National debt rises one trillion dollars every 100 days

It will take several generations to pay that debt... its not worth worrying over... all we can do is watch....
Your attitude was relevant in the 80's but today people don't ever think we can pay it off so they don't care...
We have screwed the next several generations. We borrowed and spent their money to live beyond our means.
How easily they forget we faced covid and a weak obmaized military to rebuild... Taz me remembers the military yanking parts off one plane to fix another... he just refuses to acknowledge it....

The military has been doing that as long as it has had planes.
We have screwed the next several generations. We borrowed and spent their money to live beyond our means.
Actually the disaster might hit sooner rather than later.
If the dollar collapses the shit will have hit the fan.
(remember the rating agencies are downgrading US debt...approaching "junk" ratings)
We'll fact check your number after Biden leaves office. Biden might take that title, "Largest 1-term Deficit".
Trump's 1st two years weren't that bad comparatively. Fau-Chi's deadly "Gain-of Function" disaster hurt Trump, so why is Biden spending so much? We should be back to a $4.xT Budget in 2024 now that the interest on the debt is approaching $1T.

Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit = $5.9T in 3-years
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit = $7.5T in 4-years
Trump's 2019 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit
Biden and Democrats used the tail end of Covid to funnel trillions to their Dem pals. The fake inflation reduction act for example. Spineless Republicans sucked on their thumbs and let it happen.
Your point is the same as it always is: I pretend to be a moderate but I caucus with libtards.

I've never understood the love affair with so-called moderates.

In my view, they're the most dangerous, most threatening faction to peace, prosperity and the cause of Individual liberty that there is in America today.

Reason being is they historically tend to just be okay with all of the bad, regressive, anti-liberty legislation being pawned off on the electorate by the swamp monsters who occupy both theoretical sides of the party-of-one.

Put country simple, it comes down to not preferring to take it in the rear end. And not preferring to take it down the throat. So basically compromising and saying, well just pound me nice and hard on both ends at the same time while you take turns high-fiving each other and we'll call it a bipartisan compromise.
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Biden and Democrats used the tail end of Covid to funnel trillions to their Dem pals. The fake inflation reduction act for example. Spineless Republicans sucked on their thumbs and let it happen.
Repubs keep losing the game of "chikin" that the dems are playing regarding a shutdown of government.
Mike Johnson and Republicans need to say no to CRs and say this is the Budget or we shut the government down.
We only got a 1-week CR passed, so here's hoping.
We have screwed the next several generations. We borrowed and spent their money to live beyond our means.
WE and our predecessors.... something has to give at some point and either we balk and refuse to repay our debt or we tax Americans beyond their ability to live a decent life...

Obama "fixed" two things as president... Healthcare and college tuition... both are costing us billions today... the 25 years of war is adding to our debt but so many want to keep funding a war...

The fix... stop voting for democrats....
WE and our predecessors.... something has to give at some point and either we balk and refuse to repay our debt or we tax Americans beyond their ability to live a decent life...
Obama "fixed" two things as president... Healthcare and college tuition... both are costing us billions today... the 25 years of war is adding to our debt but so many want to keep funding a war...
The fix... stop voting for democrats....
Actually the Budget can be fixed, but the "cure" is harsh.
1. Welfare needs to go to the States and off the Federal Budget. Put the lazy to work.
2. Education spending needs to go to the States. Not a Federal responsibility.
3. The Federal government needs to be cut down to size. (no wasteful spending, use the "penny solution")
4. Hire another "Grace Commission" to make recommendations where to cut Federal spending.
5. Raise Revenue. Remove the cap on SS, Remove the Capital Gains tax break, etc.
Actually the Budget can be fixed, but the "cure" is harsh.
1. Welfare needs to go to the States and off the Federal Budget. Put the lazy to work.
2. Education spending needs to go to the States. Not a Federal responsibility.
3. The Federal government needs to be cut down to size. (no wasteful spending, use the "penny solution")
4. Hire another "Grace Commission" to make recommendations where to cut Federal spending.
5. Raise Revenue. Remove the cap on SS, Remove the Capital Gains tax break, etc.
Like I said impossible... until we have term limits in Washington no one is climbing out on that limb....
Repubs keep losing the game of "chikin" that the dems are playing regarding a shutdown of government.
Mike Johnson and Republicans need to say no to CRs and say this is the Budget or we shut the government down.
We only got a 1-week CR passed, so here's hoping.

There is no possible way the Repubs will shut down the Govt in an election year. All their talk is just that, talk to get people like you to vote for them in Nov.
I've never understood the love affair with so-called moderates.

In my view, they're the most dangerous, most threatening faction to peace, prosperity and the cause of Individual liberty that there is in America today.

Reason being is they historically tend to just be okay with all of the bad, regressive, anti-liberty legislation being pawned off on the electorate by the swamp monsters who occupy both theoretical sides of the party-of-one.

Put country simple, it comes down to not preferring to take it in the rear end. And not preferring to take it down the throat. So basically compromising and saying, well just pound me nice and hard on both ends at the same time while you take turns high-fiving each other and we'll call it a bipartisan compromise.
And most are condescending assholes who think they're far more intelligent than their posts reveal.
We'll fact check your number after Biden leaves office. Biden might take that title, "Largest 1-term Deficit".
Trump's 1st two years weren't that bad comparatively. Fau-Chi's deadly "Gain-of Function" disaster hurt Trump, so why is Biden spending so much? We should be back to a $4.xT Budget in 2024 now that the interest on the debt is approaching $1T.

Biden's 2023 Budget was $6.13T with a $1.7T deficit = $5.9T in 3-years
Biden's 2022 Budget was $6.27T with a $1.4T deficit
Biden's 2021 Budget was $6.82T with a $2.8T deficit
Trump's 2020 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit = $7.5T in 4-years
Trump's 2019 Budget was $6.55T with a $3.1T deficit
Trump's 2018 Budget was $4.10T with a $0.8T deficit
Trump's 2017 Budget was $4.00T with a $0.5T deficit

COVID had jack to do with it. Your own figures even show that.
Actually the disaster might hit sooner rather than later.
If the dollar collapses the shit will have hit the fan.
(remember the rating agencies are downgrading US debt...approaching "junk" ratings)

Repubs keep losing the game of "chikin" that the dems are playing regarding a shutdown of government.
Mike Johnson and Republicans need to say no to CRs and say this is the Budget or we shut the government down.
We only got a 1-week CR passed, so here's hoping.
FACT! Republicans have no spine whatsoever. Dems are willing to burn the country to the ground, then run to the cameras and have the MSM blame the Republicans. So it really doesn't matter much if Republicans win the majority, they act like they lost and fold like a cheap lawn chair.
WE and our predecessors.... something has to give at some point and either we balk and refuse to repay our debt or we tax Americans beyond their ability to live a decent life...

Obama "fixed" two things as president... Healthcare and college tuition... both are costing us billions today... the 25 years of war is adding to our debt but so many want to keep funding a war...

The fix... stop voting for democrats....
No we can go on borrowing and spending forever, ask anyone in Washington PARTY ON!!!!!!!!!!
FACT! Republicans have no spine whatsoever. Dems are willing to burn the country to the ground, then run to the cameras and have the MSM blame the Republicans. So it really doesn't matter much if Republicans win the majority, they act like they lost and fold like a cheap lawn chair.
I don't know how much you may have listened to Limbaugh but I did often... and he kept the republicans honest.... he would call out their weakness and it worked more than it didn't... but as soon as he died the GOP turned softer and weaker than ever...

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