15 Trillion.. National Debt

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Just thought you ought to know..

The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office.

Also.. when President George W. Bush took office, our national debt was $5.768 trillion.

Gads.. and on a personal note.. the market value on my home has dropped from 415 thousand to 98 thousand since Obama took office...:eek:.. with no positive track to recovery..


Don’t look now, members of the “supercommittee” battling the national debt, but the amount the U.S. owes topped the $15 trillion mark Wednesday afternoon.

That’s a lot of George Washingtons, as you can see here live at USdebtclock.org.

With a week until the committee’s deadline to reach agreement on cutting $1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion from the federal deficit over the next 10 years, the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction still has no agreement to stem automatic cuts to the budget.

A Democrat on a special deficit-cutting supercommittee Wednesday questioned whether Republicans are still interested in negotiating after the panel’s top GOP member said Republicans have “gone as far as we feel we can go” on tax hikes, the Associated Press reported.

A sense of deep pessimism has gripped the supercommittee, and judging from the limited public statement by panel members, a debt bargain could be out of reach.

“We need to find out whether our Republican colleagues want to continue to negotiate or whether they’ve drawn a hard line in the sand,” said supercommittee member Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland. “The question is whether they’ve kind of said ‘take it or leave it.’ ”

The deficit has ballooned to nearly $48,000 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. This year alone, the U.S. will spend $1.3 trillion more than it takes in.

The debt has expanded at an alarming pace, from $7.5 trillion in 2004 and $5.6 trillion in 2000. At the current rate, Debtclock.org reckons that the debt will top $23 trillion in 2015, though the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office puts the estimate at $17.6 trillion.

Back in August after a protracted fight, Congress voted to raised the national-debt ceiling by $2.7 trillion to $17 trillion, while requiring $2.7 trillion in deficit reduction by 2021.

Compared with other developed nations, the U.S. has a debt to GDP ratio of 85 percent, compared with Germany at 74 percent and Japan at a whopping 194 percent. World debt clocks can be found here.

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And Obama announced today that we would beef up military in Australia.
They don't get it, and won't get it until we are at the precipice of ruin.
Wasn't it two Democrats that walked away from the table. All of them have to have their heads in a grip and forget about their damn parties. It's time to make a big compromise for the country. Can't we learn from Europe for Goodness sakes? What do we need to get some Congresspeople to get serious about the condition of this country?
Congratulations USA.
I should get you a cake...that sure is a lot of candles though...
So anyway, do any Democrats want to convince me to vote for Obama, without the standard excuses?
Congratulations USA.
I should get you a cake...that sure is a lot of candles though...

How is New Zealand doing?

Not too bad ta.
Ratio of around 32% as far as I can tell.

We are fully into election campaign mode at the moment so there's plenty of entertainment and both major parties are promising to balance the books by 2015.
I'm looking forward to that.
You guys are hilarious. You hand Obama a pile of shit and then scream that he's incompetent because he didn't turn it to gold. You handed him shit. Republicans held both houses and the presidency for six straight years. Their ruinous policies kick in full blast and you blame your mess on Obama. We know what Bush and the Republicans spent it on. What did Obama spend it on?

Even the tens of thousands of soldiers that came from Iraq and will cost this country unknown billions will be blamed it on Obama by the nutbag right wing.
So anyway, do any Democrats want to convince me to vote for Obama, without the standard excuses?

Just a wild guess here...not Rdean? :eusa_angel:

You guys are hilarious. You hand Obama a pile of shit and then scream that he's incompetent because he didn't turn it to gold. You handed him shit. Republicans held both houses and the presidency for six straight years. Their ruinous policies kick in full blast and you blame your mess on Obama. We know what Bush and the Republicans spent it on. What did Obama spend it on?

Even the tens of thousands of soldiers that came from Iraq and will cost this country unknown billions will be blamed it on Obama by the nutbag right wing.
Where is our bipartisan debt panel on this?

I thought they were going to tackle this when the debt ceiling was raised? They promised

Guess the idea of increasing revenue while you cut spending is too hard for them to grasp
So anyway, do any Democrats want to convince me to vote for Obama, without the standard excuses?

Just a wild guess here...not Rdean? :eusa_angel:

You guys are hilarious. You hand Obama a pile of shit and then scream that he's incompetent because he didn't turn it to gold. You handed him shit. Republicans held both houses and the presidency for six straight years. Their ruinous policies kick in full blast and you blame your mess on Obama. We know what Bush and the Republicans spent it on. What did Obama spend it on?

Even the tens of thousands of soldiers that came from Iraq and will cost this country unknown billions will be blamed it on Obama by the nutbag right wing.

