15 xenophobic racists demand Biden fix border

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
A group of House Democrats facing a tough campaign cycle has called on President Biden to take executive action on the United States' border with Mexico.

The legislators from Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan, among other states, urged Biden in a letter first obtained by CBS News to "immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system

What the hell are they talking about? ...I've been assured by muh caring xsphurts that thier is no border crisis ....shut up bigots!

They need to stop spreading this dangerous misinformation
A group of House Democrats facing a tough campaign cycle has called on President Biden to take executive action on the United States' border with Mexico.

The legislators from Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan, among other states, urged Biden in a letter first obtained by CBS News to "immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system

What the hell are they talking about? ...I've been assured by muh caring xsphurts that thier is no border crisis ....shut up bigots!

They need to stop spreading this dangerous misinformation
You must accept the climate change refugees, give them free.cell phones, drivers licenses and an EV car for their troubles.
A group of House Democrats facing a tough campaign cycle has called on President Biden to take executive action on the United States' border with Mexico.

The legislators from Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan, among other states, urged Biden in a letter first obtained by CBS News to "immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system

What the hell are they talking about? ...I've been assured by muh caring xsphurts that thier is no border crisis ....shut up bigots!

They need to stop spreading this dangerous misinformation
Too bad Republicans killed the border bill that would have allowed Biden to act.
Too bad Republicans killed the border bill that would have allowed Biden to act.
Why do you morons always bring up bad bills that would of done jack squat ...only the title of the bill sounds good ...fucking simplistic commie rat
Get off my thread you low IQ moron
The uni party fags .....we know

Go play with the Lincoln boys ......they like boys
When did compromise and consensus become dirty words to your side?

The ironic thing is that we've been trying to fix immigration since George W. Bush supported the bipartisan McCain-Kennedy bill, but the anti-migrant crazies keep blocking any sensible fixes.
A group of House Democrats facing a tough campaign cycle has called on President Biden to take executive action on the United States' border with Mexico.

The legislators from Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan, among other states, urged Biden in a letter first obtained by CBS News to "immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system

What the hell are they talking about? ...I've been assured by muh caring xsphurts that thier is no border crisis ....shut up bigots!

They need to stop spreading this dangerous misinformation
They’re probably transphobic too
Nobody bought that BS.....It didn't even have legs enough to make it through one week.

Bitter leftist dems clinging to their false .gov gods.
But... um... you want the government to stop the nasty brown people from coming here.

Hey, let's have the no-government solution. Abolish ICE, Abolish the Border Patrol, drop the requirement for I-9 forms. Just do what they did when my Grandfather came here... you get here, you are in.
But... um... you want the government to stop the nasty brown people from coming here.

Hey, let's have the no-government solution. Abolish ICE, Abolish the Border Patrol, drop the requirement for I-9 forms. Just do what they did when my Grandfather came here... you get here, you are in.
What happened to their is no crises at the border
What happened to that ...what happened

The Republicans


I thought I told you to piss off
You're an idiot
Millions of seniors are going without their medicine and some are sleeping in cars but Deep State Joe the Puppet puts the "Newcomers" at high priority.

The Democraps have exposed their true nature : Shills for the Multinational companies that want slave labor.
A group of House Democrats facing a tough campaign cycle has called on President Biden to take executive action on the United States' border with Mexico.

The legislators from Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan, among other states, urged Biden in a letter first obtained by CBS News to "immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system

What the hell are they talking about? ...I've been assured by muh caring xsphurts that thier is no border crisis ....shut up bigots!

They need to stop spreading this dangerous misinformation
/----/ Breaking:
EXCLUSIVE: The number of illegal immigrants evading Border Patrol agents has skyrocketed under the Biden administration, new data obtained by Fox News shows.

The numbers of Border Patrol nationwide gotaways -- illegal immigrants who avoided agents but were detected by other forms of surveillance such as cameras and sensors -- were obtained by a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by Fox in October.

They show that between FY 2010 and FY 2020 inclusive, there were over 1.4 million gotaways, ranging from a low of 86,226 in FY 2011 to a high of 171,663 in FY 2013.

A group of House Democrats facing a tough campaign cycle has called on President Biden to take executive action on the United States' border with Mexico.

The legislators from Minnesota, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Michigan, among other states, urged Biden in a letter first obtained by CBS News to "immediately take further action to restore order at the Southern border and fix our broken immigration system

What the hell are they talking about? ...I've been assured by muh caring xsphurts that thier is no border crisis ....shut up bigots!

They need to stop spreading this dangerous misinformation
100% of our Democrats have fought all the border and election security bills from the beginning. Any of them now calling for border or election security are full of shit. The day after the election they will be calling for an illegal alien amnesty, along with voting rights. Democrats are total liars when it comes to immigration. MAGA
100% of our Democrats have fought all the border and election security bills from the beginning. Any of them now calling for border or election security are full of shit. The day after the election they will be calling for an illegal alien amnesty, along with voting rights. Democrats are total liars when it comes to immigration. MAGA
Democrats have been calling for election security since the Russians helped Trump steal the 2016 election.

Republicans aren't keen on any election security that doesn't involve "making it harder for the darkies to vote."

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