?
heard McDonalds have been using them in Europe for a few year's now, they have a high labor wage, right now with our minimum wage the way it is not worth the investment but raise it, then it will become worth the investment.simple as that.

Guess what?

Having a human take your order will disappear regardless of how little McDonalds pays them
A majority of customers have things called smartphones. All you need is an app and you can call up your order and pay for it before you leave your car
McDonalds is automating everything from the french fry cooker to the coffee machines

Keeping the minimum wage down will not stop that
was just reading earlier on CNBC how much it cost to open a franchise maybe if you check out this link and explain to me why would they want to add another 250k ?to the start up cost
What does it cost to open a fast food franchise
Of course you wouldn't want to add $250 K to startup costs if you don't have to

But the price of beef also impacts your operating costs, so do things like building costs, insurance, permits, architectural costs, franchise fees....it is all part of the cost of doing business

If McDonalds is so concerned about the cost of opening a new franchise, why don't they relax some of their franchise fees instead of taking it out on low cost workers?
The fees are the bread and butter of the income from having franchises. This lays the cost of having 100% corporate owned stores on to the entrepreneurs.
Nearly every chain in the world uses the franchise system...So what?
Could we end automation by requiring Americans to work for free?
That's a GREAT idea...Imagine the profit margins.

Is your brain not functioning?......Few people with average intelligence would be unable to recognize an absurdity used to make a point....
So has your IQ been tested and the outcome that which resembles room temperature?

My IQ is in the top 2 percent of humanity. Where's yours?

Sure it is.....Ok, why would a person of your self proclaimed intelligence waste their precious time posting among us the great unwashed masses...
Save it.....Nobody cares

You brought it up. You're right. I'm far too intelligent to be here. That is a flaw in my character I readily acknowledge. We all have our flaws.
If automation can do the job, it will
Regardless if it pays $7 or $15

We have seen this for over a hundred years


If employees agree to work for $3 an hour, McDonalds won't put those machines in?
heard McDonalds have been using them in Europe for a few year's now, they have a high labor wage, right now with our minimum wage the way it is not worth the investment but raise it, then it will become worth the investment.simple as that.

Guess what?

Having a human take your order will disappear regardless of how little McDonalds pays them
A majority of customers have things called smartphones. All you need is an app and you can call up your order and pay for it before you leave your car
McDonalds is automating everything from the french fry cooker to the coffee machines

Keeping the minimum wage down will not stop that
If automation can do the job, it will
Regardless if it pays $7 or $15

We have seen this for over a hundred years


If employees agree to work for $3 an hour, McDonalds won't put those machines in?
heard McDonalds have been using them in Europe for a few year's now, they have a high labor wage, right now with our minimum wage the way it is not worth the investment but raise it, then it will become worth the investment.simple as that.

Guess what?

Having a human take your order will disappear regardless of how little McDonalds pays them
A majority of customers have things called smartphones. All you need is an app and you can call up your order and pay for it before you leave your car
McDonalds is automating everything from the french fry cooker to the coffee machines

Keeping the minimum wage down will not stop that
was just reading earlier on CNBC how much it cost to open a franchise maybe if you check out this link and explain to me why would they want to add another 250k ?to the start up cost
What does it cost to open a fast food franchise
Of course you wouldn't want to add $250 K to startup costs if you don't have to

But the price of beef also impacts your operating costs, so do things like building costs, insurance, permits, architectural costs, franchise fees....it is all part of the cost of doing business

If McDonalds is so concerned about the cost of opening a new franchise, why don't they relax some of their franchise fees instead of taking it out on low cost workers?
The fees are the bread and butter of the income from having franchises. This lays the cost of having 100% corporate owned stores on to the entrepreneurs.
Nearly every chain in the world uses the franchise system...So what?
So why in the corporate wranglings between the franchisee and the corporation should the lowest paid employees have to foot the bill?
I agree that I have been re-thinking my position on this, too. If it's a matter of entry-level employment opportunities for unskilled workers, that's one thing. But when I am faced with even greater price increases because a "living wage" is demanded, well...I just cannot afford those wages. Oh, when you think about it, all of us who have worked to increase, improve, or acquire marketable skills, we will be taking a de-facto pay cut. Employers will certainly not be able to provide commensurate increases for those of us who do give a hoot about self-improvement through education and training.

