15 Obama Supporters, Kids As Young As 11, Gunned Down In Florida

If the gun wasn`t registered and the shooter didn`t go through a background check does that mean no one was shot? If you`re trying to make a point you`ve failed miserably. Thanks to the gun/criminal lobby anyone who wants a gun can get one.

Thanks to the gun/criminal lobby anyone who wants a gun can get one.

You must mean the US Constitution? now repeat three times We have background checks waiting periods.
All the lefties are pissed off because I set them up like a row of bowling pins. Oh how they were ready to jump on a self-righteous high horse over what they were expecting and didn't get. They vent their hate at me, instead of uttering a single empathetic word for the kids who were gunned down. Fucking hypocrites. They're too easy to show up through the onion skin depth of their characters. It doesn't even amuse me anymore.
A little full of yourself, aren't you? Don't give yourself too much credit. I knew from the thread title and its author exactly what I'd find inside. On that, you didn't disappoint. Everything else you fail at: your race-baiting, using deaths as a political football, lack of intelligence....well, you just fail. I'm sure you'll get a few pats on the back from the usual crowd, but more intelligent people just shake their heads and walk away.
A little full of yourself, aren't you? Don't give yourself too much credit. I knew from the thread title and its author exactly what I'd find inside. On that, you didn't disappoint. Everything else you fail at: your race-baiting, using deaths as a political football, lack of intelligence....well, you just fail. I'm sure you'll get a few pats on the back from the usual crowd, but more intelligent people just shake their heads and walk away.

That's why you're posting in this thread instead of taking a hike? You never tire of making an ass of yourself do you, knuckle-dragger?
What's funny is these assholes create their thread with a title and OP that might as well read "look at these dumb ni.ggers they are so stooopid" and then turn around and act upset that they're not being engaged in a serious manner. They are embarrassing.
A little full of yourself, aren't you? Don't give yourself too much credit. I knew from the thread title and its author exactly what I'd find inside. On that, you didn't disappoint. Everything else you fail at: your race-baiting, using deaths as a political football, lack of intelligence....well, you just fail. I'm sure you'll get a few pats on the back from the usual crowd, but more intelligent people just shake their heads and walk away.

That's why you're posting in this thread instead of taking a hike? You never tire of making an ass of yourself do you, knuckle-dragger?
Close your gape, mouth-breather, you're attracting flies.

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