15-Year Old Girl Smokes Gun Control Arguments

Granny says, "Mebbe if Boehner an' Obama cry on each other's shoulder we'll get some real gun control...
Obama in emotional plea for gun bill vote in Congress
8 April 2013 - US President Barack Obama appeared to fight back tears as he urged lawmakers to vote on gun control legislation that appears to be stalling in Congress.
Speaking in Connecticut where 26 people died in a December school massacre, Mr Obama said citizens must demand action. Opinion polls have shown a majority of Americans support a ban on assault weapons and other gun control measures. But gun rights groups, including the National Rifle Association, have been lobbying politicians against the bill. "The day Newtown happened was the toughest day of my presidency," Mr Obama said in his speech at Hartford, not far from Newtown, scene of the mass shooting four months ago. "But I've got to tell you, if we don't respond to this, that'll be a tough day for me too."

Worth fighting for?

The Associated Press news agency reports there were tears in Mr Obama's eyes as he described Newtown parent Nicole Hockley, who has said every night she asks her six-year-old son Dylan to come to her in her dreams so she can see him again. "If there's even one thing we can do to prevent a father from having to bury his child, isn't that worth fighting for?" Mr Obama asked, amid repeated standing ovations from the crowd. The Democratic president called for a vote on his three gun legislation priorities - strengthening background checks on gun buyers, limiting the size of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds, and a ban on assault weapons.

But the US Senate recently ditched the proposed ban on assault weapons and on high-capacity magazines, saying there was not enough support for the measure. On Monday, the president said curbing gun violence was more important than partisan politics. "Connecticut, this is not about me," Mr Obama said. "This is not about politics. "This is about doing the right thing for all the families who are here that have been torn apart by gun violence." Eleven parents of young children who were killed in the Newtown school shooting returned to Washington DC with the president aboard his official plane, Air Force One. They are due to lobby members of Congress who have not yet backed the gun control bill.

'Political stunts'

See also:

CNN Anchor: ‘It Might Help Gun Control Advocates If They Seemed More Familiar With What Exactly They're Trying to Ban’
April 8, 2013 - CNN Anchor Jake Tapper had some advice for gun control advocates: They might do better if they "seemed more familiar with what exactly they're trying to ban.”
“The gun debate is worth having. We will have that conversation on the show. We have had it. We will continue to,” Tapper said on Friday's episode of “The Lead with Jake Tapper.” said. “But it might help the advocates of gun control if, in their advocacy for stricter measures, they seemed more familiar with what exactly they're trying to ban,” he suggested. Tapper comments came in a piece on efforts by President Obama to push for gun control, in which he criticized the president for misstating the facts surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings in Newtown, Conn. “At a no-cameras-allowed Democratic fundraiser in San Francisco [on Thursday] President Obama misstated the kind of weapon used in the Sandy Hook shooting,” Tapper said.

“Advocating for stricter gun control, the president said, ‘It is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon-- by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.’" Tapper underscored what he clearly identified as Obama’s misstatement, saying: "That is not correct. It was a semi-automatic weapon, not a fully-automatic weapon. Most fully-automatic weapons -- machine guns -- are essentially banned for the public. When asked for an explanation the White House said the president misspoke."

Tapper, the former chief White House correspondent for ABC News, said the president was not alone in making inaccurate statements on gun control. “This is not the first time a leading advocate for gun control has stumbled on the facts,” Tapper said, citing New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, whom ABC Nightline anchor Cynthia McFadden corrected during an interview that aired on Dec. 20 -- six days after the tragedy at Sandy Hook.

McFadden explained to Bloomberg that semi-automatic weapons do not fire multiple bullets by only pulling the trigger one time -- as Bloomberg had maintained. Bloomberg has long advocated for gun-control measures to be taken at the federal level but has become even more outspoken since the shooting at Sandy Hook left 20 children and six others dead. Obama began advocating for stricter measures in the weeks following the Newtown massacre. He tasked Vice President Joe Biden in leading a task force to outline stricter gun-control legislation, which was later stalled by both Democrats and Republicans in both the House and Senate.

Every woman should be armed and trained young.



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