If you are one of the 164,997,000 that paid Federal taxes are you aware that $3,987.95 per person was used to

Shut it Canaduh Commie. Tax revenues increased when JFK Reagan Bush and Trump cut taxes for all Americans. Go back to destroying your own country you socialist filth.
Again. Unless we are in a Recession tax revenues ALWAYS go up due to GDP increases
So in order to have a balance after a tax cut spending has to be cut to make up for the tax cut?


Trump’s tax cut cost 2 trillion. Where you gonna cut two trillion?
Nope. We have already established federal tax revenues increase when taxes are cut for all Americans. Please explain why deficits rise.
pay In 2023, the federal government's spending of $658 billion for interest costs on the national debt.
...from 164,997,000 individual tax returns.
In total, net interest payments will total $12.4 trillion over the next decade.
So... if the national debt today is: $34,558,157,524,900 as of 4/27/24 at 9:40 AM CDT...
AND the net worth after expenses, of all the assets in the USA is ....
The financial position of the United States includes assets of at least $269 trillion (1576% of GDP) and debts of $145.8 trillion (852% of GDP) to produce a net worth of at least $123.8 trillion (723% of GDP).
What's the problem? The USA has 258% more assets AFTER paying off entirely the national debt of $34.5 Trillion.
Ok. So we have established tax revenues increase when tax cuts for all Americans have been put in place. Now why would deficits increase if the federal government is receiving more money?
Every year revenue goes up and costs go up.

It’s not different in that respect from your own finances.
Ok. So we have established tax revenues increase when tax cuts for all Americans have been put in place. Now why would deficits increase if the federal government is receiving more money?
What we have established is that revenue increases every year that we don’t have a Recession… tax cuts or not
And yet all you willfully blind tards were DEAD SILENT as Trump DOUBLED the deficit, with the FULL cooperation of a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS, and added $8 trillion to the debt in HALF the time it took Obama.

Your crocodile tears will not wash away your hypocrisy no matter how hard you scrub.

See JGalt's quote in my sig.
Oh my gosh. I wished Trump would have vetoed Covid spending so we could be here today having you all talk about how cruel Trump was for not approving that spending.

You all loved that money he handed out, demanded it even, now you are here complaining about it
Oh my gosh. I wished Trump would have vetoed Covid spending so we could be here today having you all talk about how cruel Trump was for not approving that spending.

You all loved that money he handed out, demanded it even, now you are here complaining about it
Not complaining jackass.

Just pointing out that he did indeed do that

Looks like your far left DEI Inclusion outfit's "estimates" didn't come true.

Sux to be as stupid as you are, huh?
It's not the Democrats who keep cutting government revenues (taxes), while increasing spending.

Republicans cannot continue to cut taxes, while running deficits. All that's lead to is a declining, debt ridden country, with crumbling infrastructure.
Cut spending, that will help a lot.

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