:lol:....nope, not Rdean...that would be a miracle....

You're are a great guesser...:clap2:
So anyway, do any Democrats want to convince me to vote for Obama, without the standard excuses?

Only those voters who want a European form of socialism of bankrupt government, would want to see Obama have another term. I mean, ANY Democrat president would be better than Obama...again...
I dont think we can even print up money faster than the compiling interest. why cant we just cap the debt? like when u max out a credit card? now, is this 15 trillion what we and Obama owe? I forgot.
We're paying what, about 250 billion just in interest this year. What's it going to be in 10 years? I'd say well over a half trillion, and likely higher cuz interest rates are bound to be higher. Folks, we can't afford to be paying that kind of money for nothing.

Added: According to Money.CNN.com, we paid 80 billion over the 1st 4 months of 2011. So, 240 billion projected over the year. Didja know what the highest growing part of the federal budget is? Yep, interest on the debt, that 80 billion is up 9.1% over what it was over the same period in 2010, and up 13.2% for the year.
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Just thought you ought to know..

The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Mr. Obama took office.

Also.. when President George W. Bush took office, our national debt was $5.768 trillion.

Gads.. and on a personal note.. the market value on my home has dropped from 415 thousand to 98 thousand since Obama took office...:eek:.. with no positive track to recovery..


Don’t look now, members of the “supercommittee” battling the national debt, but the amount the U.S. owes topped the $15 trillion mark Wednesday afternoon.

That’s a lot of George Washingtons, as you can see here live at USdebtclock.org.

With a week until the committee’s deadline to reach agreement on cutting $1.2 trillion to $1.5 trillion from the federal deficit over the next 10 years, the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction still has no agreement to stem automatic cuts to the budget.

A Democrat on a special deficit-cutting supercommittee Wednesday questioned whether Republicans are still interested in negotiating after the panel’s top GOP member said Republicans have “gone as far as we feel we can go” on tax hikes, the Associated Press reported.

A sense of deep pessimism has gripped the supercommittee, and judging from the limited public statement by panel members, a debt bargain could be out of reach.

“We need to find out whether our Republican colleagues want to continue to negotiate or whether they’ve drawn a hard line in the sand,” said supercommittee member Chris Van Hollen, a Democrat from Maryland. “The question is whether they’ve kind of said ‘take it or leave it.’ ”

The deficit has ballooned to nearly $48,000 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. This year alone, the U.S. will spend $1.3 trillion more than it takes in.

The debt has expanded at an alarming pace, from $7.5 trillion in 2004 and $5.6 trillion in 2000. At the current rate, Debtclock.org reckons that the debt will top $23 trillion in 2015, though the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office puts the estimate at $17.6 trillion.

Back in August after a protracted fight, Congress voted to raised the national-debt ceiling by $2.7 trillion to $17 trillion, while requiring $2.7 trillion in deficit reduction by 2021.

Compared with other developed nations, the U.S. has a debt to GDP ratio of 85 percent, compared with Germany at 74 percent and Japan at a whopping 194 percent. World debt clocks can be found here.


So Bush doubled the National Debt?
What are we going to do to reduce our national debt

We are well past the point of quick fixes and bandaid solutions

1. We need to look at all spending. Not just those programs that the other side likes
2. We need to look at our military mission in the world and decide if we can afford to have a larger military than the next ten countries combined
3 We need to look at revenue. Return tax rates to where they were. Cut back on deductions
4. we need to put SS and Medicaid on firm footing

5 we need to put lifetime limits on social programs
What are we going to do to reduce our national debt

We are well past the point of quick fixes and bandaid solutions

1. We need to look at all spending. Not just those programs that the other side likes
2. We need to look at our military mission in the world and decide if we can afford to have a larger military than the next ten countries combined
3 We need to look at revenue. Return tax rates to where they were. Cut back on deductions
4. we need to put SS and Medicaid on firm footing

5 we need to put lifetime limits on social programs

Wow.. I'm impressed Rightwinger...

I'm thinking subconsciously you may be a rightwinger...

expect many frivolous insults if you continue along this path...:lol:
like i mentioned in a previous thread,,why dont we just print up 200 trillion dollars, put it in lock box,,and just use it as we need it. thats it. but dont give the keys to the lock box to queen pelosi and maxinne.
the tale of the tape;


total US debt has increased by 41.5%, or $4.4 trillion, from $10,626,877,048,913 on January 20, to $15,033,607,255,920, under Obama as president.

ZeroHedge | On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

this is aside from the 3 Trillion we took in via tax revenue etc.

nope, no spending problem here:eusa_whistle:
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