Total stupidity from a non thinking retard. Prices increase due to inflation caused by government spending & loans to support underpaid workers. Most of the people clamped on government tits are workers & their families. The massive inflation caused by Republican spending & failed lending, landed a huge chunk of our workers on the government dole. That massive government dependance will continue skyrocket inflation if their pay is not raised to stop it.

Your crying about increased minimum wage makes feels like skilled workers "taking a de-facto pay cut" :lol: How did the actual pay cut feel when prices went up 400% :lol: Stop crying & tell your boss you demand a raise of stop being a pussy & start your own business.
You should have looked into a mirror and stopped at "total stupidity"
heard McDonalds have been using them in Europe for a few year's now, they have a high labor wage, right now with our minimum wage the way it is not worth the investment but raise it, then it will become worth the investment.simple as that.

Guess what?

Having a human take your order will disappear regardless of how little McDonalds pays them
A majority of customers have things called smartphones. All you need is an app and you can call up your order and pay for it before you leave your car
McDonalds is automating everything from the french fry cooker to the coffee machines

Keeping the minimum wage down will not stop that
was just reading earlier on CNBC how much it cost to open a franchise maybe if you check out this link and explain to me why would they want to add another 250k ?to the start up cost
What does it cost to open a fast food franchise
Of course you wouldn't want to add $250 K to startup costs if you don't have to

But the price of beef also impacts your operating costs, so do things like building costs, insurance, permits, architectural costs, franchise fees....it is all part of the cost of doing business

If McDonalds is so concerned about the cost of opening a new franchise, why don't they relax some of their franchise fees instead of taking it out on low cost workers?
The fees are the bread and butter of the income from having franchises. This lays the cost of having 100% corporate owned stores on to the entrepreneurs.
Nearly every chain in the world uses the franchise system...So what?
So why in the corporate wranglings between the franchisee and the corporation should the lowest paid employees have to foot the bill?
Foot what bill?....
here....Applicant applies for job. Employer agrees to accept services of said applicant. Employer presents employee with terms and conditions of employment. Employee agrees.
Show me where the problem exists.
OK, liberal children.

What is the proper "living wage" for a person who has no job, no skills, no interest in ever having a job?

And who is to pay that "living wage"?
humans are doing it, machines don't make mistakes if they are programmed right. I thought you said you worked downtown in a office? Anyways keyence vision systems work great now, easy to teach

Uh, no, I didn't. I said I work in the suburbs in an office in a factory where we order a lot of parts.

And usually, when you go with the cheap bidder, you have quality problems.
Wal Mart is folliwing Amazon in automating bagging and packing.

Yet Amazon employees 120,000 people. So much for automation.
Oh?......If there were no automation, Amazon would employ twice that number.
This does not apply to Amazon as their distribution centers are staffed by semi skilled and skilled workers. There are no positions for the fast food type worker.

If automation were anywhere close to what you loons believe it is, Amazon could run on a couple thousand people.

Pickers in a distribution are somehow different than fast food workers? How so?
OK, liberal children.

What is the proper "living wage" for a person who has no job, no skills, no interest in ever having a job?

And who is to pay that "living wage"?

Guy, you have to stop picking on Templar Kormac like that.

Proper living wage is what it costs to get food, housing and medical coverage for that area.

$15.00 an hour sounds about fine.
Wal Mart is folliwing Amazon in automating bagging and packing.

Yet Amazon employees 120,000 people. So much for automation.
Oh?......If there were no automation, Amazon would employ twice that number.
This does not apply to Amazon as their distribution centers are staffed by semi skilled and skilled workers. There are no positions for the fast food type worker.

If automation were anywhere close to what you loons believe it is, Amazon could run on a couple thousand people.

Pickers in a distribution are somehow different than fast food workers? How so?
re read my previous post.
Amazon does not hire low level no skill workers.
OK, liberal children.

What is the proper "living wage" for a person who has no job, no skills, no interest in ever having a job?

And who is to pay that "living wage"?

Guy, you have to stop picking on Templar Kormac like that.

Proper living wage is what it costs to get food, housing and medical coverage for that area.

$15.00 an hour sounds about fine.
Unless you own a business, you have no clue what you're talking about.
Entry level work which pays entry level wages is NOT for support.
Live within your means.

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